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Med Vet Entomol ; 2024 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39380536


Wildlife forensic science is a growing research field globally with application in criminal cases of illegal hunting requiring an estimate of time of death based on insect fauna. The techniques and procedures of forensic entomology acquired over the last 40 years, used in legal cases relating to human remains, can be adapted to decomposing wildlife. Research on carrion utilising the rate of development of insect immatures provides a biological clock from which a minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) can be derived. The following study concerns 19 rhinoceros that were illegally killed and dehorned in the Republic of South Africa between 2014 and 2021. The paper details 74 samples of insect evidence collected from these rhinoceros remains from which an accurate estimate of their PMI was calculated. The specimens comprised 18 species from 12 families belonging to three insect orders. Many Dipteran and Coleopteran species were found on and around each carcass. The species of fly larvae (family Calliphoridae) used in each case to estimate the PMI are as follows: Chrysomya marginalis (Wiedemann) (13 cases), Chrysomya chloropyga (Wiedemann) (2 cases), Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (1 case) and Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (1 case). Two species of Coleoptera from the family Dermestidae and Silphidae involved Dermestes maculatus (DeGeer) and Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius), respectively, also were involved in one PMI estimation each. The paper highlights opportunities for improving our global understanding of gaps in procedures and training related to wildlife criminal cases.

Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14334, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248774


Globally, illegal sport hunting can threaten prey populations when unregulated. Due to its covert nature, illegal sport hunting poses challenges for data collection, hindering efforts to understand the full extent of its impacts. We gathered social media data to analyze patterns of illegal sport hunting and wildlife depletion across Brazil. We collected data for 2 years (2018-2020) across 5 Facebook groups containing posts depicting pictures of illegal sport hunting events of native fauna. We described and mapped these hunting events by detailing the number of hunters involved, the number of species, the mean body mass of individuals, and the number and biomass of individuals hunted per unit area, stratified by Brazilian biome. We also examined the effects of defaunation on hunting yield and composition via regression models, rank-abundance curves, and spatial interpolation. We detected 2046 illegal sport hunting posts portraying the hunting of 4658 animals (∼29 t of undressed meat) across all 27 states and 6 natural biomes of Brazil. Of 157 native species targeted by hunters, 19 are currently threatened with extinction. We estimated that 1414 hunters extracted 3251 kg/million km2. Some areas exhibited more pronounced wildlife depletion, in particular the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga biomes. In these areas, there was a shift from large mammals and reptiles to small birds as the main targeted taxa, and biomass extracted per hunting event and mean body mass across all taxonomic groups were lower than in other areas. Our results highlight that illegal sport hunting adds to the pressures of subsistence hunting and the wild meat trade on Brazil's wildlife populations. Enhanced surveillance efforts are needed to reduce illegal sport hunting levels and to develop well-managed sustainable sport hunting programs. These can support wildlife conservation and offer incentives for local communities to oversee designated sport hunting areas.

Exposición de la caza ilegal y la reducción de fauna en el país tropical más grande del mundo por medio de datos de las redes sociales Resumen En todo el mundo, la caza recreativa ilegal puede amenazar a las poblaciones de presas cuando no está regulada. Debido a su naturaleza encubierta, la caza recreativa ilegal plantea dificultades para la recopilación de datos, lo que dificulta la comprensión de su impacto. Recopilamos datos de redes sociales para analizar los patrones de caza recreativa ilegal y agotamiento de la vida silvestre en todo Brasil. Recopilamos datos durante 2 años (2018­2020) a través de cinco grupos de Facebook que contenían publicaciones que mostraban imágenes de eventos de caza recreativa ilegal de fauna nativa. Describimos y mapeamos estos eventos de caza detallando el número de cazadores involucrados, el número de especies, la masa corporal media de los individuos y el número y la biomasa de los individuos cazados por unidad de área, estratificados por bioma brasileño. También examinamos los efectos de la deforestación en el rendimiento y la composición de la caza mediante modelos de regresión, curvas de abundancia e interpolación espacial. Detectamos 2,046 puestos de caza recreativa ilegal que mostraban la caza de 4,658 animales (∼29 t de carne sin desollar) en los 27 estados y 6 biomas naturales de Brasil. De las 157 especies autóctonas objetivo de los cazadores, 18 están actualmente en peligro de extinción. Se calcula que 1,414 cazadores extrajeron 3,251 kg/millón de km2. Algunas zonas mostraron una defaunación más pronunciada, en particular los biomas de la Mata Atlántica y la Caatinga. En estas áreas, se produjo un cambio de grandes mamíferos y reptiles a pequeñas aves como principales taxones objetivo, y la biomasa extraída por evento de caza y la masa corporal media en todos los grupos taxonómicos fueron menores que en otras áreas. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto que la caza recreativa ilegal se suma a las presiones de la caza de subsistencia y el comercio de carne salvaje sobre las poblaciones de fauna de Brasil. Es necesario intensificar los esfuerzos de vigilancia para reducir los niveles de caza recreativa ilegal y desarrollar programas de caza recreativa sostenibles y bien gestionados. Estos programas pueden contribuir a la conservación de la fauna y ofrecer incentivos a las comunidades locales para que supervisen las zonas designadas para la caza recreativa.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Caza , Medios de Comunicación Sociales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Brasil , Animales , Deportes/legislación & jurisprudencia , Humanos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219435


