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Nature ; 614(7948): 445-450, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36792741


Majorana bound states constitute one of the simplest examples of emergent non-Abelian excitations in condensed matter physics. A toy model proposed by Kitaev shows that such states can arise at the ends of a spinless p-wave superconducting chain1. Practical proposals for its realization2,3 require coupling neighbouring quantum dots (QDs) in a chain through both electron tunnelling and crossed Andreev reflection4. Although both processes have been observed in semiconducting nanowires and carbon nanotubes5-8, crossed-Andreev interaction was neither easily tunable nor strong enough to induce coherent hybridization of dot states. Here we demonstrate the simultaneous presence of all necessary ingredients for an artificial Kitaev chain: two spin-polarized QDs in an InSb nanowire strongly coupled by both elastic co-tunnelling (ECT) and crossed Andreev reflection (CAR). We fine-tune this system to a sweet spot where a pair of poor man's Majorana states is predicted to appear. At this sweet spot, the transport characteristics satisfy the theoretical predictions for such a system, including pairwise correlation, zero charge and stability against local perturbations. Although the simple system presented here can be scaled to simulate a full Kitaev chain with an emergent topological order, it can also be used imminently to explore relevant physics related to non-Abelian anyons.

Nature ; 612(7940): 448-453, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36418399


In most naturally occurring superconductors, electrons with opposite spins form Cooper pairs. This includes both conventional s-wave superconductors such as aluminium, as well as high-transition-temperature, d-wave superconductors. Materials with intrinsic p-wave superconductivity, hosting Cooper pairs made of equal-spin electrons, have not been conclusively identified, nor synthesized, despite promising progress1-3. Instead, engineered platforms where s-wave superconductors are brought into contact with magnetic materials have shown convincing signatures of equal-spin pairing4-6. Here we directly measure equal-spin pairing between spin-polarized quantum dots. This pairing is proximity-induced from an s-wave superconductor into a semiconducting nanowire with strong spin-orbit interaction. We demonstrate such pairing by showing that breaking a Cooper pair can result in two electrons with equal spin polarization. Our results demonstrate controllable detection of singlet and triplet pairing between the quantum dots. Achieving such triplet pairing in a sequence of quantum dots will be required for realizing an artificial Kitaev chain7-9.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(17): 176304, 2024 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728734


We study the current-phase relation (CPR) of an InSb-Al nanowire Josephson junction in parallel magnetic fields up to 700 mT. At high magnetic fields and in narrow voltage intervals of a gate under the junction, the CPR exhibits π shifts. The supercurrent declines within these gate intervals and shows asymmetric gate voltage dependence above and below them. We detect these features sometimes also at zero magnetic field. The observed CPR properties are reproduced by a theoretical model of supercurrent transport via interference between direct transmission and a resonant localized state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(5): 056602, 2024 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38364137


The formation of a topological superconducting phase in a quantum-dot-based Kitaev chain requires nearest neighbor crossed Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling. Here, we report on a hybrid InSb nanowire in a three-site Kitaev chain geometry-the smallest system with well-defined bulk and edge-where two superconductor-semiconductor hybrids separate three quantum dots. We demonstrate pairwise crossed Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling between both pairs of neighboring dots and show sequential tunneling processes involving all three quantum dots. These results are the next step toward the realization of topological superconductivity in long Kitaev chain devices with many coupled quantum dots.

Nature ; 556(7699): 74-79, 2018 04 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29590094


Majorana zero-modes-a type of localized quasiparticle-hold great promise for topological quantum computing. Tunnelling spectroscopy in electrical transport is the primary tool for identifying the presence of Majorana zero-modes, for instance as a zero-bias peak in differential conductance. The height of the Majorana zero-bias peak is predicted to be quantized at the universal conductance value of 2e2/h at zero temperature (where e is the charge of an electron and h is the Planck constant), as a direct consequence of the famous Majorana symmetry in which a particle is its own antiparticle. The Majorana symmetry protects the quantization against disorder, interactions and variations in the tunnel coupling. Previous experiments, however, have mostly shown zero-bias peaks much smaller than 2e2/h, with a recent observation of a peak height close to 2e2/h. Here we report a quantized conductance plateau at 2e2/h in the zero-bias conductance measured in indium antimonide semiconductor nanowires covered with an aluminium superconducting shell. The height of our zero-bias peak remains constant despite changing parameters such as the magnetic field and tunnel coupling, indicating that it is a quantized conductance plateau. We distinguish this quantized Majorana peak from possible non-Majorana origins by investigating its robustness to electric and magnetic fields as well as its temperature dependence. The observation of a quantized conductance plateau strongly supports the existence of Majorana zero-modes in the system, consequently paving the way for future braiding experiments that could lead to topological quantum computing.

