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Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14184, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37700661


Celebrities can generate substantial attention and influence public interest in species. Using a large-scale examination of publicly available data, we assessed whether species across 6 taxonomic groups received more page views on Wikipedia when the species was named after a celebrity than when it was not. We conducted our analysis for 4 increasingly strict thresholds of how many average daily Wikipedia page views a celebrity had (1, 10, 100, or 1000 views). Overall, we found a high probability (0.96-0.98) that species named after celebrities had more page views than their closest relatives that were not named after celebrities, irrespective of the celebrity threshold. The multiplicative effect on species' page views was larger but more uncertain as celebrity page-view thresholds increased. The range for thresholds of 1 to 1000 was 1.08 (95% credible interval [CI] 1.00-1.18) to 1.76 (95% CI 0.96-2.80), respectively. The hierarchical estimates for the taxa tended to be positive. The strongest effects were for invertebrates, followed by amphibians, reptiles, fish, and mammals, whereas the weakest effect was for birds at lower page-view thresholds. Our results suggest that naming species after celebrities could be particularly significant for those belonging to taxonomic groups that are generally less popular than others (e.g., invertebrates). Celebrities may further influence the effectiveness of this marketing strategy, depending on their likability and connection to the species named after them. Eponyms may serve as a reminder of the disproportionate power dynamics between populations and some namesakes' untenable actions. However, they also provide an opportunity to recognize remarkable individuals and promote equity, inclusivity, and diversity in taxonomic practice. We encourage taxonomists to examine whether naming threatened species after celebrities could affect conservation support, especially for species that are otherwise typically overlooked by the public.

Impacto sobre la atención virtual de una especie si lleva el nombre de una celebridad Resumen Las celebridades pueden generar atención considerable e influir sobre el interés público por las especies. Usamos un análisis a gran escala de datos con disponibilidad pública para evaluar si las especies de seis grupos taxonómicos recibían más visitas en Wikipedia cuando el nombre de la especie provenía del de una celebridad que cuando no. Realizamos nuestro análisis en cuatro umbrales cada vez más estrictos de cuántas visitas diarias en promedio tenía la página de Wikipedia de una celebridad (1, 10, 100 or 1000 visitas). En general, descubrimos una probabilidad alta (0.96­0.98) de que las especies con nombres de celebridades tuvieran más visitas que sus parientes más cercanos que no tenían un nombre así, sin importar el umbral de la celebridad. El efecto multiplicativo sobre las visitas a la página de la especie fue mayor pero más incierto si incrementaba el umbral de visitas de la celebridad. El rango para los umbrales de 1 a 1000 fue de 1.08 (95% intervalo creíble [IC] 1.00­1.18) a 1.76 (95% IC 0.96­2.80) respectivamente. Los estimados jerárquicos para los taxones tuvieron una tendencia positiva. Los efectos más fuertes se presentaron en los invertebrados, seguidos de los anfibios, reptiles, peces y mamíferos, mientras que el efecto más débil fue para las aves en los umbrales de menor número de visitas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que nombrar a una especie con el nombre de una celebridad podría ser particularmente importante para aquellas que pertenecen a grupos taxonómicos que generalmente suelen ser menos populares que otros (invertebrados). Las celebridades podrían influir todavía más en la efectividad de esta estrategia de marketing, dependiendo de su popularidad y la conexión con la especie que lleva su nombre. Los epónimos pueden funcionar como recordatorios de las dinámicas disparejas de poder entre las poblaciones y las acciones indefendibles de algunos homónimos. Sin embargo, los epónimos también proporcionan la oportunidad para reconocer individuos destacados y promover la equidad, inclusividad y diversidad en la práctica taxonómica. Alentamos a que los taxónomos analicen si nombrar a una especie amenazada con el nombre de una celebridad podría afectar el apoyo a su conservación, especialmente para las especies que de otra manera suelen ser ignoradas por el público.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Animales , Invertebrados , Mamíferos , Atención
Conserv Biol ; 35(1): 360-368, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32860266


