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Crit Rev Toxicol ; 54(8): 485-617, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150724


The term "glycation compounds" comprises a wide range of structurally diverse compounds that are formed endogenously and in food via the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids. Glycation compounds produced endogenously are considered to contribute to a range of diseases. This has led to the hypothesis that glycation compounds present in food may also cause adverse effects and thus pose a nutritional risk to human health. In this work, the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) summarized data on formation, occurrence, exposure and toxicity of glycation compounds (Part A) and systematically assessed potential associations between dietary intake of defined glycation compounds and disease, including allergy, diabetes, cardiovascular and renal disease, gut/gastrotoxicity, brain/cognitive impairment and cancer (Part B). A systematic search in Pubmed (Medline), Scopus and Web of Science using a combination of keywords defining individual glycation compounds and relevant disease patterns linked to the subject area of food, nutrition and diet retrieved 253 original publications relevant to the research question. Of these, only 192 were found to comply with previously defined quality criteria and were thus considered suitable to assess potential health risks of dietary glycation compounds. For each adverse health effect considered in this assessment, however, only limited numbers of human, animal and in vitro studies were identified. While studies in humans were often limited due to small cohort size, short study duration, and confounders, experimental studies in animals that allow for controlled exposure to individual glycation compounds provided some evidence for impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, cardiovascular effects and renal injury in response to oral exposure to dicarbonyl compounds, albeit at dose levels by far exceeding estimated human exposures. The overall database was generally inconsistent or inconclusive. Based on this systematic review, the SKLM concludes that there is at present no convincing evidence for a causal association between dietary intake of glycation compounds and adverse health effects.

