This study focuses on adults who are neither preschool teachers nor professional caregivers and investigates their beliefs regarding the importance of engaging young children with numerical activities. It also examines the types of numerical activities adults report having observed children engaging with, as well as the types of activities they propose as a way for promoting counting, enumerating, recognizing number symbols, and number composition and decomposition. Findings showed that participants believed to a great extent that engaging young children with numerical activities is important. Most reported that they had observed children engaging with at least some numerical activity. In general, participants relayed more activities and more detailed activities when suggesting activities for each competency, than they did when reporting observed activities. Findings also suggested a need to enhance adults' knowledge regarding the necessity to promote verbal counting, separate from object counting, as well as to increase adults' awareness of number composition and decomposition. For mathematics educators wishing to plan workshops for adults, this study offers a method for investigating adults' knowledge of early numerical activities, as well as a starting point with which to plan appropriate workshops.
Numerical abilities are fundamental in our society. As a consequence, poor numerical skills might have a great impact on daily living. This study analyzes the extent to which the numerical deficit observed in young adults with Developmental Dyscalculia (DD) impacts their activities of everyday life. For this purpose, 26 adults with DD and 26 healthy controls completed the NADL, a standardized battery that assesses numerical skills in both formal and informal contexts. The results showed that adults with DD had poorer arithmetical skills in both formal and informal settings. In particular, adults with DD presented difficulties in time and measure estimation as well as money usage in real-world numerical tasks. In contrast, everyday tasks regarding distance estimation were preserved. In addition, the assessment revealed that adults with DD were aware of their numerical difficulties, which were often related to emotional problems and negatively impacted their academic and occupational decisions. Our study highlights the need to design innovative interventions and age-appropriate training for adults with DD to support their numerical skills as well as their social and emotional well-being.