Extinction rates are expected to increase during the Anthropocene. Current extinction rates of plants and many animals remain unknown. We quantified extinctions among the vascular flora of the continental United States and Canada since European settlement. We compiled data on apparently extinct species by querying plant conservation databases, searching the literature, and vetting the resulting list with botanical experts. Because taxonomic opinion varies widely, we developed an index of taxonomic uncertainty (ITU). The ITU ranges from A to F, with A indicating unanimous taxonomic recognition and F indicating taxonomic recognition by only a single author. The ITU allowed us to rigorously evaluate extinction rates. Our data suggest that 51 species and 14 infraspecific taxa, representing 33 families and 49 genera of vascular plants, have become extinct in our study area since European settlement. Seven of these taxa exist in cultivation but are extinct in the wild. Most extinctions occurred in the west, but this outcome may reflect the timing of botanical exploration relative to settlement. Sixty-four percent of extinct plants were single-site endemics, and many occurred outside recognized biodiversity hotspots. Given the paucity of plant surveys in many areas, particularly prior to European settlement, the actual extinction rate of vascular plants is undoubtedly much higher than indicated here.

Extinción de las Plantas Vasculares en Canadá y los Estados Unidos Continentales Resumen Se espera que las tasas de extinción aumenten durante el Antropoceno. Todavía desconocemos las tasas de extinción actuales de las plantas y muchos animales. Cuantificamos las tasas de extinción de la flora vascular de los Estados Unidos Continentales y Canadá a partir del asentamiento de los europeos. Recopilamos datos sobre especies aparentemente extintas mediante la consulta de bases de datos sobre conservación, búsquedas en la literatura y el escrutinio de la lista resultante con botánicos expertos. Ya que la opinión taxonómica varía ampliamente, desarrollamos un índice de incertidumbre taxonómica (ITU). La ITU abarca desde la A hasta la F, en donde la A indica un reconocimiento taxonómico unánime y la F indica el reconocimiento taxonómico por un sólo autor. La ITU nos permitió evaluar rigurosamente las tasas de extinción. Nuestros datos sugieren que 51 especies y 14 taxones infraespecíficos, que en conjunto representan a 33 familias y a 49 géneros de plantas vasculares, se han extinguido en nuestra área de estudio desde el asentamiento de los europeos. Siete de estos taxones existen en cultivos, pero se encuentran extintos en vida libre. La mayoría de las extinciones ocurrieron en la parte oeste del área de estudio, aunque este resultado puede reflejar el momento de la exploración botánica en relación con el asentamiento europeo. El 64% de las plantas extintas eran endémicas de un sitio único y muchas tuvieron presencia fuera de los puntos calientes de biodiversidad. Dada la escasez de los censos botánicos en muchas áreas, particularmente previo al asentamiento europeo, la tasa actual de extinción de las plantas vasculares es sin duda mucho más alta de lo que se indica en este estudio.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Extinción Biológica , Animales , Biodiversidad , Canadá , Plantas , Estados Unidos
Conserv Biol ; 35(1): 5-11, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32583894


Illegal transfer of wildlife has 2 main purposes: trade and scientific research. Trade is the most common, whereas scientific research is much less common and unprofitable, yet still important. Biopiracy in science is often neglected despite that many researchers encounter it during their careers. The use of illegally acquired specimens is detected in different research fields, from scientists bioprospecting for new pharmacological substances, to taxonomists working on natural history collections, to researchers working in zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens. The practice can be due to a lack of knowledge about the permit requirements in different countries or, probably most often, to the generally high level of bureaucracy associated with rule compliance. Significant regulatory filters to avoid biopiracy can be provided by different stakeholders. Natural history collection hosts should adopt strict codes of conduct; editors of scientific publications should require authors to declare that all studied specimens were acquired legally and to cite museum catalog numbers as guarantee of best practices. Scientific societies should actively encourage publication in peer-reviewed journals of work in which specimens collected from the wild were used. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature could require newly designated types based on recently collected specimens to be accompanied by statements of deposition in recognized scientific or educational institutions. We also propose the creation of an online platform that gathers information about environmental regulations and permits required for scientific activities in different countries and respective responsible governmental agencies and the simplification of the bureaucracy related to regulating scientific activities. This would make regulations more agile and easier to comply with. The global biodiversity crisis means data need to be collected ever faster, but biopiracy is not the answer and undermines the credibility of science and researchers. It is critical to find a modus vivendi that promotes compliance with regulations and scientific progress.

