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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(22): 15555-15566, 2023 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37252735


We studied N 1s-1 inner-shell processes of the free base Phthalocyanine molecule, H2Pc, in the gas-phase. This complex organic molecule contains three different nitrogen sites defined by their covalent bonds. We identify the contribution of each site in ionized, core-shell excited or relaxed electronic states by the use of different theoretical methods. In particular, we present resonant Auger spectra along with a tentative new theoretical approach based on multiconfiguration self-consistent field calculations to simulate them. These calculations may pave the road towards resonant Auger spectroscopy in complex molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(16): 11085-11092, 2023 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36484473


Understanding the mechanisms of X-ray radiation damage in biological systems is of prime interest in medicine (radioprotection, X-ray therapy…). Study of low-energy rays, such as soft-X rays and light ions, points to attribute their lethal effect to clusters of energy deposition by low-energy electrons. The first step, at the atomic or molecular level, is often the ionization of inner-shell electrons followed by Auger decay in an aqueous environment. We have developed an experimental set-up to perform electron coincidence spectroscopy on molecules in a water micro-jet. We present here the first results obtained on sodium benzoate solutions, irradiated at the oxygen and carbon K-edges.

Faraday Discuss ; 238(0): 266-294, 2022 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35775873


The dynamics of the electronically excited pyruvic acid (PA) and of its unimolecular decomposition upon single photon ionisation are investigated by means of a table top fs laser and VUV synchrotron radiation. The latter is coupled with photo-ion/photo-electron coincidence acquisition devices that allow the identification of the ionic products coming from state-to-state fragmentation upon ionisation. The fs-based setup provides time-resolved mass spectra with 266 nm (= 4.661 eV) excitation and an 800 nm multiphoton probe. For interpretation, we carried out theoretical computations using a composite scheme combining density functional theory full molecular geometric optimisation and post-Hartree-Fock correction inclusion. We therefore determined the neutral and ionic species formed during these experiments and the corresponding dissociation channels. Although several PA isomers are found, we show that solely the most stable isomer of PA (i.e. Tc) is present in the molecular beam prior to ionisation. We determined its adiabatic ionisation energy (AIE = 10.031 ± 0.005 eV). The fragmentation of the Tc+ ion occurs at ∼0.4 eV above the threshold and it is dominated by the CC bond breaking channel, forming the HOCO fragment in conjunction with the CH3CO+ ion. The decarboxylation of Tc+ channels has a minor contribution, although they are more favourable thermodynamically. These findings are in contrast with the dominance of decarboxylation while fragmenting Tc populated in the S1-S3 states. For explanation, we invoke an indirect process populating first a short lived autoionising neutral state located in energy at the HOCO + CH3CO+ dissociation limit. Later on, fragmentation occurs, followed by autoionisation. On the other hand, the fs-based experiment does not reveal any appreciable dynamics for the Tc isomer of PA after a 266 nm excitation because of non-favourable Franck-Condon factors at this energy. In sum, our work highlights the importance of the couplings between the parent ion vibrational modes and the dissociative channels in the vicinity of the loss ionic fragmentation thresholds.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(34): 20219-20227, 2022 Aug 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35983783


Single-photon multiple photoionization results from electron correlations that make this process possible beyond the independent electron approximation. To study this phenomenon experimentally, the detection in coincidence of all emitted electrons is the most direct approach. It provides the relative contribution of all possible multiple ionization processes, the energy distribution between electrons that can reveal simultaneous or sequential mechanisms, and, if possible, the angular correlations between electrons. In the present work, we present a new magnet design of our magnetic bottle electron spectrometer that allows the detection of multiply charged Xen+ ions in coincidence with n electrons. This new coincidence detection allows more efficient extraction of minor channels that are otherwise masked by random coincidences. The proof of principle is provided for xenon triple ionization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(10): 103001, 2016 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27015477


We have studied, for the first time by electron spectroscopy, the Auger decay of the 4d→nf (n=4,5) resonances in Xe^{5+} ion. By detecting in coincidence the Auger electrons with the resulting Xe^{6+} ions, we unravel the contribution of the different final ionic states to the total cross section measured by ion spectroscopy. A strong intensity of 5s5p satellite lines has been observed, up to 4 times stronger than the 5s^{2} main lines. This unexpected behavior is confirmed by multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. This technique provides the most stringent test for theoretical models and allows us to disentangle the contribution of ions in the ground and metastable states in the target beam.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(24): 243002, 2013 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483651


Angle-resolved electron spectroscopy in coincidence with high-resolution mass spectroscopy has been applied to study two-color resonant photoionization in atomic xenon. Separation of different isotopes enabled us to extract results for the electronic dynamics free from depolarization effects, which are generally introduced by the coupling of the electronic and nuclear angular momenta. The concerted experimental and theoretical analysis of the photoelectron angular distributions in the region of an autoionizing resonance emphasizes the strong sensitivity of the observed structures to the fine details of the treatment of the underlying dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(21): 213001, 2011 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181876


Magnetic dichroism in the angular distribution has been demonstrated for single-electron photoemission from inner ns(2) subshells of gaseous atomic targets using the example of K-shell photoionization of polarized Li atoms laser prepared in the 1s(2)2p (2)P(3/2) excited state. The effect is pronounced for the conjugate shakeup and conjugate shakedown photoelectron lines, and less important, though observable, for the main and direct shakeup lines. The phenomenon is caused by configuration interaction in the final continuum state and is quantitatively described by the close-coupling R-matrix calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(21): 213001, 2010 May 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867092


Two-photon excitation of a single-photon forbidden Auger resonance has been observed and investigated using the intense extreme ultraviolet radiation from the free electron laser in Hamburg. At the wavelength 26.9 nm (46 eV) two photons promoted a 3d core electron to the outer 4d shell. The subsequent Auger decay, as well as several nonlinear above threshold ionization processes, were studied by electron spectroscopy. The experimental data are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions and analysis of the underlying multiphoton processes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(1): 013001, 2010 Jul 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867437


We have observed the simultaneous inner-shell absorption of two extreme-ultraviolet photons by a Xe atom in an experiment performed at the short-wavelength free electron laser facility FLASH. Photoelectron spectroscopy permitted us to unambiguously identify a feature resulting from the ionization of a single electron of the 4d subshell of Xe by two photons each of energy (93±1) eV. The feature's intensity has a quadratic dependence on the pulse energy. The results are discussed and interpreted within the framework of recent results of ion spectroscopy experiments of Xe obtained at ultrahigh irradiance in the extreme-ultraviolet regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(8): 1677-80, 2000 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11017598


We have measured the angle-resolved energy dependence of the electrons emitted over the energy range of the triply excited 2s(2)2p 2P lithium resonance using synchrotron radiation. We have also calculated the behavior of the angular distribution parameter beta using the R-matrix approximation. Experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement and show deep minima in the 1s2p (1, 3)P ionic channels. The energy at which the minima occur does not coincide with the resonance energy, but is shifted towards higher energy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(3): 435-8, 2000 Jan 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11015932


Photoionization of Xe4+ to Xe7+ ions was studied by combining an electron cyclotron resonance ion source with synchrotron radiation. Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations were performed to interpret the data. Many autoionization lines were measured and identified, resulting from excitation of a 4d electron into nf and np orbitals followed by Auger decay of the excited states. Continuum photoionization is negligible for the higher members of the isonuclear series.