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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(6): 4134-4143, 2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38317439


Identifying multiple rival reaction products and transient species formed during ultrafast photochemical reactions and determining their time-evolving relative populations are key steps toward understanding and predicting photochemical outcomes. Yet, most contemporary ultrafast studies struggle with clearly identifying and quantifying competing molecular structures/species among the emerging reaction products. Here, we show that mega-electronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction in combination with ab initio molecular dynamics calculations offer a powerful route to determining time-resolved populations of the various isomeric products formed after UV (266 nm) excitation of the five-membered heterocyclic molecule 2(5H)-thiophenone. This strategy provides experimental validation of the predicted high (∼50%) yield of an episulfide isomer containing a strained three-membered ring within ∼1 ps of photoexcitation and highlights the rapidity of interconversion between the rival highly vibrationally excited photoproducts in their ground electronic state.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(21): 15130-15142, 2024 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38525924


High-resolution carbon K-edge X-ray photoelectron, X-ray absorption, non-resonant and resonant Auger spectra are presented of gas phase trans-1,3-butadiene alongside a detailed theoretical analysis utilising nuclear ensemble approaches and vibronic models to simulate the spectroscopic observables. The resonant Auger spectra recorded across the first pre-edge band reveal a complex evolution of different electronic states which remain relatively well-localised on the edge or central carbon sites. The results demonstrate the sensitivity of the resonant Auger observables to the weighted contributions from multiple electronic states. The gradually evolving spectral features can be accurately and feasibly simulated within nuclear ensemble methods and interpreted with the population analysis.

J Chem Phys ; 160(17)2024 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38748015


New data are presented on the resonant Auger decay of iodobenzene (C6H5I) in the region of the I 4d-1 ionization threshold. The excited molecules decay by participator and spectator processes to populate single-hole valence states and two-hole, one-particle excited states of the cation, providing new information on the structure of C6H5I+. Excitation of dissociative C6H5I (I 4d5/2,3/2-1)σ* resonances can, in principle, result in ultrafast dissociation to C6H5 + I** and the subsequent autoionization of I**, but no evidence for this process is observed. The results are compared with our recent study of the resonant Auger decay of methyl iodide (CH3I).

J Chem Phys ; 160(7)2024 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38375906


Resonant Auger processes provide a unique perspective on electronic interactions and excited vibrational and electronic states of molecular ions. Here, new data are presented on the resonant Auger decay of excited CH3I in the region just below the I 4d-1 ionization threshold. The resonances include the Rydberg series converging to the five spin-orbit and ligand-field split CH3I (I 4d-1) thresholds, as well as resonances corresponding to excitation from the I 4d5/2,3/2 orbitals into the σ* lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. This study focuses on participator decay that populates the lowest lying states of CH3I+, in particular, the X̃2E3/2 and 2E1/2 states, and on spectator decay that populates the lowest-lying (CH3I2+)σ* states of CH3I+. The CH3I (I 4d-1)σ* resonances are broad, and dissociation to CH3 + I competes with the autoionization of the core-excited states. Auger decay as the molecule dissociates produces a photoelectron spectrum with a long progression (up to v3+ ∼ 25) in the C-I stretching mode of the X̃2E3/2 and 2E1/2 states, providing insights into the shape of the dissociative core-excited surface. The observed spectator decay processes indicate that CH3I+ is formed on the repulsive wall of the lower-lying (CH3I2+)σ* potentials, and the photon-energy dependence of the processes provides insights into the relative slopes of the (4d-1)σ* and (CH3I2+)σ* potential surfaces. Data are also presented for the spectator decay of higher lying CH3I (I 4d-1)nl Rydberg resonances. Photoelectron angular distributions for the resonant Auger processes provide additional information that helps distinguish these processes from the direct ionization signal.