Recolección de Fauna con Motivos Científicos Resumen El traslado ilegal de fauna tiene dos objetivos principales: el mercado y la investigación científica. El mercado es el más común, a la vez que la investigación científica es mucho menos común y poco rentable, pero de igual manera importante. La biopiratería en la ciencia comúnmente se ignora a pesar de que muchos investigadores se encuentran con ella a lo largo de sus carreras. El uso de especímenes adquiridos ilegalmente está detectado en diferentes campos de investigación, desde los científicos que realizan bio-exploraciones en búsqueda de nuevas sustancias farmacológicas, pasando por los taxónomos que trabajan en las colecciones de historia natural, hasta los investigadores que trabajan en zoológicos, acuarios y jardines botánicos. Esta práctica puede deberse a la falta de conocimiento sobre los requerimientos de los permisos en diferentes países o, probablemente con mayor frecuencia, a la alta cantidad de burocracia asociada con el seguimiento de las reglas. Los diferentes actores pueden proporcionar filtros regulatorios importantes para evitar la biopiratería. Los dueños de las colecciones de historia natural deberían adoptar códigos estrictos de conducta; los editores de las publicaciones científicas deberían exigirle a los autores que declaren que todos los especímenes estudiados fueron adquiridos legalmente y también que citen el número de catálogo del espécimen como garantías de mejores prácticas. Las sociedades científicas deberían promover activamente la publicación en revistas revisadas por pares de los trabajos en los que se usaron especímenes recolectados en su hábitat natural. La Comisión Internacional sobre la Nomenclatura Zoológica podría requerir que la designación reciente de tipos basada en especímenes recolectados recientemente esté acompañada por declaraciones de deposición en instituciones científicas o educativas reconocidas. También proponemos la creación de una plataforma en línea que recopile la información sobre las regulaciones ambientales y los permisos requeridos para la actividad científica en diferentes países, así como las agencias gubernamentales responsables y la simplificación de la burocracia relacionada con la regulación de las actividades científicas. Ésto haría que las regulaciones sean más ágiles y su cumplimiento más fácil. La crisis mundial de biodiversidad implica que los datos necesitan ser recolectados con mayor velocidad que nunca, pero la biopiratería no es la respuesta, además de que desvirtúa la credibilidad de la ciencia y de los investigadores. Es muy importante que encontremos un modus vivendi que promueva un acuerdo entre las reglas y el progreso científico.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Biodiversidad , Historia Natural
Conserv Biol ; 30(5): 982-9, 2016 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27341687


Over the past 50 years, Tropical East Asia has lost more biodiversity than any tropical region. Tropical East Asia is a megadiverse region with an acute taxonomic impediment. DNA barcodes are short standardized DNA sequences used for taxonomic purposes and have the potential to lessen the challenges of biodiversity inventory and assessments in regions where they are most needed. We reviewed DNA barcoding efforts in Tropical East Asia relative to other tropical regions. We suggest DNA barcodes (or metabarcodes from next-generation sequencers) may be especially useful for characterizing and connecting species-level biodiversity units in inventories encompassing taxa lacking formal description (particularly arthropods) and in large-scale, minimal-impact approaches to vertebrate monitoring and population assessments through secondary sources of DNA (invertebrate derived DNA and environmental DNA). We suggest interest and capacity for DNA barcoding are slowly growing in Tropical East Asia, particularly among the younger generation of researchers who can connect with the barcoding analogy and understand the need for new approaches to the conservation challenges being faced.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico , Animales , Animales Salvajes , Asia , ADN
Conserv Biol ; 29(1): 69-77, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25155291


Cataloging biodiversity is critical to conservation efforts because accurate taxonomy is often a precondition for protection under laws designed for species conservation, such as the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). Traditional nomenclatural codes governing the taxonomic process have recently come under scrutiny because taxon names are more closely linked to hierarchical ranks than to the taxa themselves. A new approach to naming biological groups, called phylogenetic nomenclature (PN), explicitly names taxa by defining their names in terms of ancestry and descent. PN has the potential to increase nomenclatural stability and decrease confusion induced by the rank-based codes. But proponents of PN have struggled with whether species and infraspecific taxa should be governed by the same rules as other taxa or should have special rules. Some proponents advocate the wholesale abandonment of rank labels (including species); this could have consequences for the implementation of taxon-based conservation legislation. I examined the principles of PN as embodied in the PhyloCode (an alternative to traditional rank-based nomenclature that names biological groups based on the results of phylogenetic analyses and does not associate taxa with ranks) and assessed how this novel approach to naming taxa might affect the implementation of species-based legislation by providing a case study of the ESA. The latest version of the PhyloCode relies on the traditional rank-based codes to name species and infraspecific taxa; thus, little will change regarding the main targets of the ESA because they will retain rank labels. For this reason, and because knowledge of evolutionary relationships is of greater importance than nomenclatural procedures for initial protection of endangered taxa under the ESA, I conclude that PN under the PhyloCode will have little impact on implementation of the ESA.

