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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(3): e17191, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433338


The response to climate change in highly dimorphic species can be hindered by differences between sexes in habitat preferences and movement patterns. The Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, is the most abundant pinniped in the Southern Hemisphere, and one of the main consumers of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in the Southern Ocean. However, the populations breeding in the Atlantic Southern Ocean are decreasing, partly due to global warming. Male and female Antarctic fur seals differ greatly in body size and foraging ecology, and little is known about their sex-specific responses to climate change. We used satellite tracking data and Earth System Models to predict changes in habitat suitability for male and female Antarctic fur seals from the Western Antarctic Peninsula under different climate change scenarios. Under the most extreme scenario (SSP5-8.5; global average temperature +4.4°C projected by 2100), suitable habitat patches will shift southward during the non-breeding season, leading to a minor overall habitat loss. The impact will be more pronounced for females than for males. The reduction of winter foraging grounds might decrease the survival of post-weaned females, reducing recruitment and jeopardizing population viability. During the breeding season, when males fast on land, suitable foraging grounds for females off the South Shetland Islands will remain largely unmodified, and new ones will emerge in the Bellingshausen Sea. As Antarctic fur seals are income breeders, the foraging grounds of females should be reasonably close to the breeding colony. As a result, the new suitable foraging grounds will be useful for females only if nearby beaches currently covered by sea ice emerge by the end of the century. Furthermore, the colonization of these new, ice-free breeding locations might be limited by strong female philopatry. These results should be considered when managing the fisheries of Antarctic krill in the Southern Ocean.

La resposta al canvi climàtic en espècies amb dimorfisme sexual pot veure's dificultada per les diferències entre sexes respecte a les seves preferències d'ús de l'hàbitat i els seus patrons de moviment. L'os marí antàrtic (Arctocephalus gazella), és el pinnípede més abundant a l'Hemisferi Sud i un dels principals consumidors de krill antàrtic, (Euphausia superba), a l'Oceà Antàrtic. No obstant això, les poblacions que es reprodueixen al sector Atlàntic de l'Oceà Antàrtic estan disminuint, en part a causa de l'escalfament global. Els mascles i les femelles de l'os marí antàrtic difereixen considerablement en la seva mida corporal i ecologia tròfica, i es té poc coneixement sobre les seves respostes específiques al canvi climàtic. En aquest estudi hem utilitzat dades de seguiment per satèl·lit i models del Sistema Terrestre per predir els canvis en la idoneïtat de l'hàbitat per als mascles i les femelles d'os marí antàrtic de la Península Antàrtica Occidental sota diferents escenaris de canvi climàtic. Sota l'escenari més extrem (SSP5-8.5; temperatura mitjana mundial +4.4°C prevista per a 2100), les zones d'hàbitat idoni es desplaçaran cap al sud durant l'època d'hivernada (no reproducció), provocant una lleugera pèrdua d'hàbitat idoni. Tot i això, l'impacte serà més pronunciat per a les femelles que per als mascles. Aquesta reducció dels territoris d'alimentació durant l'hivern podria disminuir la supervivència de les femelles postdeslletades, reduint-ne el reclutament i posant en perill la viabilitat de la població. Durant l'època de cria, quan els mascles es troben majoritàriament en dejú a terra, els territoris d'alimentació idonis per a les femelles al voltant de les Illes Shetland del Sud romandran en gran part sense modificar-se, i n'emergiran de nous al mar de Bellingshausen. Com que les femelles d'os marí antàrtic es continuen alimentant durant la cria, els territoris d'alimentació de les femelles han d'estar raonablement a prop de la colònia de cria. Com a resultat, aquestes noves zones d'alimentació seran útils només si les platges properes, actualment cobertes de gel marí, emergeixen al llarg del segle. A més, la colonització d'aquests nous llocs de reproducció lliures de gel podria veure's limitada per la forta filopatria de les femelles. Aquests resultats haurien de tenir-se en compte en la gestió de les pesqueries de krill a l'Oceà Antàrtic.

