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Nature ; 574(7777): 215-218, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31597975


Computing the electronic structure of molecules with high precision is a central challenge in the field of quantum chemistry. Despite the success of approximate methods, tackling this problem exactly with conventional computers remains a formidable task. Several theoretical1,2 and experimental3-5 attempts have been made to use quantum computers to solve chemistry problems, with early proof-of-principle realizations done digitally. An appealing alternative to the digital approach is analogue quantum simulation, which does not require a scalable quantum computer and has already been successfully applied to solve condensed matter physics problems6-8. However, not all available or planned setups can be used for quantum chemistry problems, because it is not known how to engineer the required Coulomb interactions between them. Here we present an analogue approach to the simulation of quantum chemistry problems that relies on the careful combination of two technologies: ultracold atoms in optical lattices and cavity quantum electrodynamics. In the proposed simulator, fermionic atoms hopping in an optical potential play the role of electrons, additional optical potentials provide the nuclear attraction, and a single-spin excitation in a Mott insulator mediates the electronic Coulomb repulsion with the help of a cavity mode. We determine the operational conditions of the simulator and test it using a simple molecule. Our work opens up the possibility of efficiently computing the electronic structures of molecules with analogue quantum simulation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(4): 040404, 2024 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38335337


We consider the preparation of matrix product states (MPS) on quantum devices via quantum circuits of local gates. We first prove that faithfully preparing translation-invariant normal MPS of N sites requires a circuit depth T=Ω(logN). We then introduce an algorithm based on the renormalization-group transformation to prepare normal MPS with an error ε in depth T=O[log(N/ε)], which is optimal. We also show that measurement and feedback leads to an exponential speedup of the algorithm to T=O[loglog(N/ε)]. Measurements also allow one to prepare arbitrary translation-invariant MPS, including long-range non-normal ones, in the same depth. Finally, the algorithm naturally extends to inhomogeneous MPS.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(22): 220601, 2024 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877900


Many quantum algorithms rely on the measurement of complex quantum amplitudes. Standard approaches to obtain the phase information, such as the Hadamard test, give rise to large overheads due to the need for global controlled-unitary operations. We introduce a quantum algorithm based on complex analysis that overcomes this problem for amplitudes that are a continuous function of time. Our method only requires the implementation of real-time evolution and a shallow circuit that approximates a short imaginary-time evolution. We show that the method outperforms the Hadamard test in terms of circuit depth and that it is suitable for current noisy quantum computers when combined with a simple error-mitigation strategy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(7): 070401, 2023 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867805


We consider free fermions living on lattices in arbitrary dimensions, where hopping amplitudes follow a power-law decay with respect to the distance. We focus on the regime where this power is larger than the spatial dimension (i.e., where the single particle energies are guaranteed to be bounded) for which we provide a comprehensive series of fundamental constraints on their equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties. First, we derive a Lieb-Robinson bound which is optimal in the spatial tail. This bound then implies a clustering property with essentially the same power law for the Green's function, whenever its variable lies outside the energy spectrum. The widely believed (but yet unproven in this regime) clustering property for the ground-state correlation function follows as a corollary among other implications. Finally, we discuss the impact of these results on topological phases in long-range free-fermion systems: they justify the equivalence between Hamiltonian and state-based definitions and the extension of the short-range phase classification to systems with decay power larger than the spatial dimension. Additionally, we argue that all the short-range topological phases are unified whenever this power is allowed to be smaller.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(26): 260405, 2022 Dec 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36608200


We analyze the complexity of classically simulating continuous-time dynamics of locally interacting quantum spin systems with a constant rate of entanglement breaking noise. We prove that a polynomial time classical algorithm can be used to sample from the state of the spins when the rate of noise is higher than a threshold determined by the strength of the local interactions. Furthermore, by encoding a 1D fault tolerant quantum computation into the dynamics of spin systems arranged on two or higher dimensional grids, we show that for several noise channels, the problem of weakly simulating the output state of both purely Hamiltonian and purely dissipative dynamics is expected to be hard in the low-noise regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(18): 183401, 2022 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35594082


Similar to an electron in a solid, an impurity in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is dressed by excitations from the medium, forming a polaron quasiparticle with modified properties. This impurity can also undergo chemical recombination with atoms from the BEC, a process resonantly enhanced when universal three-body Efimov bound states cross the continuum. To study the interplay between these phenomena, we use a Gaussian state variational method able to describe both Efimov physics and arbitrarily many excitations of the BEC. We show that the polaron cloud contributes to bound state formation, leading to a shift of the Efimov resonance to smaller interaction strengths. This shifted scattering resonance marks the onset of a polaronic instability towards the decay into large Efimov clusters and fast recombination, offering a remarkable example of chemistry in a quantum medium.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(1): 010607, 2022 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35061477