Human-caused mortality can be pervasive and even highly selective for individuals in groups of cooperative breeders. Many studies of cooperative breeders, however, do not address human-caused mortality. Similarly, studies focused on the effects of human-caused mortality on wildlife populations often do not consider the ecology of cooperative breeders. We searched the literature and identified 58 studies where human-caused mortality affected a group characteristic, vital rate, or population state of a cooperative breeder. Of studies reporting population growth or decline, 80% reported a link between human-caused mortality and population declines in cooperative breeders. Such studies often did not identify the mechanism behind population declines, but 28% identified concurrent declines in adult survival and another 21% reported concurrent declines in recruitment or reproduction. There was little overlap between the cooperative breeding and human-caused mortality literatures, limiting our ability to accrue knowledge. Future work would be beneficial if it (i) identified the vital rate(s) causing population declines, (ii) leveraged management actions such as lethal removal to ask questions about the ecology of group-living in cooperative breeders, and (iii) used insights from cooperative breeding theory to inform management actions and conservation of group-living species.

Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14335, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248732


The burgeoning illegal trade in succulents in southern Africa presents a critical conservation and social development challenge. Drawing parallels with the trajectory of the response to rhinoceros poaching, we considered the consequences of conservation law enforcement measures, particularly the militarization of antipoaching efforts. The response to rhinoceros poaching not only resulted in so-called green militarization, but also led to extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and the disproportionate targeting of low-level poachers. The nature of wildlife trade prohibition is complex and often contested, and many actors operating in illegal wildlife trades dispute the label of illegal for socioeconomic, cultural, historical, or political reasons. This contestation is crucial when considering Indigenous cultural and medicinal values of succulents, with Indigenous Peoples and local communities questioning the criminalization of traditional plant harvesting practices. As the illegal trade in succulents continues to grow, it is imperative for conservationists to consider a nuanced approach. We call for a socioecological harm reduction approach that emphasizes community engagement, sustainable use, and codesigned interventions. Such an approach could help balance the scales of ecological conservation and human dignity in the face of growing wildlife trade challenges.

La necesidad de una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daño para disminuir el mercado ilegal de fauna Resumen El emergente mercado ilegal de suculentas en el sur de África representa un reto importante para la conservación y el desarrollo social. Partimos de las similitudes con la trayectoria de la respuesta a la caza furtiva de rinocerontes para considerar las consecuencias de la aplicación de las leyes de conservación, en particular la militarización de los esfuerzos contra la caza furtiva. La respuesta a la caza furtiva no sólo derivó en la llamada militarización verde, sino también llevó a ejecuciones extrajudiciales, abuso de los derechos humanos y a la selección desproporcionada de cazadores de bajo nivel. La naturaleza de la prohibición del mercado de fauna es compleja y con frecuencia se impugna, y muchos actores que operan en los mercados ilegales disputan la etiqueta ilegal por razones socioeconómicas, culturales, históricas o políticas. Esta impugnación es crucial cuando consideramos los valores culturales y medicinales que los indígenas dan a las suculentas, sobre todo cuando los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales cuestionan la criminalización de las prácticas tradicionales de recolección de plantas. Conforme el mercado ilegal de suculentas sigue creciendo, es imperativo que los conservacionistas consideren una estrategia con matices. Pedimos una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daños que resalte la participación comunitaria, el uso sustentable y las intervenciones con co­diseño. Dicha estrategia podría ayudar a equlibrar la balanza de la conservación ecológica y la dignidad humana de cara al incremento de retos en el mercado de fauna.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Reducción del Daño , Perisodáctilos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Animales , Comercio/legislación & jurisprudencia , Crimen/prevención & control , África Austral , Humanos , Caza , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14353, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248738


