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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5748, 2023 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37717035


Constraining the controlling factors of fault rupture is fundamentally important. Fluids influence earthquake locations and magnitudes, although the exact pathways through the lithosphere are not well-known. Ocean transform faults are ideal for studying faults and fluid pathways given their relative simplicity. We analyse seismicity recorded by the Passive Imaging of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (PI-LAB) experiment, centred around the Chain Fracture Zone. We find earthquakes beneath morphological transpressional features occur deeper than the brittle-ductile transition predicted by simple thermal models, but elsewhere occur shallower. These features are characterised by multiple parallel fault segments and step overs, higher proportions of smaller events, gaps in large historical earthquakes, and seismic velocity structures consistent with hydrothermal alteration. Therefore, broader fault damage zones preferentially facilitate fluid transport. This cools the mantle and reduces the potential for large earthquakes at localized barriers that divide the transform into shorter asperity regions, limiting earthquake magnitudes on the transform.

Sci Adv ; 9(5): eadd2143, 2023 Feb 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36724230


Volatiles expelled from subducted plates promote melting of the overlying warm mantle, feeding arc volcanism. However, debates continue over the factors controlling melt generation and transport, and how these determine the placement of volcanoes. To broaden our synoptic view of these fundamental mantle wedge processes, we image seismic attenuation beneath the Lesser Antilles arc, an end-member system that slowly subducts old, tectonized lithosphere. Punctuated anomalies with high ratios of bulk-to-shear attenuation (Qκ-1/Qµ-1 > 0.6) and VP/VS (>1.83) lie 40 km above the slab, representing expelled fluids that are retained in a cold boundary layer, transporting fluids toward the back-arc. The strongest attenuation (1000/QS ~ 20), characterizing melt in warm mantle, lies beneath the back-arc, revealing how back-arc mantle feeds arc volcanoes. Melt ponds under the upper plate and percolates toward the arc along structures from earlier back-arc spreading, demonstrating how slab dehydration, upper-plate properties, past tectonics, and resulting melt pathways collectively condition volcanism.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4211, 2021 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34244511


The margins of the Caribbean and associated hazards and resources have been shaped by a poorly understood history of subduction. Using new data, we improve teleseismic P-wave imaging of the eastern Caribbean upper mantle and compare identified subducted-plate fragments with trench locations predicted from plate reconstruction. This shows that material at 700-1200 km depth below South America derives from 90-115 Myr old westward subduction, initiated prior to Caribbean Large-Igneous-Province volcanism. At shallower depths, an accumulation of subducted material is attributed to Great Arc of the Caribbean subduction as it evolved over the past 70 Ma. We interpret gaps in these subducted-plate anomalies as: a plate window and tear along the subducted Proto-Caribbean ridge; tearing along subducted fracture zones, and subduction of a volatile-rich boundary between Proto-Caribbean and Atlantic domains. Phases of back-arc spreading and arc jumps correlate with changes in age, and hence buoyancy, of the subducting plate.

Nature ; 589(7843): 562-566, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33505039


The location and degree of material transfer between the upper and lower mantle are key to the Earth's thermal and chemical evolution. Sinking slabs and rising plumes are generally accepted as locations of transfer1,2, whereas mid-ocean ridges are not typically assumed to have a role3. However, tight constraints from in situ measurements at ridges have proved to be challenging. Here we use receiver functions that reveal the conversion of primary to secondary seismic waves to image the discontinuities that bound the mantle transition zone, using ocean bottom seismic data from the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Our images show that the seismic discontinuity at depths of about 660 kilometres is broadly uplifted by 10 ± 4 kilometres over a swath about 600 kilometres wide and that the 410-kilometre discontinuity is depressed by 5 ± 4 kilometres. This thinning of the mantle transition zone is coincident with slow shear-wave velocities in the mantle, from global seismic tomography4-7. In addition, seismic velocities in the mantle transition zone beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are on average slower than those beneath older Atlantic Ocean seafloor. The observations imply material transfer from the lower to the upper mantle-either continuous or punctuated-that is linked to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Given the length and longevity of the mid-ocean ridge system, this implies that whole-mantle convection may be more prevalent than previously thought, with ridge upwellings having a role in counterbalancing slab downwellings.