Lobos Marinos , Femenino , Masculino , Animales , Regiones Antárticas , Océano Atlántico , Tamaño Corporal , Cambio Climático
Conserv Biol ; 38(3): e14224, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111961


Seabirds interact with fishing vessels to consume fishing discards and baits, sometimes resulting in incidental capture (bycatch) and the death of the bird, which has clear conservation implications. To understand seabird-fishery interactions at large spatiotemporal scales, researchers are increasing their use of simultaneous seabird and fishing vessel tracking. However, vessel tracking data can contain gaps due to technical problems, illicit manipulation, or lack of adoption of tracking monitoring systems. These gaps might lead to underestimating the fishing effort and bycatch rates and jeopardize the effectiveness of marine conservation. We deployed bird-borne radar detector tags capable of recording radar signals from vessels. We placed tags on 88 shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea, Calonectris borealis, and Calonectris edwardsii) that forage in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. We modeled vessel radar detections registered by the tags in relation to gridded automatic identification system (AIS) vessel tracking data to examine the spatiotemporal dynamics of seabird-vessel interactions and identify unreported fishing activity areas. Our models showed a moderate fit (area under the curve >0.7) to vessel tracking data, indicating a strong association of shearwaters to fishing vessels in major fishing grounds. Although in high-marine-traffic regions, radar detections were also driven by nonfishing vessels. The tags registered the presence of potential unregulated and unreported fishing vessels in West African waters, where merchant shipping is unusual but fishing activity is intense. Overall, bird-borne radar detectors showed areas and periods when the association of seabirds with legal and illegal fishing vessels was high. Bird-borne radar detectors could improve the focus of conservation efforts.

Uso de radares en aves para analizar las interacciones de las pardelas con las pesquerías legales e ilegales Resumen Las aves marinas interactúan con los barcos pesqueros para consumir los cebos y lo que descartan, lo que a veces resulta en la captura accesoria y la muerte del ave, por lo que esto tiene implicaciones claras para la conservación. Los investigadores cada vez usan más el rastreo simultáneo de las aves marinas y los barcos pesqueros para comprender las interacciones aves marinas ­ pesquerías a gran escala espaciotemporal. Sin embargo, los datos del rastreo de barcos pueden incluir vacíos por problemas técnicos, manipulación ilícita o porque no adoptan sistemas para monitorear el rastreo. Estos vacíos pueden llevar a subestimar el esfuerzo de pesca y las tasas de captura accesoria y a comprometer la efectividad de la conservación marina. Desplegamos marcas detectoras de radar encima de aves capaces de registrar las señales de radar de los barcos. Colocamos estas marcas en 88 pardelas (Calonectris diomedea, C. borealis, y C. edwardsii) que forrajean en el noroeste del Mar Mediterráneo y el Gran Ecosistema Marino de Canarias. Modelamos las detecciones del radar de los barcos registradas por las marcas en relación con los datos reticulados de rastreo de barcos del sistema de identificación automático (AIS) para analizar las dinámicas espaciotemporales de las interacciones aves marinas­barcos e identificar áreas con actividad pesquera no reportada. Nuestros modelos mostraron un ajuste moderado (área bajo la curva > 0.7) a los datos de rastreo de barcos, lo que indica una fuerte asociación entre las pardelas y los barcos en los principales sitios de pesca, aunque en las regiones con alto tránsito de barcos las detecciones por radar también fueron causadas por barcos no pesqueros. Las marcas registraron la presencia del potencial de barcos pesqueros sin regular y sin reportar en aguas del oeste de África, en donde los buques mercantes son poco comunes pero la actividad pesquera es intensa. En general, los detectores por radar en las aves mostraron áreas y periodos en donde la asociación entre las aves marinas y los barcos pesqueros legales e ilegales es alta. Estos detectores por radar podrían mejorar el enfoque de los esfuerzos de conservación.

Aves , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Radar , Animales , Aves/fisiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Mar Mediterráneo , Navíos , España
Conserv Biol ; 37(5): e14110, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37144486


Fisheries bycatch is a critical threat to sea turtle populations worldwide, particularly because turtles are vulnerable to multiple gear types. The Canary Current is an intensely fished region, yet there has been no demographic assessment integrating bycatch and population management information of the globally significant Cabo Verde loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) population. Using Boa Vista island (Eastern Cabo Verde) subpopulation data from capture-recapture and nest monitoring (2013-2019), we evaluated population viability and estimated regional bycatch rates (2016-2020) in longline, trawl, purse-seine, and artisanal fisheries. We further evaluated current nesting trends in the context of bycatch estimates, existing hatchery conservation measures, and environmental (net primary productivity) variability in turtle foraging grounds. We projected that current bycatch mortality rates would lead to the near extinction of the Boa Vista subpopulation. Bycatch reduction in longline fisheries and all fisheries combined would increase finite population growth rate by 1.76% and 1.95%, respectively. Hatchery conservation increased hatchling production and reduced extinction risk, but alone it could not achieve population growth. Short-term increases in nest counts (2013-2021), putatively driven by temporary increases in net primary productivity, may be masking ongoing long-term population declines. When fecundity was linked to net primary productivity, our hindcast models simultaneously predicted these opposing long-term and short-term trends. Consequently, our results showed conservation management must diversify from land-based management. The masking effect we found has broad-reaching implications for monitoring sea turtle populations worldwide, demonstrating the importance of directly estimating adult survival and that nest counts might inadequately reflect underlying population trends.

