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Cad Saude Publica ; 39Suppl 1(Suppl 1): e00134421, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36995863


Studies indicate gaps in knowledge about the barriers to access and adhere to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in adolescents. In this article, we explore the perceptions and experiences of young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YGBMSM) of the search, use and adherence to PrEP, considering their positions according to social markers of difference such as race/skin color, gender, sexuality, and social status. Intersectionality provides theoretical and methodological tools to interpret how the interlinking of these social markers of difference constitutes barriers and facilitators in the PrEP care continuum. The analyzed material is part of the PrEP1519 study and is comprised of 35 semi-structured interviews with YGBMSM from two Brazilian capitals (Salvador and São Paulo). The analyses suggest connections between social markers of difference, sexual cultures, and the social meanings of PrEP. Subjective, relational and symbolic aspects permeate the awareness of PrEP in the range of prevention tools. Willingness to use and adhere to PrEP is part of a learning process, production of meaning, and negotiation in the face of getting HIV and other sexually transmittable infections and the possibilities of pleasure. Thus, accessing and using PrEP makes several adolescents more informed about their vulnerabilities, leading to more informed decision-making. Interlinking the PrEP continuum of care among YGBMSM with the intersections of the social markers of difference may provide a conceptual framework to problematize the conditions and effects of implementing this prevention strategy, which could bring advantages to HIV prevention programs.

Infecciones por VIH , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Masculino , Humanos , Adolescente , Homosexualidad Masculina , Marco Interseccional , Infecciones por VIH/prevención & control , Infecciones por VIH/tratamiento farmacológico , Brasil , Percepción
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(supl.1): e00134421, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430104


Studies indicate gaps in knowledge about the barriers to access and adhere to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in adolescents. In this article, we explore the perceptions and experiences of young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YGBMSM) of the search, use and adherence to PrEP, considering their positions according to social markers of difference such as race/skin color, gender, sexuality, and social status. Intersectionality provides theoretical and methodological tools to interpret how the interlinking of these social markers of difference constitutes barriers and facilitators in the PrEP care continuum. The analyzed material is part of the PrEP1519 study and is comprised of 35 semi-structured interviews with YGBMSM from two Brazilian capitals (Salvador and São Paulo). The analyses suggest connections between social markers of difference, sexual cultures, and the social meanings of PrEP. Subjective, relational and symbolic aspects permeate the awareness of PrEP in the range of prevention tools. Willingness to use and adhere to PrEP is part of a learning process, production of meaning, and negotiation in the face of getting HIV and other sexually transmittable infections and the possibilities of pleasure. Thus, accessing and using PrEP makes several adolescents more informed about their vulnerabilities, leading to more informed decision-making. Interlinking the PrEP continuum of care among YGBMSM with the intersections of the social markers of difference may provide a conceptual framework to problematize the conditions and effects of implementing this prevention strategy, which could bring advantages to HIV prevention programs.

Os estudos revelam lacunas no conhecimento sobre as barreiras ao acesso e à adesão à profilaxia pré-exposição do HIV (PrEP) em adolescentes. O artigo explora as percepções e experiências de jovens gays e bissexuais e outros homens que fazem sexo com homens (JGBHSH) na busca, uso e adesão à PrEP, considerando suas posições de acordo com marcadores sociais de diferença como raça/cor da pele, gênero, sexualidade e nível social. A interseccionalidade fornece suporte teórico e metodológico para interpretar de que maneira a interconexão desses marcadores sociais de diferença constitui barreiras e facilitadores no continuum de cuidados. O material empírico faz parte do estudo PrEP1519 e consiste em 35 entrevistas semiestruturadas com JGBHSH de duas capitais brasileiras (Salvador e São Paulo). As análises identificam conexões entre marcadores sociais de diferença, culturas sexuais e os sentidos sociais da PrEP. Aspectos estruturais subjetivos, relacionais e simbólicos permeiam o conhecimento da PrEP dentro do leque de possibilidades de prevenção. A disposição de usar e aderir à PrEP faz parte de um processo de aprendizagem, produção de sentido e negociação frente ao risco de HIV e de outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e as possibilidades para obter prazer. O conhecimento, acesso e uso da PrEP fazem com que muitos adolescentes estejam mais informados sobre suas vulnerabilidades, resultando em decisões com mais informação. A interconexão do continuum de cuidados em PrEP entre JGBHSH com as intersecções dos marcadores sociais de diferença pode fornecer um arcabouço conceitual para problematizar as condições e os efeitos da implementação dessa estratégia preventiva, com o potencial de trazer vantagens para os programas de prevenção do HIV.