In this era of a global biodiversity crisis, vascular plants are facing unprecedented extinction rates. We conducted an assessment of the extinction risk of 32 species and 7 subspecies of Copiapoa, a genus endemic to Chile's fog-dependent coastal Atacama Desert. We applied the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Categories and Criteria enhanced by expert insights and knowledge. Our primary aim was to analyze the impact of trade and poaching on their extinction risk. We employed machine learning models, including multinomial logistic regression (MLR), decision tree (DT), and random forest (RF), to analyze the relationships between conservation status and various factors. These factors encompassed trade and poaching activities, landscape condition, human footprint, monthly cloud frequency, and biological traits such as evolutionary distinctiveness and maximum diameter. Seven taxa had an area of occupancy (AOO) of <10 km2, 10 additional taxa had an AOO of <20 km2, and 16 taxa had an AOO of ≤100 km2. This reassessment exposed a critical level of extinction risk for the genus; 92% of the taxa were classified as threatened, 41% as critically endangered, 41% as endangered, and 10% as vulnerable. MLR, DT, and RF exhibited accuracies of 0.784, 0.730, and 0.598, respectively, and identified trade and poaching pressure and landscape condition as the primary drivers of extinction risk. Our assessment of Copiapoa showed trade, poaching, habitat degradation, and their synergic impacts as the main drivers of the genus' extinction risk. Our results highlight the urgent need for nations to develop and enforce strategies to monitor and control trade and poaching pressure because these factors are crucial for the long-term persistence of desert plants.

Retos para la regulación del uso comercial de serpientes elápidas marinas en el Indo­Pacífico Resumen En estos tiempos de la crisis mundial de la biodiversidad, las plantas vasculares enfrentan una tasa de extinción sin precedentes. Evaluamos el riesgo de extinción de 32 especies y siete subespecies de Copiapoa, un género endémico al Desierto de Atacama. Aplicamos los Criterios y Categorías de la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza mejoradas con información y conocimiento de expertos. Nuestro principal objetivo era analizar el impacto del mercado y la colecta ilegal sobre el riesgo de extinción de estas plantas. Usamos modelos de aprendizaje automático, incluyendo la regresión logística multinominal, los árboles de decisión y los bosques aleatorios, para analizar las relaciones entre el estado de conservación y diversos factores. Estos factores englobaron las actividades de mercado y colecta ilegal, condiciones del terreno, huella humana, frecuencia mensual de nubes y características biológicas como la singularidad evolutiva y el diámetro máximo. Siete taxones tuvieron un área de ocupación (ADO) <10 km2, diez taxones más tuvieron ADO <20 km2 y 16 taxones tuvieron ADO ≤100 km2. Este análisis expuso el nivel crítico del riesgo de extinción del género Copiapoa: el 92% de los taxones están clasificados como amenazados, 41% como en peligro crítico, 41% como en peligro y 10% como vulnerable. La regresión logística multinominal, los árboles de decisión y los bosques aleatorios exhibieron una certeza del 0.784, 0.730 y 0.598, respectivamente. También identificaron a la presión del mercado y la colecta ilegal y las condiciones del terreno como los principales factores detrás de riesgo de extinción. Nuestro análisis del género Copiapoa mostró que el mercado, la colecta ilegal, la degradación del hábitat y sus impactos sinérgicos como los principales factores detrás del riesgo de extinción del género. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad urgente de que las naciones desarrollen y apliquen estrategias para monitorear y controlar la presión del mercado y la colecta ilegal pues estos son factores cruciales para la persistencia a largo plazo de las plantas de los desiertos.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Clima Desértico , Extinción Biológica , Chile , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Cactaceae/fisiología , Comercio , Biodiversidad , Aprendizaje Automático
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14320, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248748