We introduce plaquette projected entangled-pair states, a class of states in a lattice that can be generated by applying sequential unitaries acting on plaquettes of overlapping regions. They satisfy area-law entanglement, possess long-range correlations, and naturally generalize other relevant classes of tensor network states. We identify a subclass that can be more efficiently prepared in a radial fashion and that contains the family of isometric tensor network states [M. P. Zaletel and F. Pollmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 037201 (2020)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.124.037201]. We also show how this subclass can be efficiently prepared using an array of photon sources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(22): 220401, 2022 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36493451


We present an Ansatz for the ground states of the quantum Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, a paradigmatic model for quantum spin glasses. Our Ansatz, based on the concept of generalized coherent states, very well captures the fundamental aspects of the model, including the ground state energy and the position of the spin glass phase transition. It further enables us to study some previously unexplored features, such as the nonvanishing longitudinal field regime and the entanglement structure of the ground states. We find that the ground state entanglement can be captured by a simple ensemble of weighted graph states with normally distributed phase gates, leading to a volume law entanglement, contrasting with predictions based on entanglement monogamy.

Transición de Fase
Phys Rev Lett ; 127(22): 220503, 2021 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34889621


We introduce deterministic state-transformation protocols between many-body quantum states that can be implemented by low-depth quantum circuits followed by local operations and classical communication. We show that this gives rise to a classification of phases in which topologically ordered states or other paradigmatic entangled states become trivial. We also investigate how the set of unitary operations is enhanced by local operations and classical communication in this scenario, allowing one to perform certain large-depth quantum circuits in terms of low-depth ones.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(25): 250404, 2021 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35029429


Non-Markovian effects are important in modeling the behavior of open quantum systems arising in solid-state physics, quantum optics as well as in study of biological and chemical systems. The non-Markovian environment is often approximated by discrete bosonic modes, thus mapping it to a Lindbladian or Hamiltonian simulation problem. While systematic constructions of such modes have been previously proposed, the resulting approximation lacks rigorous and general convergence guarantees. In this Letter, we show that under some physically motivated assumptions on the system-environment interaction, the finite-time dynamics of the non-Markovian open quantum system computed with a sufficiently large number of modes is guaranteed to converge to the true result. Furthermore, we show that this approximation error typically falls off polynomially with the number of modes. Our results lend rigor to classical and quantum algorithms for approximating non-Markovian dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(16): 160601, 2021 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33961458


A fundamental result in modern quantum chaos theory is the Maldacena-Shenker-Stanford upper bound on the growth of out-of-time-order correlators, whose infinite-temperature limit is related to the operator-space entanglement entropy of the evolution operator. Here we show that, for one-dimensional quantum cellular automata (QCA), there exists a lower bound on quantum chaos quantified by such entanglement entropy. This lower bound is equal to twice the index of the QCA, which is a topological invariant that measures the chirality of information flow, and holds for all the Rényi entropies, with its strongest Rényi-∞ version being tight. The rigorous bound rules out the possibility of any sublinear entanglement growth behavior, showing in particular that many-body localization is forbidden for unitary evolutions displaying nonzero index. Since the Rényi entropy is measurable, our findings have direct experimental relevance. Our result is robust against exponential tails which naturally appear in quantum dynamics generated by local Hamiltonians.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(5): 050401, 2021 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33605766


We simulate a zero-temperature pure Z_{3} lattice gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions by using an iPEPS (infinite projected entangled-pair state) Ansatz for the ground state. Our results are therefore directly valid in the thermodynamic limit. They clearly show two distinct phases separated by a phase transition. We introduce an update strategy that enables plaquette terms and Gauss-law constraints to be applied as sequences of two-body operators. This allows the use of the most up-to-date iPEPS algorithms. From the calculation of spatial Wilson loops we are able to prove the existence of a confined phase. We show that with relatively low computational cost it is possible to reproduce crucial features of gauge theories. We expect that the strategy allows the extension of iPEPS studies to more general LGTs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(19): 190402, 2020 Nov 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216578