Los estudios muestran que existen lagunas en el conocimiento sobre las barreras para acceder y adherirse a la profilaxis preexposición contra el VIH (PrEP) en el segmento adolescente. En este artículo, exploramos las percepciones y experiencias de jóvenes gays, bisexuales, y otros hombres que mantienen sexo con hombres (JGBHSH) sobre la búsqueda, uso y adherencia a la PrEP, considerando sus posiciones respecto a los marcadores sociales de las diferencias tales como: raza/color, género, sexualidad y estatus social. La interseccionalidad aporta apoyo teórico y metodológico para interpretar cómo la interrelación de estos marcadores sociales de la diferencia constituye barreras y facilitadores en el continuum del cuidado por PrEP. El material empírico analizado es parte del estudio PrEP1519 y comprende 35 entrevistas semiestructuradas con JGBHSH, procedentes de dos capitales de estados brasileños (Salvador y São Paulo). Los análisis apuntan conexiones entre marcadores sociales de la diferencia, culturas sexuales, y los significados sociales de la PrEP. Aspectos estructurales subjetivos, de relaciones y simbólicos permean la concientización de la PrEP en el rango de las posibilidades de prevención. La voluntad de utilizar y adherirse a la PrEP es parte de un proceso de aprendizaje, producción de significado, y negociación frente al riesgo de VIH y otras enfermedades de trasmisión sexual, así como la posibilidad de obtener placer. Tener conocimiento sobre el acceso y uso de la PrEP consigue que muchos adolescentes estén más informados sobre sus vulnerabilidades, logrando una toma de decisiones más informadas. Interrelacionar el continuum de la atención PrEP entre JGBHSH con las intersecciones de los marcadores sociales de diferencia tal vez pueda proveer un marco conceptual para problematizar las condiciones y efectos de implementar esta estrategia de prevención, lo que podría traer ventajas para los programas de prevención del VIH.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(supl.1): e00134421, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430115


Studies indicate gaps in knowledge about the barriers to access and adhere to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in adolescents. In this article, we explore the perceptions and experiences of young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YGBMSM) of the search, use and adherence to PrEP, considering their positions according to social markers of difference such as race/skin color, gender, sexuality, and social status. Intersectionality provides theoretical and methodological tools to interpret how the interlinking of these social markers of difference constitutes barriers and facilitators in the PrEP care continuum. The analyzed material is part of the PrEP1519 study and is comprised of 35 semi-structured interviews with YGBMSM from two Brazilian capitals (Salvador and São Paulo). The analyses suggest connections between social markers of difference, sexual cultures, and the social meanings of PrEP. Subjective, relational and symbolic aspects permeate the awareness of PrEP in the range of prevention tools. Willingness to use and adhere to PrEP is part of a learning process, production of meaning, and negotiation in the face of getting HIV and other sexually transmittable infections and the possibilities of pleasure. Thus, accessing and using PrEP makes several adolescents more informed about their vulnerabilities, leading to more informed decision-making. Interlinking the PrEP continuum of care among YGBMSM with the intersections of the social markers of difference may provide a conceptual framework to problematize the conditions and effects of implementing this prevention strategy, which could bring advantages to HIV prevention programs.

Os estudos revelam lacunas no conhecimento sobre as barreiras ao acesso e à adesão à profilaxia pré-exposição do HIV (PrEP) em adolescentes. O artigo explora as percepções e experiências de jovens gays e bissexuais e outros homens que fazem sexo com homens (JGBHSH) na busca, uso e adesão à PrEP, considerando suas posições de acordo com marcadores sociais de diferença como raça/cor da pele, gênero, sexualidade e nível social. A interseccionalidade fornece suporte teórico e metodológico para interpretar de que maneira a interconexão desses marcadores sociais de diferença constitui barreiras e facilitadores no continuum de cuidados. O material empírico faz parte do estudo PrEP1519 e consiste em 35 entrevistas semiestruturadas com JGBHSH de duas capitais brasileiras (Salvador e São Paulo). As análises identificam conexões entre marcadores sociais de diferença, culturas sexuais e os sentidos sociais da PrEP. Aspectos estruturais subjetivos, relacionais e simbólicos permeiam o conhecimento da PrEP dentro do leque de possibilidades de prevenção. A disposição de usar e aderir à PrEP faz parte de um processo de aprendizagem, produção de sentido e negociação frente ao risco de HIV e de outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e as possibilidades para obter prazer. O conhecimento, acesso e uso da PrEP fazem com que muitos adolescentes estejam mais informados sobre suas vulnerabilidades, resultando em decisões com mais informação. A interconexão do continuum de cuidados em PrEP entre JGBHSH com as intersecções dos marcadores sociais de diferença pode fornecer um arcabouço conceitual para problematizar as condições e os efeitos da implementação dessa estratégia preventiva, com o potencial de trazer vantagens para os programas de prevenção do HIV.