Illegal collecting of wild Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) for the horticultural trade represents a persistent threat to populations of the species across their endemic range in the coastal plain of North and South Carolina (United States). Although wild collecting of Venus flytraps is not a novel threat, there has been very little research on the impacts of collecting on the species' conservation to date or why an illegal trade persists alongside a legal one. We drew on qualitative expert stakeholder elicitation to contextualize the threat of illegal collecting to the long-term conservation of Venus flytraps in relation to other anthropogenic threats. Expert elicitation included botanical and conservation researchers, cognizant state and federal agency staff, land managers, and conservation nonprofit actors. The workshop included mapping of supply chain structures and prioritization of social and environmental harms. Expert consensus determined illegal collecting is an ongoing problem for Venus flytrap conservation, but habitat destruction, degradation, and fire suppression are the most significant threats to flytrap conservation. Supply chain analysis showed that observable social and environmental harms of the trade are focused at the supply stage and that less is known about transit and demand stages. Key research gaps identified include a lack of understanding of plant laundering practices relevant to a range of desirable plant taxa; the role of commercial nurseries in illicit horticultural supply chains; motivations for engaging in Venus flytrap collecting; and the persistent demand for illegally harvested plants when cultivated, legally obtainable plants are readily available. Our findings and methodology are relevant to a range of ornamental plants affected by illegal trade for which robust social data on illegal collecting drivers are lacking.

Evaluación experta del impacto de la colecta ilegal de venus atrapamoscas y las prioridades de investigación sobre el mercado ilegal Resumen La colecta ilegal de venus atrapamoscas (Dionaea muscipula) silvestres para el mercado de horticultura representa una amenaza constante para las poblaciones de la especie a lo largo de su distribución endémica en la planicie costera de Carolina del Norte y del Sur, Estados Unidos. Aunque esta colecta no es una amenaza novedosa, a la fecha se ha investigado muy poco sobre su impacto en la conservación de la especie o por qué el mercado ilegal persiste a la par del legal. Partimos del conocimiento cualitativo de los actores expertos para contextualizar la amenaza de la colecta ilegal para la conservación a largo plazo de la venus atrapamoscas en relación con otras amenazas antropogénicas. Este conocimiento involucró a investigadores de la conservación y la botánica, personal consciente de agencias federales y estatales y actores de la conservación sin fines de lucro. El taller incluyó el mapeo de las estructuras de las cadenas de suministro y la priorización de los daños sociales y ambientales. El consenso de los expertos determinó que la colecta ilegal es un problema continuo para la conservación de la venus atrapamoscas, pero la destrucción y degradación del hábitat, así como la contención de incendios son las amenazas más significativas. El análisis de las cadenas de suministro mostró que los daños ambientales y sociales observables en el mercado se enfocan en la fase de suministro y que se sabe poco sobre las fases de tránsito y demanda. Los vacíos de investigación más importantes incluyen la falta de entendimiento de las prácticas de lavado de plantas relevantes para un rango de taxones deseables de plantas; el papel de los viveros comerciales en las cadenas de suministro de la horticultura ilícita; los motivos para participar en la colecta de venus atrapamoscas; y la demanda continua de plantas cosechadas ilegalmente cuando ya hay disponibilidad de plantas cultivadas que se obtienen legalmente. Nuestros descubrimientos y metodología son relevantes para una gama de plantas ornamentales afectadas por el mercado ilegal para las cuales hay carencia de datos sociales sólidos sobre los factores de colecta ilegal.

Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Droseraceae , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Droseraceae/fisiología , South Carolina , Ecosistema
Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199935


Decades of illegal hunting (poaching) have adversely affected wildlife populations and thereby limited sustainable wildlife conservation in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Despite intervention efforts to address the problem, the illegal hunting of wildlife has persisted. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the persistence of illegal hunting by investigating the drivers of poaching and intervention measures using a mixed methods approach. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data from 346 respondents through structured questionnaires. Purposive sampling was used to collect data through nine focus group discussions and three in-depth interviews with experts. The study revealed that persistent illegal hunting was mainly driven by people's critical need for survival and sustaining their livelihoods and not by inadequate law enforcement as presumed by resource managers. Although law enforcement was the most prevalent intervention measure, it did not deter local illegal hunters because their main motivations for poaching were not effectively addressed. The key implication of these findings is that where the illegal harvesting of natural resources in protected areas by local resource users is driven by people's critical need for survival and a livelihood, which is ineffectively addressed, illegal harvesting may persist even with increased law enforcement. This study provides empirical evidence, novel conceptual knowledge and an understanding of how prevalent drivers of poaching and other factors may have influenced persistent illegal hunting in the Luangwa Valley.

