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Rev Sci Tech ; 37(3): 985-997, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30964454


A cross-sectional study was conducted in five regions in Saudi Arabia to investigate the epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) during April and May2015. Serum and nasal swab samples were tested for MERS-CoV antibodies andribonucleic acid (RNA) using a recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (rELISA) and real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR), respectively. The overall MERS-CoV antibody seroprevalence was 80.5%, whereas the overall viral RNA prevalence was 2.4%. The associations of risk factors with each prevalence were quantified using univariate and multivariate analyses. The multivariate models identified region, age, grazing system, exposure to wild animals and dung removal as factors significantly associated with seroprevalence (p ??0.05). A higher seroprevalence was more likely to occur in camels from the Riyadh, Eastern, Northern and Makkah regions than those from the Jazan region; camels ??4 and 1-3 years of age (marginally significant) than calves < 1 year; and camels raised in zero grazing and semi-open grazing systems than those raised in an open grazing system. However, the presence of wild animals and daily dung removal were negatively associated with seroprevalence. On the other hand, region and sex were significantly associated with MERS-CoV RNA prevalence(p ??0.05). A higher viral RNA prevalence was more likely to occur in camels from the Riyadh region and Eastern region (marginally significant) than in those from the Makkah region, and in male camels than female camels. In conclusion, the risk factors identified in this study can be considered to be predictors of MERS-CoV infection in camels and should be taken into account when developing an efficient and cost-effective control strategy.

Une Ć©tude transversale a Ć©tĆ© rĆ©alisĆ©e au cours des mois d'avril et de mai 2015 dans cinq rĆ©gions d'Arabie saoudite afin d'Ć©lucider l'Ć©pidĆ©miologie de l'infection par le coronavirus responsable du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient(MERSĀ­CoV) chez les dromadaires (Camelus dromedarius). Des Ć©chantillons de sĆ©rum et des Ć©couvillons nasaux prĆ©levĆ©s de dromadaires ont Ć©tĆ© analysĆ©s afin de dĆ©tecter la prĆ©sence d'anticorps dirigĆ©s contre le MERS-CoV ou d'ARN de ce mĆŖme virus, en utilisant respectivement une Ć©preuve immuno-enzymatique recombinante (ELISAr) et une amplification en chaĆ®ne par polymĆ©rase couplĆ©e Ć  une transcription inverse (PCRĀ­RT) en temps rĆ©el. La prĆ©valence sĆ©rologique globale des anticorps dirigĆ©s contre le MERS-CoV s'Ć©levait Ć  80,5 %, tandis que la prĆ©valence globale de l'ARN viral Ć©tait de 2,4 %. Les corrĆ©lations entre les facteurs de risque et les prĆ©valences obtenues ont Ć©tĆ© quantifiĆ©es au moyen d'analyses Ć  une seule et Ć  plusieurs variables. Les modĆØles Ć  plusieurs variables ont fait apparaĆ®tre une association significative (p ??0,05) entre la prĆ©valence sĆ©rologique et les facteurs suivants : la rĆ©gion, l'Ć¢ge des animaux, le systĆØme pastoral pratiquĆ©, l'exposition Ć  la faune sauvage et l'Ć©limination du fumier. La probabilitĆ© d'une forte prĆ©valence sĆ©rologique Ć©tait plus Ć©levĆ©e chez les dromadaires provenant des rĆ©gions de Riyad, de l'Est, du Nord et de la Mecque que chez ceux de la rĆ©gion de Jizan ; chez les dromadaires Ć¢gĆ©s de plus de quatre ans, ou Ć¢gĆ©s d'un Ć  trois ans (diffĆ©rence marginalement significative) plutĆ“t que chez les jeunes de moins d'un an ; et enfin chez les dromadaires nourris en stabulation (zĆ©ro pĆ¢turage) ou en pĆ¢turage semi-ouvert plutĆ“t que chez ceux nourris dans des systĆØmes de pĆ¢turage ouvert. En revanche, une corrĆ©lation nĆ©gative a Ć©tĆ© constatĆ©e entre la prĆ©valence sĆ©rologique d'une part et la prĆ©sence d'animaux sauvages et/ou l'Ć©limination quotidienne du fumier, d'autre part. En ce qui concerne la dĆ©tection virale, une corrĆ©lation significative (p ??0,05) a Ć©tĆ© constatĆ©e entre la rĆ©gion et le sexe des animaux et la prĆ©valence de l'ARN du MERS-CoV. La probabilitĆ© d'une prĆ©valence plus Ć©levĆ©e de l'ARN viral Ć©tait plus prononcĆ©e chez les dromadaires des rĆ©gions de Riyad et de l'Est (diffĆ©rence marginalement significative) que chez ceux de la rĆ©gion de La Mecque, et chez les mĆ¢les que chez les chamelles. En conclusion, les facteurs de risque identifiĆ©s dans cette Ć©tude peuvent servir d'annonciateurs de l'infection par le MERS-CoV chez les dromadaires et devraient ĆŖtre pris en compte pour Ć©laborer une stratĆ©gie efficace et rentable de lutte contre cette maladie.

