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Front Environ Sci ; 10: 1-17, 2022 Nov 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36507472


As a symptom of accelerated sea level rise and historic impacts to tidal hydrology from agricultural and mosquito control activities, coastal marshes in the Northeastern U.S. are experiencing conversion to open water through edge loss, widening and headward erosion of tidal channels, and the formation and expansion of interior ponds. These interior ponds often form in high elevation marsh, confounding the notion applied in predictive modeling that salt marshes convert to open water when elevation falls below a critical surface inundation threshold. The installation of tidal channel extension features, or runnels, is a technique that has been implemented to reduce water levels and permit vegetation reestablishment in drowning coastal marshes, although there are limited data available to recommend its advisability. We report on 5 years of vegetation and hydrologic monitoring of two locations where a total of 600-m of shallow (0.15-0.30-m in diameter and depth) runnels were installed in 2015 and 2016 to enhance drainage, in the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, in southern Rhode Island, United States. Results from this Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) designed study found that runnel installation successfully promoted plant recolonization, although runnels did not consistently promote increases in high marsh species presence or diversity. Runnels reduced the groundwater table (by 0.07-0.12 m), and at one location, the groundwater table experienced a 2-fold increase in the fraction of the in-channel tidal range that was observed in the marsh water table. We suggest that restoration of tidal hydrology through runnel installation holds promise as a tool to encourage revegetation and extend the lifespan of drowning coastal marshes where interior ponds are expanding. In addition, our study highlights the importance of considering the rising groundwater table as an important factor in marsh drowning due to expanding interior ponds found on the marsh platform.

Front Environ Sci ; 102022 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36507471


Heightened recognition of impacts to coastal salt marshes from sea-level rise has led to expanding interest in using thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) as an adaptation tool to enhance future marsh resilience. Building on successes and lessons learned from the Gulf and southeast U.S. coasts, projects are now underway in other regions, including New England where the effects of TLP on marsh ecosystems and processes are less clear. In this study, we report on early responses of a drowning, microtidal Rhode Island marsh (Ninigret Marsh, Charlestown, RI) to the application of a thick (10-48 cm) application of sandy dredged material and complimentary extensive adaptive management to quickly build elevation capital and enhance declining high marsh plant species. Physical changes occurred quickly. Elevation capital, rates of marsh elevation gain, and soil drainage all increased, while surface inundation, die-off areas, and surface ponding were greatly reduced. Much of the marsh revegetated within a few years, exhibiting aspects of classic successional processes leading to new expansive areas of high marsh species, although low marsh Spartina alterniflora recovered more slowly. Faunal communities, including nekton and birds, were largely unaffected by sediment placement. Overall, sediment placement provided Ninigret Marsh with an estimated 67-320 years of ambient elevation gain, increasing its resilience and likely long-term persistence. Project stakeholders intentionally aimed for the upper end of high marsh plant elevation growth ranges to build elevation capital and minimize maintenance costs, which also resulted in new migration corridors, providing pathways for future marsh expansion.