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Opt Express ; 32(3): 3480-3491, 2024 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38297568


Structured illumination is essential for high-performance ptychography. Especially in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range, where reflective optics are prevalent, the generation of structured beams is challenging and, so far, mostly amplitude-only masks have been used. In this study, we generate a highly structured beam using a phase-shifting diffuser optimized for 13.5 nm wavelength and apply this beam to EUV ptychography. This tailored illumination significantly enhances the quality and resolution of the ptychography reconstructions. In particular, when utilizing the full dynamics range of the detector, the resolution has been improved from 125 nm, when using an unstructured beam, to 34 nm. Further, ptychography enables the quantitative measurement of both the amplitude and phase of the EUV diffuser at 13.5 nm wavelength. This capability allows us to evaluate the influence of imperfections and contaminations on its "at wavelength" performance, paving the way for advanced EUV metrology applications and highlighting its importance for future developments in nanolithography and related fields.

Opt Express ; 31(16): 26958-26968, 2023 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710544


We examine the interplay between spectral bandwidth and illumination curvature in ptychography. By tailoring the divergence of the illumination, broader spectral bandwidths can be tolerated without requiring algorithmic modifications to the forward model. In particular, a strong wavefront curvature transitions a far-field diffraction geometry to an effectively near-field one, which is less affected by temporal coherence effects. The relaxed temporal coherence requirements allow for leveraging wider spectral bandwidths and larger illumination spots. Our findings open up new avenues towards utilizing pink and broadband beams for increased flux and throughput at both synchrotron facilities and lab-scale beamlines.

Opt Lett ; 48(10): 2647-2650, 2023 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37186730


We report the nonlinear pulse compression of a high-power, thulium-doped fiber laser system using a gas-filled hollow-core fiber. The sub-two cycle source delivers 1.3 mJ pulse energy with 80 GW peak power at a central wavelength of 1.87 µm and an average power of 132 W. This is, so far, to the best of our knowledge, the highest average power of a few-cycle laser source reported in the short-wave infrared region. Given its unique combination of high pulse energy and high average power, this laser source is an excellent driver for nonlinear frequency conversion, toward terahertz, mid-infrared, and soft X-ray spectral regions.

Opt Express ; 31(9): 13763-13797, 2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157257


Conventional (CP) and Fourier (FP) ptychography have emerged as versatile quantitative phase imaging techniques. While the main application cases for each technique are different, namely lens-less short wavelength imaging for CP and lens-based visible light imaging for FP, both methods share a common algorithmic ground. CP and FP have in part independently evolved to include experimentally robust forward models and inversion techniques. This separation has resulted in a plethora of algorithmic extensions, some of which have not crossed the boundary from one modality to the other. Here, we present an open source, cross-platform software, called PtyLab, enabling both CP and FP data analysis in a unified framework. With this framework, we aim to facilitate and accelerate cross-pollination between the two techniques. Moreover, the availability in Matlab, Python, and Julia will set a low barrier to enter each field.

Opt Express ; 31(9): 14212-14224, 2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157290


We present high-speed and wide-field EUV ptychography at 13.5 nm wavelength using a table-top high-order harmonic source. Compared to previous measurements, the total measurement time is significantly reduced by up to a factor of five by employing a scientific complementary metal oxide semiconductor (sCMOS) detector that is combined with an optimized multilayer mirror configuration. The fast frame rate of the sCMOS detector enables wide-field imaging with a field of view of 100 µm × 100 µm with an imaging speed of 4.6 Mpix/h. Furthermore, fast EUV wavefront characterization is employed using a combination of the sCMOS detector with orthogonal probe relaxation.

Opt Lett ; 48(5): 1300-1303, 2023 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36857273


A gas-filled multipass-cell-based post-compression of 515 nm wavelength second-harmonic pulses of an Yb:fiber laser from 240 fs to 15.7 fs is presented. The system delivers 0.44 mJ of pulse energy, 22.4 W of average power at 50.8 kHz with an overall efficiency of more than 40%. These results display the capabilities of multipass-cell-based post-compression schemes to move from the well-established near infrared spectral region to the undeveloped visible regime, allowing for high efficiencies in conjunction with energetic ultrashort pulses at high repetition rates. The unique combination of parameters in the green spectral range offers an immense potential for future developments of high photon flux higher-order harmonic sources.

Opt Express ; 31(2): 2744-2753, 2023 Jan 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36785281


In this work, a continuously tunable extreme ultraviolet source delivering a state-of-the-art photon flux of >1011 ph/s/eV spanning from 50 eV to 70 eV is presented. The setup consists of a high-power fiber laser with a subsequent multipass cell followed by a waveguide-based high harmonic generation setup. Spectral tuning over the full line spacing is achieved by slightly adjusting the lasers driving pulse energy, utilizing nonlinear propagation effects and pulse chirping. The presented method enables a high tuning speed while delivering reproducible and reliable results due to a simple experimental realization. For possible future experiments, a method for continuous, on-demand pulse-to-pulse switching of the generated XUV radiation with full spectral coverage is conceived.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 117, 2022 Apr 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35487910


