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Alasbimn J ; 2(8)jul.2000. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | URUCAN | ID: bcc-2492


El anticuerpo monoclonal ior egf/r3 es una inmunoglobulina IgG2a capaz de reconocer específicamente al factor de crecmiento epidermoide. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de evaluar el valor clínico del Tc-99m ior egf/r3 en la detección de recaídas locorregionales de pacientes con tumores epidermoides de cabeza y cuello (TECC). Fueron estudiado 18 pcientes del sexo masculino con historia de TECC previamente resecados : carcinoma de lengua (n=7), de amígdala (n=6)y de laringe (n=5). Todos los pacientes presentaron sospecha clínica de recaída local (n=9) o adenopatías cervicales (n=9) al momento del estudio. Se administró por vía intravenosa 3mg/1.11 GBq de Tc-99m ior egf/r3. Se realizaron imágenes planares de cabeza y cuello en forma inmediata y a las 6-8 horas p.i. Posteriormente se realizó una adquisición tomográfica (SPECT), adquiriendo 64 imágenes en una órbita de 360§. Los resultdos centellográficos fueron comparados con los histopatológicos en todos los casos. Las imágenes planares inmediatas mostraron captación tumoral en 4/13 pacientes con recurrencias confirmadas (30.8 por ciento), mientras que las imágenes tardías evidenciaron lesiones metastásicas en 7/13 (53.8 por ciento) pacientes. Sin embargo, el inmuno-SPECT detectó enfermedad tumoral en 5/6 pacientes con compromiso ganglionar cervical y en 5/7 pacientes con recaídas locales (10/13, 76,9 por ciento). No se observó ningún resultado falso positivo. Estos resultados preliminares sugieren la relevancia clínica del Tc-99m ior egf/r3 en la evaluación de pacientes con TECC y sospecha de enfermedad recurrente

Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnosis , Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnosis , Antibodies, Monoclonal/diagnosis , Bibliography, National , Uruguay , Research Design
J Nucl Med Technol ; 28: 85-87, 2000. ilus, tab
Article in English | URUCAN | ID: bcc-2426


Objective: This study compares 2 imaging protocols, planar pinhole technique (PPHT) and SPECT, for evaluating ocular masses with 99mTc-MIBI. Methods: Sixteen patients with ocular lesions were studied. Planar images were acquired 10 min after the injection of 740 MBq 99mTc-MIBI with an LFOV camera fitted with a pinhole collimator (5.0 mm). A SPECT study was performed immediately after the planar study, using a 360§ orbit, 64 steps, 20s/stop, a 128 x 128 matrix, and a low-energy high resolution (LEHR) collimator. Twelve lesions (9.5-18.0 mm)proved to be malignant: 8 primary tumors (ocular melanoma); 3 local relapses of different tumors of the conjunctiva; and 1 ocular metastasis from breast cancer. The remaining 4 lesions (10.0-16.0 mm) were benign: 1 inflammatory lesion; 1 benign intraocular calcification; and 2 naevi. Results: SPECT images showed 11 of 12 malignant lesions (91.6 percent)whereas the planar technique demonstrated only 4 of the 12 lesions (33.3 percent). One false-positive result, the inflammatory lesion, was visualized by both techniques. The remaining benign lesions were not detected with either method. Conclusion: Technetiu-99mMIBI SPECT is a sensitive technique for detecting malignant ocular tumors. SPECT imaging is a better alternative to planar imaging for ocular tumors

Comparative Study , Humans , Eye Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Gamma Cameras , Radiopharmaceuticals/diagnosis , Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi/diagnosis , Tomography, Emission-Computed , Bibliography, National , Uruguay
Clin.Nucl.Med ; 22(6): 413-14, jun.1997. ilus
Article in English | URUCAN | ID: bcc-1796


The authors report on a patient with a malignant papillary thyroid nodule that was "cold" with Tc-99mpertechnetate and evaluated by double-phase thyroid scintigraphy with Tc-99m sestamibi (MIBI). The images were taken at 15 minutes and 2 hours postinjection. Although nodular MIBI uptake on the early scan was present, it was less intense than the extranodular thyroid tissue. The delay image showed an inverse relation of uptake, being more intense in the nodular lesion. This scintigraphic pattern could be explained by a slower washout rate of the malignant lesion. However, deleayed tracer accumulation cannot be excluded

INFORME DE CASO , Humans , Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi/diagnosis , Thyroid Nodule/diagnosis , Bibliography, National , Uruguay , Research Design
Clin. Nucl. Med ; 23(10): 683-85, oct.1998. ilus
Article in English | URUCAN | ID: bcc-2062


Two cases of malignant melanoma (primary and metastatic lesions) imaged with Tc-99m tetrofosmin are reported. One patient showed intense uptake in a primary skin lesion of the thorax, and the other patient had accumulation in skin, cerebellum, breast, and lymph node metastases. Like Tc-99m MIBI, Tc-99m tetrofosmin imaging may be of clinical relevance in the evaluation of suspicious skin lesions and in patients with known cutaneous malignant melanoma in the assessment of recurrent disease during follow-up evaluation

INFORME DE CASO , Humans , Melanoma/diagnostic imaging , Bibliography, National , Uruguay