Clasificación/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Biodiversidad , Evolución Biológica , Filogenia , Estados Unidos
Conserv Biol ; 28(5): 1360-70, 2014 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24684650


Because both descriptions of species and modern human-driven extinctions started around the same time (i.e., eighteenth century), a logical expectation is that a large proportion of species may have gone extinct without ever having been recorded. Despite this evident and widely recognized assumption, the loss of undescribed species has never been estimated. We quantified this loss for several taxonomic groups and regions for which undescribed species extinctions are likely to have occurred. Across a wide range of taxonomic groups, we applied known extinction rates computed from recorded species losses to assumed exponential decay in the proportion of species remaining undiscovered. Because all previous modeling attempts to project total species richness implicitly assumed that undescribed species extinctions could be neglected, we also evaluated the effect of neglecting them. Finally, because we assumed constant description and extinction probabilities, we applied our model to simulated data that did not conform to this assumption. Actual species losses were severely underestimated by considering only known species extinctions. According to our estimates, the proportion of undiscovered extinct species over all extinctions ranged from 0.15 to 0.59, depending on the taxonomic group and the region considered. This means that recent extinctions may be up to twice as large as the number recorded. When species differed in their extinction or description probabilities, our model underestimated extinctions of undescribed species by up to 20%.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Extinción Biológica , Animales , Modelos Biológicos , Plantas
Conserv Biol ; 28(2): 572-9, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24283832


The taxonomic uniqueness of island populations is often uncertain which hinders effective prioritization for conservation. The Christmas Island shrew (Crocidura attenuata trichura) is the only member of the highly speciose eutherian family Soricidae recorded from Australia. It is currently classified as a subspecies of the Asian gray or long-tailed shrew (C. attenuata), although it was originally described as a subspecies of the southeast Asian white-toothed shrew (C. fuliginosa). The Christmas Island shrew is currently listed as endangered and has not been recorded in the wild since 1984-1985, when 2 specimens were collected after an 80-year absence. We aimed to obtain DNA sequence data for cytochrome b (cytb) from Christmas Island shrew museum specimens to determine their taxonomic affinities and to confirm the identity of the 1980s specimens. The Cytb sequences from 5, 1898 specimens and a 1985 specimen were identical. In addition, the Christmas Island shrew cytb sequence was divergent at the species level from all available Crocidura cytb sequences. Rather than a population of a widespread species, current evidence suggests the Christmas Island shrew is a critically endangered endemic species, C. trichura, and a high priority for conservation. As the decisions typically required to save declining species can be delayed or deferred if the taxonomic status of the population in question is uncertain, it is hoped that the history of the Christmas Island shrew will encourage the clarification of taxonomy to be seen as an important first step in initiating informed and effective conservation action.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Musarañas/clasificación , Musarañas/genética , Animales , Australia , Citocromos b/genética , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Islas del Oceano Índico , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Filogenia , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
PhytoKeys ; 237: 117-139, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38292077


Chile's distinctive flora, geographical isolation, and complex topography collectively contribute to a notable endemic species diversity, particularly within central regions identified as critical areas for biodiversity conservation. The cactus genus Eriosyce, as currently circumscribed, encompasses seven sections, with Eriosycesect.Horridocatus presenting a notably complex species group. This study investigates the E.curvispina complex, a member of the Notocacteae tribe common in central Chile, by incorporating new populations and examining phylogenetic relationships using four plastid and one nuclear molecular marker. The phylogenetic analysis of sampled individuals identified nine independent lineages, each warranting recognition at the species rank. Despite minimal morphological differences among taxa, morphological characters were utilized to support and stabilize the DNA-based phylogenetic hypothesis. The results highlight the high taxonomic diversity in these cactus lineages and have implications for the classification of the E.curvispina complex, including new combinations and proposals of conservation status.