J Chem Phys ; 160(6)2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38349638


The absolute photoabsorption cross sections of norbornadiene (NBD) and quadricyclane (QC), two isomers with chemical formula C7H8 that are attracting much interest for solar energy storage applications, have been measured from threshold up to 10.8 eV using the Fourier transform spectrometer at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility. The absorption spectrum of NBD exhibits some sharp structure associated with transitions into Rydberg states, superimposed on several broad bands attributable to valence excitations. Sharp structure, although less pronounced, also appears in the absorption spectrum of QC. Assignments have been proposed for some of the absorption bands using calculated vertical transition energies and oscillator strengths for the electronically excited states of NBD and QC. Natural transition orbitals indicate that some of the electronically excited states in NBD have a mixed Rydberg/valence character, whereas the first ten excited singlet states in QC are all predominantly Rydberg in the vertical region. In NBD, a comparison between the vibrational structure observed in the experimental 11B1-11A1 (3sa1 ← 5b1) band and that predicted by Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller modeling has necessitated a revision of the band origin and of the vibrational assignments proposed previously. Similar comparisons have encouraged a revision of the adiabatic first ionization energy of NBD. Simulations of the vibrational structure due to excitation from the 5b2 orbital in QC into 3p and 3d Rydberg states have allowed tentative assignments to be proposed for the complex structure observed in the absorption bands between ∼5.4 and 7.0 eV.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(9): 6733-6745, 2023 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36799466


Carbon K-edge resonant Auger spectra of gas-phase allene following excitation of the pre-edge 1s → π* transitions are presented and analysed with the support of EOM-CCSD/cc-pVTZ calculations. X-Ray absorption (XAS), X-ray photoelectron (XPS), valence band and non-resonant Auger spectra are also reanalysed with a series of computational approaches. The results presented demonstrate the importance of including nuclear ensemble effects for simulating X-ray observables and as an effective strategy for capturing Jahn-Teller effects in spectra.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(3): 1367-1379, 2022 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951418


Linearly polarized synchrotron radiation has been used to record polarization dependent, non-resonant Auger electron spectra of XeF2, encompassing the bands due to the xenon M45N1N45, M45N23N45, M45N45N45 and M45N45V and fluorine KVV transitions. Resonantly excited Auger spectra have been measured at photon energies coinciding with the Xe 3d5/2 → σ* and the overlapped Xe 3d3/2/F 1s → σ* excitations in XeF2. The non-resonant and resonantly excited spectra have enabled the Auger electron angular distributions, as characterized by the ßA parameter, to be determined for the M45N45N45 transitions. In the photon energy range over which the Auger electron angular distributions were measured, theoretical results indicate that transitions into the εf continuum channel dominate the Xe 3d photoionization in XeF2. In this limit, the theoretical value of the atomic alignment parameter (A20) characterizing the core ionized state becomes constant. This theoretical value has been used to obtain the Auger electron intrinsic anisotropy parameters (α2) from the ßA parameters extracted from our non-resonant Auger spectra. For a particular Auger transition, the electron kinetic energy measured in the resonantly excited spectrum is higher than that in the directly ionized spectrum, due to the screening provided by the electron promoted into the σ* orbital. The interpretation of the F KVV Auger band in XeF2 has been discussed in relation to previously published one-site populations of the doubly charged ions (XeF22+). The experimental results show that the ionization energies of the doubly charged states predominantly populated in the decay of a vacancy in the F 1s orbital in XeF2 tend to be higher than those populated in the decay of a vacancy in the Xe 4d level in XeF2.

J Chem Phys ; 154(9): 094303, 2021 Mar 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33685139


Valence photoelectron spectra and photoelectron angular distributions of trans-dichloroethene have been measured with vibrational resolution at photon energies between 19 eV and 90 eV. Calculations of photoelectron anisotropy parameters, ß, and harmonic vibrational modes help provide initial insight into the molecular structure. The photon energy range encompasses the expected position of the atomic Cl 3p Cooper minimum. A corresponding dip observed here in the anisotropy of certain photoelectron bands permits the identification and characterization of those molecular orbitals that retain a localized atomic Cl character. The adiabatic approximation holds for the X2Au state photoelectron band, but vibronic coupling was inferred within the A-B-C and the D-E states by noting various failures of the Franck-Condon model, including vibrationally dependent ß-parameters. This is further explored using the linear vibronic coupling model with interaction parameters obtained from ab initio calculations. The A/B photoelectron band is appreciably affected by vibronic coupling, owing to the low-lying conical intersection of the A2Ag and B2Bu states. The C2Bg band is also affected, but to a lesser extent. The adiabatic minima of the D2Au and E2Ag states are almost degenerate, and the vibronic interaction between these states is considerable. The potential energy surface of the D2Au state is predicted to have a double-minimum shape with respect to the au deformations of the molecular structure. The irregular vibrational structure of the resulting single photoelectron band reflects the non-adiabatic nuclear dynamics occurring on the two coupled potential energy surfaces above the energy of their conical intersection.

