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Antibiotics (Basel) ; 13(7)2024 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39061325


The eradication of Helicobacter pylori is a valid strategy for preventing gastric cancer; however, the therapeutic failure of first-line treatments in Colombia is associated with high resistance to metronidazole and amoxicillin. This study explored alternative antibiotics and analyzed point mutations in resistance genes to furazolidone and rifampicin in order to include them in rescue therapy regimens. A total of 239 complete genomes of Helicobacter pylori Colombian strains were compared to that of the ATCC 26695 strain to identify mutations in the rpoB and porD genes for rifampicin and furazolidinone resistance, respectively. While rifampicin resistance mutations were not found, only 0.84% of the isolates showed the porD gene, suggesting that Helicobacter pylori is sensitive to these antibiotics. A phylogenomic analysis of Helicobacter pylori revealed an independent lineage in Colombia (hspColombia). The absence of point mutations in the rpoB gene, together with the scarce mutations identified in the porD gene of Helicobacter pylori, suggest that the hspColombia isolates are sensitive to rifampicin and furazolidone, which could be key to including these antibiotics in the rescue therapies against Helicobacter pylori.

Heliyon ; 10(5): e27452, 2024 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463823


The analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater has enabled us to better understand the spread and evolution of the virus worldwide. To deepen our understanding of its epidemiological and genomic characteristics, we analyzed 10,147 SARS-CoV-2 sequences from 5 continents and 21 countries that were deposited in the GISAID database up until January 31, 2023. Our results revealed over 100 independent lineages of the virus circulating in water samples from March 2020 to January 2023, including variants of interest and concern. We observed four clearly defined periods of global distribution of these variants over time, with one variant being replaced by another. Interestingly, we found that SARS-CoV-2 water-borne sequences from different countries had a close phylogenetic relationship. Additionally, 40 SARS-CoV-2 water-borne sequences from Europe and the USA did not show any phylogenetic relationship with SARS-CoV-2 human sequences. We also identified a significant number of non-synonymous mutations, some of which were detected in previously reported cryptic lineages. Among the countries analyzed, France and the USA showed the highest degree of sequence diversity, while Austria reported the highest number of genomes (6,296). Our study provides valuable information about the epidemiological and genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, which can be employed to support public health initiatives and preparedness.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 27(16): 19836-19844, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32221833


Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) is a novel, alternative technology to conventional disinfection methods that are widely used to control microbial parameters in drinking water. To assess its effectiveness, new studies revealing the kinetics of MS2 coliphage inactivation by CWPO technology are required. This investigation therefore aimed to perform mathematical modelling of MS2 inactivation through CWPO technology activated by an Al/Fe-pillared clay catalyst (Al/Fe-PILC) in the presence of a synthetic surrogate of dissolved natural organic matter. The inactivation constant was obtained from two different statistical approaches, and the experimental data were better fitted to the pseudo-first-order Chick-Watson model in which the inactivation rate is constant. For this model, the maximum inactivation rate was k = 0.1648 min-1, which was achieved in the MS2-3 catalytic test using an initial mass ratio of peroxide to active iron (Feact) of 1.2 mg H2O2/mg Feact. To estimate the inactivation rate due to reactive oxygen species (ROS), we supposed that the inactivation constant depends on both ROS and Feact. In this case, the maximum inactivation rate due to ROS was kr = 2.4 × 10-9 min-1 (using 1.17 mg H2O2/mg Feact), which was achieved in the MS2-10 trial; both cases led to the conclusion that the optimal initial ratio of peroxide to active Fe in the catalyst in CWPO activated by Al/Fe-PILC was close to 1.2 mg H2O2/mg Feact. These kinetic studies showed that rapid inactivation takes place very early in the reaction, followed by slow inactivation during the remaining period of the recorded reaction time. This research revealed the strong potential of CWPO technology to improve microbiological parameters in drinking water due to the high catalytic performance in the heterogeneous Fenton reaction displayed by Fe sites incorporated in the Al/Fe-PILCs.