Microscopy with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation holds promise for high-resolution imaging with excellent material contrast, due to the short wavelength and numerous element-specific absorption edges available in this spectral range. At the same time, EUV radiation has significantly larger penetration depths than electrons. It thus enables a nano-scale view into complex three-dimensional structures that are important for material science, semiconductor metrology, and next-generation nano-devices. Here, we present high-resolution and material-specific microscopy at 13.5 nm wavelength. We combine a highly stable, high photon-flux, table-top EUV source with an interferometrically stabilized ptychography setup. By utilizing structured EUV illumination, we overcome the limitations of conventional EUV focusing optics and demonstrate high-resolution microscopy at a half-pitch lateral resolution of 16 nm. Moreover, we propose mixed-state orthogonal probe relaxation ptychography, enabling robust phase-contrast imaging over wide fields of view and long acquisition times. In this way, the complex transmission of an integrated circuit is precisely reconstructed, allowing for the classification of the material composition of mesoscopic semiconductor systems.

Opt Express ; 30(3): 4133-4164, 2022 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209658


Extreme ultraviolet microscopy and wavefront sensing are key elements for next-generation ultrafast applications, such as chemically-resolved imaging, focal spot diagnostics in pump-and-probe experiments, and actinic metrology for the state-of-the-art lithography node at 13.5 nm wavelength. Ptychography offers a robust solution to the aforementioned challenges. Originally adapted by the electron and synchrotron communities, advances in the stability and brightness of high-harmonic tabletop sources have enabled the transfer of ptychography to the laboratory. This review covers the state of the art in tabletop ptychography with high harmonic generation sources. We consider hardware options such as illumination optics and detector concepts as well as algorithmic aspects in the analysis of multispectral ptychography data. Finally, we review technological application cases such as multispectral wavefront sensing, attosecond pulse characterization, and depth-resolved imaging.

Opt Express ; 29(14): 21859-21875, 2021 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34265964


Dual Comb Spectroscopy proved its versatile capabilities in molecular fingerprinting in different spectral regions, but not yet in the ultraviolet (UV). Unlocking this spectral window would expand fingerprinting to the electronic energy structure of matter. This will access the prime triggers of photochemical reactions with unprecedented spectral resolution. In this research article, we discuss the milestones marking the way to the first UV dual comb spectrometer. We present experimental and simulated studies towards UV dual comb spectroscopy, directly applied to planned absorption measurements of formaldehyde (centered at 343 nm, 3.6 eV) and argon (80 nm, 16 eV). This will enable an unparalleled relative resolution of up to 10-9 - with a table-top UV source surpassing any synchrotron-linked spectrometer by at least two and any grating-based UV spectrometer by up to six orders of magnitude.

Opt Express ; 29(14): 22117-22126, 2021 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34265983


In this work, the experimental realization of a tunable high photon flux extreme ultraviolet light source is presented. This is enabled by high harmonic generation of two temporally delayed driving pulses with a wavelength of 1030 nm, resulting in a tuning range of 0.8 eV at the 19th harmonic at 22.8 eV. The implemented approach allows for fast tuning of the spectrum, is highly flexible and is scalable towards full spectral coverage at higher photon energies.

Opt Express ; 29(6): 9283-9293, 2021 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33820360


In this manuscript we demonstrate a method to reconstruct the wavefront of focused beams from a measured diffraction pattern behind a diffracting mask in real-time. The phase problem is solved by means of a neural network, which is trained with simulated data and verified with experimental data. The neural network allows live reconstructions within a few milliseconds, which previously with iterative phase retrieval took several seconds, thus allowing the adjustment of complex systems and correction by adaptive optics in real time. The neural network additionally outperforms iterative phase retrieval with high noise diffraction patterns.

Opt Lett ; 45(17): 4798-4801, 2020 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32870860


In this Letter, we present a novel, to the best of our knowledge, single-shot method for characterizing focused coherent beams. We utilize a dedicated amplitude-only mask, in combination with an iterative phase retrieval algorithm, to reconstruct the amplitude and phase of a focused beam from a single measured far-field diffraction pattern alone. In a proof-of-principle experiment at a wavelength of 13.5 nm, we demonstrate our new method and obtain an RMS phase error of better than λ/70. This method will find applications in the alignment of complex optical systems, real-time feedback to adaptive optics, and single-shot beam characterization, e.g., at free-electron lasers or high-order harmonic beamlines.

