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Int J Dent Hyg ; 22(1): 258-267, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37635457


OBJECTIVES: Motivations and career outcomes of dental hygienists with baccalaureate degrees have been recently reported; however, few studies have explored Canadian dental hygienists pursuing graduate education. There is limited evidence to inform career outcomes and motivating factors for advanced education, limiting knowledge of how professional outcomes have evolved alongside advancements in graduate program offerings. This study focused on understanding motivating factors to pursue graduate education and the professional outcomes of dental hygienists with graduate degrees. METHODS: This nested online anonymous survey was conducted between November and December 2021 with dental hygienists who graduated from one of four Canadian baccalaureate-level dental hygiene degree programs and had further indicated that they were pursuing or had obtained additional graduate-level education (n = 60). Participants were asked to report on any advanced graduate-level education. Open-ended questions on graduate degree education were analysed through thematic analysis. RESULTS: Motivations for pursuing graduate degrees were influenced by personal and professional preferences. Master's degree recipients cited expanded career opportunities, alternate interests, convenience, and dissatisfaction with/desire to leave clinical practice as major motivators. Doctoral degree holding dental hygienists identified expanded/alternate career opportunities as major motivation but also cited program convenience as an influencer. The availability of distance and flexible programming is a novel finding that positively influences the pursuit of advanced education. CONCLUSION: Dental hygienists are pursuing graduate education to expand their scope of knowledge and create new career opportunities. Graduate degree programs that accommodate work-life balance through flexible and online offerings are very attractive to dental hygienists.

Higienistas Dentários , Motivação , Humanos , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Canadá , Educação de Pós-Graduação , Escolaridade , Inquéritos e Questionários
Int J Dent Hyg ; 19(1): 114-120, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32985090


PURPOSE: A growing body of research is exploring why applicants select to enrol into a 4-year dental hygiene degree in Canada when the entry-to-practice credential remains a diploma. The aims of this study were to investigate first-year entry-to-practice students' motivating influences for choosing the dental hygiene profession and enrolling in a baccalaureate program. METHODS: Between 2013 and 2018, first-year students in the University of British Columbia's Bachelor of Dental Science program completed orientation surveys. A secondary data analysis was conducted on a total of 127 orientation surveys from a cumulative first-year population over a 5-year period. 159 students participated in the surveys for an 80% response rate. Survey questions were open-ended. Saldaña's approach to coding was used to analyse the descriptive data for emerging themes. RESULTS: The primary reasons for choosing dental hygiene as a profession included personal desire (65%) which involved students' desire to help others, as well as past experience (32%) relating to personal, goal or external experiences. Two prominent themes for choosing a dental hygiene degree emerged and included expanding career opportunities outside of clinical practice (82%) and broadening and deepening one's knowledge base (34%). CONCLUSIONS: The results provide insight about the factors that influence prospective dental hygiene students to pursue a baccalaureate credential that is presently beyond the entry-to-practice requirements for the dental hygiene profession in Canada.

Higienistas Dentários , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Escolha da Profissão , Humanos , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Int J Dent Hyg ; 18(3): 295-306, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32155307


PURPOSE: In 2015, the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) published the first Canadian Competencies for Baccalaureate Dental Hygiene Programs (CCBDHP). To date, there is little evidence to support that baccalaureate graduates have gained these abilities. The purpose of the study was to investigate the confidence levels of baccalaureate graduates in their ability to demonstrate the CCBDHP. METHODS: An online, anonymous study was conducted with the 2013-2016 graduates of the University of British Columbia to rate their confidence level in the 13 competency domains and associated 110 sub-competencies of the CCBDHP based on a 5-point scale ranging from not confident to confident. RESULTS: Thirty of the 84 graduates responded to the survey for a 36% response rate. The mostly confident and confident scores were added to determine the number of sub-competencies within each domain in which 75% to 100% of respondents identified such confidence. The competency domains in which graduates expressed the highest confidence included Collaboration (100%), Communication (100%), Clinical Therapy (100%), Disease Prevention (100%), Oral Health Education (90%), Professionalism (90%), Research Use (90%) and Leadership (90%). They expressed the least confidence in the competency domains of Health Promotion (50%), Advocacy (22%) and Policy Use (0%). CONCLUSION: These data provided the UBC faculty with important insights into the educational preparedness of baccalaureate graduates. The findings are also relevant for other Canadian programmes and contribute to a larger national dialogue about the CCBDHP and the transition of graduates into practice.