Considering the implication of endogenous glycation compounds in aging and disease, dietary exposure via consumption of an "AGE (advanced glycation end product) rich diet" is increasingly suggested to pose a potential health risk. However, studies attempting to assess an association between dietary glycation compounds and adverse health effects frequently suffer from insufficient chemical analysis of glycation compounds, including inadequate structural characterization and limited quantitative data. The Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) previously defined quality criteria for studies designed to assess the effects of dietary glycation compounds on human health. The aim of the present work is to summarize data on formation, occurrence, exposure and toxicity of glycation compounds (Part A) and to systematically evaluate if the currently available scientific database allows for a conclusive assessment of potential health effects of defined glycation compounds (Part B).The term "glycation compounds" comprises a wide range of structurally diverse compounds that derive from the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between reducing carbohydrates and amino compounds that occurs during food processing. In the first stage of the Maillard reaction, reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose react for instance with the ε-amino group of lysine, which is most abundant in food ("glycation" of lysine). Subsequently, these primary reaction products undergo Amadori rearrangement to yield products (ARP) such as fructosyllysine (FL) from glucose and also Heyns rearrangement products (HRPs) such as glucosyl- and mannosyllysine from fructose. While ARPs are rapidly formed during food processing, they are not stable and undergo degradation reactions, predominantly to 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds such as glyoxal (GO), methylglyoxal (MGO) and 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), which are highly reactive. The last stage of the Maillard reaction is characterized predominantly by the reaction of these dicarbonyl compounds with nucleophilic groups of proteins. The side-chains of lysine and arginine residues as well as the N-termini of proteins are important reaction sites. Carboxyalkylated amino acids such as N-ε-carboxymethyllysine (CML) and N-ε-carboxyethyllysine (CEL) result from reaction of the ε-amino group of lysine with the dicarbonyl compounds GO and MGO. Dicarbonyl compounds with C5 or C6 chains can form cyclic pyrrole derivatives at the ε-amino group of lysine. The most important example for this reaction is pyrraline, which is formed from reaction of 3-DG and lysine. The reaction of dicarbonyl compounds with the guanidino group of arginine mainly leads to hydroimidazolones, of which the MGO-derived hydroimidazolone 1 (MG-H1) is best described in food systems.ARPs are the most abundant glycation products found in food. Up to 55% of the lysine residues in food may be modified to ARPs at the side-chain. Food items particularly rich in ARPs include bread, rusk, biscuits, chocolate, and powdered infant formulas. Exposure estimates range between 0.6­1.6 mg/kg body weight (bw), although exposure may be as high as 14.3 mg/kg bw in individuals consuming foods with extreme ARP concentrations. Foods particularly rich in dicarbonyl compounds include heat-treated or long-term stored items rich in reducing sugars such as jams, alternative sweeteners, soft drinks, honey, candies, cookies, and vinegars, especially balsamico-type vinegars. The main contributors to the daily intake of MGO, GO, and 3-DG are coffee and bread. Dietary exposure to dicarbonyl compounds has been estimated to range between 0.02­0.29 mg/kg bw/d for MGO, 0.04­0.16 mg/kg bw/d for GO, 0.14­2.3 mg/kg bw/d for 3-DG, and 0.08­0.13 mg/kg bw/d for 3-deoxygalactosone (3-DGal). Dietary intake of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), which can be formed from 3-DG, is estimated to range between 0.0001­0.9 mg/kg bw/d. Exposure estimates for individual glycated amino acids range from 0.03­0.35 mg/kg bw/d for CML, 0.02­0.04 mg/kg bw/d for CEL and 0.19­0.41 mg/kg bw/d for MG-H1. From a model diet consisting of 1 L milk, 500 g bakery products and 400 mL coffee, an intake of pyrraline corresponding to 0.36 mg/kg bw/d for a 70 kg person was estimated.Quantitative analysis of individual glycation compounds or their metabolites in tissues or body fluids as well as their reaction products with amino acids, proteins or DNA may serve to monitor exposure to glycation compounds. However, since glycation compounds are also formed endogenously, these biomarkers reflect the totality of the exposure, making it inherently difficult to define the body burden due to dietary intake against the background of endogenous formation.Information on the toxicokinetics and toxicity of glycation compounds is scarce and mostly limited to the reactive dicarbonyl compounds GO, MGO, 3-DG, HMF, and individual glycated amino acids such as CML and CEL. Acute toxicity of dicarbonyl compounds is low to moderate. There are some data to suggest that rapid detoxification of dicarbonyls in the gastrointestinal tract and liver may limit their oral bioavailability. Biotransformation of GO and MGO occurs predominantly via the glutathione (GSH)-dependent glyoxalase system, and to a lesser extent via glutathione-independent aldo-keto-reductases, which are also responsible for biotransformation of 3-DG. GO, MGO and 3-DG readily react with DNA bases in vitro, giving rise to DNA adducts. There is clear evidence for genotoxicity of GO, MGO and 3-DG. Repeated dose toxicity studies on GO consistently reported reduced body weight gain concomitant with reduced food and water consumption but did not identify compound related changes in clinical chemistry and hematology or histopathological lesions. There is also no evidence for systemic carcinogenicity of GO and MGO based on the available studies. However, initiation/promotion studies indicate that oral exposure to GO may exhibit genotoxic and tumor promoting activity locally in the gastrointestinal tract. From a 2-year chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity study in rats, a NOAEL for systemic toxicity of GO administered via drinking water of 25 mg/kg bw was reported based on reduced body weight and erosions/ulcer in the glandular stomach. Other non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions were not observed. Acute toxicity of HMF is also low. From a 90-day repeated dose toxicity study in mice, a NOAEL of 94 mg/kg bw was derived based on cytoplasmic alterations of proximal tubule epithelial cells of the kidney. HMF was mostly negative in in vitro genotoxicity tests, although positive findings for mutagenicity were obtained under conditions that promote formation of the chemically reactive sulfuric acid ester 5-sulfoxymethylfurfural. There is some evidence of carcinogenic activity of HMF in female B6C3F1 mice based on increased incidences of hepatocellular adenoma, but not in male mice and rats of both sexes. Although data on oral bioavailability of glycated amino acids are mostly limited to CML, it appears that glycated amino acids may be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral exposure to their free and protein bound form. Glycated amino acids that are not absorbed in the intestine may be subject to metabolism by the gut microbiome. Glycated amino acids present in the systemic circulation are rapidly eliminated via the urine. Acute oral toxicity of CML is low. Studies in mice and rats reported changes in clinical chemistry parameters indicative of impaired renal and hepatic function. However, these changes were not dose-related and not supported by histopathological evaluation.Previous risk assessments of individual glycation compounds did not identify a health concern at estimated human exposures (GO, HMF) but also noted the lack of data to draw firm conclusions on health risks associated with exposure to MGO.To identify potential associations between dietary intake of defined glycation compounds and disease a systematic review was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) model, applying the quality criteria previously defined by the SKLM. Using a combination of keywords defining individual glycation compounds and relevant disease patterns linked to the subject area of food, nutrition and diet, a systematic search in Pubmed (Medline), Scopus and Web of Science was performed. Although the present systematic review identified numerous studies that investigated an association between an "AGE-rich diet" and adverse health effects, only a subset of studies was found to comply with the quality criteria defined by the SKLM and was thus considered suitable to assess potential health risks of dietary glycation compounds.For each adverse health effect considered in this assessment, only limited numbers of human studies were identified. Although studies in humans offer the advantage of investigating effects at relevant human exposures, these studies did not provide compelling evidence for adverse effects of dietary glycation compounds. Animal studies identified in this systematic review provide some evidence for induction of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, cardiovascular effects and renal injury in response to oral exposure to GO and MGO as representatives of dicarbonyl compounds. Only limited evidence points to a link between high intake of glycated amino acids and metabolic disorders. However, these effects were typically reported to occur at dose levels that exceed human dietary exposure, often by several orders of magnitude. Unfortunately, most studies employed only one dose level, precluding characterization of dose-response and derivation of a point of departure for riskassessment. While in vitro studies provide some evidence for a potential mechanistic link between individual glycation compounds and presumed adverse health effects, the clinical and toxicological relevance of the in vitro findings is often limited by the use of high concentrations of glycation compounds that by far exceed human dietary exposure and by insufficient evidence for corresponding adverse effects in vivo. A key question that has not been adequately considered in most studies investigating systemic effects of glycation compounds is the extent of oral bioavailability of dietary glycation compounds, including the form in which MRPs may be taken up (e.g. free vs. peptide bound glycated amino acids). Understanding how much dietary glycation compounds really add to the significant endogenous background is critical to appraise the relevance of dietary MRPs for human health.While it appears mechanistically plausible that glycation of dietary allergens may affect their allergenic potential, the currently available data do not support the hypothesis that dietary glycation compounds may increase the risk for diet-induced allergies. There are no human studies addressing the immunological effects of dietary AGEs. Accordingly, there are no data on whether dietary AGEs promote the development of allergies, nor whether existing allergies are enhanced or attenuated. In numerous in vitro studies, the IgG/E binding ability of antigens and therefore their allergenic potential has been predominantly reported to be reduced by glycation. However, some in vitro studies showed that glycated proteins bind to receptors of immunological cells, and thus may have promoting effects on immune response and inflammation.Although experimental data from animal studies provide some evidence that high doses of individual glycation compounds such as MGO and protein-bound CML may produce certain adverse health effects, including diabetogenic, cardiovascular, metabolic and renal effects, the doses required to achieve these effects by far exceed human dietary exposures. Of note, in the only long-term study identified, a high dose of MGO administered via drinking water to mice for 18 months had no adverse effects on the kidneys, cardiovascular system, or development of diabetes.Experimental data from animal studies provide evidence that high doses of defined glycation compounds such as MGO or protein-bound CML may affect glucose homeostasis. However, the doses required to produce these effects markedly exceed human dietary exposure. Results from human studies are inconclusive: Three short-term intervention studies suggested that diets rich in AGEs may impair glucose homeostasis, whereas one recent intervention study and two observational studies failed to show such an effect.For the cardiovascular system, there is some evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies that high concentrations of MRPs, well above the dietary exposure of humans, may enhance inflammation in the cardiovascular system, induce endothelial damage, increase blood pressure and increase the risk of thrombosis. Only a limited number of human intervention studies investigated potential effects of short-term exposure and longer-term effects of glycation compounds on the cardiovascular system, and yielded inconsistent results. The few observational studies available either found no association between dietary MRP intake and cardiovascular function or even reported beneficial effects. Therefore, currently no definitive conclusion on potential acute and chronic effects of dietary MRPs on inflammation and cardiovascular function can be drawn. However, there is currently also no convincing evidence that potential adverse effects on the cardiovascular system are triggered by dietary MRP intake.Furthermore, human studies did not provide evidence for an adverse effect of dietary MRPs on kidney function. In animal studies with high levels of oral intake, MGO was reported to cause structural and functional effects in the kidney. Several studies show that the concentration of modified proteins and amino acids, such as CML, increases significantly in kidney tissue after oral intake. One study showed a negative effect of a high-temperature-treated diet containing increased CML concentrations on kidney structure integrity and impaired glomerular filtration. The causative relationship of accumulation of dietary MRPs and a functional decline of the kidneys, however, needs further confirmation.With regard to gut health, there is some evidence for alterations in gut microflora composition and the production of individual short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) upon dietary exposure to glycation compounds. However, this has not been linked to adverse health effects in humans and may rather reflect adaptation of the gut microbiota to changing nutrients. In particular, a human observational study and several animal studies did not find a correlation between the intake of glycation compounds and increased intestinal inflammation. In animal studies, positive effects of glycation compounds on gut tissue damage and dysbiosis during colitis were described.Considering clear evidence for DNA reactivity and genotoxicity of the dicarbonyl compounds GO, MGO and 3-DG, it is plausible to suspect that dicarbonyl compounds may induce mutations and cancer. Although there is some evidence for tumor promoting activity of GO locally in the gastrointestinal tract, the only guideline-compatible chronic rodent bioassays reported erosions and ulcer in the glandular stomach but no treatment-related neoplastic lesions. A recent multinational cohort study with focus on CEL, CML, and MG-H1 found no evidence to support the hypothesis that dietary AGEs are linked to cancer risk.Evidence for an association between human exposure to dietary glycation compounds and detrimental effects on the brain and on cognitive performance is far from being compelling. No human studies fully complying with the defined quality criteria were identified. A few experimental studies reported neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment following dietary MRP exposure, but these can be considered indicative at best and do not support firm conclusions for human health. In addition to utilizing exceedingly high dosages of individual agents like CML, harsh processing conditions causing a multitude of major process-related changes do not allow to convincingly reconcile effects observed with measured/supposed contents of free and protein-bound CML alone.Overall, although dietary glycation compounds have been claimed to contribute to a wide range of adverse health effects, the present critical evaluation of the literature allows the conclusion that the available data are insufficient, inadequate or inconclusive and do not compellingly support the hypothesis of human health risks being related to the presence of glycation compounds in food. The study limitations detailed above, together with the fact that a large number of studies did not comply with the defined quality criteria and therefore had to be excluded highlight the importance of performing adequately designed human or animal studies to inform scientifically reliable health risk assessment.To achieve this, high quality, dependable scientific cooperation within various disciplines is pivotal.

