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Sci Total Environ ; : 175679, 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218092


Juvenile fish are known to be the most impacted during hydropeaking events due to stranding or uncontrolled drift resulting from changes to water depth and flow velocity. To shed light on their response to such hydraulic alterations, we coupled flume experiments with image-based fish tracking and quantified the fine-scale movement behavior of wild (n = 30) and hatchery-reared (n = 38) brown trout (Salmo trutta) parr. We exposed fish to two distinct hydropeaking treatments in a laterally inclined (14 %) flume section stocked with real cobbles to create refuge and heterogeneous hydraulic conditions. Fish were individually acclimated (20 min) to baseflow (Q = 1.6 L s-1) and then exposed to three consecutive hydropeaking events, reaching peakflows tenfold larger than baseflow (Q = 16 L s-1). We found that, within just minutes, fish exhibited fine-scale movement responses to cope with the change of hydrodynamic conditions. Fish moved perpendicular to the main flow direction to shallow areas as these became submerged during discharge increase, holding position at low velocity zones. This resulted in a significant difference (p < 0.001) in lateral occupancy of the experimental section between baseflow and peakflow. During peakflow, fish occupied specific positions around cobbles and exhibited swimming behaviors, including bow-riding and entraining, that allowed them to hold position while likely minimizing energy expenditure. As a result, swimming distance reduced 60-70 % compared to baseflow. During the decrease in discharge following peakflow, fish abandoned areas falling dry by moving laterally. In the treatment with the larger down-ramping rate, the time to initiate relocation was lower while the relocation speed was higher. This study shows that, for the conditions investigated here, brown trout parr is capable of swiftly deploying multiple behavioral responses to navigate rapid changes in hydrodynamic conditions. These findings can be incorporated into habitat modeling and improve our capacity to inform hydropeaking mitigation efforts.

Rev Fish Biol Fish ; 33(2): 317-347, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37122954


A common goal among fisheries science professionals, stakeholders, and rights holders is to ensure the persistence and resilience of vibrant fish populations and sustainable, equitable fisheries in diverse aquatic ecosystems, from small headwater streams to offshore pelagic waters. Achieving this goal requires a complex intersection of science and management, and a recognition of the interconnections among people, place, and fish that govern these tightly coupled socioecological and sociotechnical systems. The World Fisheries Congress (WFC) convenes every four years and provides a unique global forum to debate and discuss threats, issues, and opportunities facing fish populations and fisheries. The 2021 WFC meeting, hosted remotely in Adelaide, Australia, marked the 30th year since the first meeting was held in Athens, Greece, and provided an opportunity to reflect on progress made in the past 30 years and provide guidance for the future. We assembled a diverse team of individuals involved with the Adelaide WFC and reflected on the major challenges that faced fish and fisheries over the past 30 years, discussed progress toward overcoming those challenges, and then used themes that emerged during the Congress to identify issues and opportunities to improve sustainability in the world's fisheries for the next 30 years. Key future needs and opportunities identified include: rethinking fisheries management systems and modelling approaches, modernizing and integrating assessment and information systems, being responsive and flexible in addressing persistent and emerging threats to fish and fisheries, mainstreaming the human dimension of fisheries, rethinking governance, policy and compliance, and achieving equity and inclusion in fisheries. We also identified a number of cross-cutting themes including better understanding the role of fish as nutrition in a hungry world, adapting to climate change, embracing transdisciplinarity, respecting Indigenous knowledge systems, thinking ahead with foresight science, and working together across scales. By reflecting on the past and thinking about the future, we aim to provide guidance for achieving our mutual goal of sustaining vibrant fish populations and sustainable fisheries that benefit all. We hope that this prospective thinking can serve as a guide to (i) assess progress towards achieving this lofty goal and (ii) refine our path with input from new and emerging voices and approaches in fisheries science, management, and stewardship.

Conserv Physiol ; 10(1): coac017, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35492415


The global prevalence of pumped-storage hydropower (PSH) is expected to grow exponentially as countries transition to renewable energy sources. Compared to conventional hydropower, little is currently known regarding PSH impacts on aquatic biota. This study estimated the survival of five life stages (egg, two larval stages, juvenile and adult) of redfin (European) perch (Perca fluviatilis) following passage through a PSH facility during the pumping phase. This was achieved by simulating the individual stressors expected to occur during passage through a 2000-MW PSH facility using laboratory-simulated (shear strain and extreme compression) and modelling (blade strike, BS) approaches. Our results indicate that redfin could survive the shear, pressure and BS stressors expected within the PSH facility, but impacts varied among life stages. Juvenile survival was >70% across all shear strain rates, while the survival of eggs and larvae declined markedly as strain rate increased. All life stages had high survival when exposed to rapid compression and BS. The high survival of redfin to the stressors tested suggests the PSH facility could facilitate the passage of redfin during the pumping phase from the lower to the higher elevation reservoir. This outcome would be welcomed in situations where the species is native, but could have adverse implications for the conservation of native biota where the species is considered a pest.

