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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(25): e2401440121, 2024 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875145


At fast-spreading centers, faults develop within the axial summit trough (AST; 0 to 250 m around the axis) primarily by diking-induced deformation originating from the axial magma lens (AML). The formation of the prominent abyssal-hill-bounding faults beyond the axial high (>2,000 m) is typically associated with the unbending of the lithosphere as it cools and spreads away from the AST. The presence of faults is rarely mapped between these two thermally distinct zones, where the lithosphere is still too hot for the faults to be linked with the process of thermal cooling and outside of the AST where the accretional diking process dominates the ridge axis. Here, we reveal a remarkable vertical alignment between the distinct morphological features of the magma body and the orientation of these faults, by comparison of 3-D seismic imagery and bathymetry data collected at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) 9°50'N. The spatial coincidence and asymmetric nucleation mode of the mapped faults represent the most direct evidence for magmatically induced faulting near the ridge axis, providing pathways for hydrothermalism and magma emplacement, helping to build the crust outside of the AST. The high-resolution seafloor and subsurface images also enable revised tectonic strain estimates, which shows that the near-axis tectonic component of seafloor spreading at the EPR is an order of magnitude smaller than previously thought with close to negligible contribution of lava buried faults to spreading.

Bull Volcanol ; 86(5): 45, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617076


Volcanic islands are often subject to flank instability, resulting from a combination of magmatic intrusions along rift zones and gravitational spreading causing extensional faulting at the surface. Here, we study the Koa'e fault system (KFS), located south of the summit caldera of Kilauea volcano in Hawai'i, one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, prone to active faulting, episodic dike intrusions, and flank instability. Two rift zones and the KFS are major structures controlling volcanic flank instability and magma propagation. Although several magmatic intrusions occurred over the KFS, the link between these faults, two nearby rift zones and the flank instability, is still poorly studied. To better characterize the KFS and its structural linkage with the surrounding fault and rift zones, we performed a detailed structural analysis of the extensional fault system, coupled with a helicopter photogrammetric survey, covering part of the south flank of Kilauea. We generated a high-resolution DEM (~ 8 cm) and orthomosaic (~ 4 cm) to map the fracture field in detail. We also collected ~ 1000 ground structural measurements of extensional fractures during our three field missions (2019, 2022, and 2023). We observed many small, interconnected grabens, monoclines, rollover structures, and en-echelon fractures that were in part previously undocumented. We estimate the cumulative displacement rate across the KFS during the last 600 ~ 700 years and found a decrease toward the west of the horizontal component from 2 to 6 cm per year, consistent with GNSS data. Integrating morphology observations, fault mapping, and kinematic measurements, we propose a new kinematic model of the upper part of the Kilauea's south flank, suggesting a clockwise rotation and a translation of a triangular wedge. This wedge is bordered by the extensional structures (ERZ, SWRZ, and the KFS), largely influenced by gravitational spreading. These findings illustrate a structural linkage between the two rift zones and the KFS, the latter being episodically affected by dike intrusions. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00445-024-01735-7.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(24)2023 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38139720


An Mw 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on 5 September 2022. This seismic event triggered numerous coseismic geohazards in the seismic zone. In this study, the ascending- and descending-track synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images observed by the Sentinel-1A satellite are utilized to extract the coseismic surface deformation of the Luding earthquake. Subsequently, a faulting model is estimated based on the elastic dislocation theory, under the constraint of the InSAR observation. Additionally, the POT technique was employed to detect coseismic geohazards. High-spatial-resolution optical remote sensing images served to validate the reliability of the detection results. The coseismic interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) deformation field indicated a maximum deformation of ~190 mm and ~140 mm along the ascending and descending tracks, respectively. The estimated best-fitting faulting model suggests that the optimal seismogenic fault strike and dip angles are 169.3° and 70°, respectively. The fault slip predominantly exhibits left-lateral strike-slip characteristics and is concentrated at depths of 3-12 km. The estimated maximum fault slip was 2.67 m, occurring at a depth of 7 km. The pixel offset tracking (POT) result derived from the pre- and post-earthquake SAR images found a total of 245 medium- to large-scale coseismic geohazards, with a verification rate from optical images exceeding 64%. The distribution of these geohazards is notably dense within the significant fault rupture segment. Geohazards on the fault hanging wall are densely packed, whereas landslides along the Dadu River's fault footwall are also notably frequent.