Opt Express ; 28(5): 6188-6196, 2020 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225873


High harmonic sources can provide ultrashort pulses of coherent radiation in the XUV and X-ray spectral region. In this paper we utilize a sub-two-cycle femtosecond fiber laser to efficiently generate a broadband continuum of high-order harmonics between 70 eV and 120 eV. The average power delivered by this source ranges from > 0.2 µW/eV at 80 eV to >0.03 µW/eV at 120 eV. At 92 eV (13.5 nm wavelength), we measured a coherent record-high average power of 0.1 µW/eV, which corresponds to 7 · 109 ph/s/eV, with a long-term stability of 0.8% rms deviation over a 20 min time period. The presented approach is average power scalable and promises up to 1011 ph/s/eV in the near future. With additional carrier-envelop phase control even isolated attosecond pulses can be expected from such sources. The combination of high flux, high photon energy and ultrashort (sub-) fs duration will enable photon-hungry time-resolved and multidimensional studies.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 1735, 2019 02 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30742029


Ptychography enables coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) of extended samples by raster scanning across the illuminating XUV/X-ray beam, thereby generalizing the unique advantages of CDI techniques. Table-top realizations of this method are urgently needed for many applications in sciences and industry. Previously, it was only possible to image features much larger than the illuminating wavelength with table-top ptychography although knife-edge tests suggested sub-wavelength resolution. However, most real-world imaging applications require resolving of the smallest and closely-spaced features of a sample in an extended field of view. In this work, resolving features as small as 2.5 λ (45 nm) using a table-top ptychography setup is demonstrated by employing a high-order harmonic XUV source with record-high photon flux. For the first time, a Rayleigh-type criterion is used as a direct and unambiguous resolution metric for high-resolution table-top setup. This reliably qualifies this imaging system for real-world applications e.g. in biological sciences, material sciences, imaging integrated circuits and semiconductor mask inspection.

Opt Lett ; 42(14): 2826-2829, 2017 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28708179


We present an ultrafast fiber laser system delivering 4.6 W average power at 258 nm based on two-stage fourth-harmonic generation in beta barium borate (BBO). The beam quality is close to being diffraction limited with an M2 value of 1.3×1.6. The pulse duration is 150 fs, which, potentially, is compressible down to 40 fs. A plain BBO and a sapphire-BBO compound are compared with respect to the achievable beam quality in the conversion process. This laser is applicable in scientific and industrial fields. Further scaling to higher average power is discussed.

Opt Lett ; 41(18): 4332-5, 2016 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27628390


Few-cycle lasers are essential for many research areas such as attosecond physics that promise to address fundamental questions in science and technology. Therefore, further advancements are connected to significant progress in the underlying laser technology. Here, two-stage nonlinear compression of a 660 W femtosecond fiber laser system is utilized to achieve unprecedented average power levels of energetic ultrashort or even few-cycle laser pulses. In a first compression step, 408 W, 320 µJ, 30 fs pulses are achieved, which can be further compressed to 216 W, 170 µJ, 6.3 fs pulses in a second compression stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest average power few-cycle laser system presented so far. It is expected to significantly advance the fields of high harmonic generation and attosecond science.

Opt Express ; 24(16): 18133-47, 2016 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27505779


Unraveling and controlling chemical dynamics requires techniques to image structural changes of molecules with femtosecond temporal and picometer spatial resolution. Ultrashort-pulse x-ray free-electron lasers have significantly advanced the field by enabling advanced pump-probe schemes. There is an increasing interest in using table-top photon sources enabled by high-harmonic generation of ultrashort-pulse lasers for such studies. We present a novel high-harmonic source driven by a 100 kHz fiber laser system, which delivers 1011 photons/s in a single 1.3 eV bandwidth harmonic at 68.6 eV. The combination of record-high photon flux and high repetition rate paves the way for time-resolved studies of the dissociation dynamics of inner-shell ionized molecules in a coincidence detection scheme. First coincidence measurements on CH3I are shown and it is outlined how the anticipated advancement of fiber laser technology and improved sample delivery will, in the next step, allow pump-probe studies of ultrafast molecular dynamics with table-top XUV-photon sources. These table-top sources can provide significantly higher repetition rates than the currently operating free-electron lasers and they offer very high temporal resolution due to the intrinsically small timing jitter between pump and probe pulses.

Opt Lett ; 41(8): 1885-8, 2016 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27082370


We present a femtosecond laser system delivering up to 100 W of average power at 343 nm. The laser system employs a Yb-based femtosecond fiber laser and subsequent second- and third-harmonic generation in beta barium borate (BBO) crystals. Thermal gradients within these BBO crystals are mitigated by sapphire heat spreaders directly bonded to the front and back surface of the crystals. Thus, a nearly diffraction-limited beam quality (M2 < 1.4) is achieved, despite the high thermal load to the nonlinear crystals. This laser source is expected to push many industrial and scientific applications in the future.

Appl Opt ; 55(7): 1636-40, 2016 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26974623


In this paper, the average power scalability of components that can be used for intense few-cycle lasers based on nonlinear compression of modern femtosecond solid-state lasers is investigated. The key components of such a setup, namely, the gas-filled waveguides, laser windows, chirped mirrors for pulse compression and low dispersion mirrors for beam collimation, focusing, and beam steering are tested under high-average-power operation using a kilowatt cw laser. We demonstrate the long-term stable transmission of kW-level average power through a hollow capillary and a Kagome-type photonic crystal fiber. In addition, we show that sapphire substrates significantly improve the average power capability of metal-coated mirrors. Ultimately, ultrabroadband dielectric mirrors show negligible heating up to 1 kW of average power. In summary, a technology for scaling of few-cycle lasers up to 1 kW of average power and beyond is presented.