Sci Total Environ ; 821: 153403, 2022 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35101503


The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is focussing attention and resources on restoration globally. Nowhere is this more crucial than in tropical forests that harbor immense biodiversity, but have also undergone widespread deforestation over the past few decades. We performed a meta-analysis to investigate how biodiversity features respond to forest restoration across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (BAF), one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world. We assembled biodiversity in different metrics of structure and diversity features of three taxonomic groups (vascular plants, soil microorganisms, and invertebrates), generating a dataset with 2370 observations from 76 primary studies. We quantified the incomplete recovery of biodiversity (i.e., the rate of recovery to a pre-disturbance state) occurring during the restoration process, which we called the 'recovery gap'. Our results revealed that forests undergoing restoration in the BAF show a recovery gap of 34% for structure features and 22% for diversity features in comparison to reference reforests, considering all taxonomic groups investigated. For vascular plants, soil microorganisms, and invertebrates the recovery gap ranged between 46 and 47%, 16-26%, and 4-7%, respectively. Overall, the recovery gap was influenced by the interaction of restoration actions (i.e., the past land use, restoration age and restoration approach - active and passive restoration), however, structure features responded more sensitively to the time elapsed since restoration started, while the recovery gap for diversity features depended more on the past land-use. Our study can help guide the prioritization of the aforenamed taxonomic groups in restoration, the regulation of potential biodiversity offsetting policies in the BAF, and understanding how coupled biodiversity features respond to the interaction of environmental conditions and restoration actions in a high fragmented tropical landscape.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Biodiversidad , Bosques , Suelo
Ecol Evol ; 11(18): 12259-12284, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34594498


Wildfires in many western North American forests are becoming more frequent, larger, and severe, with changed seasonal patterns. In response, coniferous forest ecosystems will transition toward dominance by fire-adapted hardwoods, shrubs, meadows, and grasslands, which may benefit some faunal communities, but not others. We describe factors that limit and promote faunal resilience to shifting wildfire regimes for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We highlight the potential value of interspersed nonforest patches to terrestrial wildlife. Similarly, we review watershed thresholds and factors that control the resilience of aquatic ecosystems to wildfire, mediated by thermal changes and chemical, debris, and sediment loadings. We present a 2-dimensional life history framework to describe temporal and spatial life history traits that species use to resist wildfire effects or to recover after wildfire disturbance at a metapopulation scale. The role of fire refuge is explored for metapopulations of species. In aquatic systems, recovery of assemblages postfire may be faster for smaller fires where unburned tributary basins or instream structures provide refuge from debris and sediment flows. We envision that more-frequent, lower-severity fires will favor opportunistic species and that less-frequent high-severity fires will favor better competitors. Along the spatial dimension, we hypothesize that fire regimes that are predictable and generate burned patches in close proximity to refuge will favor species that move to refuges and later recolonize, whereas fire regimes that tend to generate less-severely burned patches may favor species that shelter in place. Looking beyond the trees to forest fauna, we consider mitigation options to enhance resilience and buy time for species facing a no-analog future.

Glob Chang Biol ; 26(10): 5345-5350, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32677160


The consequences of the 2019-2020 bushfires in Australia were also devastating for the aquatic biota. Following abnormal rainfall events in burnt areas, widespread mortality events including fish and invertebrates were recorded in estuarine and freshwater systems. Such negative impacts on aquatic resources highlight the need to include these ecosystems in bushfire recovery plans. Management should prioritise catchments at higher risks of further negative impacts and research must be conducted to understand the efficacy of actions post-fire.

Ecosistema , Incendios , Australia , Biota , Agua Dulce
MethodsX ; 5: 299-303, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30046516


Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging has proven to be an effective mark-recapture technique for many temperate freshwater and marine fish species, but its adaptability to tropical freshwater species remains largely unknown. Nevertheless, many tropical river systems, such as the Mekong in South East Asia, are currently being developed at an unprecedented rate for their relatively abundant water resources. Consequently, there is an urgent need for efficient mark-recapture technologies to understand and assess the impacts of human developments on the movement ecology of tropical freshwater fish species. This paper discusses the development of an optimal protocol for PIT tagging tropical freshwater fishes, using two Mekong River species - Striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and Goldfin tinfoil barb (Hypsibarbus malcolmi) - as model species. •The PIT tagging protocol is flexible in that it allows the transponders to be placed in a variety of body locations.•The protocol has high tag retention rates (>90%) and is non-invasive, since it does not affect fish growth or mortality rates.•The application of PIT tags can be used to evaluate the success of fishways and other remedial works for supporting crucial life-cycle processes potentially requiring fish passage, such as spawning.