ResumenLa flora distintiva de Chile, su aislamiento geográfico y topografía compleja contribuyen colectivamente a una notable diversidad de especies endémicas, particularmente dentro de las regiones centrales identificadas como áreas críticas para la conservación de la biodiversidad. El género de cactus Eriosyce, tal como está circunscrito actualmente, abarca siete secciones, presentando Eriosycesect.Horridocatus un grupo de especies notablemente complejo. Este estudio investiga el complejo E.curvispina, un miembro de la tribu Notocacteae común en Chile central, incorporando nuevas poblaciones y examinando las relaciones filogenéticas utilizando cuatro marcadores moleculares del cloroplasto y uno nuclear. El análisis filogenético de las poblaciones muestreadas identificó nueve linajes independientes, cada uno mereciendo reconocimiento a nivel de especie. A pesar de las mínimas diferencias morfológicas entre los taxones, se utilizaron caracteres morfológicos para apoyar y estabilizar la filogenia basada en ADN. Los resultados resaltan la alta diversidad taxonómica en estos linajes de cactus y tienen implicaciones para la clasificación del complejo E.curvispina, incluyendo nuevas combinaciones y propuestas de estado de conservación.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2299194, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38197328


Background: In the aftermath of child trauma, post-traumatic stress (PTS) and depression symptoms often co-occur among trauma exposed children and their parents. Studies have used latent class analysis (LCA) to examine PTS and depression symptoms and identify homogeneous subgroups among trauma exposed children. However, little is known about subgroups or classes of PTS and depression reactions of parents of traumatised children.Objectives: (1) Determine PTS and depression symptom classes at 2-9 months post-trauma, and (2) to examine sociodemographic covariates among parents of trauma exposed children.Methods: Using harmonised individual participant data (n = 702) from eight studies (Australia, UK, US) included in the Prospective studies of Acute Child Trauma and Recovery Data Archive (PACT/R), we modelled these phenomena at the symptom level using LCA.Results: Our LCA yielded three solutions: 'high internalizing symptom' class (11%); 'low PTS-high depression' class (17%); and 'low internalizing symptom' class (72%). Parents of children in the 'low PTS-high depression' class were more likely to have children of older age and be part of an ethnic minority, compared to the 'low internalizing symptoms' class. Mothers were more likely to be in the 'high internalizing symptom' class compared to the 'low internalizing symptoms' class.Conclusions: These findings reveal a qualitative structure and relationship between depression and PTS symptoms that highlights the importance of assessing and targeting a broad range of internalising symptoms in post-trauma psychological treatment.

Using harmonised individual participant data from eight studies included in the Prospective studies of Acute Child Trauma and Recovery (PACT/R) Data Archive we identified three distinct classes of parental internalising reactions using Latent Class Analysis.Mothers, family ethnic minority status, and children of older age were associated with distinct classes of problematic symptoms.The findings from the present study highlight the need for assessing and targeting a broad range of internalising symptoms after trauma, and that mothers, parents of older children and families with ethnic minority status might be at risk for elevated symptoms.

Depresión , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Niño , Humanos , Etnicidad , Estudios Prospectivos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/diagnóstico , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Grupos Minoritarios , Padres
Rev Argent Microbiol ; 45(4): 248-53, 2013.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24401778


Due to the pleomorphism and cultural variability displayed by species of the genus Trichophyton, the identification methods based solely on morphological features are usually insufficient for their classification. The goal of the present work was to test a set of phenotypic methods in order to identify fungal isolates that belong to the aforementioned genus. These methods were based on a molecular taxonomic technique used as standard. Clinical isolates (56) were used as samples along with 6 reference strains. Macro and micromorphological studies were performed as well as biochemical and physiological tests such as in vitro hair perforation, nutritional requirements in Trichophyton agar media, urease production and growth on bromocresol purple-milk. solids-glucose (BCP-MS-G) agar. Additionally, PCR fingerprinting using the (GACA)4 primer was employed. As a result of the PCR method, specific profiles were observed for Microsporum canis, Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton interdigitale. Identical profiles were obtained for Arthroderma benhamiae y Trichophyton erinacei. Of the total number of clinical isolates, 39 matched the T. rubrum profile while 13 corresponded to A. benhamiae and 4 to T. interdigitale. The most useful phenotypic test to differentiate between T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes complex strains was alkalinization of the BCP-MS-G medium. Phenotypic tests did not allow differentiation among the T. mentagrophytes complex species. On the other hand, the molecular technique allowed characterization of T. rubrum isolates as well as of those observed in our study and included in the T. mentagrophytes complex: T. interdigitale and Trichophyton sp., the anamorph of A. benhamiae.