Quantum cellular automata are unitary maps that preserve locality and respect causality. We identify them, in any dimension, with simple tensor networks (projected entangled pair unitary) whose bond dimension does not grow with the system size. As a result, they satisfy an area law for the entanglement entropy they can create. We define other classes of nonunitary maps, the so-called quantum channels, that either respect causality or preserve locality. We show that, whereas the latter obey an area law for the number of quantum correlations they can create, as measured by the quantum mutual information, the former may violate it. We also show that neither of them can be expressed as tensor networks with a bond dimension that is independent of the system size.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(18): 180602, 2020 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33196237


We introduce an equation for density matrices that ensures a monotonic decrease of the free energy and reaches a fixed point at the Gibbs thermal. We build a variational approach for many-body systems that can be applied to a broad class of states, including all bosonic and fermionic Gaussian, as well as their generalizations obtained by unitary transformations, such as polaron transformations in electron-phonon systems. We apply it to the Holstein model on 20×20 and 50×50 square lattices, and predict phase separation between the superconducting and charge-density wave phases in the strong interaction regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 100402, 2020 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216430


We prove that matrix-product unitaries with on-site unitary symmetries are completely classified by the (chiral) index and the cohomology class of the symmetry group G, provided that we can add trivial and symmetric ancillas with arbitrary on-site representations of G. If the representations in both system and ancillas are fixed to be the same, we can define symmetry-protected indices (SPIs) which quantify the imbalance in the transport associated to each group element and greatly refines the classification. These SPIs are stable against disorder and measurable in interferometric experiments. Our results lead to a systematic construction of two-dimensional Floquet symmetry-protected topological phases beyond the standard classification, and thus shed new light on understanding nonequilibrium phases of quantum matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 100602, 2020 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216434


We combine matrix product operator techniques with Chebyshev polynomial expansions and present a method that is able to explore spectral properties of quantum many-body Hamiltonians. In particular, we show how this method can be used to probe thermalization of large spin chains without explicitly simulating their time evolution, as well as to compute full and local densities of states. The performance is illustrated with the examples of the Ising and PXP spin chains. For the nonintegrable Ising chain, our findings corroborate the presence of thermalization for several initial states, well beyond what direct time-dependent simulations have been able to achieve so far.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(17): 170504, 2019 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702229


We analyze entanglement in the family of translationally invariant matrix product states (MPS). We give a criterion to determine when two states can be transformed into each other by local operations with a nonvanishing probability, a central question in entanglement theory. This induces a classification within this family of states, which we explicitly carry out for the simplest, nontrivial MPS. We also characterize all symmetries of translationally invariant MPS, both global and local (inhomogeneous). We illustrate our results with examples of states that are relevant in different physical contexts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(18): 183001, 2019 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31763913


We consider dynamics of a Rydberg impurity in a cloud of ultracold bosonic atoms in which the Rydberg electron undergoes spin-changing collisions with surrounding atoms. This system realizes a new type of quantum impurity problems that compounds essential features of the Kondo model, the Bose polaron, and the central spin model. To capture the interplay of the Rydberg-electron spin dynamics and the orbital motion of atoms, we employ a new variational method that combines an impurity-decoupling transformation with a Gaussian ansatz for the bath particles. We find several unexpected features of this model that are not present in traditional impurity problems, including interaction-induced renormalization of the absorption spectrum that eludes simple explanations from molecular bound states, and long-lasting oscillations of the Rydberg-electron spin. We discuss generalizations of our analysis to other systems in atomic physics and quantum chemistry, where an electron excitation of high orbital quantum number interacts with a spinful quantum bath.

Nature ; 559(7715): 481-482, 2018 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30042537
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(34): E4946-55, 2016 08 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27496329


We present a platform for the simulation of quantum magnetism with full control of interactions between pairs of spins at arbitrary distances in 1D and 2D lattices. In our scheme, two internal atomic states represent a pseudospin for atoms trapped within a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW). With the atomic transition frequency aligned inside a band gap of the PCW, virtual photons mediate coherent spin-spin interactions between lattice sites. To obtain full control of interaction coefficients at arbitrary atom-atom separations, ground-state energy shifts are introduced as a function of distance across the PCW. In conjunction with auxiliary pump fields, spin-exchange versus atom-atom separation can be engineered with arbitrary magnitude and phase, and arranged to introduce nontrivial Berry phases in the spin lattice, thus opening new avenues for realizing topological spin models. We illustrate the broad applicability of our scheme by explicit construction for several well-known spin models.