Impactos demográficos ocultos de la pesca y determinantes ambientales de la fecundidad en una población de tortugas marinas Resumen La captura accidental de las pesquerías es una amenaza importante para la población mundial de tortugas marinas pues estos reptiles son vulnerables a muchos tipos de artes de pesca. Aunque la Corriente de Canarias es una zona de pesca intensa, no se han realizado análisis demográficos que integren información de la captura accidental y el manejo poblacional de la tortuga caguama de Cabo Verde (Caretta caretta), una población de importancia mundial. Usamos datos de captura-recaptura y monitoreo de nidos (2013-2019) de la subpoblación de la isla Boa Vista (Cabo Verde occidental) para evaluar la viabilidad poblacional y además estimamos el volumen de captura accidental a nivel regional (2016-2020) de las pesquerías de palangre, arrastre, red de cerco y artesanal. También analizamos las tendencias de la anidación en el contexto de las estimas actuales de captura accidental, del posible impacto del traslado de las puestas a viveros y de la variabilidad ambiental (productividad primaria neta) en la zona donde se alimentan las tortugas. Proyectamos que, de persistir, la tasa actual de mortalidad por captura accidental llevaría a la subpoblación de Boa Vista al borde de la extinción. La reducción de la captura accidental en la flota de palangre incrementaría la tasa finita de crecimiento poblacional en un 1.76% y la reducción en todas las flotas un 1.95%. El traslado de las puestas a viveros incrementó la producción de crías y redujo el riesgo de extinción, pero no logra el crecimiento poblacional por sí solo. Los incrementos a corto plazo en el conteo de nidos (2013-2021), causados posiblemente por los incrementos temporales en la productividad primaria neta, pueden estar ocultando un declive poblacional. Cuando relacionamos la fecundidad con la productividad primaria neta, nuestros modelos retrospectivos pronosticaron correctamente ambas tendencias, a corto y largo plazo. Como consecuencia, nuestros resultados mostraron que la gestión de la conservación debe diversificarse más allá de las medidas aplicadas durante la fase terrestre. Los efectos ocultos que descubrimos tienen implicaciones generales para el monitoreo de las poblaciones de tortugas marinas en otras partes del mundo, lo que demuestra la importancia de la estimación directa de la supervivencia de adultos y que el conteo de nidos podría no refleja correctamente las tendencias poblacionales subyacentes.

Tortugas , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Caza , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Fertilidad , Demografía
J Environ Manage ; 339: 117805, 2023 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37043912


As climate-related impacts threaten marine biodiversity globally, it is important to adjust conservation efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change. Translating scientific knowledge into practical management, however, is often complicated due to resource, economic and policy constraints, generating a knowledge-action gap. To develop potential solutions for marine turtle conservation, we explored the perceptions of key actors across 18 countries in the Mediterranean. These actors evaluated their perceived relative importance of 19 adaptation and mitigation measures that could safeguard marine turtles from climate change. Of importance, despite differences in expertise, experience and focal country, the perceptions of researchers and management practitioners largely converged with respect to prioritizing adaptation and mitigation measures. Climate change was considered to have the greatest impacts on offspring sex ratios and suitable nesting sites. The most viable adaptation/mitigation measures were considered to be reducing other pressures that act in parallel to climate change. Ecological effectiveness represented a key determinant for implementing proposed measures, followed by practical applicability, financial cost, and societal cost. This convergence in opinions across actors likely reflects long-standing initiatives in the Mediterranean region towards supporting knowledge exchange in marine turtle conservation. Our results provide important guidance on how to prioritize measures that incorporate climate change in decision-making processes related to the current and future management and protection of marine turtles at the ocean-basin scale, and could be used to guide decisions in other regions globally. Importantly, this study demonstrates a successful example of how interactive processes can be used to fill the knowledge-action gap between research and management.