Los autores describen un estudio transversal efectuado en abril y mayo de 2015 en cinco regiones de Arabia SaudĆ­ con objeto de investigar la epidemiologia de la infecciĆ³n de dromedarios (Camelus dromedarius) por el coronavirus del sĆ­ndrome respiratorio de Oriente Medio (MERSĀ­CoV). A tal efecto se analizaron muestras de suero y exudado nasal para detectar en ellas anticuerpos contra el MERSĀ­CoV y Ć”cido ribonucleico (ARN) del virus, empleando para ello, respectivamente, una tĆ©cnica de ensayo inmunoenzimĆ”tico recombinante (ELISAr) y una de reacciĆ³n en cadena de la polimerasa acoplada a transcripciĆ³n inversa en tiempo real (rRTĀ­PCR, por sus siglas en inglĆ©s). Se calculĆ³ que la seroprevalencia global de anticuerpos contra el virus era del 80,5% y que la prevalencia global de ARN vĆ­rico era del 2,4%. Utilizando anĆ”lisis multifactoriales y de una sola variable se cuantificĆ³ tambiĆ©n la correlaciĆ³n de cada una de esas prevalencias con una serie de factores de riesgo. Con los modelos multifactoriales se observĆ³ que la regiĆ³n, la edad, el rĆ©gimen de pastoreo, la exposiciĆ³n a animales salvajes y la retirada de estiĆ©rcol eran factores que presentaban una asociaciĆ³n significativa con la seroprevalencia (p ??0,05): era mĆ”s probable encontrar niveles elevados de seroprevalencia en dromedarios de las regiones de Riad y La Meca y las regiones oriental y septentrional del paĆ­s que en los de la regiĆ³n de JizĆ”n; en los de 4 o mĆ”s aƱos y entre 1 y 3 aƱos de edad (correlaciĆ³n ligeramente significativa) que en las crĆ­as menores de 1 aƱo; y en los animales estabulados o criados en sistemas de pasto semiabierto que en los criados con regĆ­menes de pasto al aire libre. La presencia de animales salvajes y la retirada cotidiana del estiĆ©rcol, por su parte, presentaban una correlaciĆ³n negativa con la seroprevalencia. Por otro lado, los factores asociados significativamente con la prevalencia de ARN vĆ­rico (p ??0,05) eran la regiĆ³n y el sexo: habĆ­a mayor probabilidad de encontrar niveles elevados de prevalencia de ARN vĆ­rico en dromedarios de la regiĆ³n de Riad y la regiĆ³n oriental (correlaciĆ³n ligeramente significativa) que en los de la regiĆ³n de La Meca, y en machos mĆ”s que en hembras. En conclusiĆ³n, los factores de riesgo detectados con este estudio pueden ser considerados predictivos de la infecciĆ³n de dromedarios por el MERSĀ­CoV y deben ser tenidos en cuenta para elaborar una estrategia de lucha que ofrezca a la vez eficacia y rentabilidad.

Coronavirus Infections , Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus , Animals , Camelus , Coronavirus Infections/veterinary , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Male , Saudi Arabia , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Mol Biochem Parasitol ; 225: 73-83, 2018 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30179636


Helminths are complex pathogens that ensure their long-term survival by influencing the immune responses of their host. Excretory/secretory products (ESP) can exert immunoregulatory effects which foster parasite survival. Galectins represent a widespread group of Ɵ-galactoside-binding proteins which are involved in a multitude of biological processes operative in parasite-host interaction. We had earlier identified seven galectins in Strongyloides ratti, four of them detected in the ESP of distinct developmental stages of the parasite. In the present report, we focused on the characterization of two of them, Sr-galectin-1 (Sr-Gal-1) and Sr-galectin-3 (Sr-Gal-3). While Sr-Gal-3 expression was strongest in parasitic females, Sr-Gal-1 was predominantly expressed in free-living females. Both proteins were cloned and recombinantly expressed in an E. coli expression system. Their glycan-binding activity was verified by haemagglutination and glycan array analysis. Furthermore, primary immunological activities of the Sr-galectins were initially investigated by the application of an in vitro mucosal 3D-culture model, comprising of mucosa-associated epithelial and dendritic cells. The Sr-galectins stimulated preferentially the release of the type 2 cytokines thymic stromal lymphopoietin and IL-22, a first indication for immunoregulatory activity. In addition, the Sr-galectins dose-dependently fostered cell migration. Our results confirm the importance of these carbohydrate-binding proteins in host-parasite-interaction by indicating possible interaction with the host mucosa-associated cells.

