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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(41): 25310-25318, 2020 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32989146


The origin of diamonds in ureilite meteorites is a timely topic in planetary geology as recent studies have proposed their formation at static pressures >20 GPa in a large planetary body, like diamonds formed deep within Earth's mantle. We investigated fragments of three diamond-bearing ureilites (two from the Almahata Sitta polymict ureilite and one from the NWA 7983 main group ureilite). In NWA 7983 we found an intimate association of large monocrystalline diamonds (up to at least 100 µm), nanodiamonds, nanographite, and nanometric grains of metallic iron, cohenite, troilite, and likely schreibersite. The diamonds show a striking texture pseudomorphing inferred original graphite laths. The silicates in NWA 7983 record a high degree of shock metamorphism. The coexistence of large monocrystalline diamonds and nanodiamonds in a highly shocked ureilite can be explained by catalyzed transformation from graphite during an impact shock event characterized by peak pressures possibly as low as 15 GPa for relatively long duration (on the order of 4 to 5 s). The formation of "large" (as opposed to nano) diamond crystals could have been enhanced by the catalytic effect of metallic Fe-Ni-C liquid coexisting with graphite during this shock event. We found no evidence that formation of micrometer(s)-sized diamonds or associated Fe-S-P phases in ureilites require high static pressures and long growth times, which makes it unlikely that any of the diamonds in ureilites formed in bodies as large as Mars or Mercury.

Planet Sci J ; 2(1)2021 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33681766


Nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies show that the first few million years of solar system history were characterized by two distinct cosmochemical reservoirs, CC (carbonaceous chondrites and related differentiated meteorites) and NC (the terrestrial planets and all other groups of chondrites and differentiated meteorites), widely interpreted to correspond to the outer and inner solar system, respectively. At some point, however, bulk CC and NC materials became mixed, and several dynamical models offer explanations for how and when this occurred. We use xenoliths of CC materials in polymict ureilite (NC) breccias to test the applicability of such models. Polymict ureilites represent regolith on ureilitic asteroids but contain carbonaceous chondrite-like xenoliths. We present the first 54Cr isotope data for such clasts, which, combined with oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, show that they are unique CC materials that became mixed with NC materials in these breccias. It has been suggested that such xenoliths were implanted into ureilites by outer solar system bodies migrating into the inner solar system during the gaseous disk phase ~3-5 Myr after CAI, as in the "Grand Tack" model. However, combined textural, petrologic, and spectroscopic observations suggest that they were added to ureilitic regolith at ~50-60 Myr after CAI, along with ordinary, enstatite, and Rumuruti-type chondrites, as a result of breakup of multiple parent bodies in the asteroid belt at this time. This is consistent with models for an early instability of the giant planets. The C-type asteroids from which the xenoliths were derived were already present in inner solar system orbits.

Minerals (Basel) ; 10(11): 1005, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33717603


The thermal history of carbon phases, including graphite and diamond, in the ureilite meteorites has implications for the formation, igneous evolution, and impact disruption of their parent body early in the history of the Solar System. Geothermometry data were obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy on graphite in Almahata Sitta (AhS) ureilites AhS 72, AhS 209b and AhS A135A from the University of Khartoum collection. In these samples, graphite shows G-band peak centers between 1578 and 1585 cm-1 and the full width at half maximum values correspond to a crystallization temperature of 1266 °C for graphite for AhS 209b, 1242 °C for AhS 72, and 1332 °C for AhS A135A. Recent work on AhS 72 and AhS 209b has shown graphite associated with nanodiamonds and argued that this assemblage formed due to an impact-event. Our samples show disordered graphite with a crystalline domain size ranging between about 70 and 140 nm. The nanometric grain-size of the recrystallized graphite indicates that it records a shock event and thus argues that the temperatures we obtained are related to such an event, rather than the primary igneous processing of the ureilite parent body.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 203: 381-403, 2017 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30393389


Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325 is an ungrouped achondrite that has recently been recognized as a sample of ancient differentiated crust from either Mercury or a previously unknown asteroid. In this work we augment data from previous investigations on petrography and mineral compositions, mid-IR spectroscopy, and oxygen isotope compositions of NWA 7325, and add constraints from Cr and Ti isotope compositions on the provenance of its parent body. In addition, we identify and discuss notable similarities between NWA 7325 and clasts of a rare xenolithic lithology found in polymict ureilites. NWA 7325 has a medium grained, protogranular to poikilitic texture, and consists of 10-15 vol. % Mg-rich olivine (Fo 98), 25-30 vol. % diopside (Wo 45, Mg# 98), 55-60 vol. % Ca-rich plagioclase (An 90), and trace Cr-rich sulfide and Fe,Ni metal. We interpret this meteorite to be a cumulate that crystallized at ≥1200 °C and very low oxygen fugacity (similar to the most reduced ureilites) from a refractory, incompatible element-depleted melt. Modeling of trace elements in plagioclase suggests that this melt formed by fractional melting or multi-stage igneous evolution. A subsequent event (likely impact) resulted in plagioclase being substantially remelted, reacting with a small amount of pyroxene, and recrystallizing with a distinctive texture. The bulk oxygen isotope composition of NWA 7325 plots in the range of ureilites on the CCAM line, and also on a mass-dependent fractionation line extended from acapulcoites. The ε54Cr and ε50Ti values of NWA 7325 exhibit deficits relative to terrestrial composition, as do ordinary chondrites and most achondrites. Its ε54Cr value is distinct from that of any analyzed ureilite, but is not resolved from that of acapulcoites (as represented by Acapulco). In terms of all these properties, NWA 7325 is unlike any known achondrite. However, a rare population of clasts found in polymict ureilites ("the magnesian anorthitic lithology") are strikingly similar to NWA 7325 in mineralogy and mineral compositions, oxygen isotope compositions, and internal textures in plagioclase. These clasts are probably xenolithic in polymict ureilites, and could be pieces of NWA 7325-like meteorites. Using constraints from chromium, titanium and oxygen isotopes, we discuss two possible models for the provenance of the NWA 7325 parent body: 1) accretion in the inner solar system from a reservoir similar to that of acapulcoites in Δ17O, ε54Cr and ε50Ti; or 2) early (< 1 Ma after CAI formation) accretion in the outer solar system (beyond the snow line), before 54Cr and 50Ti anomalies were introduced to this region of the solar system. The mid-IR emission spectrum of NWA 7325 obtained in this work matches its modal mineralogy, and so can be compared with spectra of new meteorites or asteroids/planets to help identify similar materials and/or the parent body of NWA 7325.