Ecosistema , Tortugas , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Cambio Climático , Biodiversidad
Behav Brain Sci ; 46: e131, 2023 07 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37462171


De Neys argues against assigning exclusive capacities to automatic versus controlled processes. The dual implicit process model provides a theoretical rationale for the exclusivity of automatic threat processing, and corresponding data provide empirical evidence of such exclusivity. De Neys's dismissal of exclusivity is premature and based on a limited sampling of psychological research.

Behav Brain Sci ; 45: e142, 2022 07 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35875959


Threat avoidance involves both detection of a threatening stimulus and reaction to it. We demonstrate with empirically validated stimuli (that are threatening, nonthreatening-negative, neutral, or positive) that threat detection is more pronounced among males, whereas threat reactivity is more pronounced among females. Why women are less efficient detectors of threat challenges Benenson et al.'s conceptual analysis.

Miedo , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Behav Res Methods ; 53(6): 2439-2449, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33846966


Mouse-tracking facilitates exploration of the mental processes underlying decision-making. As the cognitive system works to settle on a decision, response competition manifests in the motor movements of the hand, bringing the mouse relatively closer to one alternative versus the other. Many metrics provide insight into decision-making processes by indexing the shape or complexity of the mouse trajectory. Lacking, however, is a metric that estimates the point in time when a participant begins to correctly categorize a stimulus. We rectify this absence by introducing a metric we refer to as time of initiating correct categorization (TICC), which is the point in time when people began moving relatively closer to the selected target relative to the distractor. We briefly review existing approaches to measuring time in mouse-tracking before describing the TICC and demonstrating its utility in three data sets.

Toma de Decisiones , Proyectos de Investigación , Humanos
Glob Chang Biol ; 26(2): 586-596, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31675456


Marine animals are increasingly instrumented with environmental sensors that provide large volumes of oceanographic data. Here, we conduct an innovative and comprehensive global analysis to determine the potential contribution of animal-borne instruments (ABI) into ocean observing systems (OOSs) and provide a foundation to establish future integrated ocean monitoring programmes. We analyse the current gaps of the long-term Argo observing system (>1.5 million profiles) and assess its spatial overlap with the distribution of marine animals across eight major species groups (tuna and billfishes, sharks and rays, marine turtles, pinnipeds, cetaceans, sirenians, flying seabirds and penguins). We combine distribution ranges of 183 species and satellite tracking observations from >3,000 animals. Our analyses identify potential areas where ABI could complement OOS. Specifically, ABI have the potential to fill gaps in marginal seas, upwelling areas, the upper 10 m of the water column, shelf regions and polewards of 60° latitude. Our approach provides the global baseline required to plan the integration of ABI into global and regional OOS while integrating conservation and ocean monitoring priorities.

Tiburones , Tortugas , Animales , Oceanografía , Océanos y Mares
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 11304, 2024 05 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38760426


The possibility of experiencing physical harm caused by an object, animal, or person is an omnipresent risk in almost any situation. People show variability in their in the propensity to perceive the possibility of harm from any ostensibly innocuous object or situation-a so-called threat bias. Despite the important psychological and societal consequences resulting from individual differences in physical threat bias, there does not currently exist an easily administered means to capture this disposition. We therefore endeavored to create a brief reliable self-report index of threat sensitivity for use by the many fields interested in the role of threat processing. We present here a physical threat sensitivity scale (TSS) that captures the dispositional tendency to perceive the possibility of physical harm in ostensibly innocuous situations or objects. We detail the development and validation of the TSS as a reliable index of individual threat bias (Studies 1a and 1b) and provide strong convergent evidence of the relationship between TS and both relevant individual differences (Study 2) and behavioral and perceptual indicates of threat bias (Study 3 and Study 4).