Los estudios muestran que existen lagunas en el conocimiento sobre las barreras para acceder y adherirse a la profilaxis preexposición contra el VIH (PrEP) en el segmento adolescente. En este artículo, exploramos las percepciones y experiencias de jóvenes gays, bisexuales, y otros hombres que mantienen sexo con hombres (JGBHSH) sobre la búsqueda, uso y adherencia a la PrEP, considerando sus posiciones respecto a los marcadores sociales de las diferencias tales como: raza/color, género, sexualidad y estatus social. La interseccionalidad aporta apoyo teórico y metodológico para interpretar cómo la interrelación de estos marcadores sociales de la diferencia constituye barreras y facilitadores en el continuum del cuidado por PrEP. El material empírico analizado es parte del estudio PrEP1519 y comprende 35 entrevistas semiestructuradas con JGBHSH, procedentes de dos capitales de estados brasileños (Salvador y São Paulo). Los análisis apuntan conexiones entre marcadores sociales de la diferencia, culturas sexuales, y los significados sociales de la PrEP. Aspectos estructurales subjetivos, de relaciones y simbólicos permean la concientización de la PrEP en el rango de las posibilidades de prevención. La voluntad de utilizar y adherirse a la PrEP es parte de un proceso de aprendizaje, producción de significado, y negociación frente al riesgo de VIH y otras enfermedades de trasmisión sexual, así como la posibilidad de obtener placer. Tener conocimiento sobre el acceso y uso de la PrEP consigue que muchos adolescentes estén más informados sobre sus vulnerabilidades, logrando una toma de decisiones más informadas. Interrelacionar el continuum de la atención PrEP entre JGBHSH con las intersecciones de los marcadores sociales de diferencia tal vez pueda proveer un marco conceptual para problematizar las condiciones y efectos de implementar esta estrategia de prevención, lo que podría traer ventajas para los programas de prevención del VIH.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (37): e21212, 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352268


Resumen El estudio discute la relación entre territorialidades/espacialidades periféricas y las configuraciones de las expresiones de géneros y sexualidades de jóvenes LGBTQIA+ en el área suburbana de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil. El método etnográfico contempló varias estrategias de producción de datos en tres etapas entre 2019 e 2020. Los procesos de apropiación territorial/espacial a partir de agregados LGBTQIA+ son distribuidos en archipiélagos espacio-territoriales propicios (y aparentemente seguros) para sociabilizar y re-reproducir pertenencias. El diálogo entre espacio y territorio mediado por las sexualidades y los géneros a partir de sus expresiones identitarias mostró ser un camino fecundo para articular posibilidades de implementar políticas públicas en vista de intentar mitigar las lagunas que existen con relación a la prevención del VIH entre jóvenes LGBTQIA+ en un espacio/territorio específico.

Resumo O estudo discute a relação entre as territorialidades/espacialidades periféricas e as configurações das expressões de gêneros e sexualidades de jovens LGBTQIA+ em áreas da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. O método etnográfico contemplou várias estratégias de produção de dados em três etapas, entre 2019 e 2020. Os processos de apropriação territorial/ espacial a partir de grupos LGBTQIA+ distribuem-se em arquipélagos espaciais/territoriais que são propícios (e aparentemente seguros) para sociabilizar e re-reproduzir pertencimentos. O diálogo entre espaço e território mediado pelas sexualidades e os gêneros partindo de suas expressões de identidade mostrou ser um caminho fecundo para articular possibilidades de implementação de políticas públicas com o propósito de mitigar as lacunas que existem com relação à prevenção ao HIV entre jovens LGBTQIA+ em um espaço/território específico.

Abstract The study discusses the relationship between peripheral territorialities/spatialities and the configurations of LGBTQIA+ gender and sexuality expressions in a suburban area of São Paulo, Brazil. The ethnographic method included several data production strategies in three stages, between 2019 and 2020. The processes of territorial/spatial appropriation from LGBTQIA+ groups are distributed in spatial/territorial archipelagos that are conducive (and apparently safe) to socialize and re-reproduce belongings. The dialogue between space and territory mediated by sexualities and genders based on their expressions of identity proved to be a fruitful way to articulate possibilities for the implementation of public policies with the purpose of mitigating the gaps that exist in relation to HIV prevention among LGBTQIA+ young people in a specific space/territory.

Humanos , Adolescente , Áreas de Pobreza , Sexualidad , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Performatividad de Género , Identidad de Género , Política Pública , Brasil , Infecciones por VIH/prevención & control
Appetite ; 144: 104453, 2020 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31521772


This article describes and explore eating practices and food preferences among gay men who call themselves bears in São Paulo, Brazil, and their relation with their life history, masculinities representations, and sexuality. It is a qualitative and quantitative research within an ethnographic perspective. A purposive sample of thirty-five self-declared gay bears. The data were analyzed identifying the regular, expressive and meaningful significance units collected through the interviews. We identified that the self-declared bears in São Paulo, Brazil, build a solid relation between food preferences, eating practices, masculinity, and group belonging. From the bear's perspective, meat, especially bovine, is related to masculinity and extensively understood as a strong common bond within the community, leveraging their sexuality. For these persons, eating meat as well as drinking beer can build the ideal mannish and unfeminine body that is overvalue. Being gay and "eating like a man," as well as exposing a "macho" body while disdaining other body types constructions could represent a strategy to avoid discrimination, shame and humiliation. On the other way, this community does not just linearly imitate heterosexual men although their conducts can reproduce patriarchal representations and meanings through eating practices. These findings could be used to understand the complexity of alimentary practices, particularly food preferences as well as commensalities, among specific communities or membership groups.