Liderança , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Competência Clínica , Higienistas Dentários , Inquéritos e Questionários
Can J Dent Hyg ; 58(1): 9-18, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38505318


Purpose: In recent years, C,anada has seen the development of new educational pathways to baccalaureate education for dental hygienists. Research has demonstrated that degree education strengthens dental hygienists' cognitive and practice abilities and increases career opportunities. However, the 2021 Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) Job Market and Employment Survey reported that only 27% of respondents held a baccalaureate degree. The current study was the first to explore levels of interest in and barriers to pursuing degree education among Canadian diploma-holding dental hygienists. Methods: This qualitative explorative study utilized purposeful maximum variation sampling to select Canadian dental hygienists across 10 provinces and 1 territory for 3 e-focus groups. Selected participants (N = 17) were CDHA members who held a dental hygiene diploma as their highest educational credential. E-focus groups were thematically analysed for barriers using Saldaña's descriptive and in vivo coding. Results: All participants expressed an interest in pursuing further education at some point during their career. Reported barriers to doing so were family commitments, financial restrictions, accessibility, limited employer support, unfamiliarity with eligibility criteria, unfamiliarity with existing programs, stress/anxiety over returning to school, and unfamiliarity with the benefits of earning a degree. Conclusions: The qualitative research findings supplemented answer options for a subsequent national online research survey distributed to all CDHA members; results of that survey are not included in this article. National and provincial dental hygiene associations and educational institutions can use the study findings to develop strategies to reduce barriers and raise awareness of degree education among Canadian dental hygienists.

But: Le Canada constate un mouvement grandissant vers l'élaboration de nouvelles voies d'accès à l'obtention d'un baccalauréat pour les hygiénistes dentaires. La recherche a démontré que les études universitaires renforcent les capacités cognitives et de pratique des hygiénistes dentaires et augmente leurs possibilités de carrière. Toutefois, le Sondage sur le marché du travail et de l'emploi mené en 2021 par l'Association canadienne des hygiénistes dentaires (ACHD) a révélé que seulement 27 % des répondants détenaient un baccalauréat. La présente étude a été la première à examiner les niveaux d'intérêt et les obstacles liés la poursuite d'études universitaires chez les hygiénistes dentaires du Canada titulaires d'un diplôme. Méthodes: Cette étude qualitative exploratoire a utilisé une sélection maximale d'échantillons variés pour sélectionner par choix raisonné des hygiénistes dentaires dans 10 provinces et un territoire du Canada pour 3 groupes de discussion en ligne. Les participants sélectionnés (N = 17) étaient des membres de l'ACHD qui détenaient un diplôme en hygiène dentaire comme diplôme d'études le plus élevé. Les groupes de discussion en ligne ont été analysés par thème pour déterminer les obstacles à l'aide du codage descriptif et in vivo de Saldaña. Résultats: Tous les participants ont exprimé leur intérêt à poursuivre leurs études à un moment ou à un autre de leur carrière. Les obstacles signalés étaient les engagements familiaux, les restrictions financières, l'accessibilité, le soutien limité de l'employeur, la méconnaissance de l'admissibilité, la méconnaissance des programmes existants, le stress et l'anxiété liés au retour aux études et la méconnaissance des avantages de l'obtention d'un diplôme. Conclusion: Les résultats de la recherche qualitative ont enrichi les options de réponse pour un sondage national de recherche en ligne subséquent qui serait distribué à tous les membres de l'ACHD; les résultats de ce sondage ne sont pas inclus dans le présent article. Les associations nationales et provinciales d'hygiène dentaire et les établissements d'enseignement peuvent utiliser les résultats de cette étude pour élaborer des stratégies visant à réduire les obstacles et à sensibiliser les hygiénistes dentaires canadiens aux études universitaires.

Higienistas Dentários , Emprego , Humanos , Canadá , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Competência Clínica , Escolaridade
Can J Dent Hyg ; 57(1): 14-24, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36968803


Background: As discussions about baccalaureate education for dental hygiene continue at national and international levels, examining outcomes of earning a baccalaureate degree in a Canadian context is essential. This study aimed to explore the motivating reasons for pursuing a dental hygiene baccalaureate degree in Canada and the career outcomes of Canadian dental hygiene baccalaureate degree graduates. Methods: Graduates from all 4 Canadian dental hygiene degree programs (N = 262) participated in a cross-sectional online survey between November and December 2021. Survey questions explored motivating reasons for pursuing dental hygiene degree education, educational experiences, employment outcomes, and career satisfaction. A descriptive analysis was performed to report absolute and relative frequencies of responses to each question. Differences between participant characteristics, motivating reasons for pursing a degree, and practice outcomes were assessed. Where applicable, results were compared to the results of the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association's 2019 Job Market and Employment Survey. A thematic analysis was applied to open-ended descriptive responses. Results: Primary motivators included personal satisfaction (77%), status of a degree (75%), increase in employment opportunities (71%), and increase in knowledge base (69%). Respondents (87%) reported that they were satisfied with their educational experiences, and the majority (65%) agreed that a degree should be the minimum entry-level credential for dental hygiene practice in Canada. Primary practice settings were reported as clinical dental hygiene care (80%), educational institutions (9%), community and public health (4%), and other practice settings (7%). A larger proportion reported working in non-clinical settings than those in the national survey (20% and 8%, respectively; p < 0.001). Conclusion: These findings underscore the impact of baccalaureate education on dental hygiene practice in Canada.