Nature ; 582(7813): 525-529, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32581382


Oceanic lithosphere carries volatiles, notably water, into the mantle through subduction at convergent plate boundaries. This subducted water exercises control on the production of magma, earthquakes, formation of continental crust and mineral resources. Identifying different potential fluid sources (sediments, crust and mantle lithosphere) and tracing fluids from their release to the surface has proved challenging1. Atlantic subduction zones are a valuable endmember when studying this deep water cycle because hydration in Atlantic lithosphere, produced by slow spreading, is expected to be highly non-uniform2. Here, as part of a multi-disciplinary project in the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc3, we studied boron trace element and isotopic fingerprints of melt inclusions. These reveal that serpentine-that is, hydrated mantle rather than crust or sediments-is a dominant supplier of subducted water to the central arc. This serpentine is most likely to reside in a set of major fracture zones subducted beneath the central arc over approximately the past ten million years. The current dehydration of these fracture zones coincides with the current locations of the highest rates of earthquakes and prominent low shear velocities, whereas the preceding history of dehydration is consistent with the locations of higher volcanic productivity and thicker arc crust. These combined geochemical and geophysical data indicate that the structure and hydration of the subducted plate are directly connected to the evolution of the arc and its associated seismic and volcanic hazards.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 19(6): 1789-1799, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30166946


Ocean plates conductively cool and subside with seafloor age. Plate thickening with age is also predicted, and hot spots may cause thinning. However, both are debated and depend on the way the plate is defined. Determining the thickness of the plates along with the process that governs it has proven challenging. We use S-to-P (Sp) receiver functions to image a strong, persistent LAB beneath Iceland where the mid-Atlantic Ridge interacts with a plume with hypothesized pulsating thermal anomaly. The plate is thickest, up to 84 ± 6 km, beneath lithosphere formed during times of hypothesized hotter plume temperatures and as thin as 61 ± 6 km beneath regions formed during colder intervals. We performed geodynamic modeling to show that these plate thicknesses are inconsistent with a thermal lithosphere. Instead, periods of increased plume temperatures likely increased the melting depth, causing deeper depletion and dehydration, and creating a thicker plate. This suggests plate thickness is dictated by the conditions of plate formation.

Geophys Res Lett ; 45(11): 5398-5406, 2018 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30034045


The ocean lithosphere is classically described by the thermal half-space cooling (HSC) or the plate models, both characterized by a gradual transition to the asthenosphere beneath. Scattered waves find sharp seismic discontinuities beneath the oceans, possibly from the base of the plate. Active source studies suggest sharp discontinuities from a melt channel. We calculate synthetic S-to-P receiver functions and SS precursors for the HSC and plate models and also for channels. We find that the HSC and plate model velocity gradients are too gradual to create interpretable scattered waves from the base of the plate. Subtle phases are predicted to follow a similar trend as observations, flattening at older ages. Therefore, the seismic discontinuities are probably caused by a thermally controlled process that can also explain their amplitude, such as melting. Melt may coalesce in channels, although channels >10 km thick should be resolvable by scattered wave imaging.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 123(2): 1736-1751, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29938151


Mantle anisotropy beneath mid-ocean ridges and oceanic transforms is key to our understanding of seafloor spreading and underlying dynamics of divergent plate boundaries. Observations are sparse, however, given the remoteness of the oceans and the difficulties of seismic instrumentation. To overcome this, we utilize the global distribution of seismicity along transform faults to measure shear wave splitting of over 550 direct S phases recorded at 56 carefully selected seismic stations worldwide. Applying this source-side splitting technique allows for characterization of the upper mantle seismic anisotropy, and therefore the pattern of mantle flow, directly beneath seismically active transform faults. The majority of the results (60%) return nulls (no splitting), while the non-null measurements display clear azimuthal dependency. This is best simply explained by anisotropy with a near vertical symmetry axis, consistent with mantle upwelling beneath oceanic transforms as suggested by numerical models. It appears therefore that the long-term stability of seafloor spreading may be associated with widespread mantle upwelling beneath the transforms creating warm and weak faults that localize strain to the plate boundary.