Ann Bot ; 2024 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39091208


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Not all plant-pollinator interactions are mutualistic, and in fact, deceptive pollination systems are widespread in nature. The genus Arisaema has a pollination system known as lethal deceptive pollination, in which plants not only attract pollinating insects without providing any rewards, but also trap them until they die. Many Arisaema species are endangered from various disturbances including reduction in forest habitat, modification of the forest understory owing to increasing deer abundance, and plant theft for horticultural cultivation. We aimed to theoretically investigate how lethal deceptive pollination can be maintained from a demographic perspective and how plant and pollinator populations respond to different types of disturbance. METHODS: We developed and analysed a mathematical model to describe the population dynamics of a deceptive plant species and its victim pollinator. Calibrating the model based on empirical data, we assessed the conditions under which plants and pollinators could coexist, while manipulating relevant key parameters. KEY RESULTS: The model exhibited qualitatively distinct behaviours depending on certain parameters. The plant becomes extinct when it has a low capability for vegetative reproduction and slow transition from male to female, and plant-insect co-extinction occurs especially when the plant is highly attractive to male insects. Increasing deer abundance has both positive and negative effects because of removal of other competitive plants and diminishing pollinators, respectively. Theft for horticultural cultivation can readily threaten plants whether male or female plants are frequently collected. The impact of forest habitat reduction may be limited compared to that of other disturbance types. CONCLUSIONS: Our results have emphasised that the demographic vulnerability of lethal deceptive pollination systems would differ qualitatively from that of general mutualistic pollination systems. It is therefore important to consider the demographics of both victim pollinators and deceptive plants to estimate how endangered Arisaema populations respond to various disturbances.

Ecol Evol ; 14(4): e11184, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571803


In recent years, Hooded Vulture populations in West Africa have decreased substantially. However, in some areas within this region, the species is still relatively abundant. To find out more about the situation in West Africa, we assessed the status of Hooded Vultures in Benin, one of the countries where their status is not well known. We conducted road counts on paved and unpaved roads and along small trails over a total of 1451 km. We also conducted interviews with local abattoir watchmen, veterinarians, butchers and foresters to examine potential threats to this species. A total of 52 Hooded Vultures were counted mostly in the departments of Atacora (32) but also in Alibori (10) and Borgou (10). The relative abundance was four Hooded Vultures per 100 km, highlighting the near extirpation of this bird from Benin. A total of 49 interviews revealed that poaching for belief-based use (through shooting and traps) and decreasing food availability remain the most important threats for Hooded Vultures in northern Benin. If these threats are not mitigated, we predict the extirpation of the Hooded Vulture outside protected areas in Benin within the next two decades, possibly even sooner. Conservation measures, including awareness campaigns, and the improvement and enforcement of environmental legislation, must be urgently implemented to improve the protection of this Critically Endangered vulture species.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 201: 116163, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38401392


Coastal wetlands represent areas that can testify historical accumulation of litter. We analyzed the anthropogenic litter deposited on the channel bottom of a coastal wetland area that experienced water stress due to extreme summer dryness after about 20 years. We hypothesize that the litter accumulated in the different areas over the years reflects the different social user categories (i.e., fishermen, beach users, hunters) and exposure to meteo-marine events. Our findings highlight that historically accumulated litter is composed of plastics (78.8 %), clothes (8.9 %), and glass (4.9 %). Moreover, litter concentration averages 53.6 items/ha in the 8 sectors. The most found categories were common household items (25.4 %), diverse (professional and consumer) items (24.2 %), and food and beverages packaging (21.4 %). Finally, litter diversity indices and the Detrended Correspondence Analysis showed sector and litter type similarities. We reported for the first time the presence of litter accumulated for 20 years testifying non-more occurring recreational activities.