Contexte: Étant donné que les discussions sur les études menant à un baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire se poursuivent aux échelles nationales et internationales, il est essentiel d'examiner les résultats de l'obtention d'un baccalauréat dans un contexte canadien. Cette étude visait à explorer les raisons qui motivent la poursuite d'un baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire au Canada et les possibilités de carrière des diplômés canadiens d'un programme de baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire. Méthodologie: Des diplômés des 4 programmes canadiens de baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire (N = 262) ont participé à une enquête ponctuelle en ligne entre novembre et décembre 2021. Les questions de l'enquête ont exploré les raisons motivant la poursuite d'études en hygiène dentaire menant à un baccalauréat, les expériences éducatives, les possibilités d'emploi et la satisfaction par rapport à la carrière. Une analyse descriptive a permis d'établir les fréquences absolues et relatives des réponses à chaque question. Les différences entre les caractéristiques des participants, les raisons motivant l'obtention d'un baccalauréat et les possibilités de la pratique professionnelle ont été évaluées. Le cas échéant, les résultats ont été comparés aux résultats du Sondage sur le marché du travail et de l'emploi de 2019 de l'Association canadienne des hygiénistes dentaires. Une analyse thématique a été appliquée aux réponses descriptives ouvertes. Résultats: Les principaux facteurs de motivation comprenaient la satisfaction personnelle (77 %), le statut d'un baccalauréat (75 %), l'augmentation des possibilités d'emploi (71 %) et l'augmentation de la base de connaissances (69 %). Les répondants (87 %) ont déclaré être satisfaits de leurs expériences éducatives et la majorité (65 %) était d'accord pour dire qu'un baccalauréat devrait être le titre de compétence minimal pour l'admission à la pratique de l'hygiène dentaire au Canada. Les milieux de pratique primaires ont été déclarés comme étant les suivants : soins cliniques en hygiène dentaire (80 %), établissements d'enseignement (9 %), santé communautaire et publique (4 %), et autres milieux de pratique (7 %). Un plus grand nombre de répondants ont déclaré travailler dans des milieux non cliniques que ceux de l'enquête nationale (20 % et 8 %, respectivement; p < 0,001). Conclusion: Ces résultats soulignent l'impact des études menant à un baccalauréat sur la pratique de l'hygiène dentaire au Canada.

Higienistas Dentários , Emprego , Humanos , Canadá , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Estudos Transversais , Instituições Acadêmicas
Can J Dent Hyg ; 55(3): 160-166, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34925516


Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects behaviour and communication skills. ASD is estimated to affect approximately 1 in 66 Canadians, with symptoms typically arising within the first 3 years of life. Individuals with ASD present with an increased burden of disease and face heightened barriers to oral care. Objective: This narrative literature review aims to raise awareness of the additional needs that individuals with ASD have when seeking oral care and to identify how barriers to such care may be reduced. Methods: Twenty-one articles were included in this review, with a wide range of study designs and methodologies. Search terms in PubMed, Education Source, and CINAHL databases included autism spectrum disorder, barriers, dental, dental hygiene, developmental disability, oral health, and unmet needs. Results and discussion: Key themes that emerged as barriers to care were behavioural challenges, inhibited social and communication skills, parental dependence, clinic environment, and abilities of oral health professionals to treat clients with special care needs. Conclusion: Current literature reveals that individuals with ASD face numerous barriers when accessing oral care and attempting to achieve adequate oral health, thus contributing to an increased burden of disease. Oral health professionals should aim to improve their understanding of special care populations such as the ASD community and raise awareness among health care professionals to work towards diminishing the barriers to care these populations experience.

Contexte: Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont des troubles du développement qui affectent le comportement et les capacités de communication. On estime que les TSA touchent environ 1 Canadien sur 66, et les symptômes se manifestent typiquement au cours des 3 premières années de la vie. Les personnes atteintes de TSA sont confrontées à un fardeau accru de maladies et à des obstacles plus importants en matière de soins buccodentaires. Objectif: La présente revue narrative de la littérature vise à susciter une prise de conscience des besoins supplémentaires qu'ont les personnes atteintes de TSA lorsqu'elles cherchent des soins buccodentaires et à cibler les façons qui permettent de réduire les obstacles à obtenir ces soins. Méthodes: Vingt-et-un articles comprenant un vaste éventail de modèles et de méthodologies d'études ont été inclus dans cet examen. La recherche dans les bases de données PubMed, Education Source et CINAHL comprenait les termes : troubles du spectre de l'autisme, obstacles, dentaire, hygiène dentaire, déficience développementale, santé buccodentaire et besoins non satisfaits. Résultats et discussion: Les thèmes clés qui ont émergé comme étant des obstacles aux soins buccodentaires étaient : les défis comportementaux, l'inhibition des aptitudes sociales et de communication, la dépendance parentale, l'environnement clinique et la capacité des professionnels de la santé buccodentaires à traiter les clients ayant des besoins spéciaux en matière de soins. Conclusion: La littérature actuelle révèle que les personnes atteintes de TSA font face à de nombreux obstacles lorsqu'elles accèdent aux soins buccodentaires et essaient d'atteindre une santé buccodentaire adéquate, ce qui contribue à un fardeau accru de maladies. Les professionnels de la santé buccodentaires devraient viser à améliorer leur compréhension des populations ayant des besoins de soins spéciaux, comme les personnes atteintes de TSA et à conscientiser les professionnels de la santé afin de réduire les obstacles aux soins auxquels sont confrontés ces populations.

Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/terapia , Canadá , Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Saúde Bucal , Pais
J Dent Educ ; 85(6): 768-777, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33521959


PROBLEM STATEMENT: The Canadian Competencies for Baccalaureate Dental Hygiene Programs (CCBDHP) were first published in 2015 by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. They reflect the first articulation of dental hygiene baccalaureate competencies in North America. However, there is little evidence to support baccalaureate graduates acquire these abilities. OBJECTIVE: To examine the confidence levels of baccalaureate fourth-year students in their ability to demonstrate the CCBDHPs. METHODS: This 3-year longitudinal study rated the self-confidence levels of fourth-year students as they neared graduation from the University of British Columbia from 2017 to 2019. It involved an online, anonymous survey using a 5-point scale ranging from not confident to confident. Respondents rated their self-confidence in the 110 sub-competencies articulated within the 13 competency domains of the CCBDHP. RESULTS: Responses were received from 54 of the 70 graduating students for a cumulative 77% response rate. Respondents expressed the most confidence in the competency domains of Clinical Therapy (100%), Collaboration (100%), Disease Prevention (100%), Professionalism (100%), and Oral Health Education (90%) but expressed less confidence in Research Use (73%), Health Promotion (70%), Leadership (67%), Policy Use (20%), and Advocacy (11%). CONCLUSION: These data suggest that curriculum revisions are needed in 5 domains but such changes may not be sufficient. Transition support may be warranted to assist graduates as they enter practice, while some competencies may be more appropriate for graduate studies. The study contributes to an international discussion about the educational preparedness of baccalaureate graduates, and the boundaries between diploma, baccalaureate and master's education.

Higienistas Dentários , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , América do Norte , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários
J Dent Educ ; 85(5): 722-731, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33332591


PURPOSE: The University of British Columbia's (UBC) Dental Hygiene Degree-Completion (DC) program has offered an academic pathway for dental hygienists to earn a degree exclusively through an online delivery format since 2006. The students' experiences transitioning to online learning and related student support needs have not been previously studied. Thus, this study investigated students' experiences as they entered an online dental hygiene DC program METHODS: An online survey with open-ended and closed-ended questions was distributed to all 53 currently enrolled dental hygiene DC students in September 2019 RESULTS: Thirty-two students completed the survey for a 60% response rate. Most student respondents (78%) had no prior experience with online education. Only 59% of respondents were confident in their abilities to navigate a Web-based learning environment. Three-quarters (75%) of respondents felt like a valued member of the Faculty of Dentistry community but only 47% felt they belonged to the larger university community. Most (72%) were familiar with the support resources within the Faculty but fewer than half (41%) were aware of additional resources outside of the Faculty. Students aged 30 years and older felt more comfortable reaching out to faculty and staff members (90% vs. 55%; P = 0.05). Students with prior online learning experience were more aware of student support resources outside of the Faculty (57% vs. 36%; P = 0.05) CONCLUSION: Lessons learned from this study have informed several recommendations to better support student transition to online learning that can be applicable to this program and in other institutions.

Educação a Distância , Higiene Bucal , Adulto , Higienistas Dentários , Docentes , Humanos , Estudantes
Can J Dent Hyg ; 55(1): 17-29, 2021 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33643414


Background: Students in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of British Columbia have articulated challenges in understanding learning objectives in their oral epidemiology and statistics course. This study aimed to measure the impact of a course renewal intended to enhance student learning. Examples of educational interventions included providing more time for activities, increasing student interactivity, and integrating more hands-on applicable exercises using statistical software. Methods: An online mixed-methods survey using a 5-point Likert scale and open-ended questions was distributed to 43 dental hygiene students before the course renewal and again to a second cohort of 43 students after course revisions. The survey asked students to rank their levels of challenge and self-confidence in learning 23 of the course objectives throughout each academic year. Four semi-structured interviews were also conducted with faculty and staff members involved in teaching or coordinating this course to understand their experiences after the course revisions. Results: Response rates were 32% to 57%. After the course renewal, the extent to which students in the entry-to-practice cohort felt extremely challenged to learn each objective was significantly reduced (25% vs. 3%, p < 0.001), and students' self-confidence scores significantly increased (12% vs. 30%, p < 0.001).The changes on the challenge and confidence scores in the degree-completion cohort were not statistically significant (23% vs. 24% and 31% vs. 36%, respectively). Student satisfaction levels increased in all 6 categories measured. Conclusion: Providing students with more time to absorb their learning, increasing interactivity, offering timely feedback, and integrating applicable exercises using statistical software resulted in an enhanced learning environment.