Autoinforme , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Miedo/psicología , Percepción , Adolescente
Sci Total Environ ; 948: 174752, 2024 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39004360


Global warming has significantly altered fish distribution patterns in the ocean, shifting towards higher latitudes and deeper waters. This is particularly relevant in high-latitude marine ecosystems, where climate-driven environmental changes are occurring at higher rates than the global average. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are increasingly being used for predicting distributional shifts in habitat suitability for marine species as a response to climate change. Here, we used SDMs to project habitat suitability changes for a range of high-latitude, pelagic and benthopelagic commercial fish species and crustaceans (10 species); from 1850 to two future climate change scenarios (SSP1-2.6: low climate forcing; and SSP5-8.5: high climate forcing). The study includes 11 Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) spanning South America, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. We identified declining and southward-shifting patterns in suitable habitat areas for most species, particularly under the SSP5-8.5 scenario and for some species such as Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in South America, or snoek (Thyrsites atun) off Southern Africa. Geographical constraints will likely result in species from Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand facing the most pronounced habitat losses due to rising sea surface temperatures (SST). In contrast, South American species might encounter greater opportunities for migrating southward. Additionally, the SSP5-8.5 scenario predicts that South America will be more environmentally stable compared to other regions. Overall, our findings suggest that the Patagonian shelf could serve as a climate refuge, due to higher environmental stability highlighting the importance of proactive management strategies in this area for species conservation. This study significantly contributes to fisheries and conservation management, providing valuable insights for future protection efforts in the Southern Hemisphere.

Cambio Climático , Ecosistema , Peces , Animales , Nueva Zelanda , América del Sur , Australia , Explotaciones Pesqueras , África Austral , Calentamiento Global
J Pers Soc Psychol ; 2023 Oct 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37796595


Interactions between police officers and civilians incur for both police and civilians the possibility of danger due to a nonzero likelihood of encountering a physical threat. A body of work examining the implications of threat processes during police-civilian interactions focuses almost exclusively on the perspective of police officers, under the auspice that police use-of-force decisions stem from perceptions and misperceptions of threat (e.g., research on the shooter bias). Almost no research has examined these dynamics from the perspective of civilians whose encounter with police involves interacting with an armed and potentially dangerous individual. In the current work, we advance the idea that just as police may respond to civilians as threats, civilians may respond to the police as threats. That is, among civilians, encountering the police may evoke a combination of defensive bodily and behavioral responses. Across three studies (N = 603) each utilizing unique measures of defensive behavioral and physiological responding, we found that people more rapidly avoid police than nonpolice, demonstrate enhanced defensive freeze responses to police than nonpolice, and evince larger defensive physiological preparation toward police than nonpolice. In light of these patterns, we discuss the implications of defensive responses for shaping civilian behavior in real-world encounters with the police. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).

J Soc Psychol ; : 1-17, 2023 Jun 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37350072


Three pilot studies (Ntotal = 832) revealed that people held more positive attitudes toward targets wearing protective face masks. Therefore, we examined whether knowledge of this self-presentational benefit would increase people's intentions to wear face masks. Participants (N = 997) were randomly assigned to read a passage about the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety benefit of mask-wearing, the self-presentational benefit of mask-wearing, or a combination of the latter two. Although this manipulation failed, findings revealed that preexisting beliefs about masked targets being more likable were positively associated with mask-wearing intentions, particularly among participants less concerned with disease or more politically conservative.

Affect Sci ; 3(1): 190, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36048421


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1007/s42761-021-00090-6.].

Affect Sci ; 3(1): 135-144, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36046094


A neural architecture that preferentially processes immediate survival threats relative to other negatively and positively valenced stimuli presumably evolved to facilitate survival. The empirical literature on threat superiority, however, has suffered two problems: methodologically distinguishing threatening stimuli from negative stimuli and differentiating whether responses are sped and strengthened by threat superiority or delayed and diminished by conscious processing of nonthreatening stimuli. We addressed both problems in three within-subject studies that compared responses to empirically validated sets of threating, negative, positive, and neutral stimuli, and isolated threat superiority from the opposing effect of conscious attention by presenting stimuli outside conscious perception. Consistent with threat superiority, threatening stimuli elicited stronger skin-conductance (Study 1), startle-eyeblink (Study 2), and more negative downstream evaluative responses (Study 3) relative to the undifferentiated responses to negative, positive, and neutral stimuli. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42761-021-00090-6.

Mar Pollut Bull ; 183: 114075, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36084610


This study investigates the risk plastic debris ingestion poses to coastal marine taxa in the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean Sea. Here, we use species observations and environmental data to model habitat maps for 42 species of fish. For each species, we then match estimates of habitat suitability against the spatial distribution of plastic debris to quantify plastic exposure, which we further combine with species-wise ingestion rates to map the risk of plastic ingestion. The results indicate that the risk of plastic ingestion is particularly high in the north-west and south-east regions and the risks varied strongly between species, with those at higher trophic levels being the most vulnerable overall. Extending this work to other coastal regions within the Mediterranean Sea and beyond will allow managers and policymakers to target the most appropriate areas and types of interventions for mitigating plastic pollution on coastal diversity in the marine environment.