Imagen Corporal/psicología , Ingestión de Alimentos/psicología , Preferencias Alimentarias/psicología , Masculinidad , Minorías Sexuales y de Género/psicología , Adulto , Antropología Cultural , Brasil , Ingestión de Alimentos/etnología , Preferencias Alimentarias/etnología , Homosexualidad Masculina/psicología , Humanos , Masculino , Carne , Investigación Cualitativa
Saúde Soc ; 29(4): e180313, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1139546


Abstract We investigated fat women's perceptions of their own bodies and their experiences with weight-related discriminations, and how these situations affected their well-being. Thirty-nine obese women were interviewed, and three axes of analysis were identified: (1) repercussions of being fat, (2) living with a fat body, and (3) am I a person or just a fat body? These axes were composed of eight themes which had similar meaning or complemented each other. The results showed our participants had mechanisms to diminish the magnitude of their stigmatized bodies (e.g., attempting to lose weight and changing their current food choices). Participants also reported being fat had physical and psychological consequences for them. Most notably, their larger bodies influenced their self-evaluation, making them feel devalued, unlovable, incapable, and incomplete. They reported stigmatizing experiences in familiar situations, at the workplace and in public spaces, and reported being stigmatized by both close and unknown individuals, including healthcare professionals. These professionals were reported to treat patients disrespectfully, which urges attention to health care inequalities for obese people. Our results stress stigmatizing attitudes towards fat people and their own considerations about themselves have negative consequences in their physical and mental well-being.

Resumo Investigamos a percepção de mulheres gordas sobre seu próprio corpo e suas experiências com discriminações relacionadas ao peso e como essas situações afetavam seu bem-estar. Trinta e nove mulheres obesas foram entrevistadas, sendo identificados três eixos de análise: (1) repercussões de ser gorda, (2) vivendo com um corpo gordo, e (3) eu sou uma pessoa ou apenas um corpo gordo? Esses eixos eram compostos por oito temas que se complementavam ou tinham significado semelhante. Os resultados mostraram que nossas participantes utilizavam mecanismos para diminuir a magnitude de seus corpos estigmatizados (por exemplo, tentando perder peso e modificando suas escolhas alimentares atuais). As participantes também relataram que ser gorda teve consequências físicas e psicológicas para elas. É importante ressaltar que seus corpos maiores influenciaram sua autoavaliação, fazendo com que se sentissem desvalorizadas, incapazes, incompletas e sem possibilidade de se sentirem amadas. Elas relataram experiências estigmatizadoras em situações familiares, no local de trabalho e em espaços públicos, e relataram serem estigmatizadas por pessoas próximas e desconhecidas, bem como por profissionais de saúde. Foi relatado que esses profissionais tratam os pacientes com desrespeito, o que exige atenção quanto às desigualdades na assistência à saúde de pessoas obesas. Nossos resultados enfatizam que atitudes estigmatizadoras em relação às pessoas gordas e suas próprias considerações sobre si mesmas têm consequências negativas para seu bem-estar físico e mental.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Autoimagen , Estereotipo , Imagen Corporal , Prejuicio de Peso , Obesidad
J Acad Nutr Diet ; 119(9): 1470-1482, 2019 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30940423


INTRODUCTION: Health at Every Size (HAES) is a weight-neutral approach focused on promoting healthy behaviors in people with different body sizes and on enhancing pleasure derived from consuming food to achieve sustainable healthy eating outcomes. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies in the literature assessing the effects of the HAES approach on perceptions of eating pleasure. OBJECTIVE: We qualitatively investigated the perceptions of obese women about eating pleasure before and after a new interdisciplinary, nonprescriptive intervention based on the HAES approach. DESIGN: The intervention was a randomized controlled clinical trial, designated as Health and Wellness in Obesity, conducted over 7 months at University of São Paulo (Brazil). We used a qualitative approach to data construction and analysis of perceptions about eating pleasure. Participants were randomized to either the intervention (I-HAES) group or the control (CTRL) group. The I-HAES group featured individual nutritional counseling, group practice of enjoyable physical activity, and philosophical workshops. The CTRL group was a traditional HAES intervention group (lecture-based model). Focus group discussions eliciting perceptions of pleasure around eating were conducted at baseline and post-study. Focus group transcripts were analyzed by exploratory content analysis. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three women aged 25 to 50 years with body mass index (measured in kilograms per square meter) between 30 and 39. 9 completed the intervention and the focus groups, with 32 in the I-HAES group and 11 in the CTRL group. RESULTS: Lack of guilt about experiencing pleasure while eating and increased reflection on their own desires increased in participants of both groups after the study. The I-HAES group also displayed a greater sense of autonomy related to eating, increased pleasure in commensality, familiarity with the practice of cooking, and decreased automatic eating. CONCLUSION: HAES-based intervention featuring nutritional counseling, appreciation for physical activity, and philosophical engagement was shown to stimulate pleasure around eating without leading to indiscriminate eating.

