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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(19): 193802, 2023 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000401


The theory of optical thermodynamics provides a comprehensive framework that enables a self-consistent description of the intricate dynamics of nonlinear multimoded photonic systems. This theory, among others, predicts a pressurelike intensive quantity (p[over ^]) that is conjugate to the system's total number of modes (M)-its corresponding extensive variable. Yet at this point, the nature of this intensive quantity is still nebulous. In this Letter, we elucidate the physical origin of the optical thermodynamic pressure and demonstrate its dual essence. In this context, we rigorously derive an expression that splits p[over ^] into two distinct components, a term that is explicitly tied to the electrodynamic radiation pressure and a second entropic part that is responsible for the entropy change. We utilize this result to establish a formalism that simplifies the quantification of radiation pressure under nonlinear equilibrium conditions, thus eliminating the need for a tedious evaluation of the Maxwell stress tensor. Our theoretical analysis is corroborated by numerical simulations carried out in highly multimoded nonlinear optical structures. These results may provide a novel way in predicting and controlling radiation pressure processes in a variety of nonlinear electromagnetic settings.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(21): 213901, 2022 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35687426


We develop a rigorous theoretical framework based on principles from statistical mechanics that allows one to predict the equilibrium response of classical non-Hermitian arrangements in the weakly nonlinear regime. In this respect, we demonstrate that a pseudo-Hermitian configuration can always be driven into thermal equilibrium when a proper nonlinear operator is paired with the linear Hamiltonian of the system. We show that, in this case, the system will thermodynamically settle into an irregular pattern that does not resemble any known statistical distribution. Interestingly, this stable equilibrium response is associated with a Rayleigh-Jeans law when viewed within an appropriately transformed space that displays unitary dynamics. By considering a non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain, our results indicate that the thermodynamic equilibrium will always favor the edge modes instead of the ground state, in stark contrast to conventional nonlinear Hermitian configurations. Moreover, non-Hermitian lattices are shown to exhibit unusually high heat capacities, potentially acting as optical heat reservoirs to other Hermitian systems, by employing only a small number of sites and low power levels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(12): 123901, 2022 Mar 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35394297


We show that the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of a light field can be thermalized in a nonlinear cylindrical multimode optical waveguide. We find that upon thermal equilibrium, the maximization of the optical entropy leads to a generalized Rayleigh-Jeans distribution that governs the power modal occupancies with respect to the discrete OAM charge numbers. This distribution is characterized by a temperature that is by nature different from that associated with the longitudinal electromagnetic momentum flow of the optical field. Counterintuitively and in contrast to previous results, we demonstrate that even under positive temperatures, the ground state of the fiber is not always the most populated in terms of power. Instead, because of OAM, the thermalization processes may favor higher-order modes. A new equation of state is derived along with an extended Euler equation resulting from the extensivity of the entropy itself. By monitoring the nonlinear interaction between two multimode optical wave fronts with opposite spins, we show that the exchange of angular momentum is dictated by the difference in OAM temperatures, in full accord with the second law of thermodynamics. The theoretical analysis presented here is corroborated by numerical simulations that take into account the complex nonlinear dynamics of hundreds of modes. Our results may pave the way toward high-power optical sources with controllable orbital angular momenta, and at a more fundamental level, they may open up opportunities in drawing parallels with other complex multimode nonlinear systems like rotating atomic clouds.

Opt Express ; 29(6): 8015-8023, 2021 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33820256


We investigate scalar and vector multi-hump spatial solitons resulting from competing Kerr-like nonlinear responses excited in a nonlocal medium by either one or two (mutually incoherent) light beams. Two-color vector supermode solitons are more amenable to control but exhibit an intriguing form of spontaneous symmetry breaking in propagation.

Opt Lett ; 46(1): 62-65, 2021 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33362016


We study the propagation dynamics of bright optical vortex solitons in nematic liquid crystals with a nonlocal reorientational nonlinear response. We investigate the role of optical birefringence on the stability of these solitons. In agreement with recent experimental observations, we show that the birefringence-induced astigmatism can eventually destabilize these vortex solitons. However, for low and moderate birefringence, vortex solitons can propagate stably over experimentally relevant distances.

Opt Lett ; 45(7): 1651-1654, 2020 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32235965


By utilizing notions from statistical mechanics, we develop a general and self-consistent theoretical framework capable of describing any weakly nonlinear optical multimode system involving conserved quantities. We derive the fundamental relations that govern the grand canonical ensemble through maximization of the Gibbs entropy at equilibrium. In this classical picture of statistical photo-mechanics, we obtain analytical expressions for the probability distribution, the grand partition function, and the relevant thermodynamic potentials. Our results universally apply to any other weakly nonlinear multimode bosonic system.

Opt Lett ; 44(16): 3936-3939, 2019 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31415516


We show that, in general, any complex weakly nonlinear highly multimode system can reach thermodynamic equilibrium, characterized by a unique temperature and chemical potential. The conditions leading to either positive or negative temperatures are explicitly obtained in terms of the linear spectrum of the system, the input power, and the corresponding Hamiltonian invariant. Pertinent examples illustrating these results are provided in various scenarios.