Contexte: Les étudiants de la Faculté de dentisterie de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique ont exprimé les difficultés à comprendre les objectifs d'apprentissage de leur cours d'épidémiologie et de statistiques buccodentaires. La présente étude vise à mesurer l'effet du renouvellement d'un cours afin d'améliorer l'apprentissage des étudiants. Les exemples d'interventions éducatives comprennent : accorder plus de temps aux activités, augmenter l'interactivité étudiante, et intégrer plus d'exercices pratiques, applicables au moyen de logiciels statistiques. Méthodologie: Un sondage en ligne, effectué au moyen d'une méthodologie mixte qui utilise l'échelle de Likert en 5 points et des questions ouvertes a été distribué à 43 étudiants en hygiène dentaire avant le renouvellement du cours et une fois de plus à une deuxième cohorte de 43 étudiants après les révisions du cours. Au sondage, les étudiants devaient classer leurs niveaux de difficulté et de confiance en soi relativement à l'apprentissage de 23 des objectifs de cours, tout au long de chaque année universitaire. Quatre entrevues semi-structurées ont aussi été menées auprès du corps professoral et des membres du personnel qui participent à l'apprentissage ou à la coordination de ce cours en vue de comprendre leurs expériences à la suite des révisions du cours. Résultats: Le taux de réponse était de 32 % à 57 %. Après le renouvellement du cours, la mesure dans laquelle les étudiants de la cohorte d'entrée en pratique ont éprouvé de la difficulté à apprendre chaque objectif a été réduite de manière significative (25 % par rapport à 3 %, p < 0,001), et les cotes de confiance en soi des étudiants ont augmenté de manière significative (12 % par rapport à 30 %, p < 0,001). Les changements de cotes de difficulté et de confiance en soi de la cohorte qui termine son diplôme n'étaient pas statistiquement significatifs (23 % par rapport à 24 % et 31 % par rapport à 36 %, respectivement). Les niveaux de satisfaction des étudiants ont augmenté dans les 6 catégories mesurées. Conclusion: Offrir plus de temps aux étudiants pour assimiler leur apprentissage, augmenter l'interactivité, offrir de la rétroaction ponctuelle, et intégrer des exercices applicables à l'aide de logiciels statistiques ont créé un meilleur environnement d'apprentissage.

Educação a Distância , Aprendizagem , Educação em Odontologia , Docentes , Retroalimentação , Humanos
J Dent Educ ; 84(6): 669-680, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32092156


PURPOSE: The need for interprofessional education (IPE) has been well documented and communicated by many prominent governmental bodies and health organizations. However, more longitudinal outcomes research is needed to demonstrate the impact of IPE on students' attitudes and behaviors. This study assessed dental hygiene students' readiness for IPE and collaborative practice at the University of British Columbia, Canada. METHODS: A modified Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) survey was conducted on 23 (96% response rate) second-year dental hygiene students prior to commencing the university's newly integrated 4-week IPE curriculum and immediately following its completion 1 month later. A focus group comprising 5 students then explored learning experiences and impact on attitudes about collaborative practice in greater depth. Curriculum content included professionalism, ethical practice, Indigenous cultural safety, and resiliency. RESULTS: Attitudinal shifts were observed in 3 of the RIPLS measures suggesting that students found greater clarity regarding their professional roles and became more receptive to learning clinical problem-solving skills with other disciplines. No statistically significant differences surfaced between the pre-attitudinal and post-attitudinal RIPLS measures. The focus group revealed 3 prominent themes: greater role clarification, recognition of similarities in knowledge and practice with other professions, and cultivation of professional identity, collegiality, and respect. CONCLUSION: Students found greater clarity about professional roles and developed an enhanced appreciation for working with other health professions after completing the university's month-long integrated IPE curriculum.

Relações Interprofissionais , Higiene Bucal , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Canadá , Humanos , Estudantes de Odontologia
Can J Dent Hyg ; 53(2): 89-99, 2019 06 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33240346


Background: While there continues to be dialogue on the level of education required for entry into the profession of dental hygiene, there is a scarcity of literature pertaining to students' views on the subject. The aim of this study was to explore Canadian dental hygiene students' views on entry-to-practice dental hygiene education and their future educational aspirations. Methods: In March 2017, an online survey comprising closed- and open-ended questions was conducted with Canadian Dental Hygienists Association student members enrolled in entry-to-practice Canadian dental hygiene programs. Results: Of the 1,738 students who received the survey invitation, 401 students responded (23% response rate). Ninety-one percent of respondents were enrolled in entry-to-practice diploma programs. The majority of respondents agreed that baccalaureate dental hygiene education provides increased knowledge (86%), increased capacity to work with underserved groups (86%), expanded clinical abilities (83%), and enhanced abilities in areas such as critical thinking, research use, and collaboration (85%). Most students (78%) ,support the vision of all future dental hygienists in Canada having a baccalaureate degree. Approximately 42% of respondents in diploma dental hygiene programs intend to complete baccalaureate education following graduation, 88% of whom intend to enrol in the next 3 years. Reasons for pursuing baccalaureate education include a desire to increase their knowledge base (83%), achieve personal satisfaction (78%), expand career opportunities (75%), increase recognition (75%), increase critical thinking abilities (69%), and access graduate education (58%). Conclusion: These findings provide a new understanding of dental hygiene students' views and their general support for and interest in baccalaureate dental hygiene education. Such results offer further impetus for discussions about creating additional opportunities for dental hygiene degree education and advancing the entry-to-practice requirements.