Trichophyton/clasificación , Argentina , Humanos , Técnicas de Tipificación Micológica/métodos , Trichophyton/aislamiento & purificación
Zookeys ; 1158: 27-48, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37215692


A new salamander species of the genus Bolitoglossa is here described from the cloud forests of the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, in the Cundinamarca department. The most salient characters of this new species are its numerous maxillary and vomerine teeth, its moderate webbing on hands and feet, its short and robust tail, and its chromatic variation. Based on molecular analyses this new species is assigned to the adspersa species group and its status established as the sister species of B.adspersa, with which it was previously confused. Lastly, the distribution, natural history, and conservation status of the new species are discussed.

ResumenDescribimos una nueva especie de salamandra del género Bolitoglossa proveniente de los bosques nublados de la vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia, en el departamento de Cundinamarca. Los caracteres más sobresalientes de esta nueva especie son sus numerosos dientes maxilares y vomerinos, su palmeadura moderada en pies y manos, su cola corta pero robusta, y su variación cromática. Basados en análisis moleculares asignamos esta nueva especie al grupo de especies adspersa y establecemos su estatus como especie hermana de B.adspersa, con la cual era previamente confundida. Finalmente, discutimos algunos aspectos de su distribución, historia natural y su estado de conservación.

Zookeys ; 1095: 1-12, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35836689


Holothuria (Lessonothuria) coronatasp. nov. occurs in depths of 5-10 m off the Mexican Pacific coast at the Revillagigedo Archipelago. It is clearly distinguished from other species of the subgenus by the presence of tables with a circular disc and big peripheral holes, sometimes with a second series of peripheral ones, a disc with a spiny or smooth rim and a spire crossed by a single cross-beam, dorsal papillae, and ventral tube feet with curved supporting rods with a spiny edge.

?ResumenHolothuria (Lessonothuria) coronatasp. nov. habita a profundidades de 5­10 m frente a la costa del Pacífico mexicano en el archipiélago de Revillagigedo. Se distingue claramente de otras especies del subgénero por la presencia de tablas con disco circular y grandes orificios periféricos, a veces con una segunda serie de orificios periféricos, disco con borde espinoso o liso y espira con una sola viga transversal, papilas dorsales y pies ambulacrales ventrales con barrotes de soporte curvados, con borde espinoso.

PhytoKeys ; 215: 51-63, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761092


A new species, Diplostephiumpaposanum S.T.Ibáñez & Muñoz-Schick, sp. nov., is described for Chile, extending the southern distribution of the genus. Its position within the genus was confirmed by morphological and molecular data, discussed here. The new species was found in a coastal environment, new to the genus, and is geographically far removed from the other Chilean species, which are from the Andes. The formation where it occurs, known as lomas, acts as a biodiversity refuge in hyperarid environments. The presence of D.paposanum in this environment contributes to the evidence of a floristic connection between the Atacama Desert and the Neotropical Andes.

ResumenSe describe una nueva especie para Chile, Diplostephiumpaposanum S.T.Ibáñez & Muñoz-Schick, sp. nov., extendiendo la distribución austral del género. Su posición dentro del género fue confirmada por datos morfológicos y moleculares, discutidos acá. La nueva especie se encontró en un ambiente costero, nuevo para el género, y está geográficamente alejada de las otras especies chilenas, que son de los Andes. La formación donde habita, conocida como lomas, actúa como refugio de la biodiversidad en ambientes hiperáridos. La presencia de D.paposanum en este ambiente contribuye a la evidencia de una conexión florística entre el Desierto de Atacama y los Andes Neotropicales.

Zookeys ; 1105: 127-164, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760324


Myotis comprises a diverse group of vespertilionid bats with worldwide distribution. Neotropical Myotis have an accentuated phenotypic conservatism, which makes species delimitation and identification difficult, hindering our understanding of the diversity, distribution, and phylogenetic relationships of taxa. To encourage new systematic reviews of the genus, a catalogue of the primary types and names is presented, current and in synonymy, for Neotropical Myotis. Currently 33 valid species (and three subspecies) are recognized, and their primary types are deposited in 12 scientific collections in the USA (30 types), Brazil (two types), England (two types), and France (one type). The names of 29 Neotropical Myotis species currently in synonymy were found. However, it is possible that some synonyms represent independent evolutionary lineages, considering recent results provided by taxonomic revisions.