Dieta Saludable/psicología , Conducta Alimentaria/psicología , Obesidad/psicología , Placer , Adulto , Índice de Masa Corporal , Tamaño Corporal , Brasil , Consejo , Ejercicio Físico , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Femenino , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud/fisiología , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Trastornos Nutricionales , Percepción
Appetite ; 129: 236-244, 2018 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30030138


The civil war in Syria began in 2011 and there is currently no prospect of resolution. This has led to an intensive forced migration. Due to the agile Brazilian policy of issuing visas, the Syrians became the largest group of refugees living in Brazil. Although migration might have a significant effect on eating practices, there are no studies analyzing eating practices, including the sociocultural representations of these practices to Syrian refugees. Thus, we aimed to analyze the representations of what is Syrian food for Syrian refugees who have Syrian food-based enterprises in the city of São Paulo. We conducted a qualitative study, with ethnographic design, using semi-structured interviews and participant and non-participant observation. The ten participants were of Syrian nationality; have taken refuge in Brazil since 2011 and had some type of enterprise with Syrian food in the city of São Paulo. We obtained seven themes that encompassed the native and meaningful category of Syrian food: 1) variety; 2) the hand that makes the food had to be Syrian; 3) ingredients; 4) the food presentation; 5) social preference for omnivorism; 6) labor and; 7) connection with the nuclear and extended family. In Brazil, as refugees, the Syrian food made them 'feel at home' and seemed to become a point of reference and a bridge, allowing them to continue perceiving and recognizing themselves as Syrians.

Cultura , Ingestión de Alimentos/etnología , Ingestión de Alimentos/psicología , Alimentos , Refugiados , Adulto , Anciano , Antropología Cultural , Brasil , Culinaria , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Investigación Cualitativa , Siria , Adulto Joven
Nutr Health ; 23(4): 261-270, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29214922


BACKGROUND: This manuscript describes the design and rationale of a clinical trial that aims to investigate the multiple physiological, attitudinal, nutritional, and behavioral effects of a new interdisciplinary intervention based on the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) approach in obese women. METHODS: This will be a prospective, 7-month, randomized (2:1), mixed-method clinical trial. Obese women will be recruited and randomly allocated into two groups. The intervention group (I-HAES®; proposed n = 40) will undertake a novel HAES®-based intervention. Participants will take part in an exercise program, nutrition counseling sessions, and philosophical workshops, all aligned with the principles of the HAES® approach. The control group (CTRL; proposed n = 20) will participate in a program using a traditional HAES®-based group format, characterized by bimonthly lectures about the same topics offered to the experimental group, encouraging the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. The following multiple quantitative outcomes will be assessed pre and post intervention: health-related quality of life, cardiovascular risk factors, anthropometric assessments, physical activity level, physical capacity and function, and psychological and behavioral assessments. Qualitative analysis will be used to evaluate the experiences of the participants throughout the intervention, as assessed by focus groups and semi-structured interviews. CONCLUSIONS: The interdisciplinary research team leading this study has varied and complementary expertise. The knowledge arising from this study will help to guide new interdisciplinary interventions with the potential to holistically improve the health of obese individuals. This trial is registered at (NCT02102061).

Dieta Saludable , Estilo de Vida Saludable , Salud Holística , Obesidad Metabólica Benigna/terapia , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Proyectos de Investigación , Estrés Psicológico/prevención & control , Adulto , Terapia Combinada , Ejercicio Físico , Femenino , Grupos Focales , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Humanos , Ciencias de la Nutrición/educación , Obesidad Metabólica Benigna/psicología , Grupo de Atención al Paciente , Educación del Paciente como Asunto , Psicoterapia de Grupo , Investigación Cualitativa , Calidad de Vida , Estrés Psicológico/psicología , Estrés Psicológico/terapia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 22(2): 403-416, Fev. 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-890269


