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Int J Mol Sci ; 25(7)2024 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612550


The bee gut microbiota plays an important role in the services the bees pay to the environment, humans and animals. Alongside, gut-associated microorganisms are vehiculated between apparently remote habitats, promoting microbial heterogeneity of the visited microcosms and the transfer of the microbial genetic elements. To date, no metaproteomics studies dealing with the functional bee microbiota are available. Here, we employ a metaproteomics approach to explore a fraction of the bacterial, fungal, and unicellular parasites inhabiting the bee gut. The bacterial community portrays a dynamic composition, accounting for specimens of human and animal concern. Their functional features highlight the vehiculation of virulence and antimicrobial resistance traits. The fungal and unicellular parasite fractions include environment- and animal-related specimens, whose metabolic activities support the spatial spreading of functional features. Host proteome depicts the major bee physiological activities, supporting the metaproteomics strategy for the simultaneous study of multiple microbial specimens and their host-crosstalks. Altogether, the present study provides a better definition of the structure and function of the bee gut microbiota, highlighting its impact in a variety of strategies aimed at improving/overcoming several current hot topic issues such as antimicrobial resistance, environmental pollution and the promotion of environmental health.

Anti-Infective Agents , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Microbiota , One Health , Humans , Bees , Animals , Cross Reactions
Animals (Basel) ; 14(11)2024 May 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38891561


Heavy metals are environmental contaminants and can easily accumulate and biomagnify in various marine species (fishes and mammalians) at the top of the aquatic food chain. Among marine mammalians, the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is the most abundant cetacean in the Mediterranean Sea and is considered to be a sentinel species to monitor the environmental marine pollution. In this study, the contents of toxic metals and metalloids (Cd, Pb, Hg, and As), micro-elements (Ni, Cr, Cu, Fe, Co, Mn, Se and Zn) and macro-elements (Na, Ca, K, Mg and P) were evaluated by ICP-MS analysis in several organs/tissues (lung, skin, muscle and liver) of Stenella coeruleoalba. The assessment of marine environmental pollution and dolphins health status was carried out through further analysis of the same specific parameters such as the metal pollution index (MPI) and coefficient of condition (K). Finally, the correlation between toxic metals and metalloids and essential micro-elements, expressed as molar ratios, was analyzed to evaluate the detoxifying ability (effectiveness) of Zn, Se and Cu. Data obtained showed the presence of toxic metals and metalloids analyzed in the Stenella coeruleoalba samples but the MPI values suggested a low environmental contamination of the Mediterranean Sea where dolphins lived. The content of micro- and macro-elements was found to be in a normal range for this species and predictive of dolphins good health status, as confirmed by the coefficient of condition K. However, the correlation between toxic and essential metals, expressed as molar ratios, showed that the following toxic metals cannot be detoxified by the essential metals: 66Zn/201Hg, 82Se/201Hg, 63Cu/201Hg and 66Zn/52Cr, 82Se/52Cr, 63Cu/52Cr. Therefore, this study highlights the key role of dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba to assess marine pollution and the importance of analyzing the complete mineral profile to evaluate the animal health status.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(6)2024 Mar 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539949


Nowadays, old-generation pesticides are released into ecosystems alongside new formulations, giving rise to pharmacological interactions (additive, synergistic, and antagonistic effects). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact that simultaneous exposure to DMT and FLU doses has on bee health. Groups of twenty honeybees were housed in cages to compose six macro-groups. One group consisted of experimental replicates treated orally with a toxic dose of deltamenthrin (DMT 21.6 mg/L); two other groups were subjected to the oral administration of two toxic doses of flupyradifurone (FLU 50 mg/L and FLU 100 mg/L); and two other groups were intoxicated with a combination of the two pesticides (DMT 21.6 + FLU 50 and DMT 21.6 + FLU 100). The consequences of the pesticides' interactions were highlighted by measuring and comparing data on survival, food consumption, and abnormal behavior. Generally speaking, antagonism between the two pesticides has been demonstrated. The bees were able to survive for up to three days at the lowest dosage of FLU (50 mg/L), with 46% of the subjects still alive; however, the maximum dose (100 mg/L) caused all treated animals to die as early as the second day. When DMT and FLU 50 were administered together, the group that received DMT alone had a lower survival rate. When comparing the survival rates produced by the DMT and FLU 50 combination to those of the group receiving FLU 50 alone, the same was clearly visible. While there was no statistically significant improvement observed when the survival indices of the DMT and FLU 100 combination were compared to those of the group intoxicated with DMT alone, an improvement in survival indices was observed when these were compared with the group intoxicated with FLU 100 alone.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 13(6)2024 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38927217


