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Afr Archaeol Rev ; 38(2): 211-230, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720323


Imprints of domesticated pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) spikelets, observed as temper in ceramics dating to the third millennium BC, provide the earliest evidence for the cultivation and domestication process of this crop in northern Mali. Additional sherds from the same region dating to the fifth and fourth millennium BC were examined and found to have pearl millet chaff with wild morphologies. In addition to studying sherds by stereomicroscopy and subjecting surface casts to scanning electron microscopy (SEM), we also deployed X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) on eleven sherds. This significantly augmented the total dataset of archaeological pearl millet chaff remains from which to document the use of the wild pearl millet as ceramic temper and the evolution of its morphology over time. Grain sizes were also estimated from spikelets preserved in the ceramics. Altogether, we are now able to chart the evolution of domesticated pearl millet in western Africa using three characteristics: the evolution of nonshattering stalked involucres; the appearance of multiple spikelet involucres, usually paired spikelets; and the increase in grain size. By the fourth millennium BC, average grain breadth had increased by 28%, although spikelet features otherwise resemble the wild type. In the third millennium BC, the average width of seeds is 38% greater than that of wild seeds, while other qualitative features of domestication are indicated by the presence of paired spikelets and the appearance of nondehiscent, stalked involucres. Nonshattering spikelets had probably become fixed by around 2000 BC, while increases in average grain size continued into the second millennium BC. These data now provide a robust sequence for the morphological evolution of domesticated pearl millet, the first indigenous crop domesticated in western Africa. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10437-021-09428-8.

Des empreintes d'épillets de mil domestiqué (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) observées dans des céramiques datées du 3e millénaire av. J.-C. provenant du nord du Mali constituent les plus anciens témoins de la mise en culture et de la domestication de cette céréale. Des tessons supplémentaires issus de la même région se rapportant aux 5e et 4e millénaires av. J.-C. ont été examinés et ont révélé des empreintes de balle de mil de morphologies sauvages. En plus de l'observation de leurs surfaces par stéréo-microscopie, et de l'observation des moulages d'empreintes au microscope à balayage, onze d'entre eux ont fait l'objet des micro-tomographies aux rayons X (microCT). Ces examens enrichissent considérablement l'ensemble des données archéologiques concernant l'utilisation du mil sauvage comme dégraissant végétal et son évolution morphologique à travers le temps. La taille des grains a aussi été estimée à partir des épillets conservés dans la céramique. En tenant compte des données enregistrées lors d'études antérieures, nous pouvons désormais retracer l'évolution du mil domestiqué en Afrique de l'Ouest à travers trois caractéristiques : l'évolution des involucres pédonculés à égrenage non-spontané; l'apparition d'involucres multiples par épillets, des épillets appariés le plus souvent; l'augmentation de la taille des grains au vu de leur largeur. Déjà au 4e millénaire avant J.-C., la largeur moyenne des grains a augmenté de 28% bien que les caractéristiques de l'épillet ressemblent au type sauvage. Au 3e millénaire avant J.-C., elle est 38% supérieure à celle du morphotype sauvage, tandis que des caractéristiques qualitatives de la domestication sont avérées par la présence d'épillets appariés et par celle d'involucres pédonculés à égrenage non-spontané. La non-déhiscence des épillets est un caractéristique de la domesticité qui s'est probablement fixé vers 2000 avant J.-C., tandis que l'augmentation de la taille moyenne des grains s'est poursuivie tout au long du 2e millénaire av. J.-C. Ces données fournissent désormais une séquence robuste concernant l'évolution morphologique du mil, la première céréale indigène domestiquée en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Ann Bot ; 125(4): 581-597, 2020 03 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31903489


BACKGROUND: Vegetatively propagated crops are globally significant in terms of current agricultural production, as well as for understanding the long-term history of early agriculture and plant domestication. Today, significant field crops include sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), manioc (Manihot esculenta), bananas and plantains (Musa cvs), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yams (Dioscorea spp.) and taro (Colocasia esculenta). In comparison with sexually reproduced crops, especially cereals and legumes, the domestication syndrome in vegetatively propagated field crops is poorly defined. AIMS AND SCOPE: Here, a range of phenotypic traits potentially comprising a syndrome associated with early domestication of vegetatively propagated field crops is proposed, including: mode of reproduction, yield of edible portion, ease of harvesting, defensive adaptations, timing of production and plant architecture. The archaeobotanical visibility of these syndrome traits is considered with a view to the reconstruction of the geographical and historical pathways of domestication for vegetatively propagated field crops in the past. CONCLUSIONS: Although convergent phenotypic traits are identified, none of them are ubiquitous and some are divergent. In contrast to cereals and legumes, several traits seem to represent varying degrees of plastic response to growth environment and practices of cultivation, as opposed to solely morphogenetic 'fixation'.

Domesticación , Manihot , Agricultura , Productos Agrícolas , Grano Comestible
J Archaeol Method Theory ; : 1-36, 2023 May 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37359278


The potential applications of microCT scanning in the field of archaeobotany are only just beginning to be explored. The imaging technique can extract new archaeobotanical information from existing archaeobotanical collections as well as create new archaeobotanical assemblages within ancient ceramics and other artefact types. The technique could aid in answering archaeobotanical questions about the early histories of some of the world's most important food crops from geographical regions with amongst the poorest rates of archaeobotanical preservation and where ancient plant exploitation remains poorly understood. This paper reviews current uses of microCT imaging in the investigation of archaeobotanical questions, as well as in cognate fields of geosciences, geoarchaeology, botany and palaeobotany. The technique has to date been used in a small number of novel methodological studies to extract internal anatomical morphologies and three-dimensional quantitative data from a range of food crops, which includes sexually-propagated cereals and legumes, and asexually-propagated underground storage organs (USOs). The large three-dimensional, digital datasets produced by microCT scanning have been shown to aid in taxonomic identification of archaeobotanical specimens, as well as robustly assess domestication status. In the future, as scanning technology, computer processing power and data storage capacities continue to improve, the possible applications of microCT scanning to archaeobotanical studies will only increase with the development of machine and deep learning networks enabling the automation of analyses of large archaeobotanical assemblages.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 7410, 2017 08 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785094


Rice (Oryza sativa) was domesticated in the Yangtze Valley region at least 6000-8000 years ago, yet the timing of dispersal of domesticated rice to Southeast Asia is contentious. Often rice is not well-preserved in archaeobotanical assemblages at early Neolithic sites in the wet tropics of Southeast Asia and consequently rice impressions in pottery have been used as a proxy for rice cultivation despite their uncertain taxonomic and domestication status. In this research, we use microCT technology to determine the 3D microscale morphology of rice husk and spikelet base inclusions within pottery sherds from early Neolithic sites in Vietnam. In contrast to surface impressions, microCT provides images of the entire husk and spikelet base preserved within the pottery, including the abscission scar characteristic of domesticated rice. This research demonstrates the potential of microCT to be a new, non-destructive method for the identification of domesticated plant remains within pottery sherds, especially in contexts where archaeobotanical preservation is poor and chaff-tempered sherds are rare and unavailable for destructive analysis. The method has the potential to greatly advance the understanding of crop domestication and agricultural dispersal for ceramic cultures in different parts of the world.

Agricultura/historia , Arqueología/métodos , Botánica/métodos , Cerámica , Oryza/anatomía & histología , Microtomografía por Rayos X/métodos , Agricultura/métodos , Historia Antigua , Vietnam