Dieta , Animales , Humanos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Reacción de Maillard
Toxicology ; 507: 153887, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39019314


Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are important contributors to the progression of chronic kidney diseases (CKD), including renal fibrosis. Although the relationship between AGEs and renal fibrosis has been well studied, the mechanisms of individual AGE-induced renal injury remain poorly understood. This study investigated the adverse effect of methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone-1 (MG-H1), a methylglyoxal (MG)-derived AGE generated by the glycation of MG and arginine residues, on kidney damage. We aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of MG-H1-mediated renal injury and fibrosis, focusing on the receptor for AGEs (RAGE) signaling and its effects on the Wnt/ß-catenin pathway, MAPK pathway, and inflammatory responses. Our results suggest that the MG-H1/RAGE axis plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of CKD and its downstream events involving MAPK kinase-related factors and inflammatory factors. MG-H1 treatment modulated the expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1ß) and MAPK proteins (ERK1/2, JNK, and p38).

Fibrosis , Imidazoles , Riñón , Estrés Oxidativo , Piruvaldehído , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada , Estrés Oxidativo/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Piruvaldehído/toxicidad , Imidazoles/farmacología , Imidazoles/toxicidad , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Masculino , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Riñón/metabolismo , Riñón/patología , Citocinas/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Humanos , Ratones , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/metabolismo , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/patología , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/inducido químicamente , Sistema de Señalización de MAP Quinasas/efectos de los fármacos
J Drugs Dermatol ; 23(4): SF378083s5-SF378083s10, 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564405


Skin aging is influenced by various exogenous and endogenous factors, ranging from ultraviolet (UV) light exposure and environmental toxins to biological sources, such as those that arise from normal metabolic processes (eg, free radicals). Glycation is the normal process by which glucose and other reducing sugars react with proteins to form an array of heterogeneous biomolecular structures known as advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) over time. However, AGEs are toxic to human cells and are implicated in the acceleration of inflammatory and oxidative processes, with their accumulation in the skin being associated with increased skin dulling and yellowing, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Clinicians should become cognizant of how AGEs develop, what their biological consequences are, and familiarize themselves with available strategies to mitigate their formation. J Drugs Dermatol.  2024;23:4(Suppl 1):s5-10.

Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada , Reacción de Maillard , Humanos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Azúcares/efectos adversos , Azúcares/metabolismo , Piel/metabolismo , Radicales Libres/metabolismo
J Appl Toxicol ; 43(12): 1819-1839, 2023 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37431083


In the last decades, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) have aroused the interest of the scientific community due to the increasing evidence of their involvement in many pathophysiological processes including various neurological disorders and cognitive decline age related. Methylglyoxal (MG) is one of the reactive dicarbonyl precursors of AGEs, mainly generated as a by-product of glycolysis, whose accumulation induces neurotoxicity. In our study, MG cytotoxicity was evaluated employing a human stem cell-derived model, namely, neuron-like cells (hNLCs) transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, which served as a source of human based species-specific "healthy" cells. MG increased ROS production and induced the first characteristic apoptotic hallmarks already at low concentrations (≥10 µM), decreased the cell growth (≥5-10 µM) and viability (≥25 µM), altered Glo-1 and Glo-2 enzymes (≥25 µM), and markedly affected the neuronal markers MAP-2 and NSE causing their loss at low MG concentrations (≥10 µM). Morphological alterations started at 100 µM, followed by even more marked effects and cell death after few hours (5 h) from 200 µM MG addition. Substantially, most effects occurred as low as 10 µM, concentration much lower than that reported from previous observations using different in vitro cell-based models (e.g., human neuroblastoma cell lines, primary animal cells, and human iPSCs). Remarkably, this low effective concentration approaches the level range measured in biological samples of pathological subjects. The use of a suitable cellular model, that is, human primary neurons, can provide an additional valuable tool, mimicking better the physiological and biochemical properties of brain cells, in order to evaluate the mechanistic basis of molecular and cellular alterations in CNS.