Sci Total Environ ; 903: 166367, 2023 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37633376


The Delaware Basin in west Texas and southeast New Mexico is now the largest global oil producing basin, averaging ∼400,000 m3 (∼2,500,000 barrels) per day in 2022. The shale-dominated strata targeted for production can co-produce 4-5 times more water than oil, necessitating disposal by injection of ∼1,400,000 m3 (∼8,700,000 barrels) of water per day in 2022. Through a comprehensive assimilation of regional Sentinel-1 satellite radar data and analysis of production and injection, we show how petroleum operations have caused the development of complex and accelerating patterns of surface deformation from 2015 through 2021. We observe uplift from reservoir swelling, subsidence from reservoir contraction, and the development of linear features that are indicative of faulting. Subsidence is predominantly caused by production, and an important finding of this study is that the magnitude of subsidence is linearly proportional to total production. Uplift is caused by pressurization from wastewater injection of shallow permeable strata. The patterns of uplift are complex and extend laterally well-beyond areas where injection was performed. Linear surface deformation features are observed throughout the Delaware Basin, and they are lengthening and densifying as uplift and subsidence accelerate. Many of the lineations can be linked to known strata-bounded faults and shallow seismicity in the southern Delaware Basin where they serve as permeable and anisotropic conduits for pore pressure migration. In the Northern Delaware Basin, co-seismic rupture is hosted along basement-rooted faults that may link to the linear surface features. Understanding these dynamic changes in Delaware Basin is a pressing concern for management of subsurface reservoirs and safeguarding the surface environment. Concerns include ongoing induced seismicity, hazard of drilling through over-pressured strata, maintenance of integrity for newer wellbores, mitigation of flows of brine and petroleum fluids at the surface of old wellbores, and management of the pore space resource for wastewater injection.

Earth Surf Process Landf ; 47(5): 1252-1270, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35873354


The meandering of alluvial rivers may be forced by normal faulting due to tectonically altered topographic gradients of the river valley and channel at and near the fault zone. Normal faulting can affect river meandering by either instantaneous (e.g. surface-rupturing earthquakes) or gradual displacement. To enhance our understanding of river channel response to tectonic faulting at the fault zone scale we used the physics-based, two-dimensional morphodynamic model Nays2D to simulate the responses of a laboratory-scale alluvial river with vegetated floodplain to various faulting and offset scenarios. The results of a model with normal fault downstepping in the downstream direction show that channel sinuosity and bend radius increase up to a maximum as a result of the faulting-enhanced valley gradient. Hereafter, a chute cutoff reduces channel sinuosity to a new dynamic equilibrium value that is generally higher than the pre-faulting sinuosity. A scenario where a normal fault downsteps in the upstream direction leads to reduced morphological change upstream of the fault due to a backwater effect induced by the faulting. The position within a meander bend at which faulting occurs has a profound influence on the evolution of sinuosity; fault locations that enhance flow velocities over the point bar during floods result in a faster sinuosity increase and subsequent chute cutoff than locations that enhance flow velocity directed towards the floodplain. This upward causation from the bend scale to the reach and floodplain scale arises from the complex interactions between meandering and floodplain and the nonlinearities of the sediment transport and chute cutoff processes. Our model results provide a guideline to include process-based reasoning in the interpretation of geomorphological and sedimentological observations of fluvial response to faulting. The combination of these approaches leads to better predictions of possible effects of faulting on alluvial river meandering.

Innovation (Camb) ; 3(1): 100193, 2022 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34984410


Oceanic transform faults (TFs) are commonly viewed as single, narrow strike-slip seismic faults that offset two mid-ocean ridge segments. However, broad zones of complex deformation are ubiquitous at TFs. Here, we propose a new conceptual model for the progressive deformation within broad zones at oceanic TFs through detailed morphological, seismic, and stress analyses. We argue that, under across-transform extension due to a change in plate motion, plate deformation occurs first along high-angle transtensional faults (TTFs) within the transform valleys. Off-transform normal faults (ONFs) form when across-transform deviatoric extensional stresses exceed the yield strength of the adjacent oceanic lithosphere. With further extension, these normal faults can develop into off-transform rift zones (ORZs), some of which can further develop into transform plate boundaries. We illustrate that such progressive complex deformation is an inherent feature of oceanic TFs. The new conceptual model provides a unifying theory to explain the observed broad deformation at global transform systems.