Resumo Este estudo objetivou apresentar a adaptação transcultural dos Questionários de Desejos Intensos por Comida - Estado ou Traço (QDIC-E e QDIC-T) dos State and Trait Food-Cravings Questionnaires (FCQ-S and FCQ-T) para o Português. Fez-se a tradução e a retradução dos instrumentos, a avaliação da equivalência conceitual, operacional e de itens por especialistas da área e a avaliação dos instrumentos por uma amostra de universitários, por meio da avaliação do grau de compreensão e análise da consistência interna dos instrumentos pelo coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach. Ademais, fez-se a avaliação da equivalência semântica pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse entre os escores obtidos por bilíngues em cada questão das versões em inglês e português. Os instrumentos foram considerados de fácil compreensão (para os especialistas foi de 95,4% e 97%, para o QDIC-T e QDIC-E, respectivamente, e, para os universitários, 81,8% os consideraram de fácil compreensão), e demonstraram valores de consistência interna satisfatórios (QDIC-T: variaram de 0,6 a 0,8; QDIC-E: variaram de 0,5 a 0,8). A partir do processo de adaptação transcultural, os resultados satisfatórios possibilitam a recomendação da versão brasileira dos QDICs.

Abstract This study aimed to present the cross-cultural adaptation of the State and Trait Food Cravings Questionnaires (FCQ-S and FCQ-T) into Portuguese. Tools were translated and back-translated, field experts evaluated the conceptual, operational and item-based equivalence and a sample of students assessed tools, evaluating the level of understanding and analyzing internal consistency through Cronbach's coefficient. In addition, the semantic equivalence was assessed though the intraclass correlation coefficient between the bilingual scores in each question of both versions (English and Portuguese). Tools were considered easy to understand (experts scored 95.4% and 97% for the FCQ-T and FCQ-S, respectively, and 81.8% of students considered them easy to understand), and showed satisfactory internal consistency values (FCQ-T ranged from 0.6 to 0.8 and FCQ-S ranged from 0.5 to 0.8). From the cross-cultural adaptation process, the satisfactory results enable the recommendation of the Brazilian version of FCQs.

Appetite ; 103: 80-86, 2016 08 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27041092


BACKGROUND: Commensality is a remarkable human act, and tends to be more present among families. Nevertheless, it is possible that eating at the table is being taking for granted when one refers to family meals. Thus, this paper aims to analyze working mothers' discourses about family meals eaten at the table, on the couch and in the bed/bedroom. METHODS: The participants were thirty mothers working in public universities of the Brazilian region called Baixada Santista. A qualitative study was conducted, using semi-structured interviews. In the transcripts the words "table", "couch", "bed", "bedroom" were located and the excerpts containing them were extracted and analyzed according to a classical and exploratory content analysis. RESULTS: The table is a significant component of meals that unite the family. While for some the meal at the table is an enjoyable moment, it is a stiff moment for others. Indeed, manners and the notion of hierarchy appeared only for the table. Regarding the couch, it seems that the family chose to eat there, because it is a more casual and relaxed setting. Eating in the bed was related to precarity, intimacy and casualness. In the three settings, watching television was a common practice, replacing or being added to talking. CONCLUSIONS: Commensality is such an important practice that appears in different settings and even in precarity contexts. The table emerged as the maximal cornerstone of commensality. However, when it was not present, new arrangements were made. Especially the couch seems to be a new commensal space, less formal and rigid, but able to allow some collective conviviality. Eating in the bed was a less common practice. Finally, the significant role that television assumed in meals is highlighted.

Conducta Alimentaria/psicología , Relaciones Interpersonales , Comidas/psicología , Modelos Psicológicos , Madres/psicología , Núcleo Familiar/psicología , Mujeres Trabajadoras/psicología , Adulto , Brasil , Dieta Saludable/etnología , Dieta Saludable/psicología , Conducta Alimentaria/etnología , Femenino , Estilo de Vida Saludable , Artículos Domésticos , Humanos , Comidas/etnología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Núcleo Familiar/etnología , Cooperación del Paciente/etnología , Investigación Cualitativa , Autoinforme , Universidades , Salud Urbana/etnología , Recursos Humanos , Adulto Joven
Appetite ; 103: 38-44, 2016 08 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26994738


This study investigates family meals among mothers and explores associations between eating with family and sociodemographic characteristics, body mass index, and eating practices. A population-based cross-sectional study, using complex cluster-sampling, was conducted in the city of Santos, Brazil with 439 mothers. Frequency of family meals was assessed by asking if mothers did or did not usually have a) breakfast, b) lunch, and c) dinner with family. Linear regression analyses were conducted for the number of meals eaten with family per day and each of the potential explanatory variables, adjusting for the mother's age. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to analyze each factor associated with eating with family as classified categorically: a) sharing meals with family, b) not eating any meals with family. Only 16.4% (n = 72) of participants did not eat any meals with family. From the 83.6% (n = 367) of mothers that had at least one family meal per day, 69.70% (n = 306) ate dinner with their families. Mothers aged ≥40 years reported significantly fewer meals eaten with family compared to mothers aged 30-39 years (ß: -0.26, p = 0.04). Having family meals was 54% more prevalent among mothers with ≥12 years of education (PR for no meals eaten with family: 0.54, 95% CI: 0.30; 0.96, p = 0.03), when compared to mothers with less than nine years of education. Eating no meals with family was 85% more prevalent among mothers who reported that eating was one of the biggest pleasures in their lives (PR: 1.85, 95% CI: 1.21; 2.82, p = 0.004). We suggest the need for further research investigating the effects of family meals on mothers' health through nutritional and phenomenological approaches.

