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Molecules ; 28(15)2023 Jul 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37570622


The use of medicinal plants to treat inflammatory conditions and painful processes has attracted the attention of scientists and health professionals due to the evidence that natural products can promote significant therapeutic benefits associated with fewer adverse effects compared to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs. The genus Plectranthus is composed of various plants with pharmacological potential, which are used to treat various diseases in traditional communities worldwide. The present study systematically reviewed Plectranthus species with anti-inflammatory and analgesic potential. To this end, a systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. The search was conducted on the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, SciVerse Scopus, and Web of Science. Different combinations of search terms were used to ensure more excellent article coverage. After the selection, a total of 45 articles were included in this review. This study identified twelve Plectranthus species indicated for the treatment of different inflammatory conditions, such as wounds, fever, bronchitis, abscess, asthma, hepatitis, labyrinthitis, tonsillitis, and uterine inflammation. The indications for pain conditions included headache, sore throat, heartburn, menstrual cramp, colic, toothache, stomachache, migraine, chest pain, abdominal pain, local pain, labor pain, and recurring pain. Among the listed species, ten plants were found to be used according to traditional knowledge, although only four of them have been experimentally studied. When assessing the methodological quality of preclinical in vivo assays, most items presented a risk of bias. The SR results revealed the existence of different Plectranthus species used to treat inflammation and pain. The results of this systematic review indicate that Plectranthus species have the potential to be used in the treatment of diseases with an inflammatory component, as well as in the management of pain. However, given the risk of biases, the experimental analysis of these species through preclinical testing is crucial for their safe and effective use.

Phytotherapy , Plectranthus , Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Ethnopharmacology , Abdominal Pain , Analgesics/pharmacology , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Inflammation , Phytochemicals
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1531, JAN - DEZ 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - nursing (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1568188


Objetivo: construir y validar un folleto educativo enfocado en la atención domiciliaria de lesiones por presión. Método: estudio metodológico realizado en tres etapas: elaboración de los temas, construcción del folleto y validación del contenido por parte de los jueces. El folleto fue elaborado en la plataforma digital de diseño gráfico Canva®, con un enfoque dinámico y autoexplicativo, adecuado al público objetivo, con una apariencia ligera, atractiva y con un lenguaje sencillo. La validación del contenido se realizó utilizando el Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC). Resultados: El folleto se tituló "Lesión por presión y cuidados domiciliarios: ¿Hablemos de eso?", validado por 8 jueces con un índice de validez de contenido global superior a ≥0,78. Teniendo en cuenta la preocupación de accesibilidad lingüística por parte de los jueces, se llevó a cabo una revisión de contenido y adecuación textual para la versión final. Conclusión: La tecnología construida y validada demostró potencial para ser utilizada y generar mejoras en la atención domiciliaria de las personas con lesiones por presión. Investigaciones futuras deberían centrarse en validar la usabilidad de la tecnología por parte de los usuarios. (AU)

Objective: To create and validate an educational pamphlet focused on home care for pressure injuries. Method:This methodological study was conducted in three stages: topic development, pamphlet creation, and content validation by experts. The pamphlet was designed using the Canva® digital graphic design platform, considering a dynamic, self-explanatory approach suitable for the target audience, featuring a light and attractive appearance with simple language. For content validation, the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used. Results: The pamphlet, titled "Pressure Injuries and Home Care: Let's Talk About It?", was validated by eight experts with an overall CVI above ≥ 0.78. Due to concerns raised by the experts regarding linguistic accessibility, a content review and textual adjustments were made for the final version. Conclusion: The constructed, validated pamphlet has demonstrated potential for use and improvement in home care for people with pressure injuries. Future research should focus on validating the usability of the technology by users. (AU)

Objetivo:Construir e validaruma cartilha educativa voltada ao cuidado domiciliar com lesão por pressão. Método:estudo metodológico realizado em três etapas: elaboração dos assuntos, construção da cartilha e validação de conteúdo por juízes.A cartilha foi elaborada na plataforma digital de design gráfico Canva®, considerando abordagem dinâmica, autoexplicativa, adequada ao público-alvo; contendo uma aparência leve, atrativa e linguagem simples. Para validação de conteúdo, utilizou o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC). Resultados: A cartilha foi intitulada "Lesão por pressão e cuidados domiciliares: Vamos falar sobre isso?", validada por oito juízes com índice de validade de conteúdo geral acima de ≥ 0,78. Considerando a preocupação por parte dos juízes, diante da acessibilidade linguística, foi realizada uma revisão do conteúdo e adequação textual para a versão final. Conclusão: A tecnologia construída e validada demonstrou potencial para ser utilizada e gerar melhoria dos cuidados domiciliares às pessoas que convivem com lesões por pressão. Como perspectiva para pesquisas futuras, ressalta-se a validação da usabilidade da tecnologia pelos usuários. (AU)

Humans , Biomedical Technology , Home Care Services , Educational Technology , Pressure Ulcer , Enterostomal Therapy
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-8, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - nursing (Brazil) | ID: biblio-1571895