Células Madre Mesenquimatosas , Neuroblastoma , Síndromes de Neurotoxicidad , Animales , Humanos , Piruvaldehído/toxicidad , Neuronas , Células Madre Mesenquimatosas/patología , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo
J Toxicol Sci ; 48(5): 263-272, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37121741


Glycation products are generated during the Maillard reaction, a non-enzymatic reaction between reducing sugars and the amino groups of proteins, which accumulate in the body with aging and cause many diseases. Herein, we have focused on dihydropyrazines (DHPs), which are glycation products formed by the dimerization of D-glucosamine or 5-aminolevulinic acid, and have reported that DHPs can produce several kinds of radicals and induce cytotoxicity via oxidative stress. To advance our understanding of DHP-mediated cytotoxicity, we selected a DHP, 3-hydro-2,2,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine (DHP-3), and two major Maillard reaction products, Nε-(carboxymethyl)-L-lysine (CML) and acrylamide, and performed comparative experiments focusing on their cytotoxicity and their ability to induce oxidative stress. The order of increasing cytotoxicity was DHP-3, acrylamide, and CML, and the LC50 value could be calculated only for DHP-3 (0.53 mM), indicating that DHP-3 is more toxic than the other Maillard reaction products. However, their toxicities were significantly lower than those of common toxic chemicals. Further, the results of their cytotoxicity assay were consistent with the results of intracellular reactive oxygen species production and activation of oxidative stress response signaling. These results indicate that the acute toxicity of Maillard reaction products is closely related to their ability to induce oxidative stress, and that DHP-3 is a particularly strong inducer of oxidative stress and thus exhibits high cytotoxicity among Maillard reaction products. In addition, we have shown that a comprehensive analysis comparing multiple Maillard reaction products is effective for elucidating their complex and diverse toxicities.

Estrés Oxidativo , Proteínas , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Acrilamidas/farmacología
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol ; 261(3): 735-748, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36058948


PURPOSE: Oxidative stress and inflammation had been proved to play important role in the progression of diabetic keratopathy (DK). The excessive accumulation of AGEs and their bond to AGE receptor (RAGE) in corneas that cause the formation of oxygen radicals and the release of inflammatory cytokines, induce cell apoptosis. Our current study was aimed to evaluate the effect of ALA on AGEs accumulation as well as to study the molecular mechanism of ALA against AGE-RAGE axis mediated oxidative stress, apoptosis, and inflammation in HG-induced HCECs, so as to provide cytological basis for the treatment of DK. METHODS: HCECs were cultured in a variety concentration of glucose medium (5.5, 10, 25, 30, 40, and 50 mM) for 48 h. The cell proliferation was evaluated by CCK-8 assay. Apoptosis was investigated with the Annexin V- fluorescein isothiocyanate (V-FITC)/PI kit, while, the apoptotic cells were determined by flow cytometer and TUNEL cells apoptosis Kit. According to the results of cell proliferation and cell apoptosis, 25 mM glucose medium was used in the following HG experiment. The effect of ALA on HG-induced HCECs was evaluated. The HCECs were treated with 5.5 mM glucose (normal glucose group, NG group), 5.5 mM glucose + 22.5 mM mannitol (osmotic pressure control group, OP group), 25 mM glucose (high glucose group, HG group) and 25 mM glucose + ALA (HG + ALA group) for 24 and 48 h. The accumulation of intracellular AGEs was detected by ELISA kit. The RAGE, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), cleaved cysteine-aspartic acid protease-3 (Cleaved caspase-3), Toll-like receptors 4 (TLR4), Nod-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome, interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 ß), and interleukin 18 (IL-18) were quantified by RT-PCR, Western blotting, and Immunofluorescence, respectively. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was evaluated by fluorescence microscope and fluorescence microplate reader. RESULTS: When the glucose medium was higher than 25 mM, cell proliferation was significantly inhibited and apoptosis ratio was increased (P < 0.001). In HG environment, ALA treatment alleviated the inhibition of HCECs in a dose-dependent manner, 25 µM ALA was the minimum effective dose. ALA could significantly reduce the intracellular accumulation of AGEs (P < 0.001), activate protein and genes expression of CAT and SOD2 (P < 0.001), and therefore inhibited ROS-induced oxidative stress and cells apoptosis. Besides, ALA could effectively down-regulate the protein and gene level of RAGE, TLR4, NLRP3, IL-1B, IL-18 (P < 0.05), and therefore alleviated AGEs-RAGE-TLR4-NLRP3 pathway-induced inflammation in HG-induced HCECs. CONCLUSION: Our study indicated that ALA could be a desired treatment for DK due to its potential capacity of reducing accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and down-regulating AGE-RAGE axis-mediated oxidative stress, cell apoptosis, and inflammation in high glucose (HG)-induced human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs), which may provide cytological basis for therapeutic targets that are ultimately of clinical benefit.

