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Oecologia ; 197(1): 243-257, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34370096


The diversity of endotherms and ectotherms may be differently affected by ambient temperature and net primary productivity (NPP). Additionally, little is known about how these drivers affect the diversity of guilds of different trophic levels. We assessed the relative role of temperature and NPP in multitrophic guilds of ectothermic (arthropods: ants, ground beetles, spiders, and harvestmen) and endothermic (large mammals) animals along a tropical elevational gradient. We sampled arthropods at eight elevation belts and large mammals at 14 elevation belts in Atlantic rainforest (ranging from 600 to 2450 m.a.s.l.) of Itatiaia National Park, Southeast Brazil. Overall arthropod species richness was more associated with temperature than overall large-mammal species richness, while the latter was more associated with NPP. When separated into trophic guilds, we found that the species richness associated with NPP increased across arthropod trophic levels from herbivores to predators. Conversely, although NPP influenced large-mammal herbivore species richness, its effects did not seem to accumulate across large-mammal trophic levels since the species richness of large-mammal omnivores was more associated with temperature and none of the variables we studied influenced large-mammal predators. We suggest that thermal physiological differences between ectotherms and endotherms are responsible for the way in which arthropods and large mammals interact with or are constrained by the environment. Furthermore, the inconsistency regarding the role of temperature and NPP on species richness across multitrophic guilds of ectotherms and endotherms could indicate that thermal physiological differences might also interfere with energy use and flux in the food web.

Artrópodos , Biodiversidad , Animales , Ecosistema , Herbivoria , Temperatura
Ecology ; 104(4): e3975, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36691830


Animals are integrated into the wider ecosystem via their foraging and behavior. The compensation hypothesis predicts that animals target their foraging efforts (i) toward nutrients that are scarce in the environment and (ii) toward nutrients that are not present in the usual diet of species, which varies across trophic levels. Understanding how foraging for resources varies locally, such as across habitat strata, and trophic levels will help to elucidate the links between the local environment and communities to the ecological functions that animals mediate. We examined whether the relative resource use of ants varies consistently along a habitat strata gradient and across trophic levels across Neotropical biomes. We placed 4500 baited tubes, each containing one of five liquid resources (sugar, amino acid, lipid, sodium, and distilled water) in one of three habitat strata (subterranean, epigaeic, and arboreal) across 60 transects in Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pampa, and Pantanal biomes. We assessed the relative resource use of all ants across the habitat strata and among two different trophic groups across biomes. The relative preference for sugar increased from subterranean to arboreal strata in all biomes, while the relative preference for lipids decreased at this gradient in five biomes. We also found that in general sugar-consuming ants foraged more for sugar and less for lipids than predatory ants across biomes. Conversely, we found no consistency across biomes in nutrient preference of amino acid and sodium across habitat strata or trophic levels. Overall, our results indicate sugar limitation in the arboreal stratum and lipid limitation on the ground across biomes and that the trophic level of ants strongly determines their foraging efforts-possibly because ants try to fix their dietary nutrient imbalances. Hence, our findings suggest strong local niche partitioning of sugar and lipid use across habitat strata and trophic levels and that other large spatial scale processes influence the local amino acid and sodium dynamics.