J Chem Phys ; 149(14): 144302, 2018 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30316287


Ionization of the I 3d, 4s, and 4p orbitals in methyl iodide (CH3I) has been studied by using synchrotron radiation to measure the total ion yield and by recording photoelectron spectra with linearly polarized radiation in two polarization orientations. The complete photoelectron spectrum of CH3I has been recorded at several photon energies, and bands due to the C 1s, I 3d, 4s, 4p, and 4d atomic-like orbitals, as well as the molecular orbitals, have been observed and assigned. In the vicinity of the I 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 ionization thresholds at 626.8 and 638.3 eV, respectively, the ion yield displays weak structure in the pre-edge region due to transitions into valence or Rydberg states, and, at higher energies, a shoulder and a broad maximum attributed to the I 3d5/2 → εf and the I 3d3/2 → εf shape resonances, respectively. The absorption spectrum calculated using time-dependent density functional theory, within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, has allowed assignments to be proposed for the valence and Rydberg states. The Stieltjes imaging technique has been used to simulate the absorption spectrum above the ionization threshold and indicates that transitions into the f(l = 3) continuum channel dominate. This conclusion has been corroborated by a Continuum Multiple Scattering-Xα (CMS-Xα) calculation. The asymmetric broadening of the photoelectron bands associated with the I 3d orbital, due to post collision interaction, is taken into account in our experimental analysis. Experimentally derived photoelectron anisotropy parameters for the I 3d orbital are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions obtained with the CMS-Xα approach. The I 3d shake-up/shake-off photoelectron spectrum has been recorded, and assignments have been proposed for several of the satellites. The M4N45N45 and M5N45N45 Auger electron yields have been measured, and that for the M5N45N45 decay exhibits a maximum due to interchannel coupling between the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 continua. The photoelectron band associated with the I 4p orbital has an unusual appearance. Based upon previous theoretical work for the analogous Xe 4p orbital, it appears that the initial I 4p-1 hole state decays rapidly through Coster-Kronig and super-Coster-Kronig transitions. This leads to a redistribution of the spectral intensity associated with the I 4p orbital and results in a photoelectron spectrum containing a single structured band together with an extended continuum. Another continuum is observed on the high binding energy side of the peak due to the 4s orbital, and we assign this to super-Coster-Kronig transitions into the 4p-14d-1 continuum.

J Chem Phys ; 149(9): 094304, 2018 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30195315


Auger electron spectra following excitation or ionization of the I 3d level in CH3I have been recorded with horizontally or vertically plane polarized synchrotron radiation. These spectra have enabled the Auger electron angular distributions, as characterized by the ß parameter, to be determined. The I 3d photoionization partial cross section of CH3I has been calculated with the continuum multiple scattering approach, and the results show that in the photon energy range over which Auger spectra were measured, the I 3d cross section exhibits an atomic-like behavior and is dominated by transitions into the εf continuum channel. In this limit, the theoretical value of the alignment parameter (A20) characterizing the core ionized state in an atom becomes constant, independent of photon energy. This theoretical value has been used to obtain the Auger electron intrinsic anisotropy parameters (α2) from the ß parameters extracted from our normal (non-resonant) molecular Auger spectra. The resulting anisotropy parameters for the M45N45N45 transitions in CH3I have been compared to those calculated for the corresponding transitions in xenon, and the experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement. Anisotropy parameters have also been measured for the M45N1N45, M45N23N45, and M45N45O23 transitions. For the M45N1N45 and M45N23N45 Auger decays in CH3I, the experimentally derived angular distributions do not exhibit the strong dependence on the final ionic state that is predicted for these transitions in xenon. Resonantly excited Auger spectra have been recorded at 620.4 and 632.0 eV, coinciding with the I 3d5/2 → σ* and 3d3/2 → σ* transitions, respectively. The resulting Auger electron angular distributions for the M4N45N45 and M5N45N45 decays were found to exhibit a higher anisotropy than those for the normal process. This is due to the larger photo-induced alignment in the neutral core excited state. For a particular Auger transition, the Auger electron kinetic energy measured in the resonantly excited spectrum is higher than that in the normal spectrum. This shift, due to the screening provided by the electron excited into the σ* orbital, has been rationalized by calculating orbital ionization energies of I 3d excited and I 3d ionized states in CH3I.