Sci Total Environ ; 811: 152211, 2022 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34890679


Limited attention is typically paid to the cause-effect relationship between land subsidence due to aquifers overexploitation in expanding metropolises and urban growth models and patterns. This paper implements an integrated urban and satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) approach to investigate subsidence, multi-decadal urban growth and peopling trends in the Metropolitan Area of Morelia (ZMM) in the Mexican state of Michoacán. Stacking of JRC's Global Human Settlement Layer, DLR's World Settlement Footprint and INEGI's National Geostatistical Framework datasets reveals a predominant edge-expansion growth model, with urban densification in 1975-2020 and some sprawling in 1990-2000. Population of the ZMM doubled in the last 30 years, reaching over 1 million inhabitants. The ENVISAT and Sentinel-1 InSAR analysis confirms that subsidence is structurally-controlled by the main normal faults within the Cuitzeo half-graben. Differential sinking and ground discontinuities are aligned with buried tectonic faults and contrasting compressible sediment thickness. Non-linearly deforming subsidence bowls develop at extraction wells in both old and newly urbanized sectors of the ZMM. Maximum vertical displacement velocities increased from -2.5 cm/year in 2003-2010 to -9.0 cm/year in 2014-2021, with subsidence migrating towards recently urbanized zones. More than 250 new groundwater wells were added to the public registry since 2000, many of which within new urban sectors. Time-lapse InSAR reveals a 4 km2 rapidly subsiding bowl that formed at the largest social housing neighbourhood of Villas del Pedregal, as building lots were progressively completed and sold, and new wells registered. With angular distortions due to the differential subsidence reaching 0.12% in 2014-2021, new buildings and roads are exposed to fracturing and surface faulting risk of comparable level as the city historic building blocks located along the main faults. By providing useful insights into the relationship between urban growth and land subsidence in the ZMM, the approach proves valuable for application to other metropolises worldwide.

Agua Subterránea , Radar , Humanos , México
Geophys Res Lett ; 48(12): e2021GL093619, 2021 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34433992


Seismological observations highlighted that earthquakes are often followed by changes in elastic properties around the fault zone. Here, we studied the origin of these variations using stick-slip experiments on saw-cut granite samples presenting different degrees of bulk damage (i.e., microcracks). Stick-slip events were induced under triaxial compression configuration with continuous active ultrasonic measurements at confining pressures representative of upper crustal conditions (15-120 MPa). Both the P-wave velocity ( V P ) and amplitude ( A P ) showed drops, concurrently with stress drops, and had a non-monotonic dependence toward the fault's stress state. Our experimental results suggest that co-seismic changes in V P were mostly controlled by the elastic re-opening of microcracks in the bulk, rather than by co-seismic damage or the formation of fault gouge. Co-seismic changes in A P were controlled by a combination of elastic re-opening of microcracks in the bulk and inelastic processes (i.e., co-seismic damage and gouge formation and dilation).

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(5)2021 02 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33495346


Earthquake prediction, the long-sought holy grail of earthquake science, continues to confound Earth scientists. Could we make advances by crowdsourcing, drawing from the vast knowledge and creativity of the machine learning (ML) community? We used Google's ML competition platform, Kaggle, to engage the worldwide ML community with a competition to develop and improve data analysis approaches on a forecasting problem that uses laboratory earthquake data. The competitors were tasked with predicting the time remaining before the next earthquake of successive laboratory quake events, based on only a small portion of the laboratory seismic data. The more than 4,500 participating teams created and shared more than 400 computer programs in openly accessible notebooks. Complementing the now well-known features of seismic data that map to fault criticality in the laboratory, the winning teams employed unexpected strategies based on rescaling failure times as a fraction of the seismic cycle and comparing input distribution of training and testing data. In addition to yielding scientific insights into fault processes in the laboratory and their relation with the evolution of the statistical properties of the associated seismic data, the competition serves as a pedagogical tool for teaching ML in geophysics. The approach may provide a model for other competitions in geosciences or other domains of study to help engage the ML community on problems of significance.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(33): 16234-16239, 2019 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31371500