Residuos , Humedales , Residuos/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Playas , Plásticos/análisis
J Hered ; 115(2): 166-172, 2024 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37952226


The illegal poaching of lions for their body parts poses a severe threat to lion populations across Africa. Poaching accounts for 35% of all human-caused lion deaths, with 51% attributed to retaliatory killings following livestock predation. In nearly half of the retaliatory killings, lion body parts are removed, suggesting that high demand for lion body parts may fuel killings attributed to human-lion conflict. Trafficked items are often confiscated in transit or destination countries far from their country of origin. DNA from lion parts may in some cases be the only available means for examining their geographic origins. In this paper, we present the Lion Localizer, a full-stack software tool that houses a comprehensive database of lion mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences sourced from previously published studies. The database covers 146 localities from across the African continent and India, providing information on the potential provenance of seized lion body parts. Lion mtDNA sequences of 350 or 1,140 bp corresponding to the cytochrome b region can be generated from lion products and queried against the Lion Localizer database. Using the query sequence, the Lion Localizer generates a listing of exact or partial matches, which are displayed on an interactive map of Africa. This allows for the rapid identification of potential regions and localities where lions have been or are presently being targeted by poachers. By examining the potential provenance of lion samples, the Lion Localizer serves as a valuable resource in the fight against lion poaching. The software is available at

ADN Mitocondrial , Leones , Animales , Humanos , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Leones/genética , África , Programas Informáticos
Bioscience ; 73(10): 748-757, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37854891


The recovery of wild tigers in India and Nepal is a remarkable conservation achievement, but it sets the stage for increased human-wildlife conflict where parks are limited in size and where tigers reside outside reserves. We deployed an innovative technology, the TrailGuard AI camera-alert system, which runs on-the-edge artificial intelligence algorithms to detect tigers and poachers and transmit real-time images to designated authorities responsible for managing prominent tiger landscapes in India. We successfully captured and transmitted the first images of tigers using cameras with embedded AI and detected poachers. Notifications of tiger images were received in real time, approximately 30 seconds from camera trigger to appearing in a smart phone app. We review use cases of this AI-based real-time alert system for managers and local communities and suggest how the system could help monitor tigers and other endangered species, detect poaching, and provide early warnings for human-wildlife conflict.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(18)2023 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37760313


The futures of human and nonhuman primates are closely tied in protected areas. Understanding this interconnectedness is especially urgent in Madagascar, one of the world's most impoverished biodiversity hotspots. Yet, no study has evaluated the relationship between poverty and lemur hunting and consumption using a composite poverty metric that includes health, education, and living standards. To address this gap, and to inform primate conservation practice and policy, we administered annual surveys to 81 households over six consecutive months (September 2018 to March 2019) in a village on the border of Kirindy Mitea National Park, Madagascar. We observed extreme deprivation scores across multiple dimensions of poverty and identified ninety-five percent of households as 'impoverished'. Of these, three-quarters (77%) of households were identified as being in 'severe poverty'. One-fifth (19%) of all households hunted lemurs and half (49%) of households consumed lemurs. While poverty eradication is an urgent need in communities around Kirindy Mitea National Park, our findings show no relationship between poverty and lemur hunting and consumption, perhaps due to the lack of variance in poverty. Our results highlight the need to investigate other contributory factors to lemur hunting and consumption locally. Because food insecurity is a known driver of lemur hunting and consumption among the study community, and because domestic meats can be preferred over protected species, we recommend testing the efficacy of livestock interventions near Kirindy Mitea National Park.

J Am Vet Med Assoc ; 261(10): 1-4, 2023 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37451678


OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of tracheal injury secondary to gunshot trauma in a rhinoceros. ANIMALS: 5-year-old female white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). CLINICAL PRESENTATION, PROGRESSION, AND PROCEDURES: The rhinoceros was found alive with an apparent bullet entry wound cranial to the left shoulder. The rhinoceros was agitated and had bilateral epistaxis and increased respiratory noise. Immobilization of the animal facilitated closer examination and initiation of medical therapy. Radiographs obtained of the neck region at this first examination were nondiagnostic. Subsequent immobilization events allowed for further diagnostics and treatment. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Initial treatment included a broad-spectrum antibiotic and a corticosteroid. Five days following the injury, the rhinoceros was considered stable, and the animal was immobilized to investigate the cause of the epistaxis and respiratory signs. Tracheoscopy revealed a full-thickness penetrating wound in the mid to caudal region of the trachea, and the surface of a metallic projectile was viewed within the wound. Medical treatment was continued and the rhinoceros was managed conservatively. At 14 days, radiographs of the neck made with a more powerful unit revealed tissue emphysema dorsal to the trachea. A subsequent tracheoscopy 54 days after injury revealed a granulated wound. Follow-up at 4 years after injury determined that the rhinoceros was reported to be behaving normally and had successfully calved. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Gunshot wounds associated with poaching are a prevalent problem in rhinoceros in Africa. Although more aggressive therapy including surgery may likely be considered in zoo or domestic animals, limited conservative treatment was successful in this wild-managed rhinoceros.