Sci Adv ; 4(2): eaao1908, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29457132


Fifty years after plate tectonic theory was developed, the defining mechanism of the plate is still widely debated. The relatively short, simple history of young ocean lithosphere makes it an ideal place to determine the property that defines a plate, yet the remoteness and harshness of the seafloor have made precise imaging challenging. We use S-to-P receiver functions to image discontinuities beneath newly formed lithosphere at the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges. We image a strong negative discontinuity at the base of the plate increasing from 20 to 45 km depth beneath the 0- to 10-million-year-old seafloor and a positive discontinuity at the onset of melting at 90 to 130 km depth. Comparison with geodynamic models and experimental constraints indicates that the observed discontinuities cannot easily be reconciled with subsolidus mechanisms. Instead, partial melt may be required, which would decrease mantle viscosity and define the young oceanic plate.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 18(8): 2855-2871, 2017 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29097907


Strong, sharp, negative seismic discontinuities, velocity decreases with depth, are observed beneath the Pacific seafloor at ∼60 km depth. It has been suggested that these are caused by an increase in radial anisotropy with depth, which occurs in global surface wave models. Here we test this hypothesis in two ways. We evaluate whether an increase in surface wave radial anisotropy with depth is robust with synthetic resolution tests. We do this by fitting an example surface wave data set near the East Pacific Rise. We also estimate the apparent isotropic seismic velocity discontinuities that could be caused by changes in radial anisotropy in S-to-P and P-to-S receiver functions and SS precursors using synthetic seismograms. We test one model where radial anisotropy is caused by olivine alignment and one model where it is caused by compositional layering. The result of our surface wave inversion suggests strong shallow azimuthal anisotropy beneath 0-10 Ma seafloor, which would also have a radial anisotropy signature. An increase in radial anisotropy with depth at 60 km depth is not well-resolved in surface wave models, and could be artificially observed. Shallow isotropy underlain by strong radial anisotropy could explain moderate apparent velocity drops (<6%) in SS precursor imaging, but not receiver functions. The effect is diminished if strong anisotropy also exists at 0-60 km depth as suggested by surface waves. Overall, an increase in radial anisotropy with depth may not exist at 60 km beneath the oceans and does not explain the scattered wave observations.

Nature ; 518(7537): 39-40, 2015 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25652991
Science ; 324(5926): 495-8, 2009 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19390041


The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary divides the rigid lid from the weaker mantle and is fundamental in plate tectonics. However, its depth and defining mechanism are not well known. We analyzed 15 years of global seismic data using P-to-S (Ps) converted phases and imaged an interface that correlates with tectonic environment, varying from 95 +/- 4 kilometers beneath Precambrian shields and platforms to 81 +/- 2 kilometers beneath tectonically altered regions and 70 +/- 4 kilometers at oceanic island stations. High-frequency Ps observations require a sharp discontinuity; therefore, this interface likely represents a boundary in composition, melting, or anisotropy, not temperature alone. It likely represents the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary under oceans and tectonically altered regions, but it may constitute another boundary in cratonic regions where the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is thought to be much deeper.

Nature ; 436(7050): 542-5, 2005 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16049485


Plate tectonic theory hinges on the concept of a relatively rigid lithosphere moving over a weaker asthenosphere, yet the nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary remains poorly understood. The gradient in seismic velocity that occurs at this boundary is central to constraining the physical and chemical properties that create differences in mechanical strength between the two layers. For example, if the lithosphere is simply a thermal boundary layer that is more rigid owing to colder temperatures, mantle flow models indicate that the velocity gradient at its base would occur over tens of kilometres. In contrast, if the asthenosphere is weak owing to volatile enrichment or the presence of partial melt, the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary could occur over a much smaller depth range. Here we use converted seismic phases in eastern North America to image a very sharp seismic velocity gradient at the base of the lithosphere-a 3-11 per cent drop in shear-wave velocity over a depth range of 11 km or less at 90-110 km depth. Such a strong, sharp boundary cannot be reconciled with a purely thermal gradient, but could be explained by an asthenosphere that contains a few per cent partial melt or that is enriched in volatiles relative to the lithosphere.