Antimicrobial resistance represents an alarming public health problem; its importance is related to the significant clinical implications (increased morbidity, mortality, disease duration, development of comorbidities, and epidemics), as well as its economic effects on the healthcare sector. In fact, therapeutic options are severely limited by the advent and spread of germs resistant to many antibiotics. The situation worldwide is worrying, especially in light of the prevalence of Gram-negative bacteria-Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii-which are frequently isolated in hospital environments and, more specifically, in intensive care units. The problem is compounded by the ineffective treatment of infections by patients who often self-prescribe therapy. Resistant bacteria also show resistance to the latest generation antibiotics, such as carbapenems. In fact, superbacteria, grouped under the acronym extended-spectrum betalactamase (ESBL), are becoming common. Antibiotic resistance is also found in the livestock sector, with serious repercussions on animal production. In general, this phenomenon affects all members of the biosphere and can only be addressed by adopting a holistic "One Health" approach. In this literature overview, a stock is taken of what has been learned about antibiotic resistance, and suggestions are proposed to stem its advance.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(14)2024 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061525


Dolphins, top predators of the aquatic food chain, are used as sentinel species of marine pollution as they are sensitive to environmental changes and able to accumulate a large content of contaminants. Several EU directives promote study of marine mammalians as bio-indicators to evaluate the presence of contaminants in the aquatic environment, such as the Mediterranean Sea, which is rich in environmental pollutants due to its geographic and geo-morphological characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of toxic and essential metals and metalloids (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Se and Zn), through ICP-MS analysis, in organs/tissues (liver, muscle, lung, kidney and skin) of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) stranded along the Sicilian coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea. The results confirm the exposure of dolphins to toxic metals and metalloids, with the highest Hg levels observed in skin and liver, although a low Metal Pollution Index (MPI) was found in all samples of both dolphin species. From a comparative analysis of trace metals and metalloids according to sex and state of development, the highest levels of Cd and As were found in females vs. males and adults vs. juveniles, except for Pb in both species, and significant differences were observed between the two species, size of specimens, and organs/tissues analyzed. The highest Hg levels were correlated to those of essential metals Se and Zn, expressed as molar ratios, to evaluate the potential synergic effect of these detoxifying elements against Hg toxicity. This study confirms the rule of Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus delphis as valid sentinel species of the Mediterranean Sea, to verify the trend of metals pollution in this aquatic environment and, consequently, the health of these marine species.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 13(2)2024 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38391549


Antimicrobial resistance is an increasingly widespread phenomenon that is of particular concern because of the possible consequences in the years to come. The dynamics leading to the resistance of microbial strains are diverse, but certainly include the incorrect use of veterinary drugs both in terms of dosage and timing of administration. Moreover, the drug is often administered in the absence of a diagnosis. Many active ingredients in pharmaceutical formulations are, therefore, losing their efficacy. In this situation, it is imperative to seek alternative treatment solutions. Essential oils are mixtures of compounds with different pharmacological properties. They have been shown to possess the antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, and regulatory properties of numerous metabolic processes. The abundance of molecules they contain makes it difficult for treated microbial species to develop pharmacological resistance. Given their natural origin, they are environmentally friendly and show little or no toxicity to higher animals. There are several published studies on the use of essential oils as antimicrobials, but the present literature has not been adequately summarized in a manuscript. This review aims to shed light on the results achieved by the scientific community regarding the use of essential oils to treat the main agents of bacterial infection of veterinary interest in livestock. The Google Scholar, PubMed, SciELO, and SCOPUS databases were used for the search and selection of studies. The manuscript aims to lay the foundations for a new strategy of veterinary drug use that is more environmentally friendly and less prone to the emergence of drug resistance phenomena.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(4)2024 Feb 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38396576