J Chem Phys ; 149(20): 204313, 2018 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30501230


The photodissociation dynamics of CH3I and CH2ClI at 272 nm were investigated by time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging, with an intense non-resonant 815 nm probe pulse. Fragment ion momenta over a wide m/z range were recorded simultaneously by coupling a velocity map imaging spectrometer with a pixel imaging mass spectrometry camera. For both molecules, delay-dependent pump-probe features were assigned to ultraviolet-induced carbon-iodine bond cleavage followed by Coulomb explosion. Multi-mass imaging also allowed the sequential cleavage of both carbon-halogen bonds in CH2ClI to be investigated. Furthermore, delay-dependent relative fragment momenta of a pair of ions were directly determined using recoil-frame covariance analysis. These results are complementary to conventional velocity map imaging experiments and demonstrate the application of time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging to photoinduced real-time molecular motion.

Nat Chem ; 16(4): 499-505, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38307994


The light-induced ultrafast switching between molecular isomers norbornadiene and quadricyclane can reversibly store and release a substantial amount of chemical energy. Prior work observed signatures of ultrafast molecular dynamics in both isomers upon ultraviolet excitation but could not follow the electronic relaxation all the way back to the ground state experimentally. Here we study the electronic relaxation of quadricyclane after exciting in the ultraviolet (201 nanometres) using time-resolved gas-phase extreme ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy combined with non-adiabatic molecular dynamics simulations. We identify two competing pathways by which electronically excited quadricyclane molecules relax to the electronic ground state. The fast pathway (<100 femtoseconds) is distinguished by effective coupling to valence electronic states, while the slow pathway involves initial motions across Rydberg states and takes several hundred femtoseconds. Both pathways facilitate interconversion between the two isomers, albeit on different timescales, and we predict that the branching ratio of norbornadiene/quadricyclane products immediately after returning to the electronic ground state is approximately 3:2.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(31): 7126-7133, 2023 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37534743


Recent developments in X-ray free-electron lasers have enabled a novel site-selective probe of coupled nuclear and electronic dynamics in photoexcited molecules, time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TRXPS). We present results from a joint experimental and theoretical TRXPS study of the well-characterized ultraviolet photodissociation of CS2, a prototypical system for understanding non-adiabatic dynamics. These results demonstrate that the sulfur 2p binding energy is sensitive to changes in the nuclear structure following photoexcitation, which ultimately leads to dissociation into CS and S photoproducts. We are able to assign the main X-ray spectroscopic features to the CS and S products via comparison to a first-principles determination of the TRXPS based on ab initio multiple-spawning simulations. Our results demonstrate the use of TRXPS as a local probe of complex ultrafast photodissociation dynamics involving multimodal vibrational coupling, nonradiative transitions between electronic states, and multiple final product channels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(25): 253006, 2012 Jun 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23004597


We report the first study of UV-induced photoisomerization probed via core ionization by an x-ray laser. We investigated x-ray ionization and fragmentation of the cyclohexadiene-hexatriene system at 850 eV during the ring opening. We find that the ion-fragmentation patterns evolve over a picosecond, reflecting a change in the state of excitation and the molecular geometry: the average kinetic energy per ion fragment and H(+)-ion count increase as the ring opens and the molecule elongates. We discuss new opportunities for molecular photophysics created by optical pump x-ray probe experiments.