Contexte: Bien que le dialogue continue sur le niveau de formation requis pour l'entrée dans la profession d'hygiéniste dentaire, il existe peu de documentation publiée sur l'opinion des étudiants en cette matière. Cette étude visait à explorer les opinions des étudiants canadiens en hygiène dentaire sur la formation d'entrée en pratique en hygiène dentaire et sur leurs aspirations pédagogiques futures. Méthodologie: En mars 2017, un sondage en ligne comprenant des questions fermées et ouvertes a été mené auprès des membres étudiants de l'Association canadienne des hygiénistes dentaires inscrits à des programmes canadiens d'entrée en pratique en hygiène dentaire. Résultats: Parmi les 1 738 étudiants qui ont reçu l'invitation à participation au sondage, 401 étudiants ont répondu (taux de réponse de 23 %). Quatre-vingt-onze pour cent des répondants étaient inscrits aux programmes de diplômes menant à l'entrée en pratique. La majorité des répondants était d'accord que la formation en hygiène dentaire menant au baccalauréat fournit des connaissances accrues (86 %), une meilleure capacité de travailler avec des groupes mal desservis (86 %), des habiletés cliniques élargies (83 %) et des habiletés améliorées dans des domaines tels que la pensée critique, l'utilisation de la recherche et la collaboration (85 %). La plupart des étudiants (78 %) appuient la vision que tous les hygiénistes dentaires de l'avenir au Canada soient titulaires d'un baccalauréat. Environ 42 % des répondants inscrits aux programmes d'hygiène dentaire menant au diplôme collégial ont l'intention de terminer des études menant au baccalauréat après l'obtention de leur diplôme et 88 % parmi eux comptent s'y inscrire dans les 3 prochaines années. Les raisons de poursuivre une formation menant au baccalauréat comprennent le désir d'augmenter la base de connaissances (83 %), l'atteinte d'une satisfaction personnelle (78 %), l'augmentation des occasions d'emplois (75 %), l'obtention d'une plus grande reconnaissance (75 %), l'augmentation des habiletés de pensée critique (69 %) et la possibilité d'accéder aux études supérieures (58 %). Conclusion: Ces résultats fournissent un nouvel éclairage sur l'opinion des étudiants en hygiène dentaire, et leur appui général et leur intérêt envers la formation en hygiène dentaire menant au baccalauréat. De tels résultats offrent un élan supplémentaire aux discussions sur la création de possibilités supplémentaires en matière de formation en hygiène dentaire menant au baccalauréat et de progression des exigences d'entrée en pratique.

Intenção , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Higienistas Dentários , Humanos , Estudantes
Can J Dent Hyg ; 53(2): 100-109, 2019 06 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33240347


Problem statement: In 2015 the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association published the first Canadian Competencies for Baccalaureate Dental Hygiene Programs . To date there is no scientific evidence to support that graduates from baccalaureate programs have gained these abilities. Purpose: To explore the confidence levels of graduating dental hygiene baccalaureate students in their ability to demonstrate the national baccalaureate competencies. Methods: This article examines the preliminary frequency data from the first year of a 3-year longitudinal study involving the graduating students within the University of British Columbia dental hygiene baccalaureate program. An online, anonymous survey was conducted with these students to rate their confidence level based on a 5-point scale ranging from not confident to confident in the national competencies that include 13 domains with 110 associated subcompetencies. Results: Seventeen of the twenty-two graduating students responded to the survey for a 77% response rate. The competency areas in which they expressed the highest confidence were collaboration (100%), clinical therapy (100%), oral health education (90%), disease prevention (86%), professionalism (82%), and integration of knowledge (80%). The areas in which they expressed the least confidence were policy use (20%) and advocacy (11%) where some respondents were not confident, somewhat confident or unsure. Conclusion: These data provide the faculty with important insights to support curriculum revisions, particularly in the policy use and advocacy domains. The data also contribute to a broader national discussion about the baccalaureate competencies and an exploration of the subcompetencies that may be beyond the scope of baccalaureate education.