ResumoMyotis compreende um grupo diverso de morcegos vespertilionídeos amplamente distribuídos ao redor do planeta. Myotis neotropicais têm um acentuado conservatismo fenotípico, o que dificulta a delimitação e identificação de espécies a partir de caracteres morfológicos, criando barreiras para a compreensão da diversidade, distribuição e relações filogenéticas entre os táxons. Visando encorajar novas revisões sistemáticas para o gênero, é apresentado este catálogo de nomes e tipos primários, válidos e sob sinonímia, para Myotis neotropicais. Atualmente, são reconhecidas 33 espécies válidas (e três subespécies) e seus tipos estão depositados em 12 coleções científicas nos EUA (30 tipos), Brasil (2 tipos), Inglaterra (2 tipos) e França (1 tipo). Compilamos 29 nomes de espécies de Myotis atualmente sob sinonímia. Entretanto, é possível que alguns desses sinônimos possam representar linhagens evolutivas independentes, considerando resultados recentes de revisões taxonômicas.

Zookeys ; 1126: 1-54, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36763062


A new species of scops-owl (Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae, Otus) is described from Príncipe Island, São Tomé and Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea, Africa). This species was discovered for science in 2016, although suspicions of its occurrence gained traction from 1998, and testimonies from local people suggesting its existence could be traced back to 1928. Morphometrics, plumage colour and pattern, vocalisations, and molecular evidence all support the species status of the scops-owl from Príncipe, which is described here as Otusbikegila sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that this species descended from the first colonisation of the Gulf of Guinea islands, being sister to the clade including the mainland African Scops-Owl O.senegalensis, and the island endemics Sao Tome Scops-Owl O.hartlaubi and Pemba Scops-Owl O.pembaensis. The most diagnostic trait in the field is its unique call which, curiously, is most similar to a distantly related Otus species, the Sokoke Scops-Owl O.ireneae. The new species occurs at low elevations of the old-growth native forest of Príncipe, currently restricted to the south of the island but fully included within Príncipe Obô Natural Park. Otusbikegila sp. nov. takes the number of single-island endemic bird species of Príncipe to eight, further highlighting the unusually high level of bird endemism for an island of only 139 km2.

ResumoDescrevemos uma nova espécie de mocho-de-orelhas ou kitóli (Strigiformes: Strigidae: Otus) da Ilha do Príncipe, São Tomé e Príncipe (Golfo da Guiné, África). Esta espécie foi descoberta para a ciência apenas em 2016, embora suspeitas da sua existência tenham ganho força a partir de 1998, e testemunhos de habitantes locais sobre a sua ocorrência já estarem documentados em 1928. A morfometria, a cor e padrão da plumagem, as vocalizações e dados moleculares demonstram que esta população de mocho no Príncipe é uma espécie nova, que foi batizada de mocho-do-príncipe (lista mundial) ou kitóli-do-príncipe (nome nacional), Otusbikegila sp. nov. As análises filogenéticas indicam que esta espécie descende da primeira colonização das ilhas do Golfo da Guiné, sendo irmã do clado que inclui o mocho-d'ore­lhas-africano O.senegalensis, do continente, o mocho-de-são-tomé (ou kitóli-de-são-tomé) O.hartlaubi e o mocho-de-pemba O.pembaensis, ambos endémicos das ilhas que lhes dão o nome. No campo, a característica mais diagnóstica é o seu canto único que, curiosamente, é mais parecido com o da espécie de Otus mais afastada, o mocho-de-sokoke O.ireneae. A nova espécie ocorre nas zonas baixas da floresta nativa do Príncipe, atualmente restrita ao sul da ilha, mas totalmente inserida no Parque Natural do Obô do Príncipe. Otusbikegila sp. nov. eleva o número de espécies de aves endémicas restritas ao Príncipe para oito, sublinhando ainda mais o nível extremamente elevado de aves endémicas para uma ilha de apenas 139 km2.

PhytoKeys ; 178: 1-15, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34054320


Two new species of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest are described and illustrated. Athenaea altoserranae I.M.C. Rodrigues & Stehmann, sp. nov. from the Serra do Mar range, in São Paulo State and Athenaea hunzikeriana I.M.C. Rodrigues & Stehmann, sp. nov. from a restricted area in the north-eastern region of Minas Gerais State and the southern part of Bahia State. Both species have brown to purple-brown or purple mature fruits, a character not found in other species of Athenaea. Descriptions, illustrations, complete specimen citations and maps of both species are provided. A dichotomous key to all species of Athenaea is also presented.