Flupyradifurone (FLU) is a butenolide insecticide that has come onto the market relatively recently. It is used in agriculture to control aphids, psyllids, and whiteflies. Toxicity studies have decreed its low toxicity to honeybees. However, recent research has challenged these claims; oral exposure to the pesticide can lead to behavioral abnormalities and in the worst cases, lethal phenomena. Compounds with antioxidant activity, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, have been shown to protect against the toxic effects of pesticides. The aim of this research was to evaluate the possible protective effect of the bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) against behavioral abnormalities and lethality induced by toxic doses of FLU orally administered to honeybees under laboratory conditions. Honeybees were assigned to experimental groups in which two toxic doses of FLU, 50 mg/L and 100 mg/L were administered. In other replicates, three doses (1, 2 and 5 mg/kg) of the bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) were added to the above toxic doses. In the experimental groups intoxicated with FLU at the highest dose tested, all caged subjects (20 individuals) died within the second day of administration. The survival probability of the groups to which the BPF was added was compared to that of the groups to which only the toxic doses of FLU were administered. The mortality rate in the BPF groups was statistically lower (p < 0.05) than in the intoxicated groups; in addition, a lower percentage of individuals exhibited behavioral abnormalities. According to this research, the ingestion of the BPF attenuates the harmful effects of FLU. Further studies are needed before proposing BPF incorporation into the honeybees' diet, but there already seem to be beneficial effects associated with its intake.

Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 17(5)2024 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38794216


Beekeeping provides products with nutraceutical and pharmaceutical characteristics. These products are characterized by abundance of bioactive compounds. For different reasons, honey, royal jelly, propolis, venom, and pollen are beneficial to humans and animals and could be used as therapeutics. The pharmacological action of these products is related to many of their constituents. The main bioactive components of honey include oligosaccharides, methylglyoxal, royal jelly proteins (MRJPs), and phenolics compounds. Royal jelly contains jelleins, royalisin peptides, MRJPs, and derivatives of hydroxy-decenoic acid, particularly 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HDA), which possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, neuromodulatory, metabolic syndrome-preventing, and anti-aging properties. Propolis has a plethora of activities that are referable to compounds such as caffeic acid phenethyl ester. Peptides found in bee venom include phospholipase A2, apamin, and melittin. In addition to being vitamin-rich, bee pollen also includes unsaturated fatty acids, sterols, and phenolics compounds that express antiatherosclerotic, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the constituents of hive products are particular and different. All of these constituents have been investigated for their properties in numerous research studies. This review aims to provide a thorough screening of the bioactive chemicals found in honeybee products and their beneficial biological effects. The manuscript may provide impetus to the branch of unconventional medicine that goes by the name of apitherapy.

Front Vet Sci ; 11: 1347151, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38384955


Anthelmintic drug resistance has proliferated across Europe in sheep gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs). Sheep welfare and health are adversely impacted by these phenomena, which also have an impact on productivity. Finding alternatives for controlling GINs in sheep is thus of utmost importance. In this study, the anthelmintic effectiveness (AE) of a Calabrian ethnoveterinary aqueous macerate based on Punica granatum (whole fruits) was assessed in Comisana pregnant sheep. Furthermore, an examination, both qualitative and quantitative, was conducted on milk. Forty-five sheep were selected for the investigation. The sheep were divided by age, weight, physiological state (pluripara at 20 days before parturition), and eggs per gram of feces (EPG) into three homogeneous groups of 15 animals each: PG received a single oral dosage of P. granatum macerate at a rate of 50 mL per sheep; AG, treated with albendazole, was administered orally at 3.75 mg/kg/bw; and CG received no treatment. Timelines were as follows: D0, treatments, group assignment, fecal sampling, and AE assessment; D7, D14, D21, fecal sampling, and AE evaluation. The FLOTAC technique was used to evaluate the individual GIN fecal egg count (FEC) using a sodium chloride flotation solution (specific gravity = 1.20) and 100 × (1-[T2/C2]) as the formula for evaluating FEC reduction. Following the lambs' weaning, milk was collected on the following days (DL) in order to quantify production: DL35, DL42, DL49, DL56, DL63, DL70, DL77, and DL84. The amount of milk produced by every animal was measured and reported in milliliters (ml) for quantitative evaluations. Using MilkoScan TM fT + foss electric, Denmark, the quality of the milk (casein, lactose, protein concentration, and fat, expressed as a percentage) was assessed. The macerate demonstrated a considerable AE (51.8%). Moreover, its use has resulted in higher milk production rates quantitatively (15.5%) and qualitatively (5.12% protein, 4.12% casein, 4.21% lactose, and 8.18% fat). The study showed that green veterinary pharmacology could be the easiest future approach to counteracting anthelmintic resistance in sheep husbandry.