Énoncé du problème: En 2015, l'Association canadienne des hygiénistes dentaires a publié la première édition des Compétences canadiennes à l'égard des programmes de baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire . Jusqu'à maintenant, aucune preuve scientifique ne confirme que les diplômés de programmes de baccalauréat ont acquis ces habiletés. Objectif: Explorer le niveau de confiance des finissants du programme de baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire dans leur capacité à démontrer qu'ils ont les compétences nationales du baccalauréat. Méthodologie: Cet article examine la fréquence de données préliminaires de la première année d'une étude longitudinale de 3 ans impliquant les finissants du programme de baccalauréat en hygiène dentaire de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique. Un sondage anonyme a été mené en ligne auprès de ces étudiants afin d'évaluer leur niveau de confiance d'après une échelle de 5 points allant de « non confiant ¼ à « confiant ¼ dans les compétences nationales qui comprennent 13 domaines et 110 sous-compétences associées. Résultats: Dix-sept des vingt-deux finissants ont répondu au sondage, pour un taux de réponse de 77 %. Les domaines de compétence dans lesquels ils ont exprimé le plus de confiance étaient la collaboration (100 %), la thérapie clinique (100 %), l'éducation en matière de santé buccodentaire (90 %), la prévention des maladies (86 %), le professionnalisme (82 %), et l'intégration des connaissances (80 %). Les domaines dans lesquels ils ont exprimé le moins de confiance étaient l'utilisation des politiques (20 %) et la défense des intérêts (11 %), alors que certains répondants n'étaient pas confiants, étaient légèrement confiants ou incertains. Conclusion: Ces données fournissent de l'information importante au corps professoral pour appuyer les révisions aux programmes, particulièrement dans les domaines de l'utilisation des politiques et de la défense des intérêts. Les données contribuent aussi à une vaste discussion nationale sur les compétences de baccalauréat et une exploration des sous-compétences qui peuvent être au-delà du champ d'activités de la formation menant au baccalauréat.

Higienistas Dentários , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estudantes
J Dent Hyg ; 93(4): 44-52, 2019 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31409723


Purpose: Little is known regarding why prospective dental hygiene students select a four-year entry-to-practice baccalaureate degree rather than a diploma granting program in Canada. The purpose of this study was to explore motivating influences for selecting an entry-to-practice baccalaureate degree in dental hygiene from the perspective of former students.Methods: This study employed a qualitative narrative inquiry consisting of 20 individual semi-structured interviews with 10 former first-year students of the University of British Columbia's Bachelor of Dental Science (dental hygiene) program. Analysis included deductive and inductive coding, member checking, and researcher memos that facilitated the development of emerging themes.Results: Primary reasons for selecting a Bachelor of Dental Science degree included: expanding career opportunities, access to graduate education, prestige and status of the university, perceived credibility, in addition to family, cultural, and peer influences.Conclusion: Findings reveal insights for educational institutions to better understand the possible factors attracting prospective students to a dental hygiene baccalaureate degree program. This information may also be useful for clinicians practicing with a diploma or associate degree who are considering additional education towards a baccalaureate degree.

Higienistas Dentários , Higiene Bucal , Canadá , Humanos , Estudos Prospectivos , Pesquisa Qualitativa
J Dent Educ ; 83(9): 1019-1029, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31133616


The aims of this study were to understand dental hygiene clinical instructors' teaching and learning perspectives regarding their described pedagogical beliefs, perceived roles in facilitating learning, and factors that influenced those perspectives and to assess how their espoused beliefs matched their instructional practice in relation to student-centered competency-based education. The Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a theoretical framework to guide the qualitative study design and analysis. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 dental hygiene clinical instructors at a Canadian university in 2014. Transcript data derived from the interviews were coded for thematic analysis. In the results, these dental hygiene clinical instructors reported a spectrum of pedagogical beliefs, with one end defined as student-centered and the other end teacher-centered. While the instructors tended to describe their teaching as student-centered, their responses in the simulated teaching scenarios of the interview were closer to teacher-centered practices. Interview-analysis results showed that the process by which the instructors developed their approaches to teaching was multifactorial. Factors included instructors' perceptions of their own learning experiences, experiences of inter-instructor collaboration, and methods of supporting students' self-efficacy in learning. Given the emergence of support for student-centered education ideology and the program's adoption of this ideology, this exploratory study suggests that uncovering the teaching and learning beliefs of instructors is crucial prior to designing faculty development programs.

Educação Baseada em Competências , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Educação em Odontologia , Higiene Bucal , Estudantes de Odontologia/psicologia , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Canadá , Currículo , Tecnologia Educacional , Docentes de Odontologia , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ensino
J Am Dent Assoc ; 150(1): 49-57, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30503019


BACKGROUND: Surgical loupes have been increasingly popular among dental professionals for their visual and postural benefits. However, dental professionals will receive the full benefit of surgical loupes only if the loupes are adjusted fully to fit the individual needs of each clinician. In this study, the authors examine coaxial alignment of surgical loupes, a critical criterion for the proper adjustment of these optical systems. METHODS: The authors conducted an in-person survey by using a simple, quantitative visual tool to assess the coaxial alignment of surgical loupes among 97 dental professionals in British Columbia, Canada. RESULTS: Findings indicated that 82% of dental professionals surveyed experienced coaxial misalignment with their surgical loupes. Dental professionals wearing front-lens-mounted (flip-up) surgical loupes with full vertical adjustability, front-lens-mounted surgical loupes with limited vertical adjustability, and through-the-lens surgical loupes were equally likely to be practicing with coaxial misalignment of their surgical loupes. Front-lens-mounted surgical loupes with full vertical adjustability were the only type of surgical loupe that can be adjusted to achieve full coaxial alignment reliably (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: There was a high prevalence of coaxial misalignment among dental professionals in this cohort. Not all surgical loupes on the market satisfy the criteria for optimal postural and visual support of clinicians. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The visual tool developed in this study enabled dental professionals to identify coaxial misalignment effectively and efficiently. Findings from this study will assist dental professionals in making informed decisions when choosing their magnification equipment and prompt surgical loupe manufacturers to develop more evidence-based products.