Heridas por Arma de Fuego , Femenino , Animales , Heridas por Arma de Fuego/complicaciones , Heridas por Arma de Fuego/veterinaria , Epistaxis/veterinaria , Antibacterianos , Animales Domésticos , Perisodáctilos
Forensic Sci Int ; 350: 111781, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478729


Wildlife forensics is defined as providing forensic evidence to support legal investigations involving wildlife crime, such as the trafficking and poaching of animals and/ or their goods. While wildlife forensics is an underexplored field of science, the ramifications of poaching can be catastrophic. The consequences of wildlife crime include disease spread, species and habitat loss, human injury, and cultural loss. Efforts to use forensic science to combat poaching are currently limited to DNA-based techniques. However, fingermark analysis for the identification of perpetrators of wildlife crimes has not been explored to the same extent, despite being a cost-effective, simple-to-use forensic method that is easy to deploy in-field. This review covers literature that has explored fingermark examination techniques used on wildlife-related samples, such as pangolin scales, ivory-based substances, bone, and eggs, as well as feathers and skins, among more obscure trafficked items. Useful preliminary work has been conducted in this subject area, demonstrating that commonly used fingermark analysis techniques can be applied to wildlife-based items. However, many of these studies suffer from limitations in terms of experimental design. More work should be done on creating studies with larger sample sizes and novel approaches should be validated under environmental conditions that mimic real crime scenes. Further research into determining the forensic fingermark analysis techniques that perform the most efficiently in the environmental conditions of the countries where they are needed would therefore benefit legal investigations and help to reduce instances of poaching.

Animales Salvajes , Medicina Legal , Animales , Humanos , Medicina Legal/métodos , Ciencias Forenses/métodos , ADN , Crimen , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(25): e2301727120, 2023 06 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37307460


Poaching for horns and tusks is driving declines of megaherbivores worldwide, including the critically endangered African black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). By proactively dehorning entire rhinoceros populations, conservationists aim to deter poaching and prevent species loss. However, such conservation interventions may have hidden and underestimated effects on animals' behavior and ecology. Here, we combine >15 y of black rhino-monitoring data across 10 South African game reserves, comprising >24,000 sightings of 368 individuals, to determine the consequences of dehorning for black rhino space use and social interactions. While preventative dehorning at these reserves coincided with a nationwide decrease in black rhino mortality from poaching and did not infer increased natural mortality, dehorned black rhinos decreased their home range area by, on average, 11.7 km2 (45.5%) and were 37% less likely to engage in social encounters. We conclude that dehorning black rhinos as an antipoaching measure alters their behavioral ecology, although the potential population-level effects of these changes remain to be determined.

Fenómenos de Retorno al Lugar Habitual , Perisodáctilos , Interacción Social , Animales , Conducta Animal
Leg Med (Tokyo) ; 63: 102257, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37068342


In forensic pathology, it is important to detect and recover as evidence residual metal particles and projectiles when evaluating potential gunshot wounds. This process can be challenging when the bullets are fragmented. This report presents our experience using multiple modalities to analyze the wound of an illegally killed Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) found in a mountainous region without its head and hind limbs. We performed postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) and necropsy that showed a distant-range gunshot wound of the neck likely created by a centerfire rifle. A postmortem cut through the neck and absent head precluded a complete evaluation. To determine the composition of the metal-like fragments in the neck, sampling and metal analysis were performed in two ways. Samples extracted from the exposed wound surface without CT guidance were analyzed directly using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Samples from the bone, muscles, and cervical cord extracted under CT guidance were analyzed using x-ray analytic microscopy (XGT-9000, HORIBA, Kyoto, Japan). In wound surface samples, silicon and iron were detected as the main components on ICP-MS, suggesting that the materials were gravel. The samples taken under CT guidance and analyzed with XGT-9000 revealed that the high-density CT areas were mainly composed of lead. Combining CT-guided sample extraction and XGT-9000 can be useful for retrieving true projectile fragments and avoiding the confusion created by erroneously sampling non-projectile surface materials.