Os animais se integram nos ecossistemas pelos seus esforços e comportamento de forrageio. A hipótese da compensação prevê que os animais direcionam seus esforços de forrageio para (i) nutrientes que são escassos no ambiente e (ii) para nutrientes que não estão presentes em sua dieta, que variam entre os níveis tróficos. Assim, entender como a busca de recursos varia localmente entre os estratos de habitat e entre níveis tróficos, ajudará a entender as conexões entre o ambiente e suas comunidades com as funções ecológicas mediadas pelos animais. Avaliamos se o uso relativo de recursos das formigas varia consistentemente em um gradiente de estratos de habitat e em diferentes níveis tróficos nos biomas Neotropicais. Disponibilizamos um total de 4.500 tubos contendo um de cinco recursos líquidos (açúcar, aminoácido, lipídio, sódio e água destilada) em três estratos de habitat (subterrâneo, epigéico e arbóreo) em 60 transectos distribuídos nos biomas Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pampa e Pantanal. Avaliamos o uso relativo de recursos de todas as formigas ao longo dos estratos de habitat e entre dois grupos tróficos diferentes nos biomas. A preferência relativa por açúcar aumentou do estrato subterrâneo para o arbóreo em todos os biomas, enquanto a preferência relativa por lipídios diminuiu neste gradiente em cinco biomas. Também descobrimos que, em geral, as formigas consumidoras de açúcar procuram mais açúcar e menos lipídios do que as formigas predadoras nos biomas. Por outro lado, não encontramos consistência entre biomas na preferência nutricional de aminoácidos e sódio nos estratos de habitat ou níveis tróficos. No geral, nossos resultados indicam limitação de açúcar no estrato arbóreo e limitação de lipídios no solo em todos os biomas e que o nível trófico das formigas determina fortemente seus esforços de forrageamento - possivelmente porque as formigas tentam corrigir seus desequilíbrios de nutrientes na dieta. Portanto, nossas descobertas sugerem forte partição de nicho local de uso de açúcar e lipídios em estratos de habitat e níveis tróficos e que outros processos de grande escala espacial influenciam a dinâmica local de aminoácidos e sódio.

Hormigas , Ecosistema , Animales , Árboles , Nutrientes , Azúcares , Lípidos
Neotrop Entomol ; 50(3): 335-348, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33725288


Mining is responsible for drastic ecosystem changes and rehabilitation is used to promote the return of functions after these impacts. In this scenario, we investigated the responses of ant assemblages and diaspore removal by ants to the transformations caused by mining and rehabilitation predicting that (a) the increase in plant density (a proxy for mining intensity) led to an increase in ant richness, percentage of diaspores removed, and changes in species composition that in turn are correlated with changes in environmental variables; (b) the increase in vegetation structure (a proxy for rehabilitation ages) led to an increase in ant richness, percentage of diaspores removed, and changes in species composition that in turn are correlated with changes in environmental variables. Additionally, we also verified which functional groups were primarily responsible for diaspore removal. We sampled arboreal and epigeic ants, diaspore removal by ants, and environmental variables. We found that ant richness and diaspore removal in mining intensity gradient are positively correlated to plant density. Although vegetation structure is positively correlated with ant richness, we found no changes in diaspore removal in rehabilitation gradient. Epigeic omnivore and epigeic generalist predator ants were the most responsible for diaspore removal. Then, we observed that mining decreases ant richness, altering ant assemblages and their functions, and rehabilitation with exotic plants is ineffective to promote the colonization by the main diaspore-removing ants.

Hormigas , Ecosistema , Restauración y Remediación Ambiental , Minería , Animales , Plantas , Árboles
Oecologia, v. 197, p 243-257, set. 2021
Artículo en Inglés | SES-SP, SES SP - Instituto Butantan, SES-SP | ID: bud-3921


The diversity of endotherms and ectotherms may be differently affected by ambient temperature and net primary productivity (NPP). Additionally, little is known about how these drivers affect the diversity of guilds of different trophic levels. We assessed the relative role of temperature and NPP in multitrophic guilds of ectothermic (arthropods: ants, ground beetles, spiders, and harvestmen) and endothermic (large mammals) animals along a tropical elevational gradient. We sampled arthropods at eight elevation belts and large mammals at 14 elevation belts in Atlantic rainforest (ranging from 600 to 2450 m.a.s.l.) of Itatiaia National Park, Southeast Brazil. Overall arthropod species richness was more associated with temperature than overall large-mammal species richness, while the latter was more associated with NPP. When separated into trophic guilds, we found that the species richness associated with NPP increased across arthropod trophic levels from herbivores to predators. Conversely, although NPP influenced large-mammal herbivore species richness, its effects did not seem to accumulate across large-mammal trophic levels since the species richness of large-mammal omnivores was more associated with temperature and none of the variables we studied influenced large-mammal predators. We suggest that thermal physiological differences between ectotherms and endotherms are responsible for the way in which arthropods and large mammals interact with or are constrained by the environment. Furthermore, the inconsistency regarding the role of temperature and NPP on species richness across multitrophic guilds of ectotherms and endotherms could indicate that thermal physiological differences might also interfere with energy use and flux in the food web.