Ácido Tióctico , Humanos , Ácido Tióctico/farmacología , Ácido Tióctico/metabolismo , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Interleucina-18/metabolismo , Interleucina-18/farmacología , Receptor Toll-Like 4/metabolismo , Proteína con Dominio Pirina 3 de la Familia NLR/metabolismo , Estrés Oxidativo , Inflamación/tratamiento farmacológico , Apoptosis , Glucosa/toxicidad , Células Epiteliales/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo
Curr Alzheimer Res ; 20(10): 677-681, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38357957


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, the detailed mechanism underlying T2DM-related AD remains unknown. In DM, many types of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are formed and accumulated. In our previous study, we demonstrated that Glyceraldehyde (GA)-derived Toxic Advanced Glycation End-products (Toxic AGEs, TAGE) strongly showed cytotoxicity against neurons and induced similar alterations to those observed in AD. Further, GA induced dysfunctional neurite outgrowth via TAGE-ß-- tubulin aggregation, which resulted in the TAGE-dependent abnormal aggregation of ß-tubulin and tau phosphorylation. Herein, we provide a perspective on the possibility that T2DM increases the probability of AD onset and accelerates its progression.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Humanos , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/etiología , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Reacción de Maillard , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicaciones , Microtúbulos , Gliceraldehído
Neurotox Res ; 40(5): 1337-1347, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36057040


Methylglyoxal (MG) is a reactive dicarbonyl compound formed mostly via the glycolytic pathway. Elevated blood glucose levels can cause MG accumulation in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in patients with diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease. Under these disease conditions, the high reactivity of MG leads to modification of proteins and other biomolecules, generating advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are considered mediators in neurodegenerative diseases. We investigated the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and astrocyte response in the hippocampus to acute insult induced by MG when it was intracerebroventricularly administered to rats. Seventy-two hours later, BBB integrity was lost, as assessed by the entry of Evans dye into the brain tissue and albumin in the cerebrospinal fluid, and a decrease in aquaporin-4 and connexin-43 in the hippocampal tissue. MG did not induce changes in the hippocampal contents of RAGE in this short interval, but decreased the expression of S100B, an astrocyte-secreted protein that binds RAGE. The expression of two important transcription factors of the antioxidant response, NF-κB and Nrf2, was unchanged. However, hemeoxigenase-1 was upregulated in the MG-treated group. These data corroborate the idea that hippocampal cells are targets of MG toxicity and that BBB dysfunction and specific glial alterations induced by this compound may contribute to the behavioral and cognitive alterations observed in these animals.

Acuaporinas , Piruvaldehído , Albúminas/metabolismo , Animales , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Acuaporinas/metabolismo , Glucemia/metabolismo , Barrera Hematoencefálica/metabolismo , Conexinas/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Factor 2 Relacionado con NF-E2/metabolismo , FN-kappa B/metabolismo , Piruvaldehído/farmacología , Ratas , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo
Cardiovasc Toxicol ; 22(1): 35-51, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34655413


The beneficial effect of curcumin (CU) on dietary AGEs (dAGEs) involves blocking the overexpression of proinflammatory cytokine genes in the heart and kidney tissues of experimental mice. The animals were divided into six groups (n = 6/group) and were fed a heat-exposed diet (dAGEs) with or without CU for 6 months. Their blood pressure (BP) was monitored by a computerized tail-cuff BP-monitoring system. The mRNA and protein expression levels of proinflammatory genes were analyzed by RT-PCR and western blot, respectively. A marked increase in BP (108 ± 12 mmHg vs 149 ± 15 mmHg) accompanied by a marked increase in the heart and kidney weight ratio was noted in the dAGE-fed mice. Furthermore, the plasma levels of proinflammatory molecules (C5a, ICAM-1, IL-6, MCP-1, IL-1ß and TNF-α) were found to be elevated (3-fold) in dAGE-fed mice. mRNA expression analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression levels of inflammatory markers (Cox-2, iNOS, and NF-κB) (3-fold) in cardiac and renal tissues of dAGE-fed mice. Moreover, increased expression of RAGE and downregulation of AGER-1 (p < 0.001) were noticed in the heart and kidney tissues of dAGE-fed mice. Interestingly, the dAGE-induced proinflammatory genes and inflammatory responses were neutralized upon cotreatment with CU. The present study demonstrates that dietary supplementation with CU has the ability to neutralize dAGE-induced adverse effects and alleviate proinflammatory gene expression in the heart and kidney tissues of experimental mice.

Antiinflamatorios/farmacología , Curcumina/farmacología , Citocinas/metabolismo , Dieta/efectos adversos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Mediadores de Inflamación/metabolismo , Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Lisina/análogos & derivados , Miocardio/metabolismo , Alimentación Animal , Animales , Colágeno/metabolismo , Citocinas/genética , Regulación de la Expresión Génica , Riñón/inmunología , Riñón/metabolismo , Riñón/patología , Lisina/toxicidad , Masculino , Ratones , Miocardio/inmunología , Miocardio/patología , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/genética , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo
J Toxicol Sci ; 46(11): 509-514, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34719553


Dihydropyrazines (DHPs) are one of glycation products that are non-enzymatically generated in vivo and in food. We had previously revealed that 3-hydro-2,2,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine (DHP-3), a methyl-substituted DHP, elicited redox imbalance and cytotoxicity in cultured cells. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying DHP-3-induced cytotoxicity remain unclear. To address this issue, we examined the involvement of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in DHP-3-induced cytotoxicity. To evaluate the role of RAGE, we prepared HeLa cells that constitutively expressed RAGE and its deletion mutant, which lacks the cytoplasmic domain (RAGEΔcyto), using an episomal vector. After transfection with the vector, cells were selected following incubation with multiple concentrations of hygromycin to remove non-transfected cells. The expression of RAGE and RAGEΔcyto in the cells was confirmed by immunoblotting. RAGE and RAGEΔcyto were apparently expressed in transfected cells; however, there were no significant differences in DHP-3-induced cytotoxicity between these cells and mock vector-transfected cells. These results suggested that DHP-3 elicits cytotoxicity in a RAGE-independent manner.

Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Células HeLa , Humanos , Oxidación-Reducción , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/genética , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo
Food Chem Toxicol ; 158: 112608, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34656697


Methylglyoxal (MG), a potent glycotoxin that can be found in the diet, is one of the main precursors of Advanced glycation end products (AGEs). It is well known that modifications in lifestyle such as nutritional interventions can be of great value for preventing brain deterioration. This study aimed to evaluate in vivo how an oral MG treatment, that mimics a high MG dietary intake, could affect brain health. From our results, we demonstrated that MG administration affected working memory, and induced neuroinflammation and oxidative stress by modulating the Receptor for Advanced glycation end products (RAGE). The gene and protein expressions of RAGE were increased in the hippocampus of MG mice, an area where the activity of glyoxalase 1, one of the main enzymes involved in MG detoxification, was found reduced. Furthermore, at hippocampus level, MG mice showed increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines and increased activities of NADPH oxidase and catalase. MG administration also increased the gene and protein expressions of Presenilin-1, a subunit of the gamma-secretase protein complex linked to Alzheimer's disease. These findings suggest that high MG oral intake induces alteration directly in the brain and might establish an environment predisposing to AD-like pathological conditions.