Pathogens ; 13(6)2024 Jun 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38921791


Anthelmintic resistance in small ruminants is a serious worldwide problem. To reduce their spread, it is essential to know the prevalence of helminths on farms and the control practices adopted. As these studies in the Calabria region of southern Italy are fragmentary and outdated, a study on the prevalence of helminths in small ruminant holdings in this area has been conducted. The measures implemented to control helminths were also evaluated through questionnaires administered to farmers. In particular, on 90 farms (45 sheep and 45 goats), 1800 faecal samples from 900 sheep and 900 goats were collected in the spring. Using the FLOTAC dual technique, parasitological examinations demonstrated the presence of gastrointestinal nematodes in 100% of sheep and goat farms, followed by Nematodirus spp. (84.44% sheep and 48.89% goats), Moniezia spp. (73.33% sheep and 35.56% goats), Trichuris ovis (48.89% sheep and 42.22% goats), lungworms (28.89% sheep and 42.22% goats), Strongyloides papillosus (40% sheep and 26.67% goats), Dicrocoelium dendriticum (13.33% sheep and 26.67% goats), Calicophoron daubneyi (6.67% sheep and 31.11% goats), Fasciola hepatica (6.67% sheep and 4.44% goats), and Skrjabinema ovis (4.44% sheep and goats). The questionnaires showed that 82% and 85% of the farmers had applied pasture rotation, and that 93.3% and 86.6% had used anthelmintics in the previous year for sheep and goats, respectively. Only 24.4% of sheep farmers and 11.3% of goat farmers had carried out parasitological tests prior to treatments. The most used classes of anthelmintics were macrocyclic lactones and benzimidazoles, and only in 21.6% and 15.6%, for sheep and goats, respectively, was drug rotation carried out. These results denote that helminths represent a health problem for small ruminants and highlight a lack of knowledge of parasite control strategies among farmers. In these conditions, anthelmintic resistance phenomena could develop over time. Therefore, it is necessary to implement all possible strategies for the control of helminths, and to prevent the spread of anthelmintic resistance phenomena on farms in southern Italy.

Vet Sci ; 10(2)2023 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36851423


Apitherapy is a branch of alternative medicine that consists of the treatment of diseases through products collected, processed, and secreted by bees, specifically pollen, propolis, honey, royal jelly, and bee venom. In traditional medicine, the virtues of honey and propolis have been well-known for centuries. The same, however, cannot be said for venom. The use of bee venom is particularly relevant for many therapeutic aspects. In recent decades, scientific studies have confirmed and enabled us to understand its properties. Bee venom has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, central nervous system inhibiting, radioprotective, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, among others. Numerous studies have often been summarised in reviews of the scientific literature that have focused on the results obtained with mouse models and their subsequent transposition to the human patient. In contrast, few reviews of scientific work on the use of bee venom in veterinary medicine exist. This review aims to take stock of the research achievements in this particular discipline, with a view to a recapitulation and stabilisation in the different research fields.