Armas de Fuego , Heridas por Arma de Fuego , Humanos , Heridas por Arma de Fuego/diagnóstico por imagen , Heridas por Arma de Fuego/patología , Microscopía , Rayos X , Metales , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Balística Forense
Animals (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Feb 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36830473


The European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) is an Afro-Palearctic migrant whose populations have declined by 79% from 1980 to 2014. In 2018, the International Single Species Action Plan for the Turtle Dove (ISSAP) was developed with the goal of enabling, by 2028, an increase in turtle dove numbers along each of the three migration flyways (western, central, eastern). To achieve this, the illegal killing of turtle doves, a critical threat to the species, has to be eradicated. The Ionian Islands off the west coast of Greece lie on the eastern flyway and are considered a major turtle dove poaching hot-spot during spring migration. Quantifying wildlife crime, however, is challenging. In the absence of a reliable protocol for monitoring spring poaching levels, the agencies tasked with tackling the problem have no means of assessing the effectiveness of the anti-poaching measures and adapting them if required. Using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) methods, we recorded gun hunting intensity at known turtle dove poaching sites during the 2019-2022 spring migrations (2-10 sites/season) with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. Based on published gunshot to killed/injured bird ratio for similar species (corroborated with discussions with local hunters) and an estimate of the proportion of hunting sites monitored by our PAM grid (using gunshot detection range estimates from control gunshots), we estimated that in 2021, up to 57,095 turtle doves were killed or injured across five Ionian Islands (Zakynthos, Paxi, Antipaxi, Othoni, and Mathraki). The 2022 estimate was almost half, but it is unclear as to whether the change is due to a decline in poachers or turtle doves. We propose ways of improving confidence in future estimates, and call for a temporary moratorium of autumn turtle dove hunting in Greece-as per ISSAP recommendation-until spring poaching is eradicated and the eastern flyway population shows signs of a full recovery. Finally, we hope our findings will pave the way for the development of PAM grids at turtle dove poaching hot-spots across all migration flyways, contributing to the global conservation of the species.

Proc Biol Sci ; 290(1990): 20222270, 2023 01 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36629103


Ivory poaching continues to threaten African elephants. We (1) used criminology theory and literature evidence to generate hypotheses about factors that may drive, facilitate or motivate poaching, (2) identified datasets representing these factors, and (3) tested those factors with strong hypotheses and sufficient data quality for empirical associations with poaching. We advance on previous analyses of correlates of elephant poaching by using additional poaching data and leveraging new datasets for previously untested explanatory variables. Using data on 10 286 illegally killed elephants detected at 64 sites in 30 African countries (2002-2020), we found strong evidence to support the hypotheses that the illegal killing of elephants is associated with poor national governance, low law enforcement capacity, low household wealth and health, and global elephant ivory prices. Forest elephant populations suffered higher rates of illegal killing than savannah elephants. We found only weak evidence that armed conflicts may increase the illegal killing of elephants, and no evidence for effects of site accessibility, vegetation density, elephant population density, precipitation or site area. Results suggest that addressing wider systemic challenges of human development, corruption and consumer demand would help reduce poaching, corroborating broader work highlighting these more ultimate drivers of the global illegal wildlife trade.

Elefantes , Animales , Humanos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , África , Crimen , Factores Socioeconómicos
Ambio ; 52(3): 598-615, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36583831


Conservationists speculated on potential benefits to wildlife of lockdown restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic but voiced concern that restrictions impeded nature conservation. We assessed the effects of lockdown restrictions on biodiversity conservation in South Africa, a biodiverse country with economic inequality and reliance on wildlife resources. We solicited expert opinion using the IUCN's Threats Classification Scheme to structure a questionnaire and illustrated responses with individual case studies from government parastatal and non-governmental conservation organisations. The most highly reported threats were biological resource use, residential/commercial developments, invasive species, and human intrusions. The trends reported by 90 survey respondents were supported by case studies using environmental compliance data from parastatal conservation organisations. Lack of tourism revenue and funding were cited as hindrances to conservation. Mechanisms to prevent environmental degradation in the face of global emergencies must be implemented and 'ring-fenced' to ensure conservation is not a casualty during future global crises.

COVID-19 , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Humanos , Animales Salvajes , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles/legislación & jurisprudencia , COVID-19/prevención & control , Sudáfrica , Encuestas y Cuestionarios