Encéfalo/efectos de los fármacos , Cognición/efectos de los fármacos , Dieta , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Presenilina-1/metabolismo , Piruvaldehído/toxicidad , Receptor para Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Envejecimiento , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/etiología , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/metabolismo , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/patología , Animales , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Catalasa/metabolismo , Citocinas/metabolismo , Femenino , Hipocampo/efectos de los fármacos , Hipocampo/metabolismo , Inflamación/etiología , Inflamación/metabolismo , Lactoilglutatión Liasa/metabolismo , Masculino , Memoria/efectos de los fármacos , Ratones , NADPH Oxidasas/metabolismo , Enfermedades Neuroinflamatorias/etiología , Enfermedades Neuroinflamatorias/metabolismo , Enfermedades Neuroinflamatorias/patología , Estrés Oxidativo
Mutagenesis ; 36(6): 445-455, 2021 11 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34612487


Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed via non-enzymatic reactions between amino groups of proteins and the carbonyl groups of reducing sugars. Previous studies have shown that highly glycated albumin prepared using a glucose-bovine serum albumin (Glu-BSA) model system incubated at 60°C for 6 weeks induces genotoxicity in WIL2-NS cells at 9 days of exposure measured by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome (CBMNcyt) assay. However, this AGE model system is not physiologically relevant as normal body temperature is 37°C and the degree of glycation may exceed the extent of albumin modification in vivo. We hypothesised that the incubation temperature and purification method used in these studies may cause changes to the chemical profile of the glycated albumin and may influence the extent of genotoxicity observed at 3, 6 and 9 days of exposure. We prepared AGEs generated using Glu-BSA model systems incubated at 60°C or 37°C purified using trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation or ultrafiltration (UF) and compared their chemical profile (glycation, oxidation, and aggregation) and genotoxicity in WIL2-NS cells using the CBMNcyt assay after 3, 6 and 9 days of exposure. The number of micronuclei (MNi) was significantly higher for cells treated with Glu-BSA incubated at 60°C and purified via TCA (12 ± 1 MNi/1000 binucleated cells) compared to Glu-BSA incubated at 37°C and purified using UF (6 ± 1 MNi/1000 binucleated cells) after 9 days (P < 0.0001). The increase in genotoxicity observed could be explained by a higher level of protein glycation, oxidation, and aggregation of the Glu-BSA model system incubated at 60°C relative to 37°C. This study highlighted that the incubation temperature, purification method and cell exposure time are important variables to consider when generating AGEs in vitro and will enable future studies to better reflect in vivo situations of albumin glycation.

Citocinesis/efectos de los fármacos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Albúmina Sérica/toxicidad , Pruebas de Toxicidad/métodos , Línea Celular , Glucosa/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Glicosilación , Humanos , Pruebas de Micronúcleos/métodos , Albúmina Sérica/metabolismo , Temperatura , Albúmina Sérica Glicada
Int J Biol Macromol ; 187: 409-421, 2021 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271050


The presence of excess glucose promotes hemoglobin glycation via the biochemical modification of hemoglobin by dicarbonyl products. However, the precise effects of Hb-AGEs in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) are not known to date. Therefore, we investigated the tentative effects of Hb-AGEs in HUVECs. Initially, we used the AGE formation assay to examine the selectivity of MGO toward various proteins. Among all proteins, MGO-Hb-AGEs formation was higher compared to the formation of other dicarbonyl-mediated AGEs. Our next data demonstrated that treatment with 0.5 mg/mL of Hb-AGEs-4w significantly reduced cell viability in HUVECs. Further, we evaluated the role of MGO in conformational and structural changes in Hb. The results showed that Hb demonstrated a highly altered conformation upon incubation with MGO. Moreover, Hb-AGEs-4w treatment strongly increased ROS production, and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential in HUVECs, and moderately reduced the expression of phosphorylated forms of p-38 and JNK. We observed that Hb-AGEs-4w treatment increased the number of apoptotic cells and the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and cleaved the nuclear enzyme PARP in HUVECs. Finally, Hb-AGEs also inhibited migration and proliferation of HUVECs, thus be physiologically significant in endothelial dysfunction. Taken together, our data suggest that Hb-AGEs may play a critical role in inducing vascular endothelial cell damage. Therefore, this study may provide a plausible explanation for the potential Hb-AGEs in human endothelial cell dysfunction of diabetic patients.

Apoptosis/efectos de los fármacos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Hemoglobinas/toxicidad , Células Endoteliales de la Vena Umbilical Humana/efectos de los fármacos , Estrés Oxidativo/efectos de los fármacos , Piruvaldehído/toxicidad , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Proteínas Reguladoras de la Apoptosis/metabolismo , Movimiento Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Células Cultivadas , Células Endoteliales de la Vena Umbilical Humana/metabolismo , Células Endoteliales de la Vena Umbilical Humana/patología , Humanos , Proteínas Quinasas JNK Activadas por Mitógenos/metabolismo , Potencial de la Membrana Mitocondrial/efectos de los fármacos , Fosforilación , Transducción de Señal , Proteínas Quinasas p38 Activadas por Mitógenos/metabolismo
Genes (Basel) ; 12(5)2021 05 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34068126


