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Sci Total Environ ; 898: 165598, 2023 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37467985


Himalayan glaciers represent both an important source of water and a major suite of geohazards for inhabitants of their downstream regions. Recent climate change has intersected with local topographic, geomorphic, and glaciological factors to drive complex patterns of glacier thinning, retreat, velocity change, and lake development. In this study, we analyze the long-term variations in surface elevation change and velocity of the glaciers in the Central and Eastern Himalaya using existing and newly generated datasets spanning 1975 to 2018. We have used modelled (e.g., debris and ice thickness) and remote sensing datasets (e.g., Corona, Hexagon, and Landsat images) to investigate the impact of debris cover and the evolution of proglacial lakes on the glacier response in the region. We found that lake-terminating glaciers (lake TGs) have significantly higher thinning, velocity, and deceleration over time than land-terminating glaciers (land TGs). Lakes have shown an overall growth of 98 % in area and 40 % in number during 1975-2017. New proglacial lakes will likely continue to develop, and existing ones will keep expanding, influencing the frontal changes and dynamics of the lake-terminating glaciers. Debris-covered glaciers have undergone similar thinning compared to clean-ice glaciers, both for lake and land TGs; however, variations exist across the ablation zones between clean and debris-covered glaciers which this study further explores using a data-driven approach. Overall, the proglacial lakes development, changes in debris coverage, and topography significantly affect the glacier responses in the regions.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 12993, 2018 09 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30190595


Glacial retreat in recent decades has exposed unstable slopes and allowed deep water to extend beneath some of those slopes. Slope failure at the terminus of Tyndall Glacier on 17 October 2015 sent 180 million tons of rock into Taan Fiord, Alaska. The resulting tsunami reached elevations as high as 193 m, one of the highest tsunami runups ever documented worldwide. Precursory deformation began decades before failure, and the event left a distinct sedimentary record, showing that geologic evidence can help understand past occurrences of similar events, and might provide forewarning. The event was detected within hours through automated seismological techniques, which also estimated the mass and direction of the slide - all of which were later confirmed by remote sensing. Our field observations provide a benchmark for modeling landslide and tsunami hazards. Inverse and forward modeling can provide the framework of a detailed understanding of the geologic and hazards implications of similar events. Our results call attention to an indirect effect of climate change that is increasing the frequency and magnitude of natural hazards near glaciated mountains.