Microorganisms ; 11(5)2023 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37317203


The majority of honeybee farms in industrialized countries currently base their Varroa destructor control programs on the use of acaricides in conjunction with other management practices. However, the outcomes of these practices are often misunderstood and have only been studied to a limited extent. Better yields are guaranteed by having hives with low infection levels in the spring. Therefore, it is crucial to understand which beekeeping practices can result in increased control effectiveness. This study aimed to analyze the potential effects of environmental factors and beekeeping practices on the dynamics of V. destructor population. Experimental evidence was obtained by interpolating percentage infestation data from diagnoses conducted on several apiaries in the Calabria region (Southern Italy) with data acquired from a questionnaire on pest control strategies. Data on climatic temperature during the different study periods were also taken into account. The study was conducted over two years and involved 84 Apis mellifera farms. For each apiary, the diagnosis of infestation was made on a minimum of 10 hives. In total, 840 samples of adult honeybees were analyzed in the field to determine the level of infestation. In 2020, 54.7% of the inspected apiaries tested positive for V. destructor, and in 2021, 50% tested positive, according to a study of the field test findings (taking into account a threshold of 3% in July). A significant effect of the number of treatments on parasite prevalence was found. The results showed a significant reduction in the infestation rate in apiaries that received more than two treatments each year. Furthermore, it was shown that management practices, such as drone brood removal and frequent queen replacement, have a statistically significant impact on the infestation rate. The analysis of the questionnaires revealed some critical issues. In particular, only 50% of the interviewed beekeepers diagnosed infestation on samples of adult bees, and only 69% practiced drug rotation. In conclusion, it is only possible to maintain the infestation rate at an acceptable threshold by implementing integrated pest management (IPM) programs and using good beekeeping practices (GBPs).

Animals (Basel) ; 13(24)2023 Dec 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136801


Pesticide-induced poisoning phenomena are a serious problem for beekeeping and can cause large losses of honeybee populations due to acute and sub-acute poisoning. The reduced responsiveness of honeybees to the damage caused by pesticides used in agriculture can be traced back to a general qualitative and quantitative impoverishment of the nectar resources of terrestrial ecosystems. Malnutrition is associated with a decline in the functionality of the immune system and the systems that are delegated to the detoxification of the organism. This research aimed to verify whether bergamot polyphenolic extract (BPF) could have protective effects against poisoning by the pyrethroid pesticide deltamethrin. The studies were conducted with caged honeybees under controlled conditions. Sub-lethal doses of pesticides and related treatments for BPF were administered. At a dose of 21.6 mg/L, deltamethrin caused mortality in all treated subjects (20 caged honeybees) after one day of administration. The groups where BPF (1 mg/kg) was added to the toxic solution recorded the survival of honeybees by up to three days. Comparing the honeybees of the groups in which the BPF-deltamethrin association was added to the normal diet (sugar solution) with those in which deltamethrin alone was added to the normal diet, the BPF group had a statistically significant reduction in the honeybee mortality rate (p ≤ 0.05) and a greater consumption of food. Therefore, it can be argued that the inclusion of BPF and its constituent antioxidants in the honeybee diet reduces toxicity and oxidative stress caused by oral intake of deltamethrin. Furthermore, it can be argued that BPF administration could compensate for metabolic energy deficits often induced by the effects of malnutrition caused by environmental degradation and standard beekeeping practices.

Animals (Basel) ; 14(1)2023 Dec 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38200800


Varroa destructor is currently considered the parasite that causes the greatest damage and economic losses to honeybee farms. Its presence is often associated with that of viral and bacterial pathogens, which ultimately leads to colony collapse. Careful control of the parasitic load is therefore necessary to avoid the onset of these events. Although chemical treatments are often in easily and quickly administered formulations, in recent years, there have been increasingly frequent reports of the onset of drug resistance phenomena, which must lead to reconsidering their use. Furthermore, chemical compounds can easily accumulate in the food matrices of the hive, with possible risks for the final consumer. In such a condition, it is imperative to find alternative treatment solutions. Essential oils (EOs) prove to be promising candidates due to their good efficacy and good environmental biodegradability. In this study, the acaricidal efficacy of the EOs of Calamintha sylvatica Bromf., Calamintha nepeta Savi, Lavandula austroapennina N.G. Passal. Tundis & Upson and Mentha piperita L., extracted from botanical species belonging to the Lamiaceae family, was evaluated. The test chosen for the evaluation was residual toxicity by contact. The examined EOs were diluted in Acetone to a concentration of 2, 1 and 0.5 mg/mL. At the highest concentration, the EOs demonstrated an acaricidal activity equal to 52% for C. nepeta, 60% for C. sylvatica, 80% for L. austroapennina and 68% for M. piperita. Of the EOs tested, therefore, Lavender proves to be a good candidate for subsequent evaluations in semi-field and field studies.

