Advances in 3D printing technology have the potential to significantly improve the workflow of maxillofacial surgical planning. In-house fabricated custom positioning and cutting guides allow for intraoperative reproduction of pre-planned osteotomy cuts, which can result in greater surgical accuracy and patient safety while maintaining an acceptable cost-effectiveness ratio. The design and creation of the customized surgical guides is performed in our hospital fab lab, which allows time savings, from an average of 10 days to just 24 hours, and a cost reduction of more than 90%. The process begins with the import of the pre-surgical facial CT scan into 3D software that allows to perform the surgical cuts virtually and the manipulation of the segments. Once the virtual planning of the surgery has been performed, the next step is the creation of the cutting and positioning guides. The final step is the printing of the guides in surgical resin and their sterilization. In addition, post-surgical models can be 3D printed to pre-mold the plates on them, which saves surgical time. The mentoplasty surgery is a simple example of how 3D surgery can be applied to maxillofacial surgery in an efficient way obtaining all the advantages of customized surgery with a limited investment in time and resources. Key words:3Dsurgery, customized, personalized medicine, genioplasty, surgical guides, in house.
La tuberculosis (TB) es una enfermedad granulomatosa crónica que afecta de forma primordial a los pulmones. La afectación de la cavidad oral es rara, lo que hace que sea infradiagnosticada e infratratada. Dicha afectación puede ser primaria o secundaria, siendo más común la afectación secundaria. Exponemos el caso de un varón fumador de 39 años que presenta una lesión ulcerada en mucosa yugal izquierda de 3 semanas de evolución. Se tomó biopsia con resultado de mucosa escamosa con ulceración e intensa inflamación crónica granulomatosa no necrotizante. Además, presentaba una lesión cavitada a nivel pulmonar. Escribimos este artículo con el fin de determinar la importancia de realizar un buen diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones ulcerativas de la cavidad oral y recalcar el manejo multidisciplinar de esta patología. (AU)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic granulomatous disease which affects the lungs in majority of the cases. Tuberculosis of the oral cavity may be overlooked in the differential diagnosis of oral lesions and can be misdiagnosed and managed incorrectly. Oral manifestations of TB are seen both in primary and secondary stages of the disease but are most commonly associated with secondary TB. A 39-year-old smoker man with an ulcerative oral lesion came to the emergency room. A partial incisional biopsy was performed, with the result of squamous mucosa with ulceration and intense chronic non-necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. In addition, he had a cavitated lesion in the lung. We write this article in order to determine the importance of making a good differential diagnosis of ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity and emphasize the multidisciplinary management of this pathology. (AU)