Alkenes/chemistry , Cyclization/radiation effects , Cyclohexenes/chemistry , Polyenes/chemistry , Photochemical Processes , Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet , Thermodynamics , X-Rays
J Phys Chem A ; 114(2): 867-78, 2010 Jan 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20000591


Ab initio molecular orbital calculations demonstrate that ionizing alkyl nitriles produces a dramatic geometry change involving lengthening of a C-CH(2)CN bond. The experimental determination of the adiabatic ionization energy of these species is thus very difficult. In addition, there are generally low barriers for 1,2-H shift reactions in the molecular ions leading to RCHCHN(+*) and RCHCNH(+*) isomers, which makes generating pure ionized alkyl nitrile in a mass spectrometer a challenge. Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy and threshold photoelecton photoion coincidence spectroscopy were employed to study the ionization and dissociation of two alkyl nitriles, in particular, pentanenitrile and 2,2-dimethylpropanenitrile. Threshold ionization is shown to result not in the respective molecular ions, but rather in isomeric forms, resulting in dissociation thresholds that lie below the calculated adiabatic ionization energies of the two molecules. Appearance energies for all observed fragment ions are reported and compared to available literature values. Charge separation in the dissociation of doubly ionized 2,2-dimethylpropanenitrile is observed as fragment-ion time-of-flight peak broadening at high photon energies.

Nat Chem ; 12(9): 795-800, 2020 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32690894


Photoinduced isomerization reactions lie at the heart of many chemical processes in nature. The mechanisms of such reactions are determined by a delicate interplay of coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics occurring on the femtosecond scale, followed by the slower redistribution of energy into different vibrational degrees of freedom. Here we apply time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with a seeded extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser to trace the ultrafast ring opening of gas-phase thiophenone molecules following ultraviolet photoexcitation. When combined with ab initio electronic structure and molecular dynamics calculations of the excited- and ground-state molecules, the results provide insights into both the electronic and nuclear dynamics of this fundamental class of reactions. The initial ring opening and non-adiabatic coupling to the electronic ground state are shown to be driven by ballistic S-C bond extension and to be complete within 350 fs. Theory and experiment also enable visualization of the rich ground-state dynamics that involve the formation of, and interconversion between, ring-opened isomers and the cyclic structure, as well as fragmentation over much longer timescales.

J Am Soc Mass Spectrom ; 20(1): 20-4, 2009 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18926721


Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence (TPEPICO) experiments have shown that o-, m-, and p-difluorobenzene ions dissociate via a common, ring-opened intermediate and not via ionized p-difluorobenzene. Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) modeling of the experimental breakdown curves yields activation energies for the initial isomerization of 4.48 +/- 0.05, 4.55 +/- 0.05, and 4.68 +/- 0.05 eV for o-, m-, and p-difluorobenzene, respectively. These values place each ion at a similar absolute energy and thus similar transition states. A large positive DeltaS(double dagger) for each ion (ca 100 J K(-1) mol(-1)) suggests a ring-opened structure for these transition states.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(8): 1518-22, 2009 Feb 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19170577


Ionized azo-t-butane (m/z 142) undergoes three dissociation reactions: competitive cleavage of the N-C bond to form (1) the t-butyl cation ((CH(3))(3)C(+), m/z 57) plus a neutral that is nominally (CH(3))(3)CN(2)(*) (85 Da); (2) m/z 85 cation, (CH(3))(3)CN(2)(+), plus the neutral t-butyl radical; and (3) a minor rearrangement reaction leading to ionized butene. The competition between channels (1) and (2) is governed by both energetic and entropic considerations as the 85 Da neutral lies in a 1 kJ mol(-1) potential energy well and when formed dissociates into the t-butyl radical and N(2). This gives channel 1 an entropic advantage over channel 2, as long as the transition states for these processes reside close to products, a conclusion supported by threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, tandem mass spectrometry, and ab initio calculations.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(20): 5823-31, 2009 May 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19388684