Vet Sci ; 10(12)2023 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38133253


The most significant ectoparasitic mite of honeybees, Varroa destructor, has a detrimental effect on bee health and honey output. The principal strategy used by the control programs is the application of synthetic acaricides. All of this has resulted in drug resistance, which is now a major worry for beekeeping. As a result, research on alternate products and techniques for mite management is now required. The aim of this study was to determine whether essential oils (EOs) extracted from botanical species of Lamiacae, typical of the Calabria region of Southern Italy, could reduce the population of the mite V. destructor. Among the best-known genera of the Lamiaceae family are oregano, rosemary and thyme, whose EOs were employed in this study. By steam distillation, the EOs were extracted from Origanum vulgare subsp. viridulum (Martrin-Donos) Nyman, Thymus capitatus Hoffmanns. and Link, Thymus longicaulis C.Presl and Salvia rosmarinus Schleid. plant species harvested directly on the Calabrian territory in their balsamic time. Each EO went to the test in vitro (contact toxicity) against V. destructor. Fifty adult female mites, five for each EO and the positive and negative control, were used in each experimental replicate. The positive controls comprised five individuals treated to Amitraz dilute in acetone, and the negative controls included five individuals exposed to acetone alone. To create the working solution to be tested (50 µL/tube), the EOs were diluted (0.5 mg/mL, 1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL and 4 mg/mL) in HPLC-grade acetone. After 1 h of exposure, mite mortality was manually assessed. Origanum vulgare subsp. viridulum, Thymus capitatus and Thymus longicaulis were the EOs with the highest levels of efficiency at 2 mg/mL, neutralizing (dead + inactivated), 94%, 92% and 94% of parasites, respectively. Salvia rosmarinus EO gave a lower efficacy, resulting in a percentage of 38%. Interestingly, no adverse effects were highlighted in toxicity tests on honeybees. These results show that these OEs of the Lamiaceae family have antiparasitic action on V. destructor. Therefore, they could be used, individually or combined, to exploit the synergistic effect for a more sustainable control of this parasite mite in honeybee farms.

Pathogens ; 12(10)2023 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37887776


The most important pollinator for agricultural crops is the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera). During the winter and summer seasons, diseases and stresses of various kinds endanger honeybee numbers and production, resulting in expenses for beekeepers and detrimental effects on agriculture and ecosystems. Researchers are continually in search of therapies for honeybees using the resources of microbiology, molecular biology, and chemistry to combat diseases and improve the overall health of these important pollinating insects. Among the most investigated and most promising solutions are medicinal plants and their derivatives. The health of animals and their ability to fight disease can be supported by natural products (NPs) derived from living organisms such as plants and microbes. NPs contain substances that can reduce the effects of diseases by promoting immunity or directly suppressing pathogens, and parasites. This literature review summarises the advances that the scientific community has achieved over the years regarding veterinary treatments in beekeeping through the use of NPs. Their impact on the prevention and control of honeybee diseases is investigated both in trials that have been conducted in the laboratory and field studies.

Vet Sci ; 10(5)2023 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37235392


The Varroa destructor parasite is the main obstacle to the survival of honey bee colonies. Pest control mainly involves the use of synthetic drugs which, used with the right criteria and in rotation, are able to ensure that infestation levels are kept below the damage threshold. Although these drugs are easy to use and quick to apply, they have numerous disadvantages. Their prolonged use has led to the emergence of pharmacological resistance in treated parasite populations; furthermore, the active ingredients and/or their metabolites accumulate in the beehive products with the possibility of risk for the end consumer. Moreover, the possibility of subacute and chronic toxicity phenomena for adult honeybees and their larval forms must be considered. In this scenario, eco-friendly products derived from plant species have aroused great interest over the years. In recent decades, several studies have been carried out on the acaricidal efficacy of plant essential oils (EOs). Despite the swarming of laboratory and field studies, however, few EO products have come onto the market. Laboratory studies have often yielded different results even for the same plant species. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the various study techniques employed as well as in the variability of the chemical compositions of plants. The purpose of this review is to take stock of the research on the use of EOs to control the V. destructor parasite. It begins with an extensive discussion of the characteristics, properties, and mechanisms of action of EOs, and then examines the laboratory and field tests carried out. Finally, an attempt is made to standardize the results and open up new lines of study in future.