Nano Lett ; 23(11): 4716-4722, 2023 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37212490


Semiconducting nanowire Josephson junctions represent an attractive platform to investigate the anomalous Josephson effect and detect topological superconductivity. However, an external magnetic field generally suppresses the supercurrent through hybrid nanowire junctions and significantly limits the field range in which the supercurrent phenomena can be studied. In this work, we investigate the impact of the length of InSb-Al nanowire Josephson junctions on the supercurrent resilience against magnetic fields. We find that the critical parallel field of the supercurrent can be considerably enhanced by reducing the junction length. Particularly, in 30 nm long junctions supercurrent can persist up to 1.3 T parallel field─approaching the critical field of the superconducting film. Furthermore, we embed such short junctions into a superconducting loop and obtain the supercurrent interference at a parallel field of 1 T. Our findings are highly relevant for multiple experiments on hybrid nanowires requiring a magnetic-field-resilient supercurrent.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(15): 157001, 2023 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37897758


Cooper pair splitters hold utility as a platform for investigating the entanglement of electrons in Cooper pairs, but probing splitters with voltage-biased Ohmic contacts prevents the retention of electrons from split pairs since they can escape to the drain reservoirs. We report the ability to controllably split and retain single Cooper pairs in a multi-quantum-dot device isolated from lead reservoirs, and separately demonstrate a technique for detecting the electrons emerging from a split pair. First, we identify a coherent Cooper pair splitting charge transition using dispersive gate sensing at GHz frequencies. Second, we utilize a double quantum dot as an electron parity sensor to detect parity changes resulting from electrons emerging from a superconducting island.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(9): 097001, 2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37721843


We use a hybrid superconductor-semiconductor transmon device to perform spectroscopy of a quantum dot Josephson junction tuned to be in a spin-1/2 ground state with an unpaired quasiparticle. Because of spin-orbit coupling, we resolve two flux-sensitive branches in the transmon spectrum, depending on the spin of the quasiparticle. A finite magnetic field shifts the two branches in energy, favoring one spin state and resulting in the anomalous Josephson effect. We demonstrate the excitation of the direct spin-flip transition using all-electrical control. Manipulation and control of the spin-flip transition enable the future implementation of charging energy protected Andreev spin qubits.

Nature ; 548(7668): 434-438, 2017 08 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28836603


Semiconductor nanowires are ideal for realizing various low-dimensional quantum devices. In particular, topological phases of matter hosting non-Abelian quasiparticles (such as anyons) can emerge when a semiconductor nanowire with strong spin-orbit coupling is brought into contact with a superconductor. To exploit the potential of non-Abelian anyons-which are key elements of topological quantum computing-fully, they need to be exchanged in a well-controlled braiding operation. Essential hardware for braiding is a network of crystalline nanowires coupled to superconducting islands. Here we demonstrate a technique for generic bottom-up synthesis of complex quantum devices with a special focus on nanowire networks with a predefined number of superconducting islands. Structural analysis confirms the high crystalline quality of the nanowire junctions, as well as an epitaxial superconductor-semiconductor interface. Quantum transport measurements of nanowire 'hashtags' reveal Aharonov-Bohm and weak-antilocalization effects, indicating a phase-coherent system with strong spin-orbit coupling. In addition, a proximity-induced hard superconducting gap (with vanishing sub-gap conductance) is demonstrated in these hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires, highlighting the successful materials development necessary for a first braiding experiment. Our approach opens up new avenues for the realization of epitaxial three-dimensional quantum architectures which have the potential to become key components of various quantum devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(24): 246802, 2020 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32639813


Isolation from the environment determines the extent to which charge is confined on an island, which manifests as Coulomb oscillations, such as charge dispersion. We investigate the charge dispersion of a nanowire transmon hosting a quantum dot in the junction. We observe rapid suppression of the charge dispersion with increasing junction transparency, consistent with the predicted scaling law, which incorporates two branches of the Josephson potential. We find improved qubit coherence times at the point of highest suppression, suggesting novel approaches for building charge-insensitive qubits.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3575-3582, 2019 06 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31094527


High aspect-ratio InSb nanowires (NWs) of high chemical purity are sought for implementing advanced quantum devices. The growth of InSb NWs is challenging, generally requiring a stem of a foreign material for nucleation. Such a stem tends to limit the length of InSb NWs and its material becomes incorporated in the InSb segment. Here, we report on the growth of chemically pure InSb NWs tens of microns long. Using a selective-area mask in combination with gold as a catalyst allows complete omission of the stem, thus demonstrating that InSb NWs can grow directly from the substrate. The introduction of the selective-area mask gives rise to novel growth kinetics, demonstrating high growth rates and complete suppression of layer deposition on the mask for Sb-rich conditions. The crystal quality and chemical purity of these NWs is reflected in the significant enhancement of low-temperature electron mobility, yielding an average of 4.4 × 104 cm2/(V s), compared to previously studied InSb NWs grown on stems.