Dieta/efectos adversos , Conducta Alimentaria , Comidas , Obesidad/etiología , Sobrepeso/etiología , Delgadez/etiología , Salud Urbana , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Índice de Masa Corporal , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Dieta/etnología , Escolaridad , Conducta Alimentaria/etnología , Femenino , Humanos , Comidas/etnología , Madres , Obesidad/etnología , Sobrepeso/etnología , Placer , Autoinforme , Factores Socioeconómicos , Delgadez/etnología , Salud Urbana/etnología , Adulto Joven
Appetite ; 96: 174-186, 2016 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26368578


This article reviews and discusses scientific papers on eating practices that have used Pierre Bourdieu's concepts presented in Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. It aims to synthesize and analyze theoretical and empirical studies on the theme in order to present Bourdieu's contributions to the field, advances in his theories, and directions for future research. Exclusion criteria were: not written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French; not published in a peer-reviewed journal; not analyzing food or eating; and not using Bourdieu's concepts as presented in Distinction as the main theoretical framework. In this narrative review, we found 38 articles, which were categorized main themes: food choice and provisioning, taste, social class, food symbolism, the body, and the scientific field of food and eating. The taste of luxury and the taste of necessity were broadly applied on the works found in this review and were observed among the lower and upper classes, manifesting differently in each class. These studies show that while Bourdieu's theories are still highly relevant to understanding contemporary social groups, they may be improved when combined with other frameworks and theorists. We highlight as directions for future research manners in which gender and the environment interact with the habitus and food choices. Finally, this review points to new areas of investigation that may help improve the use of Bourdieu's concepts in exploring health inequalities, such as differences in eating practices and habitus within populations with low socioeconomic status.

Bibliometría , Ingestión de Alimentos/psicología , Alimentos , Conducta de Elección , Bases de Datos Factuales , Preferencias Alimentarias , Humanos , Clase Social , Simbolismo , Gusto
Front Nutr ; 2: 34, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26579524


This study explored the effects of Health at Every Size(®)-based intervention on obese women by qualitatively evaluating participants' perception toward the program and quantitatively evaluating changes related to psychological, behavioral, and body composition assessments. A prospective 1-year quasi-experimental mixed-method trial was conducted. The mixed-method design was characterized by a spiral method, and quantitative and qualitative findings were combined during the interpretation phase. The qualitative data involved three focus groups; and quantitative data comprised physiological, psychological, and behavioral assessments. Initially, 30 participants were recruited; 14 concluded the intervention. From the focus groups, the following interpretative axes were constructed: the intervention as a period of discoveries; shifting parameters: psychological, physical, and behavioral changes; eating changes, and; redefining success. Body weight, body mass index, total body fat mass, and body fat percentage were significantly decreased after the intervention (-3.6, -3.2, -13.0, and -11.1%, respectively; p ≤ 0.05, within-time effect). Participants reported to be more physically active and perceiving better their bodies. Eating-wise, participants reported that the hunger and satiety cues and the consumption of more frequent meals facilitated their eating changes. Finally, participants reported that they could identify feelings with eating choices and refrain from the restrained behavior. These qualitative improvements were accompanied by modest but significant improvements in quantitative assessments. registration: NCT02102061.

Appetite ; 82: 16-28, 2014 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25014744


A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted with mothers living in the city of Santos, Brazil, in order to investigate their eating practices, and the interface between those practices and the concept of habitus. From a cluster analysis of the scores for dietary pattern and for food preparation and consumption, the mothers were categorised into five clusters of eating practices: practical mothers (19.8%), symbiotic mothers (3.2%), health-conscious hedonists (17.3%), traditionalists (34.6%), and family cooks (25.1%). To access the habitus of the eating-practice clusters, the following variables were compared: location of residence, profession, socioeconomic status, weight-loss practices, risk behaviours for eating disorders, disordered eating attitudes, body dissatisfaction, and cultural and technological consumption. For all the groups, the observed eating practices were permeated by responsibility for the family's diet, but with different manifestations. For symbiotic mothers, practical mothers, and family cooks, the primary function of their relation with food was to nourish their families, with little expression of their own tastes and preferences. The traditionalists and the health-conscious hedonists, on the other hand, manifested their role as mothers by providing food considered 'nutritionally proper' to their family members. Furthermore, aspects of contemporary lifestyles, such as little time for food, individualisation of meals, and consumption of processed foods, were found to coexist with the valorisation and maintenance of the traditional meals within some groups. The variety of eating practices could not be understood as a linear association between economic and cultural capitals; however, eating practices seemed to interact with those capitals, composing a habitus.

