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ACS Cent Sci ; 7(8): 1381-1390, 2021 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34471681


Chemical bonding in 2D layered materials and van der Waals solids is central to understanding and harnessing their unique electronic, magnetic, optical, thermal, and superconducting properties. Here, we report the discovery of spontaneous, bidirectional, bilayer twisting (twist angle ∼4.5°) in the metallic kagomé MgCo6Ge6 at T = 100(2) K via X-ray diffraction measurements, enabled by the preparation of single crystals by the Laser Bridgman method. Despite the appearance of static twisting on cooling from T ∼300 to 100 K, no evidence for a phase transition was found in physical property measurements. Combined with the presence of an Einstein phonon mode contribution in the specific heat, this implies that the twisting exists at all temperatures but is thermally fluctuating at room temperature. Crystal Orbital Hamilton Population analysis demonstrates that the cooperative twisting between layers stabilizes the Co-kagomé network when coupled to strongly bonded and rigid (Ge2) dimers that connect adjacent layers. Further modeling of the displacive disorder in the crystal structure shows the presence of a second, Mg-deficient, stacking sequence. This alternative stacking sequence also exhibits interlayer twisting, but with a different pattern, consistent with the change in electron count due to the removal of Mg. Magnetization, resistivity, and low-temperature specific heat measurements are all consistent with a Pauli paramagnetic, strongly correlated metal. Our results provide crucial insight into how chemical concepts lead to interesting electronic structures and behaviors in layered materials.

Phys Rev B ; 102(22)2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719682


The Kitaev model is a rare example of an analytically solvable and physically instantiable Hamiltonian yielding a topological quantum spin liquid ground state. Here we report signatures of Kitaev spin liquid physics in the honeycomb magnet Li3Co2SbO6, built of high-spin d7 (Co2+) ions, in contrast to the more typical low-spin d5 electron configurations in the presence of large spin-orbit coupling. Neutron powder diffraction measurements, heat capacity, and magnetization studies support the development of a long-range antiferromagnetic order space group of CC2/m, below TN = 11 K at µ0H = 0 T. The magnetic entropy recovered between T = 2 and 50 K is estimated to be 0.6Rln2, in good agreement with the value expected for systems close to a Kitaev quantum spin liquid state. The temperature-dependent magnetic order parameter demonstrates a ß value of 0.19(3), consistent with XY anisotropy and in-plane ordering, with Ising-like interactions between layers. Further, we observe a spin-flop-driven crossover to ferromagnetic order with space group of C2/m under an applied magnetic field of µ0H ≈ 0.7 T at T = 2 K. Magnetic structure analysis demonstrates these magnetic states are competing at finite applied magnetic fields even below the spin-flop transition. Both the d7 compass model, a quantitative comparison of the specific heat of Li3Co2SbO6, and related honeycomb cobaltates to the anisotropic Kitaev model further support proximity to a Kitaev spin liquid state. This material demonstrates the rich playground of high-spin d7 systems for spin liquid candidates and complements known d5 Ir- and Ru-based materials.

Chem Sci ; 8(5): 3781-3788, 2017 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28580110


Inspired by naturally occurring sulfide minerals, we present a new family of iron-based superconductors. A metastable form of FeS known as the mineral mackinawite forms two-dimensional sheets that can be readily intercalated by various cationic guest species. Under hydrothermal conditions using alkali metal hydroxides, we prepare three different cation and metal hydroxide-intercalated FeS phases including (Li1-x Fe x OH)FeS, [(Na1-x Fe x )(OH)2]FeS, and K x Fe2-y S2. Upon successful intercalation of the FeS layer, the superconducting critical temperature Tc of mackinawite is enhanced from 5 K to 8 K for the (Li1-x Fe x OH) δ+ intercalate. Layered heterostructures of [(Na1-x Fe x )(OH)2]FeS resemble the natural mineral tochilinite, which contains an iron square lattice interleaved with a hexagonal hydroxide lattice. Whilst heterostructured [(Na1-x Fe x )(OH)2]FeS displays long-range magnetic ordering near 15 K, K x Fe2-y S2 displays short range antiferromagnetism.