Opt Lett ; 44(2): 267-270, 2019 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30644877


We study experimentally the interaction of mutually incoherent bright spatial solitons in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals (LCs). The dye-induced light absorption results in a complex nonlinear optical response of the LC having spatially nonlocal focusing and defocusing contributions. The competition between both nonlinearities leads to the separation-dependent soliton interaction with repulsion of distant and attraction of closely placed solitons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(25): 253903, 2019 Dec 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922782


Over the last few years, parity-time (PT) symmetry has been the focus of considerable attention. Ever since, pseudo-Hermitian notions have permeated a number of fields ranging from optics to atomic and topological physics, as well as optomechanics, to mention a few. Unlike their Hermitian counterparts, nonconservative systems do not exhibit a priori real eigenvalues and hence unitary evolution. However, once PT symmetry is introduced, such dissipative systems can surprisingly display a real eigenspectrum, thus ensuring energy conservation during evolution. In optics, PT symmetry can be readily established by incorporating, in a balanced way, regions having an equal amount of optical gain and loss. However, thus far, all optical realizations of such PT symmetry have been restricted to a single transverse dimension (1D), such as arrays of optical waveguides or active coupled cavity arrangements. In most cases, only the loss function was modulated-a restrictive aspect that is only appropriate for linear systems. Here, we present an experimental platform for investigating the interplay between PT symmetry and nonlinearity in two-dimensional (2D) environments, where nonlinear localization and soliton formation can be observed. In contrast to typical dissipative solitons, we demonstrate a one-parameter family of soliton solutions that are capable of displaying attributes similar to those encountered in nonlinear conservative arrangements. For high optical powers, this new family of PT solitons tends to collapse on a discrete network-thus giving rise to an amplified, self-accelerating structure.

Opt Lett ; 43(1): 66-69, 2018 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328198


We report on the first experimental observation of stable vortex solitons in nematic liquid crystals with nonlocal nonlinear reorientational response. We show how these nonlinear vortex beams can be formed and confined in extraordinary optical waves by employing the cell with no lateral boundary conditions and the application of an external magnetic field that effectively controls the molecular direction and propagation of the self-trapped beams. We also find that these vortex solitons can be generated in certain ranges of the input beam power.

Opt Express ; 25(20): 23893-23898, 2017 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041338


We study light propagation in nematic liquid crystals in the context of spatial optical solitons formation. We propose a simple analytical model with multiplicative nonlinearity, which represents (qualitatively) the liquid crystal response by comprising the competition between focusing (reorientational) and defocusing (thermal) nonlocal nonlinearities. We show that at sufficiently high input power the interplay between both nonlinearities leads to the formations of two-peak solitons, which represent supermodes of the self-induced extended waveguide structure. We explain the beam splitting mechanism, discuss threshold effects and conclude that similar phenomena might be present in other media with competing nonlocal nonlinearities.

Opt Lett ; 39(22): 6399-402, 2014 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25490478


We demonstrate the evolution of higher order one-dimensional guided modes into two-dimensional solitary waves in a reorientational medium. The observations, carried out at two different wavelengths in chiral nematic liquid crystals, are in good agreement with a simple nonlocal nonlinear model.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 4393, 2022 Jul 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35906224


The chaotic evolution resulting from the interplay between topology and nonlinearity in photonic systems generally forbids the sustainability of optical currents. Here, we systematically explore the nonlinear evolution dynamics in topological photonic lattices within the framework of optical thermodynamics. By considering an archetypical two-dimensional Haldane photonic lattice, we discover several prethermal states beyond the topological phase transition point and a stable global equilibrium response, associated with a specific optical temperature and chemical potential. Along these lines, we provide a consistent thermodynamic methodology for both controlling and maximizing the unidirectional power flow in the topological edge states. This can be achieved by either employing cross-phase interactions between two subsystems or by exploiting self-heating effects in disordered or Floquet topological lattices. Our results indicate that photonic topological systems can in fact support robust photon transport processes even under the extreme complexity introduced by nonlinearity, an important feature for contemporary topological applications in photonics.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 336, 2022 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36443286


From biological ecosystems to spin glasses, connectivity plays a crucial role in determining the function, dynamics, and resiliency of a network. In the realm of non-Hermitian physics, the possibility of complex and asymmetric exchange interactions ([Formula: see text]) between a network of oscillators has been theoretically shown to lead to novel behaviors like delocalization, skin effect, and bulk-boundary correspondence. An archetypical lattice exhibiting the aforementioned properties is that proposed by Hatano and Nelson in a series of papers in late 1990s. While the ramifications of these theoretical works in optics have been recently pursued in synthetic dimensions, the Hatano-Nelson model has yet to be realized in real space. What makes the implementation of these lattices challenging is the difficulty in establishing the required asymmetric exchange interactions in optical platforms. In this work, by using active optical oscillators featuring non-Hermiticity and nonlinearity, we introduce an anisotropic exchange between the resonant elements in a lattice, an aspect that enables us to observe the non-Hermitian skin effect, phase locking, and near-field beam steering in a Hatano-Nelson laser array. Our work opens up new regimes of phase-locking in lasers while shedding light on the fundamental physics of non-Hermitian systems.

Sci Rep ; 6: 22923, 2016 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26975651


We investigate a non-homogeneous layered structure encompassing dual spatial dispersion: continuous diffraction in one transverse dimension and discrete diffraction in the orthogonal one. Such dual diffraction can be balanced out by one and the same nonlinear response, giving rise to light self-confinement into astigmatic spatial solitons: self-focusing can compensate for the spreading of a bell-shaped beam, leading to quasi-2D solitary wavepackets which result from 1D transverse self-localization combined with a discrete soliton. We demonstrate such intensity-dependent beam trapping in chiral soft matter, exhibiting one-dimensional discrete diffraction along the helical axis and one-dimensional continuous diffraction in the orthogonal plane. In nematic liquid crystals with suitable birefringence and chiral arrangement, the reorientational nonlinearity is shown to support bell-shaped solitary waves with simple astigmatism dependent on the medium birefringence as well as on the dual diffraction of the input wavepacket. The observations are in agreement with a nonlinear nonlocal model for the all-optical response.