Understanding the approach to faulting in continental rocks is critical for identifying processes leading to fracturing in geomaterials and the preparation process of large earthquakes. In situ dynamic X-ray imaging and digital volume correlation analysis of a crystalline rock core, under a constant confining pressure of 25 MPa, are used to elucidate the initiation, growth, and coalescence of microfractures leading to macroscopic failure as the axial compressive stress is increased. Following an initial elastic deformation, microfractures develop in the solid, and with increasing differential stress, the damage pervades the rock volume. The creation of new microfractures is accompanied by propagation, opening, and closing of existing microfractures, leading to the emergence of damage indices that increase as powers of the differential stress when approaching failure. A strong spatial correlation is observed between microscale zones with large positive and negative volumetric strains, microscale zones with shears of opposite senses, and microscale zones with high volumetric and shear strains. These correlations are attributed to microfracture interactions mediated by the heterogeneous stress field. The rock fails macroscopically as the microfractures coalesce and form a geometrically complex 3D volume that spans the rock sample. At the onset of failure, more than 70% of the damage volume is connected in a large fracture cluster that evolves into a fault zone. In the context of crustal faulting dynamics, these results suggest that evolving rock damage around existing locked or future main faults influences the localization process that culminates in large brittle rupture events.

Geochem Geophys Geosyst ; 20(12): 5867-5895, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32055237


International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 352 recovered sedimentary-volcaniclastic successions and extensional structures (faults and extensional veins) that allow the reconstruction of the Izu-Bonin forearc tectonic evolution using a combination of shipboard core data, seismic reflection images, and calcite vein microstructure analysis. The oldest recorded biostratigraphic ages within fault-bounded sedimentary basins (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) imply a ~15 Ma hiatus between the formation of the igneous basement (52 to 50 Ma) and the onset of sedimentation. At the upslope sites (U1439 and U1442) extension led to the formation of asymmetric basins reflecting regional stretch of ~16-19% at strain rates of ~1.58 × 10-16 to 4.62 × 10-16 s-1. Downslope Site U1440 (closer to the trench) is characterized by a symmetric graben bounded by conjugate normal faults reflecting regional stretch of ~55% at strain rates of 4.40 × 10-16 to 1.43 × 10-15 s-1. Mean differential stresses are in the range of ~70-90 MPa. We infer that upper plate extension was triggered by incipient Pacific Plate rollback ~15 Ma after subduction initiation. Extension was accommodated by normal faulting with syntectonic sedimentation during Late Eocene to Early Oligocene times. Backarc extension was assisted by magmatism with related Shikoku and Parece-Vela Basin spreading at ~25 Ma, so that parts of the arc and rear arc, and the West Philippine backarc Basin were dismembered from the forearc. This was followed by slow-rift to postrift sedimentation during the transition from forearc to arc rifting to spreading within the Shikoku-Parece-Vela Basin system.

Sensors (Basel) ; 18(1)2017 Dec 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29278386


The evaluation of the structural efficiency of airport infrastructures is a complex task. Faulting is one of the most important indicators of rigid pavement performance. The aim of our study is to provide a new method for faulting detection and computation on jointed concrete pavements. Nowadays, the assessment of faulting is performed with the use of laborious and time-consuming measurements that strongly hinder aircraft traffic. We proposed a field procedure for Terrestrial Laser Scanner data acquisition and a computation flow chart in order to identify and quantify the fault size at each joint of apron slabs. The total point cloud has been used to compute the least square plane fitting those points. The best-fit plane for each slab has been computed too. The attitude of each slab plane with respect to both the adjacent ones and the apron reference plane has been determined by the normal vectors to the surfaces. Faulting has been evaluated as the difference in elevation between the slab planes along chosen sections. For a more accurate evaluation of the faulting value, we have then considered a few strips of data covering rectangular areas of different sizes across the joints. The accuracy of the estimated quantities has been computed too.

Acta Crystallogr A Found Adv ; 73(Pt 6): 449-459, 2017 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29072198


Extrinsic faulting has been discussed previously within the so-called difference method and random walk calculation. In this contribution it is revisited under the framework of computational mechanics, which allows expressions to be derived for the statistical complexity, entropy density and excess entropy as a function of faulting probability. The approach allows one to compare the disordering process of an extrinsic fault with other faulting types. The ℇ-machine description of the faulting mechanics is presented. Several useful analytical expressions such as probability of consecutive symbols in the Hägg coding are presented, as well as hexagonality. The analytical expression for the pairwise correlation function of the layers is derived and compared with results previously reported. The effect of faulting on the interference function is discussed in relation to the diffraction pattern.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 375(2103)2017 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827426