Lentes , Canadá , Humanos , Prevalência , Inquéritos e Questionários
J Dent Educ ; 82(8): 809-818, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068769


There is a paucity of studies on Canadian baccalaureate dental hygienists. As discussions about the entry-level education required in dental hygiene continue on national and international platforms, examining outcomes of earning a dental hygiene baccalaureate degree is imperative. The aim of this study was to investigate the professional practice behaviors and career outcomes of graduates of the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene (BDSc) degree program. UBC dental hygiene entry-to-practice (ETP) and degree-completion graduates from 1994 to 2016 were invited to participate in an online survey with closed- and open-ended questions about practice behaviors and outcomes after earning the BDSc degree. Of the 365 BDSc alumni who received the email invitation, 116 responded, for a 32% response rate. The results showed that 45% of respondents worked outside of the traditional private dental practice setting, specifically in education (23%), administration (9%), public health (8%), and research (5%). Of the 77 degree-completion respondents, 75% reported that the BDSc degree had expanded their career opportunities. A greater proportion of degree-completion respondents practiced outside of the clinical setting (p<0.01) and had earned a graduate degree (p=0.04) compared with ETP respondents. Over 25% of total respondents had pursued graduate education. In comparison to results from the 2015 Canadian Dental Hygienists Association job market and employment survey, a significantly greater proportion of BDSc graduates practiced collaboratively with non-dental professionals (2.7 vs. 0.8, p<0.001), earned more than $80,000 annually (47% vs. 23%, p<0.001), and received more employment benefits (4.0 vs. 3.5, p<0.001). These results highlight the positive impact of baccalaureate education on dental hygiene practice behaviors and career outcomes.

Escolha da Profissão , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia , Satisfação no Emprego , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Canadá , Mobilidade Ocupacional , Emprego , Humanos , Relações Interprofissionais , Salários e Benefícios
J Dent Hyg ; 91(4): 6-11, 2017 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29118078


Purpose: For most Canadians living in rural communities, limited access to dental care can negatively impact oral and general health. This narrative, tertiary review of the literature explores the outcomes of interprofessional relationships between dental hygienists and other health professionals on individuals residing in rural communities in Canada. Themes addressed include: implementing interprofessional education experiences in entry-to-practice health programs, interprofessional dynamics in primary health care teams, health perceptions in rural communities, and barriers and enablers to interprofessional relationships.Conclusion: Findings from this review suggest that the development of interprofessional relationships between health care professionals is complex and dynamic. Interprofessional collaboration should first be implemented at the educational level to help develop trust and understanding of each profession's role in health care. Alternative models of health care delivery, such as interprofessional collaborative practice, have the potential to reduce overall health care costs and improve access of comprehensive health care services to Canadians residing in rural communities.

Higienistas Dentários , Pessoal de Saúde , Relações Interprofissionais , População Rural , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Canadá , Compreensão , Comportamento Cooperativo , Bases de Dados Factuais , Atenção à Saúde/economia , Higienistas Dentários/educação , Higienistas Dentários/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Humanos , Saúde Bucal , Papel Profissional , Serviços de Saúde Rural , Confiança/psicologia
J Dent Educ ; 75(3): 310-20, 2011 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21368255


There is little published literature about the outcomes of dental hygiene baccalaureate degree education, particularly in Canada. Since there are various dental hygiene entry-to-practice educational models in Canada, exploring baccalaureate dental hygiene education is becoming an increasingly important subject. The purpose of this study was to explore the personal outcomes and dental hygiene practice outcomes of dental hygiene degree-completion education in Canada from the perspectives of diploma dental hygienists who have continued their education to the bachelor's degree level. This study employed a qualitative phenomenological design, using a maximum variation purposeful sampling strategy. Data generation occurred with sixteen dental hygienists across Canada through individual semistructured interviews. Interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed verbatim, and coded for data analysis, involving pattern recognition and thematic development. Themes that emerged included changes in self-perception, values, and knowledge base. Changes in self-perception were reflected in a reported increase in self-confidence and perceived credibility. Changes in values included a greater appreciation for lifelong learning. Advancements in knowledge strengthened the development of specific abilities that ultimately influenced participants' dental hygiene practice. These abilities included an increased ability to think critically, to make evidence-based decisions, and to provide more comprehensive care. Participants also commented on having more career opportunities available to them outside of the private clinical practice setting. These results reveal important insights into the impact of earning a dental hygiene baccalaureate degree on oneself and one's dental hygiene practice.

Higienistas Dentários/educação , Educação Continuada , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Canadá , Escolha da Profissão , Competência Clínica , Assistência Odontológica Integral , Tomada de Decisões , Higienistas Dentários/normas , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde , Humanos , Relações Interprofissionais , Entrevistas como Assunto , Prática Privada , Prática Profissional/normas , Autoimagem , Autoeficácia , Valores Sociais , Pensamento