ResumoDuas espécies novas de Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) da floresta atlântica brasileira são descritas e ilustradas. Athenaea altoserranae I.M.C. Rodrigues & Stehmann, sp.nov. conhecida apenas da floresta atlântica da Serra do Mar, no estado de São Paulo, e Athenaea hunzikeriana I.M.C. Rodrigues & Stehmann, sp.nov., conhecida somente de uma área restrita na região nordeste do estado de Minas Gerais e sul da Bahia, divisa entre os estados. Ambas as espécies apresentam frutos amarronzados a arroxeados, um caractere até então não observado em outras espécies de Athenaea. São disponibilizadas descrições, ilustrações, citações completas de espécimes e um mapa de distribuição. Uma chave dicotômica de identificação para todas as espécies de Athenaea também é apresentada.

Zootaxa ; 4729(2): zootaxa.4729.2.9, 2020 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32229866


A new genus and species of treehopper (Membracidae: Centrotinae) from Nicaragua, Kaikaia gaga, is described and illustrated. Kaikaia is particularly notable in having an assemblage of features more characteristic of the Old World centrotine tribe Beaufortianini than currently recognized New World centrotine tribes. Kaikaia lacks cucullate setae of the mesothoracic femora, which are present in the Boocerini and to some extent, the Platycentrini. The new genus also has an additional m-cu crossvein in the forewing, as well as a frontoclypeal shape and overall appearance similar to Platycentrus Stål. Nevertheless, Kaikaia differs from Platycentrus in its narrow, straight shape of the second valvulae, which bear several prominently raised dorsal teeth and an acute projection along the dorsal margin that resemble those of some members of Nessorhinini.

Hemípteros , Animales , Nicaragua
Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 38 Suppl 1: 1-6, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32111359


Hafnia alvei is a Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic bacillus that constitutes part of the human gut flora. Until recently, H. alvei strains could be mistakenly identified by conventional methods, miniaturisation or automatic systems as members of the Serratia, Escherichia, Citrobacter, Yokenella, Obesumbacterium or Salmonella genera. Consequently, molecular techniques were required for their definitive identification in the clinical laboratory. In addition, a new Hafnia species, H. paralvei, has recently appeared, which undoubtedly includes many of the strains reported in the literature as H. alvei. Alrhough H. alvei isolation from human clinical specimens remains uncommon, the development of drug resistance due to this species is emerging and it is likely that this organism will gain increasing importance in the future. Moreover, although H. alvei shares some virulence mechanisms with other Gram-negative enteropathogens, little is known about the factors that contribute to its pathogenesis in humans. The present article reviews the current identification methods, antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors of this bacterium.

Infecciones por Enterobacteriaceae , Hafnia alvei , Farmacorresistencia Bacteriana , Infecciones por Enterobacteriaceae/microbiología , Hafnia alvei/clasificación , Hafnia alvei/efectos de los fármacos , Hafnia alvei/patogenicidad , Humanos , Factores de Virulencia
Zookeys ; (817): 1-9, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30686918


Epitomaptasimentalae sp. n. occurs in depths of 4-10 m off the Mexican Central Pacific coast. It is distinctive in having twelve tentacles, each tentacle with two or three pairs of digits and four to six sensory cups, lacking papillae or oval bumps and in reaching a maximum length of 50 mm in life.

ResumenEpitomaptasimentalae sp. n. fue recolectada a profunidades de entre 4­10 m en el Pacífico Central Tropical. Se distingue de sus congéneres por poseer doce tentáculos, cada tentáculo tiene dos o tres pares de dígitos, los cuales a su vez cuentan con cuatro a seis copas sensoriales, no posee papilas o protuberancias ovaladas sobre la superficie del cuerpo y por tener tallas desde los 4 hasta los 50 mm de largo total en ejemplares vivos.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249008, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355893


Abstract Horismenus camobiensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), is described based on morphological, molecular and ecological data; this new species of chalcid wasp acts as hyperparasitoid of Opsiphanis invirae (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in its parasitoid Cotesia invirae Salgado-Neto and Whitfield, 2019 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Diagnoses with morphological and molecular characters and illustrations are provided.

Resumo Horismenus camobiensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) é descrita com base em dados morfológicos, moleculares e ecológicos; esta nova espécie Chalcididae atua como hiperparasitoide de Opsiphanis invirae (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) em pupas de seu parasitoide Cotesia invirae Salgado-Neto and Whitfield, 2019 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Caracteres diagnósticos morfológicos e moleculares e ilustrações de H. camobiensis são fornecidos.

Animales , Avispas , Mariposas Diurnas , Himenópteros , Pupa