Frictional failure is not possible at depth in Earth, hence earthquakes deeper than 30-50 km cannot initiate by overcoming dry friction. Moreover, the frequency distribution of earthquakes with depth is bimodal, suggesting another change of mechanism at about 350 km. Here I suggest that the change at 30-50 km is from overcoming dry friction to reduction of effective stress by dehydration embrittlement and that the change at 350 km is due to desiccation of slabs and initiation by phase-transformation-induced faulting. High-speed friction experiments at low pressure indicate that exceeding dry friction provokes shear heating that leads to endothermic reactions and pronounced weakening. Higher-pressure studies show nanocrystalline gouge accompanying dehydration and the highest pressure experiments initiate by exothermic polymorphic phase transformation. Here I discuss the characteristic nanostructures of experiments on high-speed friction and high-pressure faulting and show that all simulated earthquake systems yield very weak transformation-induced lubrication, most commonly nanometric gouge or melt. I also show that phase-transformation-induced faulting of olivine to spinel can propagate into material previously transformed to spinel, apparently by triggering melting analogous to high-speed friction studies at low pressure. These experiments taken as a whole suggest that earthquakes at all depths slide at low frictional resistance by a self-healing pulse mechanism with rapid strength recovery.This article is part of the themed issue 'Faulting, friction and weakening: from slow to fast motion'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 375(2103)2017 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827424


Various fault damage fabrics, from gouge in the principal slip zone to fragmented and pulverized rocks in the fault damage zone, have been attributed to brittle deformation at high strain rates during earthquake rupture. Past experimental work has shown that there exists a critical threshold in stress-strain rate space through which rock failure transitions from failure along a few discrete fracture planes to intense fragmentation. We present new experimental results on Arkansas Novaculite (AN) and Westerly Granite (WG) in which we quantify fracture surface area produced by dynamic fragmentation under uniaxial compressive loading and examine the controls of pre-existing mineral anisotropy on dissipative processes at the microscale. Tests on AN produced substantially greater new fracture surface area (approx. 6.0 m2 g-1) than those on WG (0.07 m2 g-1). Estimates of the portion of energy dissipated into brittle fracture were significant for WG (approx. 5%), but appeared substantial in AN (10% to as much as 40%). The results have important implications for the partitioning of dissipated energy under extreme loading conditions expected during earthquakes and the scaling of high-speed laboratory rock mechanics experiments to natural fault zones.This article is part of the themed issue 'Faulting, friction and weakening: from slow to fast motion'.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 375(2103)2017 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827428


Faults-thin zones of highly localized shear deformation in the Earth-accommodate strain on a momentous range of dimensions (millimetres to hundreds of kilometres for major plate boundaries) and of time intervals (from fractions of seconds during earthquake slip, to years of slow, aseismic slip and millions of years of intermittent activity). Traditionally, brittle faults have been distinguished from shear zones which deform by crystal plasticity (e.g. mylonites). However such brittle/plastic distinction becomes blurred when considering (i) deep earthquakes that happen under conditions of pressure and temperature where minerals are clearly in the plastic deformation regime (a clue for seismologists over several decades) and (ii) the extreme dynamic stress drop occurring during seismic slip acceleration on faults, requiring efficient weakening mechanisms. High strain rates (more than 104 s-1) are accommodated within paper-thin layers (principal slip zone), where co-seismic frictional heating triggers non-brittle weakening mechanisms. In addition, (iii) pervasive off-fault damage is observed, introducing energy sinks which are not accounted for by traditional frictional models. These observations challenge our traditional understanding of friction (rate-and-state laws), anelastic deformation (creep and flow of crystalline materials) and the scientific consensus on fault operation.This article is part of the themed issue 'Faulting, friction and weakening: from slow to fast motion'.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 472(2196): 20160497, 2016 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28119548


Despite the extreme complexity that characterizes the mechanism of the earthquake generation process, simple empirical scaling relations apply to the collective properties of earthquakes and faults in a variety of tectonic environments and scales. The physical characterization of those properties and the scaling relations that describe them attract a wide scientific interest and are incorporated in the probabilistic forecasting of seismicity in local, regional and planetary scales. Considerable progress has been made in the analysis of the statistical mechanics of earthquakes, which, based on the principle of entropy, can provide a physical rationale to the macroscopic properties frequently observed. The scale-invariant properties, the (multi) fractal structures and the long-range interactions that have been found to characterize fault and earthquake populations have recently led to the consideration of non-extensive statistical mechanics (NESM) as a consistent statistical mechanics framework for the description of seismicity. The consistency between NESM and observations has been demonstrated in a series of publications on seismicity, faulting, rock physics and other fields of geosciences. The aim of this review is to present in a concise manner the fundamental macroscopic properties of earthquakes and faulting and how these can be derived by using the notions of statistical mechanics and NESM, providing further insights into earthquake physics and fault growth processes.