An association between the cancer invasive activities of cells and their exposure to advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) was described early in some reports. An incubation of cells with BSA-AGE (bovine serum albumin-AGE), BSA-carboxymethyllysine and BSA-methylglyoxal (BSA-MG) resulted in a significant increase in DNA damage. We examined the genotoxic activity of new products synthesized under nonaqueous conditions. These were high molecular mass MAGEs (HMW-MAGEs) formed from protein and melibiose and low molecular mass MAGEs (LMW-MAGEs) obtained from the melibiose and N-α-acetyllysine and N-α-acetylarginine. We have observed by measuring of micronuclei in human lymphocytes in vitro that the studied HMW-MAGEs expressed the genotoxicity. The number of micronuclei (MN) in lymphocytes reached 40.22 ± 5.34 promille (MN/1000CBL), compared to 28.80 ± 6.50 MN/1000 CBL for the reference BSA-MG, whereas a control value was 20.66 ± 1.39 MN/1000CBL. However, the LMW-MAGE fractions did not induce micronuclei formation in the culture of lymphocytes and partially protected DNA against damage in the cells irradiated with X-ray. Human melanoma and all other studied cells, such as bronchial epithelial cells, lung cancer cells and colorectal cancer cells, are susceptible to the genotoxic effects of HMW-MAGEs. The LMW-MAGEs are not genotoxic, while they inhibit HMW-MAGE genotoxic activity. With regard to apoptosis, it is induced with the HMW-MAGE compounds, in the p53 independent way, whereas the low molecular mass product inhibits the apoptosis induction. Further investigations will potentially indicate beneficial apoptotic effect on cancer cells.

Apoptosis , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Micronúcleos con Defecto Cromosómico/efectos de los fármacos , Arginina/análogos & derivados , Células Cultivadas , Daño del ADN , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/síntesis química , Humanos , Linfocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Linfocitos/efectos de la radiación , Lisina/análogos & derivados , Melibiosa/química , Pruebas de Micronúcleos , Rayos X
Mol Nutr Food Res ; 65(15): e2100321, 2021 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34085383


SCOPE: Increased consumption of modern processed foods rich in AGEs is drawing worldwide concerns because they are related with rising diabetes prevalence. This study aimed to investigate if pterostilbene (PTE) regulates glucose metabolism and insulin signaling, as well as its potential mechanism in the context of AGEs exposure. METHODS AND RESULTS: In vitro, Lo2 and HepG2 cells are treated with vehicle, AGEs with or without PTE. AGEs exposure directly impair insulin action as evidenced by assays of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, consumption, and output. However, PTE efficiently rescue the AGE-induced phenotypes in both cell lines, and enhance IRS-1/PI3K/AKT insulin signaling in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo, C57BL6 mice are fed with regular, high AGEs diet and high AGEs plus PTE. PTE administration effectively improves hyperglycemia, glucose tolerance, and impaired hepatic insulin signaling induced by AGEs, consistent with the in vitro experiments. Moreover, PTE reduce AGEs accumulation in liver and serum. RNA-seq data indicate that PTE counteracts several AGEs-induced dysfunctions including diabetes related process, glucose metabolic process, immune response, and so on. CONCLUSION: PTE treatment prominently reduced AGEs accumulation and alleviated AGEs-associated diabetes symptoms. PTE could be used as a promising glucose-sensitizing agent for nutritional intervention.

Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Hepatocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Resistencia a la Insulina , Estilbenos/farmacología , Acetatos/farmacología , Animales , Benzopiranos/farmacología , Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Regulación de la Expresión Génica/efectos de los fármacos , Glucosa/metabolismo , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/sangre , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Células Hep G2 , Hepatocitos/metabolismo , Humanos , Hiperglucemia/tratamiento farmacológico , Hiperglucemia/etiología , Insulina/metabolismo , Masculino , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-akt/agonistas , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-akt/metabolismo
J Vasc Res ; 58(5): 311-320, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33882503


BACKGROUND: Pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases begins with endothelial dysfunction. Our previous study has shown that advanced glycation end products (AGE) could inhibit the expression of homeobox A9 (Hoxa9), thereby inducing endothelial dysfunction. Leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 1 (LRRFIP1) has been found to participate in a variety of pathological processes, but reports of its role in endothelial dysfunction are rare. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to investigate whether LRRFIP1 is involved in AGE-induced endothelial dysfunction through Hoxa9-mediated transcriptional activation. METHODS: Chromatin immunoprecipitation was used to detect the transcriptional regulation of Hoxa9 on LRRFIP1 promoters. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were treated with AGE or pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (nuclear factor kappa-B [NF-κB] inhibitor). Moreover, changes in apoptosis, proliferation, migration, release of nitric oxide, and angiogenesis were detected. RESULTS: Hoxa9 promotes LRRFIP1 expression by binding to the -LRRFIP1 promoter. Meanwhile, overexpression of LRRFIP1 inhibited phosphorylation of P65 and elevated expression of Hoxa9. Overexpression of LRRFIP1 or/and Hoxa9 reversed the effects of AGE on HUVEC. AGE-induced inhibition on the expression of LRRFIP1 and Hoxa9 could be reversed by the NF-κB inhibitor. CONCLUSION: LRRFIP1 is involved in AGE-induced endothelial dysfunction via being regulated by the NF-κB/Hoxa9 axis.

Células Endoteliales/efectos de los fármacos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Proteínas de Homeodominio/metabolismo , FN-kappa B/metabolismo , Neovascularización Fisiológica/efectos de los fármacos , Proteínas de Unión al ARN/metabolismo , Albúmina Sérica Bovina/toxicidad , Apoptosis/efectos de los fármacos , Sitios de Unión , Movimiento Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Células Cultivadas , Células Endoteliales/metabolismo , Células Endoteliales/patología , Proteínas de Homeodominio/genética , Células Endoteliales de la Vena Umbilical Humana , Humanos , FN-kappa B/antagonistas & inhibidores , Fosforilación , Regiones Promotoras Genéticas , Pirrolidinas/farmacología , Proteínas de Unión al ARN/genética , Transducción de Señal , Tiocarbamatos/farmacología , Factor de Transcripción ReIA/metabolismo , Activación Transcripcional
Life Sci ; 268: 118989, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33417962