Arcilla , Peróxido de Hidrógeno , Catálisis , Hierro , Cinética , Oxidación-Reducción , Peróxidos , Inactivación de Virus
Front Chem ; 7: 772, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31799238


The catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of the industrial azo-dye methyl orange (MO) activated by an Al/Fe-pillared clay catalyst was optimized by the Response-Surface Methodology (RSM). Three sequential sets of factorial 2k central composite experiments were required for the full optimization of the process; catalyst loading and stoichiometric dose of hydrogen peroxide were the experimental factors studied through different times of reaction by means of all, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) removal, Total Nitrogen (TN) removal, reacted fraction of hydrogen peroxide, and decolorization as experimental responses to be maximized. The resulting single-response RSM optimums were combined in a multi-response Desirability function ruling out the differential effect of adsorption on the catalyst's surface by defining all responses per gram of clay catalyst. Former two statistical sets of experiments (DOE-1 and DOE-2) showed the CWPO degradation of MO to get favored at increasing both catalyst loading and time of reaction (up to 180 min). Afterwards, third final design of experiments (DOE-3) displayed 75% of DOC removal, 78% of TN removal, 97% of reacted H2O2, and 95% of decolorization by using a catalyst loading of 5.0 g/L of Al/Fe-PILC together with just 50% of the stoichiometric amount of H2O2. The multi-response optimum conditions based on the Desirability function showed excellent fitting explaining at least 99.3% of the optimal overall responses at 95% of confidence. A further analysis revealed that no one of the non-controllable variables under real conditions of industrial wastewater treatment (covariates): starting total organic carbon (TOC) (2.0-20 mg/L), temperature (5.0-25°C) or circumneutral pH (6.0-9.0), exhibited statistically significant effect (P > 0.05), suggesting the system to be almost insensitive against them within studied range of close to ambient conditions in the tropic. Finally, HPLC/PDA and GC/FID measurements identified phenol, cyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione, phenylamine, N-methylaniline and N,N-dimethylaniline in very low concentrations as main intermediates in the CWPO degradation of MO, which nevertheless disappeared over 90 min of treatment. Meanwhile, 4-aminobenzenesulfonic and oxalic acids were recorded as unique by-products at final time of reaction, but both of them fairly less toxic than the starting azo-dye.

Acta méd. colomb ; 41(1): 21-28, Jan.-Mar, 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-797374


En el acto médico cotidiano cada día es más palpable el fenómeno del envejecimiento poblacional, no obstante, la población anciana colombiana ha sido poco estudiada. En la ciudad de Pasto se realizó un estudio que pretende conocer las características multidimensionales de la población adulta mayor. En el presente artículo se muestran hallazgos relevantes desde la dimensión médica. Objetivo: determinar las características multidimensionales más relevantes en un grupo representativo de los adultos mayores de la ciudad San Juan de Pasto. Material y métodos: estudio de carácter cuantitativo, con un nivel descriptivo, transversal y analítico. La población estuvo conformada por 426 adultos mayores; el tipo de muestreo fue no probabilístico, a conveniencia y por cuotas (en cada comuna) estratificado por edad y sexo. Se aplicó el instrumento de evaluación diseñado para el estudio que comprendía valoraciones desde las dimensiones demográfica, médica, psicológica, funcional y social. El análisis estadístico se elaboró con el paquete SPSS versión 20. Resultados: en relación con el aspecto médico se encontró 50.5%, los adultos consideran que su salud es regular; entre las cinco condiciones más prevalentes se encontró la HTA (55.6 %), insuficiencia venosa (40.4%), dislipidemia (40.3%), infección urinaria (38%) y artrosis/artritis (34.7%). Los medicamentos que más consumen los adultos mayores son los que actúan sobre el sistema cardiovascular (51.9%). Finalmente 82.8% de los adultos investigados no han sido hospitalizados. Conclusiones: en los adultos mayores de la ciudad de Pasto se evidenció, como se ha descrito en otras poblaciones geriátricas, el predominio en la prevalencia de condiciones crónicas no infecciosas, lo cual plantea nuevos desafíos para enfrentar la carga de enfermedad en este grupo etáreo. (Acta Med Colomb 2016; 41: 21-28).

