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J Oral Biol Craniofac Res ; 10(4): 603-607, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32953443


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the effect of macro design in the primary stability of short and extra-short implants using resonance frequency analysis (RFA). MATERIAL AND METHODS: On an ex-vivo model using pig's ribs, we inserted 80 short and extra-short dental implants (20 implants per brand): Biohorizons®(B) 4.6 × 6mm; Intralock®(I) 4.75 × 6.5 mm; Straumann®(S) 4.1 × 4mm; and Tixos®(T) 5 × 5mm. Primary implant stability was measured using an RFA device. We compared mean ISQ values through ANOVA test. RESULTS: Mean ISQ values: B = 73.36 (±3.39); I = 75.13 (±3.88); S = 65.38 (±8.38); T = 72.13 (±11). B and I showed higher ISQ than S (p-value < 0.001). Short (I) showed higher ISQ than extra-short (B,S,T) implants (p-value = 0.001). Tapered (B,I) had higher ISQ than parallel (S,T) implants (p-value < 0.001). There was a moderate positive correlation between ISQ and length (r = 0.52), and a weak correlation with diameter (r = 0.33). DISCUSSION: The final result is a combination of implant design, length, and diameter. Tapered design (B and I) and larger implants (I) showed better primary stability in terms of ISQ values. This information could be beneficial at implant selection in a severely reabsorbed low-quality bone, privileging length (as long as it is safe), and conical walls design.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(3): 767-773, may/june 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-914613


A resina acrílica termoativada tem sido o material de escolha para confecção de bases de próteses removíveis há mais de 60 anos. Mais recentemente, as resinas ativadas por micro-ondas e as semi-rígidas foram introduzidas, porém pouco ainda se sabe a respeito da capacidade de retenção de biofilme nesses materiais, especialmente do último. Esse estudo avaliou a adsorção de Candida albicans em quatro resinas utilizadas em bases de próteses removíveis. Os materiais avaliados foram: Onda-Cryl (Clássico, polimerização por microondas), QC-20 (Dentsply, polimerização térmica de ciclo curto), Lucitone (Denstply, polimerização térmica) e Odontoflex (Odontoloflex, resina de poliamida termo-injetada). Dez corpos-de-prova (10,0X5,0X2,0mm) foram preparados para cada material, de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes. Os corpos-de-prova foram esterilizados (121ºC, 25min, 1 atm), colocados em tubos contendo 10,0mL de caldo RPMI (Inlab) inoculados com C. albicans ATCC 28366 (106 CFU/mL) e incubados em shaker (48h/37ºC). A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para outros tubos de ensaio e lavados com água destilada esterilizada (10s), sendo novamente colocados em caldo RPMI sob agitação (10s). Aliquotas do caldo RPMI foram semeadas em meio de cultura sólido agar Sabouraud (Difco), que foi então incubado (48h/37ºC). As colônias formadas foram contadas e os resultados analisados (Anova One-Way, Tukey, p≤0,05). De acordo com a adsorção de C. albicans ATCC 28366, os materiais foram classificados na seguinte ordem decrescente: 1) Odontoflex (690.000UFC/mL), 2) OndaCryl (454.000UFC/mL), 3) Lucitone 550 (256.000UFC/mL) e 4) QC-20 (254.000UFC/mL). Odontoflex e Onda-Cryl diferiram significantemente (p≤0,05) entre si e dos outros materiais. Lucitone 550 e QC-20 foram similares em termos de adsorção da levedura. Conclui-se que a maior retenção de C. albicans ATCC 28366 foi observada para a resina de poliamida e menor para a resina termoativada QC 20.

Heat-activated resin has been selected as material for the preparation of removable prosthesis basis for over 60 years. Microwave-activated and semi-rigid resins have been introduced more recently; however, little is known about their ability to retain biofilms, especially in the case of semi-rigid materials. Therefore, this study evaluated C. albicans adsorption onto four resins employed in removable prosthesis basis. The materials Onda-Cryl (Classic, microwave polymerization), QC-20 (Dentsply, short-cycle heat-activated polymerization), Lucitone (Denstply, heatactivated polymerization), and Odontoflex (Odontoloflex, thermally injected polyamide resin) were investigated. Ten specimens (10.0X5.0X2.0mm) were prepared for each material, following the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were sterilized (121ºC, 25min, 1 atm), placed in tubes containing 10.0 mL of RPMI broth (Inlab) inoculated with C. albicans ATCC 28366 (106 CFU/mL), and incubated in a shaker (48h/37ºC). Next, the specimens were transferred to other test tubes and washed with sterilized distilled water (10s), and were then placed in RPMI broth, under agitation (10s). Aliquots of the RPMI broth were seeded in solid agar Sabouraud culture medium (Difco), which was then incubated (48h/37ºC). The resulting colonies were counted, and the data were analyzed (Anova One-Way, Tukey, p≤0.05). On the basis of C. albicans ATCC 28366 adsorption, the materials were classified in the following decreasing order: 1) Odontoflex (690,000CFU/mL), 2) Onda-Cryl (454,000CFU/mL), 3) Lucitone 550 (256,000CFU/mL), and 4) QC-20 (254,000CFU/mL). Odontoflex and Onda-Cryl were significantly different (p≤0.05), and they were also statistically different from the other tested materials. Lucitone 550 and QC-20 were similar in terms of yeast adsorption. In conclusion, larger and smaller C. albicans ATCC 28366 retention were verified for the polyamide resin and the heat-activated resin QC 20, respectively.

Resinas Sintéticas , Candida albicans , Prótese Dentária