Plásticos , Residuos , Animales , Ingestión de Alimentos , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Mar Mediterráneo , España , Residuos/análisis
Psychol Rev ; 129(2): 388-414, 2022 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33829836


Dual-process models of cognition distinguish relatively automatic from relatively controlled processes in terms of their interactive impact on perception, judgment, and behavior. Such models have advanced explanation and prediction in a variety of domains across psychology but have yet to be comprehensively applied to the pressing societal and public health problem of suicide. We propose a model of suicide that integrates dual-process models of social cognition with ideation-to-action conceptualizations of suicide. The model specifies: (a) suicide-relevant automatic associations involving the self, others, the future, death, and bodily harm, (b) suicide-relevant motives involving the self, interpersonal relations, the future, and the desire to die, and (c) hypotheses regarding the conditions under which automatic associations and motives individually and interactively impact suicidal ideation and lethal action at various stages of an ideation-to-action framework. The model recasts a number of suicide-relevant variables in terms of the opportunity factor of dual-process theories of attitudes, which encompasses capacity-relevant variables (e.g., time, cognitive resources) that determine whether suicide-relevant judgments and behavior are the result of relatively automatic associations or more controlled, deliberative cognition. Accordingly, the model articulates a number of novel predictions regarding the sources of suicide-relevant automatic associations, motives, and opportunity factors, as well as their interactive influences on suicidal ideation and action. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).

Ideación Suicida , Suicidio , Formación de Concepto , Humanos , Relaciones Interpersonales , Factores de Riesgo , Suicidio/psicología
Nat Hum Behav ; 6(12): 1731-1742, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36266452


Following theories of emotional embodiment, the facial feedback hypothesis suggests that individuals' subjective experiences of emotion are influenced by their facial expressions. However, evidence for this hypothesis has been mixed. We thus formed a global adversarial collaboration and carried out a preregistered, multicentre study designed to specify and test the conditions that should most reliably produce facial feedback effects. Data from n = 3,878 participants spanning 19 countries indicated that a facial mimicry and voluntary facial action task could both amplify and initiate feelings of happiness. However, evidence of facial feedback effects was less conclusive when facial feedback was manipulated unobtrusively via a pen-in-mouth task.

Emociones , Expresión Facial , Humanos , Retroalimentación , Felicidad , Cara
Polymers (Basel) ; 13(1)2021 Jan 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33401542


The behavior of proteins near interfaces is relevant for biological and medical purposes. Previous results in bulk show that, when the protein concentration increases, the proteins unfold and, at higher concentrations, aggregate. Here, we study how the presence of a hydrophobic surface affects this course of events. To this goal, we use a coarse-grained model of proteins and study by simulations their folding and aggregation near an ideal hydrophobic surface in an aqueous environment by changing parameters such as temperature and hydrophobic strength, related, e.g., to ions concentration. We show that the hydrophobic surface, as well as the other parameters, affect both the protein unfolding and aggregation. We discuss the interpretation of these results and define future lines for further analysis, with their possible implications in neurodegenerative diseases.

Cogn Res Princ Implic ; 6(1): 81, 2021 12 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34928473


The role of implicit processes during police-civilian encounters is well studied from the perspective of the police. Decades of research on the "shooter bias" suggests that implicit Black-danger associations potentiate the perception of threat of Black individuals, leading to a racial bias in the decision to use lethal force. Left understudied are civilians' possible associations of police with danger and how such associations pervade behavior and explicit views of the police. The current work begins to address this gap. In two within-subjects studies, we separately assess police-threat (i.e., safety/danger) and police-valence (i.e., good/bad) associations as well as their relative influences on explicit perceptions of police. Study 1 revealed that implicit threat evaluations (police-danger associations) more strongly predicted negative explicit views of the police compared to implicit valence evaluations (police-negative associations). Study 2 replicated these findings and suggests that individuals evaluate the police as more dangerous versus negative when each response is pitted against each other within single misattribution procedure trials. The possible implications for explicit attitudes toward police reform and behavior during police-civilian encounters are discussed.

Policia , Racismo , Actitud , Sesgo , Humanos , Percepción