The threshold photoelectron spectra and threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence (TPEPICO) mass spectra of methyl t-butyl ether, (CH(3))(3)COCH(3) (MTBE), and methyl trimethylsilyl ether, (CH(3))(3)SiOCH(3) (MTMSE), have been measured using synchrotron radiation. The effect of silicon substitution on the unimolecular dissociation processes and the threshold photoelectron spectrum has been investigated. Both molecular ions dissociate at low internal energies. For ionized MTBE, the parent ion is no longer observed at an internal energy of only 0.2 eV. For this reason, it was not possible to fit the TPEPICO data to extract reliable thermochemical information. G3 level calculations place the molecular ion 5 kJ mol(-1) above the lowest-energy dissociation products, (CH(3))(2)COCH(3)(+) + (*)CH(3), suggesting the participation of an isomer, potentially the distonic ion (*)CH(2)(CH(3))(2)CO(+)(H)CH(3), in the dissociation. However, the calculations are not considered accurate enough to reliably determine the role this isomer plays, if any. RRKM modeling of the threshold region of the TPEPICO breakdown curves for ionized MTMSE leads to an E(0) for methyl loss of 63 +/- 2 kJ mol(-1), in good agreement with the G3 value of 66 kJ mol(-1). The resulting Delta(f)H(0) for (CH(3))(2)SiOCH(3)(+) of 384 +/- 10 kJ mol(-1) (Delta(f)H(298) = 361 +/- 10 kJ mol(-1)) is 28 kJ mol(-1) lower than the G3 value of 412 kJ mol(-1) due to the G3 Delta(f)H(0) for neutral MTMSE being 16 kJ mol(-1) higher than the previously reported value and the fact that the experimental IE(a) is 6 kJ mol(-1) lower than the G3 estimate. Appearance energy values for higher-energy fragmentation channels up to 36 (for MTBE) and 32 eV (for MTMSE) are reported and compared to literature values. An investigation of fragment ion peak broadening at high internal energy indicated that the two doubly charged molecular ions are not stable on the microsecond time scale. Each was found to dissociate into two singly charged ions along one or more neutral species.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(41): 10923-32, 2009 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19775111


The threshold photoelectron spectrum (TPES) of tetrahydrofuran (THF) is compared to that of the unsaturated furan molecule. In general, there is a similarity in the orbital ionization profile for the two species, though unlike furan, THF exhibits (modest) vibrational detail only in the (9b)(-1) X (2)B band. An adiabatic ionization energy of 9.445 +/- 0.010 eV has been derived from the onset of the TPES spectrum. Threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy was used to explore the loss of a hydrogen atom from ionized THF over the photon energy range of 9.9-10.4 eV. RRKM fitting of the resulting breakdown curves yields an E(0) of 0.85 +/- 0.03 eV (82 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1)) (AE = 10.30 +/- 0.04 eV). If the G3 IE of 9.48 eV is used to convert the experimental data from photon energy to THF ion internal energy, E(0) = 0.81 +/- 0.01 eV (78 +/- 1 kJ mol(-1)). The latter value is closer to the G3 E(0) of 72 kJ mol(-1) for the formation of the cyclic ion 1. A variety of ring-opening reactions were also probed at the B3-LYP/6-31+G(d) and G3 levels of theory. The distonic isomer (*)CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)OCH(2)(+) lies 70 kJ mol(-1) higher than ionized THF, which places it within 1 kJ mol(-1) of the threshold for the dissociation to 1. All of the probed H-loss products from the distonic isomer (which includes singlet and triplet species) lie significantly higher in energy than ion 1, eliminating the possibility that ionized THF dissociates to m/z 71 via a ring-opening reaction in the present experiment. The derived Delta(double dagger)S value for the dissociation, 8 +/- 5 J K(-1) mol(-1), is also consistent with the formation of 1. The experimentally derived E(0) values can be used to derive the Delta(f)H(o)(0) for ion 1. Together with the Delta(f)H(o)(0) values for the THF ion (752.0 +/- 2 kJ mol(-1), derived from the neutral Delta(f)H(o)(0) of -154.9 +/- 0.7 kJ mol(-1) and experimental IE of 9.445 +/- 0.010 eV) and H atom (218.5 kJ mol(-1)) our E(0) of 82 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) yields a Delta(f)H(o)(0) for ion 1 of 620 +/- 4 kJ mol(-1) (Delta(f)H(o)(298) = 594 +/- 4 kJ mol(-1)), in good agreement with the G3 Delta(f)H(o)(0) of 621 kJ mol(-1). Appearance energies for all fragment ions up to photon energies of 34 eV are also reported and discussed in comparison with the available literature.