Objetivo: Investigar na literatura científica, estudos que reportem os fatores que desafiam a inserção dos Cuidados Paliativos no âmbito da urgência e emergência, e o papel da enfermagem nesse cenário. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca dos estudos foi realizada entre os meses de novembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021, em sete bases de dados: PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect, LILACS, Scopus, Scielo e IBECS. Resultados: De modo geral, observou-se que os principais desafios para a inserção dos Cuidados Paliativos estão ligados ao fato das unidades de urgência serem ambientes agitados, que apresentam grande fluxo de pacientes, proporcionando pouca ou nenhuma privacidade, requerendo da equipe de enfermagem uma visão holística. Conclusão: É possível inferir que existem vários problemas que circundam a assistência para pacientes em Cuidados Paliativos no contexto da emergência. Enquanto a assistência de enfermagem, essa não se pauta somente para os cuidados ao fim da vida. (AU)

Objective: Investigar in the scientific literature, studies that report the factors that challenge the insertion of Paliativos Cuidados in the context of urgency and emergency, and the role of nursing in this scenario. Methods: This is an integrative review of the literature. The study was searched between November 2020 and January 2021, in seven databases: PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect, LILACS, Scopus, Scielo and IBECS. Results: In general, it was observed that the main challenges for the insertion of Paliativos Care are linked to the fact that emergency units are agitated environments, which present a large flow of patients, providing little or no privacy, requiring a holistic view of the nursing team. Conclusion: It is possible to infer that there are several problems that surround care for patients in Palliative Care in the context of the emergency. While nursing care, this is not only based on end-of-life care. (AU)

Objetivo: Investigar en la literatura científica, estudios que reportan los factores que desafían la inserción de Paliativos Cuidados en el contexto de urgencia y emergencia, y el rol de la enfermería en este escenario. Métodos: Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura. El estudio se realizó entre noviembre de 2020 y enero de 2021, en sete bases de datos: PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect, LILACS, Scopus, Scielo e IBECS. Resultados: En general, se observó que los principales desafíos para la inserción de Paliativos Care están vinculados al hecho de que las unidades de emergencia son ambientes agitados, que presentan un gran flujo de pacientes, proporcionando poca o ninguna privacidad, requiriendo una visión holística del equipo de enfermería. Conclusión: Es posible inferir que existen varios problemas que rodean la atención a los pacientes en Cuidados Paliativos en el contexto de la emergencia. Mientras que la atención de enfermería, esto no se basa sólo en la atención al final de la vida. (AU)

Palliative Care , Nursing , Emergencies
Iran J Pharm Res ; 17(1): 268-275, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29755558


With the increase of neglected diseases such as leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, there was a need for the search for new therapeutic alternatives that reduce the harm caused by medicine available for treatment. Thus, this study was performed to investigate the antiparasitic activity of the essential oil from the fruits of Piper tuberculatum Jacq, against lines of Leishmania braziliensis (MHOM/CO/88/UA301), Leishmania infantum (MHOM/ES/92/BCN83) and Trypanosoma cruzi (LC-B5 clone). Before running protocols, an analysis of the chemical composition of essential oil was conducted, which presented monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. As major constituents, ß-pinene and α-pinene were identified. Regarding to antiparasitic activity, the essential oil had an EC50 values of 133.97 µg/mL and 143.59 µg/mL against variations promastigotes of L. infantum and L. braziliensis, respectively. As for trypanocidal activity, the oil showed EC50 value of 140.31 µg/mL against epimastigote form of T. cruzi. Moreover, it showed moderate cytotoxicity in fibroblasts with LC50 value of 204.71 µg/mL. The observed effect may be related to the presence of terpenes contained in the essential oil, since it has its antiparasitic activity proven in the literature.

Reprod. clim ; 32(2): 85-89, 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-883358


Objetivo: Compreender a percepção da mulher na vivência do climatério. Método: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), em Crato (CE). Participaram 17 mulheres cadastradas pela UBS. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista semiestruturada. Foram organizados em categorias temáticas e examinados pela técnica da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os dados foram organizados em três categorias temáticas: Conceitos das mulheres sobre o climatério e sintomas mais prevalentes; Impacto do climatério na saúde da mulher e Procura ao serviço de saúde nesse período. As alterações fisiológicas mais relatadas foram: ondas de calor, dores de cabeça, insônia, enjoo e fadiga. A maioria das mulheres não conhecia o significado da palavra climatério, que correlacionava com a menopausa. Percebeu­se que boa parte delas também não procurou assistência profissional. Conclusão: Notou­se a necessidade de implantação e implementação nas UBS de estratégias específicas para as mulheres no período do climatério, não apenas por meio da ampliação dos serviços já existentes, como também pela criação de programas específicos que possibilitem corresponder à demanda vigente.(AU)

Objective: the present study aims to understand the women's perception of the climacteric experience. Analyzing how is provided the nursing care for this audience. Method: This is a qualitative study, developed in a Basic Health Unit (BHU), headquartered in the municipality of Crato­CE. Participated in this study 17 women registered by UBS. Data collection was through a script of semiestruturada interview. Data was organized into thematic categories, being analyzed by the technique of content analysis. Results: Data were organized into three thematic categories: Women's Concepts about climacteric and most prevalent symptoms; Climacteric Impact to Women's Health and Search to health services during this period. The most reported physiological changes were: hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, nausea and fatigue. Was showed that most of the women did not know the meaning of the word menopause, correlating the climacteric with menopause. It was noticed that most of them did not seek any professional assistance. Conclusion: Was noted the need for establishment and implementation of specific strategies for women in climacteric period in UBS, not only through the expansion of services already covered, as well as the formulation of specific programs that make it possible to match current demand.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Climacteric , Comprehensive Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Primary Health Care , Women's Health/statistics & numerical data