Vet Sci ; 9(2)2022 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35202348


The emergence of resistance to chemical drugs in beekeeping is becoming a phenomenon of widespread concern. One promising alternative to the use of chemicals is entomopathogenic organisms that are environmentally friendly and are capable of stopping the expression of resistance once it has evolved. In the recent past, the scientific community has carried out several experiments addressing the use of microbiological control agents. In particular, experimental studies using entomopathogenic fungi have had more success in honey bee research. With their adherence properties and their ability to digest the cuticle and overcome the host defense mechanism, they could be a suitable ingredient in bioacaricides. Several promising fungi have been identified in the search for effective means to control pest populations. The data obtained from the different experiments are interesting and often favorable to their use, but there are also conflicting results. The aim of this review is to describe the state of the art on the topic under investigation.

Vet Sci ; 9(3)2022 Mar 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35324852


Varroatosis, caused by the Varroa destructor mite, is currently the most dangerous parasitic disease threatening the survival of honey bees worldwide. Its adverse effect on the welfare and health of honey bees requires the regular use of specific acaricides. This condition has led to a growing development of resistance phenomena towards the most frequently used drugs. In addition, another important aspect that should not be understated, is the toxicity and persistence of chemicals in the environment. Therefore, the identification of viable and environmentally friendly alternatives is urgently needed. In this scenario, essential oils are promising candidates. The aim of this study was to assess the contact toxicity, the fumigation efficacy and the repellent effect of Origanum heracleoticum L. essential oil (EO) against V. destructor mite. In the contact tests, each experimental replicate consisted of 15 viable adult female mites divided as follows: 5 treated with EO diluted in HPLC grade acetone, 5 treated with acetone alone (as negative control) and 5 treated with Amitraz diluted in acetone (as positive control). The EO was tested at concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/mL. For each experimental replicate, mortality was manually assessed after one hour. The efficacy of EO fumigation was evaluated through prolonged exposure at different time intervals. After each exposure, the 5 mites constituting an experimental replicate were transferred to a Petri dish containing a honey bee larva and mortality was assessed after 48 h. The repellent action was investigated by implementing a directional choice test in a mandatory route. During the repellency tests the behavior of the mite (90 min after its introduction in the mandatory route) was not influenced by the EO. In contact tests, EO showed the best efficacy at 2 and 1 mg/mL concentrations, neutralizing (dead + inactivated) 90.9% and 80% of the mites, respectively. In fumigation tests, the mean mortality rate of V. destructor at maximum exposure time (90 min) was 60% and 84% at 24 and 48 h, respectively. Overall, these results demonstrate a significant efficacy of O. heracleoticum EO against V. destructor, suggesting a possible alternative use in the control of varroatosis in honey bee farms in order to improve Apis mellifera welfare and health and, consequently, the hive productions.

Vet Sci ; 9(7)2022 Jul 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35878371


Varroa destructor is the most dangerous pest that poses a threat to honey bee survival. In recent years, increasingly worrying phenomena of drug resistance have occurred to various active ingredients of pharmaceutical formulations used to control this parasitosis. Determining the level of infestation is essential to preventing the inappropriate use and abuse of veterinary medicines, and to choose the most appropriate time for treatment. This comparative study investigates the sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of two field techniques for diagnosing V. destructor infestations in hives. The EasyCheck device (Véto-pharma) was used in two of its application modes, namely, the sugar roll test and carbon dioxide (CO2) injection. The experiments were conducted on 15 samples of 300 bees each taken from the same frame and checked for the presence of mites using standard and modified field techniques in both uncaged and caged queen hive conditions. The results demonstrate that the sugar roll technique is significantly more effective and safer than CO2 injection, allowing for a higher accuracy in diagnosing a V. destructor infestation. Furthermore, the evaluation of mites present on bees in brood block conditions has proven to be particularly reliable. Considering the number of mites on the filter of the device as an additional step helps to implement the diagnostic accuracy of the CO2 injection technique, however, not achieving the efficacy results of the sugar roll.