The first observation of rf heating in a reversed field pinch (RFP) using the electron Bernstein wave (EBW) is demonstrated on the Madison Symmetric Torus. Propagation across and heating in a stochastic magnetic field is observed. Novel techniques are required to measure the suprathermal electron tail generated by EBW heating in the presence of intense Ohmic heating. rf-heated electrons directly probe the edge transport properties in the RFP; measured loss rates imply a large noncollisional radial diffusivity.
A pulse height analyzing x-ray tomography system has been developed to detect x-rays from electron Bernstein wave heated electrons in the Madison symmetric torus reversed field pinch (RFP). Cadmium zinc telluride detectors are arranged in a parallel beam array with two orthogonal multi-chord detectors that may be used for tomography. In addition a repositionable 16 channel fan beam camera with a 55° field of view is used to augment data collected with the Hard X-ray array. The chord integrated signals identify target emission from RF heated electrons striking a limiter located 12° toroidally away from the RF injection port. This provides information on heated electron spectrum, transport, and diffusion. RF induced x-ray emission from absorption on harmonic electron cyclotron resonances in low current (<250 kA) RFP discharges has been observed.