Nano Lett ; 19(12): 9102-9111, 2019 12 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31730748


Selective area growth is a promising technique to realize semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowire networks, potentially hosting topologically protected Majorana-based qubits. In some cases, however, such as the molecular beam epitaxy of InSb on InP or GaAs substrates, nucleation and selective growth conditions do not necessarily overlap. To overcome this challenge, we propose a metal-sown selective area growth (MS SAG) technique, which allows decoupling selective deposition and nucleation growth conditions by temporarily isolating these stages. It consists of three steps: (i) selective deposition of In droplets only inside the mask openings at relatively high temperatures favoring selectivity, (ii) nucleation of InSb under Sb flux from In droplets, which act as a reservoir of group III adatoms, done at relatively low temperatures, favoring nucleation of InSb, and (iii) homoepitaxy of InSb on top of the formed nucleation layer under a simultaneous supply of In and Sb fluxes at conditions favoring selectivity and high crystal quality. We demonstrate that complex InSb nanowire networks of high crystal and electrical quality can be achieved this way. We extract mobility values of 10 000-25 000 cm2 V-1 s-1 consistently from field-effect and Hall mobility measurements across single nanowire segments as well as wires with junctions. Moreover, we demonstrate ballistic transport in a 440 nm long channel in a single nanowire under a magnetic field below 1 T. We also extract a phase-coherent length of ∼8 µm at 50 mK in mesoscopic rings.

Nano Lett ; 19(1): 218-227, 2019 01 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30521341


Selective-area growth is a promising technique for enabling of the fabrication of the scalable III-V nanowire networks required to test proposals for Majorana-based quantum computing devices. However, the contours of the growth parameter window resulting in selective growth remain undefined. Herein, we present a set of experimental techniques that unambiguously establish the parameter space window resulting in selective III-V nanowire networks growth by molecular beam epitaxy. Selectivity maps are constructed for both GaAs and InAs compounds based on in situ characterization of growth kinetics on GaAs(001) substrates, where the difference in group III adatom desorption rates between the III-V surface and the amorphous mask area is identified as the primary mechanism governing selectivity. The broad applicability of this method is demonstrated by the successful realization of high-quality InAs and GaAs nanowire networks on GaAs, InP, and InAs substrates of both (001) and (111)B orientations as well as homoepitaxial InSb nanowire networks. Finally, phase coherence in Aharonov-Bohm ring experiments validates the potential of these crystals for nanoelectronics and quantum transport applications. This work should enable faster and better nanoscale crystal engineering over a range of compound semiconductors for improved device performance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(18): 187702, 2019 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144896


Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) plays a key role in creating Majorana zero modes in semiconductor nanowires proximity coupled to a superconductor. We track the evolution of the induced superconducting gap in InSb nanowires coupled to a NbTiN superconductor in a large range of magnetic field strengths and orientations. Based on realistic simulations of our devices, we reveal SOI with a strength of 0.15-0.35 eV Å. Our approach identifies the direction of the spin-orbit field, which is strongly affected by the superconductor geometry and electrostatic gates.

Nano Lett ; 18(10): 6483-6488, 2018 10 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30192147


Low dimensional semiconducting structures with strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and induced superconductivity attracted great interest in the search for topological superconductors. Both the strong SOI and hard superconducting gap are directly related to the topological protection of the predicted Majorana bound states. Here we explore the one-dimensional hole gas in germanium silicon (Ge-Si) core-shell nanowires (NWs) as a new material candidate for creating a topological superconductor. Fitting multiple Andreev reflection measurements shows that the NW has two transport channels only, underlining its one-dimensionality. Furthermore, we find anisotropy of the Landé g-factor that, combined with band structure calculations, provides us qualitative evidence for the direct Rashba SOI and a strong orbital effect of the magnetic field. Finally, a hard superconducting gap is found in the tunneling regime and the open regime, where we use the Kondo peak as a new tool to gauge the quality of the superconducting gap.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(4): 047702, 2018 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29437430


Josephson junctions defined in strong spin orbit semiconductors are highly interesting for the search for topological systems. However, next to topological edge states that emerge in a sufficient magnetic field, trivial edge states can also occur. We study the trivial edge states with superconducting quantum interference measurements on nontopological InAs Josephson junctions. We observe a SQUID pattern, an indication of superconducting edge transport. Also, a remarkable h/e SQUID signal is observed that, as we find, stems from crossed Andreev states.

Nano Lett ; 17(11): 6511-6515, 2017 11 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28665621


Majorana zero modes (MZMs) are prime candidates for robust topological quantum bits, holding a great promise for quantum computing. Semiconducting nanowires with strong spin orbit coupling offer a promising platform to harness one-dimensional electron transport for Majorana physics. Demonstrating the topological nature of MZMs relies on braiding, accomplished by moving MZMs around each other in a certain sequence. Most of the proposed Majorana braiding circuits require nanowire networks with minimal disorder. Here, the electronic transport across a junction between two merged InSb nanowires is studied to investigate how disordered these nanowire networks are. Conductance quantization plateaus are observed in most of the contact pairs of the epitaxial InSb nanowire networks: the hallmark of ballistic transport behavior.