This Letter proposes a novel, to the best of our knowledge, coded modulation scheme for randomly coupled multi-core fiber (RC-MCF) via multidimensional (MD) constellation with concatenated two-level multilevel coding (MLC). In the proposed system, the 16-dimensional (16D) Voronoi constellation (VC), naturally fitting with the 16 degrees of freedom of a four-core fiber (two quadratures, two polarizations, and four cores), is generated by a latticed-based shaping method to provide higher shaping gains. Moreover, combining it with the concatenated two-level MLC can further achieve better performance-complexity trade-off. It is demonstrated by simulation results of long-haul multi-channel RC-MCF transmission that the proposed coded modulation scheme for four-core fiber transmission offers 77% reduction in the number of decoding operations and up to 21% (585 km) reach increase over the conventional bit-interleaved coded modulation scheme for quadrature amplitude modulation.