Conducta Alimentaria , Madres/educación , Encuestas Nutricionales , Adulto , Brasil , Análisis por Conglomerados , Estudios Transversales , Dieta , Femenino , Preferencias Alimentarias , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Humanos , Estilo de Vida , Masculino , Proyectos Piloto , Factores Socioeconómicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto Joven
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 62(4): 275-284, 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-697790


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze qualitatively how women, who have recovered from anorexia nervosa, perceive and describe their current eating practices, as well as the ones developed during the eating disorder period. METHODS: Seven women were interviewed individually with the objective of investigating their eating practices, transition phases and all relevant aspects that somewhat contributed to the habit-forming; experiences, feelings and perceptions related to mealtime and the influence that food has had over the present subjects' life. The interviews were analyzed by the discourse of the collective subject method. RESULTS: The results brought up the following topics: a) control; b) concerns and feelings; c) deprivation d) beauty dictatorship; e) eating competence; f) importance of food; g) food cacophony. CONCLUSIONS: What stands out is a multiplicity of eating practices, which during the eating disorder were similar to and characterized by restriction; however, after recovery, part of the subjects seem to have developed a higher eating competence, whereas others show a practice similar to the one acquired during the anorexia nervosa, such as the difficulty in realizing when they are satisfied and a feeling of discomfort when facing social interactions.

OBJETIVO: Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar qualitativamente como mulheres que se recuperaram da anorexia nervosa percebem e relatam suas práticas alimentares atuais, bem como as práticas vigentes no período do transtorno. MÉTODOS: Foram feitas sete entrevistas individuais com mulheres que vivenciaram a anorexia nervosa. Estas abordaram: hábitos alimentares das entrevistadas; mudanças e fatores importantes para a formação destes; vivências, sentimentos e percepções associados ao momento da refeição; e a influência que a alimentação exerce na vida das participantes hoje. A análise dessas deu-se a partir da técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. RESULTADOS: Os resultados trouxeram os seguintes temas: a) controle; b) preocupações e sensações; c) privação d) ditadura da beleza; e) competência alimentar; f) importância da alimentação; g) cacofonia alimentar. CONCLUSÕES: Destaca-se nesses a multiplicidade das práticas alimentares, que durante o transtorno se assemelham e se caracterizam pela restrição; no entanto, após a recuperação dos sujeitos, alguns parecem ter desenvolvido maior competência alimentar, enquanto outros apresentam práticas semelhantes às vigentes na anorexia nervosa, além de dificuldade de perceberem quando estão satisfeitos e sensação de desconforto em situações de interação social.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 61(3): 159-167, 2012. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-650609


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a insatisfação corporal, a prática de dietas e os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares em uma amostra de mães residentes no município de Santos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com 453 mães de filhos com até 10 anos de idade. As mães responderam ao Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26), à Escala de Figuras de Stunkard e a uma questão sobre a prática atual de dietas. RESULTADOS: Das mães, 29,9% apresentaram escore positivo para os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares e 21,8% estavam fazendo dieta para emagrecer no momento da entrevista. No tocante à imagem corporal, 17,5% das mães estavam satisfeitas com o seu tamanho corporal, 71,5% gostariam de diminuir seu tamanho corporal e 11,0% gostariam de aumentá-lo. Os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares foram mais frequentes nas mães insatisfeitas com seus tamanhos corporais (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das mães investigadas estava insatisfeita com os seus tamanhos corporais. A frequência de mães que praticavam dietas ou tinham comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares foi similar ou superior aos demais estudos nacionais, conduzidos, em sua maioria, com populações consideradas de risco, como meninas adolescentes e jovens universitárias.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate body dissatisfaction, dieting and risk behaviors for eating disorders among a sample of mothers living in the city of Santos. METHODS: It was conducted a cross-sectional population-based study with 453 mothers of children aged until 10 years old. The mothers answered to the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), the Stunkard's Figure Scale and a question about being currently dieting. RESULTS: 29.9% presented a positive score for risk behaviors for eating disorders and 21.8% were currently dieting. Regarding body image, 17.5% of the mothers were satisfied with their current body size, 71.5% would like to decrease their body sizes and 11.0% would like to increase it. The risk behaviors for eating disorders were more frequent among the body-dissatisfied mothers (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Most of the mothers were dissatisfied with their body sizes. The frequency of mothers who practiced diets or presented risk behaviors for eating disorders was similar or superior to the rest of the national studies, conducted, at large, with populations considered at risk, such as adolescent girls or young college women.