Galectins/metabolism , Intestines/parasitology , Polysaccharides/metabolism , Strongyloides ratti/metabolism , Animals , Cloning, Molecular , Cytokines/metabolism , Dendritic Cells/drug effects , Dendritic Cells/metabolism , Epithelial Cells/drug effects , Epithelial Cells/metabolism , Escherichia coli/genetics , Escherichia coli/metabolism , Female , Galectins/genetics , Gene Expression , Gene Expression Profiling , Hemagglutination , Male , Protein Binding , Rats, Wistar , Recombinant Proteins/genetics , Recombinant Proteins/isolation & purification , Recombinant Proteins/metabolism , Strongyloides ratti/genetics
Tissue Cell ; 42(3): 165-75, 2010 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20434749


In this study the long-term effects of morphine sulphate treatment (MST) on histopathological and biochemical changes in the cerebellum was assessed in albino rats. Normal saline (5ml) was given orally as placebo in the control group (n=25). Morphine groups received morphine orally at a dose level of 5mg/kg body weight day after day for 10, 20 and 30 days (n=25/group). Light microscopy revealed that the molecular layer showed vacuolation. The Purkinje cells lost their specific shaped appearance, decreased in size and numbers. The granular cells highly degenerated. Electron microscopy revealed fragmentation of the cisterns of the both types of endoplasmic reticulum, resulted in a progressive depletion of total protein contents as well as general carbohydrates in all treated groups as supported by histochemical observation. Obvious destruction of mitochondrial inner membrane and cristae mediate cell death. Also, abnormal nucleus with deformed perforated nuclear membrane and deformation of the plasma membrane with degeneration of the synapses could interpreted as a sign of necrosis. Biochemical analysis revealed that dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) were significantly decreased in four brain areas (cortex striatum, thalamus/hypothalamus, and cerebellum). In contrast, serotonin (5-HT) level was increased in these brain regions; with an exception of 5-HT on day 10 and neurotransmitter levels in the pons were unaffected. The quantitative analysis showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the diameter of Purkinje cells and in the thickness of both molecular and granular layers treated groups. Morphine sulphate induces may be a cell death or necrosis in the rat cerebellum and modulating neurotransmitter system. Our findings pointed out the risk of increased cerebellum damage due to long-term of morphine use.

Albinism , Cerebellum/metabolism , Cerebellum/pathology , Morphine/toxicity , Animals , Body Weight/drug effects , Cell Death/drug effects , Cerebellum/drug effects , Dopamine/metabolism , Endoplasmic Reticulum/drug effects , Endoplasmic Reticulum/pathology , Endoplasmic Reticulum/ultrastructure , Immunohistochemistry , Morphine/administration & dosage , Norepinephrine/metabolism , Purkinje Cells/metabolism , Purkinje Cells/pathology , Purkinje Cells/ultrastructure , Rats , Serotonin/metabolism
Zentralbl Bakteriol Naturwiss ; 135(3): 252-9, 1980.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-6775436


The effects of 2,4-D on respiration, carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism have excited much interest in relation to higher plants (Hansen 1946, Hseuth and Lou 1946, SMITH et al. 1947, and Said and Naguib 1955). But the effects of 2,4-D on dungi have been tackled to a much less extent (Guiscafre-Arrilaga 1948, Bever and Slife 1948, Wei and Ling 1948, and Manil and Strazewska 1950). These investigators studied the effects exerted on fungal growth. Said and Naguib (1962) studied the effect of 2,4-D on the carbohydrate metabolism of Fusarium moniliforme. They showed that both sucrose inversion and absorption were retarded in the presence of 2,4-D. In the present investigation, a trial was carried out in order to elucidate the effect of 2,4-D on growth, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism of Aspergillus terreus when grown on two different nitrogen sources, namely sodium nitrate and ammonium phosphate.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid/pharmacology , Aspergillus/drug effects , Carbohydrate Metabolism , Carbon Dioxide/metabolism , Nitrogen/metabolism , Aspergillus/analysis , Aspergillus/metabolism , Soil Microbiology , Sucrose/metabolism