In the daily medical act the phenomenon of population aging is every day more evident; however, the elderly Colombian population has been little studied. In the city of Pasto a study aiming to know the multidimensional characteristics of the older population was carried out. Relevant findings from the medical dimension are shown in this article. Objective: to determine the most relevant multidimensional characteristics in a representative group of seniors from San Juan de Pasto. Materials and Methods: quantitative study with a descriptive, transversal and analytical level. The population consisted of 426 older adults; the type of sampling was non probabilistic at convenience and by quotas (in each commune) stratified by age and sex. The assessment instrument designed for the study comprising evaluations from the demographic, medical, psychological, functional and social dimensions was applied. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS version 20 package. Results: regarding the medical aspect was found that (50.5%) of older adults consider their health is not good; among the five most prevalent conditions, HBP (55.6%), venous insufficiency (40.4%), dyslipidemia (40.3%), urinary tract infection (38%) and osteoarthritis / arthritis (34.7%), were found. The drugs most commonly used by older adults are those acting on the cardiovascular system (51.9%). Finally (82.8%) of adults surveyed have not been hospitalized. Conclusions: In older adults of the city of Pasto, as described in other geriatric populations, the predominance in the prevalence of chronic non-infectious conditions was evidenced, posing new challenges to face the burden of disease in this age group. (Acta Med Colomb 2016; 41: 21-28).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Comorbilidad , Prevalencia , Geriatría
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 31(3): 359-371, sep.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-700556


Objetivo: identificar los factores determinantes de lautilización de los servicios de salud bucal en hombres ymujeres universitarios del municipio de Pasto, Departamentode Nariño (Colombia). Metodología: en una muestra de338 estudiantes de una universidad, se aplicó una encuestaconfidencial, elaborada con base en estudios previos utilizandoun modelo comportamental de uso de servicios de salud.Resultados: la prevalencia de utilización de los servicios desalud bucal fue del 57%. Se encontró con respecto a factores depredisposición, que más de la mitad de la población encuestadaeran adultos jóvenes entre 20-24 años; que asistían más a laconsulta los estudiantes de semestres académicos superiores ymenos los de mayor edad; que la mitad pertenecían a un estratosocioeconómico medio y que una décima parte poseían un bajoapoyo social. Se encontró sobre factores de capacidad que lastres cuartas partes que respondieron tener un buen estado desalud, eran los que más utilizaban los servicios de salud bucal;que los que respondieron estar satisfechos con la apariencia desus dientes, eran los que menos utilizaban los servicios de saludbucal; que una tercera parte había tenido un mal estado de saludbucodental y que casi la mitad tuvo problemas dentales. Sobrelos factores de necesidad se encontró que cuando un estudiantetiene afectada su calidad de vida por minusvalía asiste más a laconsulta odontológica en el último año. Conclusión: existenleves diferencias por sexo en la utilización de los servicios desalud bucal y que si bien en esta población el resultado fuemayor que en otros estudios, no necesariamente este resultadogarantiza que tengan una mejor salud bucal...

Objective: to identify the determinant factors of dental healthservice use among university students in the municipalityof Pasto (located in the Nariño Department), Colombia.Methodology: a confidential survey was used on a sample of338 university students. This survey was based on previousstudies and used a behavioral model representing healthcareservice use. Results: the use of dental health servicesamounted to 57%. As for enabling factors, more than halfof the population surveyed was young adults aged 20-24. Inaddition, students from later semesters used the oral healthservices more frequently, while older students used them theleast. Similarly, half of the students belonged to the middleclass and a tenth of them had low social support. As forpredisposing factors, three fourths expressed they æhave a good health stateÆ, and these were the individuals who useddental health services most often. Likewise, the students whoresponded they æare satisfied with the appearance of their teethÆwere the individuals who used said services less often. Finally,a third had a bad oral health and almost half of the participantsresponded they æhave dental problemsÆ. In relation to needfactors, the students whose quality of life was negativelyaffected by physical disability used dental health servicesmore often in the last year. Conclusion: there are minimaldifferences between the sexes in terms of the dental servicesuse. Also, although the use of dental health services is highamong this population, this does not necessarily ensure thatthey have a better oral health...

Humanos , Colombia