AIMS: The imbalance of M1/M2 macrophage ratio promotes the occurrence of diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), but the precise mechanisms are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether miR-471-3p/silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1) pathway is involved in the macrophage polarization during the development of DCM. METHODS: Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect M1 and M2 macrophages infiltration in the heart tissue. Flow cytometry was used to detect the proportion of M1 and M2 macrophages. Expression of miR-471-3p was quantified by real time quantitative-PCR. Transfection of miRNA inhibitor into RAW264.7 cells was performed to investigate the underlying mechanisms. Bioinformatics methods and western blotting were used to explore the target gene of miR-471-3p and further confirmed by dual luciferase reporter assay. KEY FINDINGS: We observed that M1 macrophages infiltration in the heart of tissue in DCM while M2 type was decreased. M1/M2 ratio was increased significantly in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) from db/db mice and in RAW264.7 cells treated with advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Meanwhile, miR-471-3p was significantly upregulated in RAW264.7 cells induced by AGEs and inhibition of miR-471-3p could reduce the inflammatory polarization of macrophages. Bioinformatics analysis identified SIRT1 as a target of miR-471-3p. Both dual luciferase reporter assay and western blotting verified that miR-471-3p negatively regulated SIRT1 expression. SIRT1 agonist resveratrol could downregulate the increased proportion of M1 macrophages induced by AGEs. CONCLUSION: Our results indicated that the development of DCM was related to AGEs-induced macrophage polarized to M1 type through a mechanism involving the miR-471-3p/SIRT1 pathway.

Cardiomiopatías Diabéticas/genética , Cardiomiopatías Diabéticas/patología , Macrófagos/patología , MicroARNs/genética , Animales , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/fisiopatología , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/fisiopatología , Fibrosis , Regulación de la Expresión Génica , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Activación de Macrófagos , Macrófagos/efectos de los fármacos , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Miocardio/patología , Células RAW 264.7 , Sirtuina 1/genética , Sirtuina 1/metabolismo
Biol Pharm Bull ; 44(1): 112-117, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33390537


Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are produced by the non-enzymatic reaction of sugars with proteins. It has been revealed that glyceraldehyde-derived toxic AGEs (TAGE) are elevated in the serum of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients. NASH causes liver fibrosis and progresses to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the impact of TAGE in liver fibrosis caused by extracellular matrix accumulation remains poorly understood. In this study, we examined the effect of TAGE on the activation of hepatic stellate cells that are involved in liver fibrosis. LX-2 cells treated with transforming growth factor-ß1 (TGF-ß1) significantly reduced cell viability by apoptosis. However, the decrease in cell viability with TGF-ß1 treatment was significantly suppressed by TAGE co-treatment. The levels of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-Rß and its ligand PDGF-B were increased in LX-2 cells following TGF-ß1 treatment, suggesting that these cells were activated; however, these increases were unaffected by TAGE co-treatment. Moreover, collagen I level was increased with TGF-ß1 treatment, and this increase was further increased by TAGE co-treatment. These results suggested that the suppression of apoptosis in activated LX-2 cells by TGF-ß1 and TAGE co-treatment is related to an increase in the production of the extracellular matrix such as collagen I. Therefore, it was suggested that TAGE might aggravate the liver fibrosis of chronic hepatitis, such as NASH.

Supervivencia Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Células Estrelladas Hepáticas/efectos de los fármacos , Supervivencia Celular/fisiología , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Células Estrelladas Hepáticas/patología , Células Estrelladas Hepáticas/fisiología , Humanos
Microvasc Res ; 133: 104098, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33075405


During diabetes mellitus, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are major contributors to the development of alterations in cerebral capillaries, leading to the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Consequently, this is often associated with an amplified oxidative stress response in microvascular endothelial cells. As a model to mimic brain microvasculature, the bEnd.3 endothelial cell line was used to investigate cell barrier function. Cells were exposed to native bovine serum albumin (BSA) or modified BSA (BSA-AGEs). In the presence or absence of the antioxidant compound, N-acetyl-cysteine, cell permeability was assessed by FITC-dextran exclusion, intracellular free radical formation was monitored with H2DCF-DA probe, and mitochondrial respiratory and redox parameters were analyzed. We report that, in the absence of alterations in cell viability, BSA-AGEs contribute to an increase in endothelial cell barrier permeability and a marked and prolonged oxidative stress response. Decreased mitochondrial oxygen consumption was associated with these alterations and may contribute to reactive oxygen species production. These results suggest the need for further research to explore therapeutic interventions to restore mitochondrial functionality in microvascular endothelial cells to improve brain homeostasis in pathological complications associated with glycation.

Encéfalo/irrigación sanguínea , Permeabilidad Capilar/efectos de los fármacos , Células Endoteliales/efectos de los fármacos , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Microvasos/efectos de los fármacos , Mitocondrias/efectos de los fármacos , Estrés Oxidativo/efectos de los fármacos , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno/metabolismo , Albúmina Sérica Bovina/toxicidad , Animales , Línea Celular , Células Endoteliales/metabolismo , Células Endoteliales/patología , Ratones , Microvasos/metabolismo , Microvasos/patología , Mitocondrias/metabolismo , Mitocondrias/patología
Nutr Rev ; 79(1): 13-24, 2021 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32951053


Perinatal early nutritional disorders are critical for the developmental origins of health and disease. Glycotoxins, or advanced glycation end-products, and their precursors such as the methylglyoxal, which are formed endogenously and commonly found in processed foods and infant formulas, may be associated with acute and long-term metabolic disorders. Besides general aspects of glycotoxins, such as their endogenous production, exogenous sources, and their role in the development of metabolic syndrome, we discuss in this review the sources of perinatal exposure to glycotoxins and their involvement in metabolic programming mechanisms. The role of perinatal glycotoxin exposure in the onset of insulin resistance, central nervous system development, cardiovascular diseases, and early aging also are discussed, as are possible interventions that may prevent or reduce such effects.

Envejecimiento , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/toxicidad , Síndrome Metabólico/etiología , Animales , Femenino , Feto , Productos Finales de Glicación Avanzada/metabolismo , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Resistencia a la Insulina , Síndrome Metabólico/metabolismo , Síndrome Metabólico/fisiopatología , Estrés Oxidativo , Embarazo , Efectos Tardíos de la Exposición Prenatal , Piruvaldehído/toxicidad