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Nature ; 622(7983): 487-492, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37853152


Placing quantum materials into optical cavities provides a unique platform for controlling quantum cooperative properties of matter, by both weak and strong light-matter coupling1,2. Here we report experimental evidence of reversible cavity control of a metal-to-insulator phase transition in a correlated solid-state material. We embed the charge density wave material 1T-TaS2 into cryogenic tunable terahertz cavities3 and show that a switch between conductive and insulating behaviours, associated with a large change in the sample temperature, is obtained by mechanically tuning the distance between the cavity mirrors and their alignment. The large thermal modification observed is indicative of a Purcell-like scenario in which the spectral profile of the cavity modifies the energy exchange between the material and the external electromagnetic field. Our findings provide opportunities for controlling the thermodynamics and macroscopic transport properties of quantum materials by engineering their electromagnetic environment.

Opt Express ; 32(5): 8447-8458, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439500


Field-effect transistors are capable of detecting electromagnetic radiation from less than 100 GHz up to very high frequencies reaching well into the infrared spectral range. Here, we report on frequency coverage of up to 30THz, thus reaching the technologically important frequency regime of CO2 lasers, using GaAs/AlGaAs high-electron-mobility transistors. A detailed study of the speed and polarization dependence of the responsivity allows us to identify a cross over of the dominant detection mechanism from ultrafast non-quasistatic rectification at low Terahertz frequencies to slow rectification based on a combination of the Seebeck and bolometric effects at high frequencies, occurring at about the boundary between the Terahertz frequency range and the infrared at 10THz.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(18): 186903, 2023 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37977608


We study THz-driven condensate dynamics in epitaxial thin films of MgB_{2}, a prototype two-band superconductor (SC) with weak interband coupling. The temperature and excitation density dependent dynamics follow the behavior predicted by the phenomenological bottleneck model for the single-gap SC, implying adiabatic coupling between the two condensates on the ps timescale. The amplitude of the THz-driven suppression of condensate density reveals an unexpected decrease in pair-breaking efficiency with increasing temperature-unlike in the case of optical excitation. The reduced pair-breaking efficiency of narrow-band THz pulses, displaying minimum near ≈0.7 T_{c}, is attributed to THz-driven, long-lived, nonthermal quasiparticle distribution, resulting in Eliashberg-type enhancement of superconductivity, competing with pair breaking.

Opt Express ; 29(13): 19920-19927, 2021 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34266092


We report the emission of high-field terahertz pulses from a GaAs large-area photoconductive emitter pumped with a Ti:Sapphire amplifier laser system at 800 nm wavelength and 1 kHz repetition rate. The maximum estimated terahertz electric field at the focus is ≳ 230 kV/cm. We also demonstrate the capability of the terahertz field to cause a non-linear effect, which usually requires high-field terahertz pulses generated through optical rectification or an air plasma. A significant drop in the optical conductivity of optically pumped GaAs due to Γ-L inter-valley scattering of free electrons caused by the strong THz field is found.

Opt Express ; 28(17): 25358-25370, 2020 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32907058


We report the observation of the intersubband AC-Stark effect in a single wide GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. In a three-level configuration, the n = 2 to n = 3 intersubband transition is resonantly pumped at 3.5 THz using a free-electron laser. The induced spectral changes are probed using THz time-domain spectroscopy with a broadband pulse extending up to 4 THz. We observe an Autler-Townes splitting at the 1 - 2 intersubband transition as well as an indication of a Mollow triplet at the 2 - 3 transition, both evidencing the dressed states. For longer delay times, a relaxation of the hot-electron system with a time constant of around 420 ps is measured.

Opt Express ; 28(24): 35490-35497, 2020 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379662


We investigate here terahertz enhancement effects arising from micrometer and nanometer structured electrode features of photoconductive terahertz emitters. Nanostructured electrode based emitters utilizing the palsmonic effect are currently one of the hottest topics in the research field. We demonstrate here that even in the absence of any plasmonic resonance with the pump pulse, such structures can improve the antenna effect by enhancing the local d.c. electric field near the structure edges. Utilizing this effect in Hilbert-fractal and grating-like designs, enhancement of the THz field of up to a factor of ∼ 2 is observed. We conclude that the cause of this THz emission enhancement in our emitters is different from the earlier reported plasmonic-electrode effect in a similar grating-like structure. In our structure, the proximity of photoexcited carriers to the electrodes and local bias field enhancement close to the metallization cause the enhanced efficiency. Due to the nature of this effect, the THz emission efficiency is almost independent of the pump laser polarization. Compared to the plasmonic effect, these effects work under relaxed device fabrication and operating conditions.

Opt Express ; 27(9): 13108-13115, 2019 Apr 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31052840


We study here the effect of the electrode parameters on the terahertz emission efficiency of large-area emitters based on interdigitated electrodes. Electrode parameters are optimized to get maximum terahertz emission by optimizing the balance condition among the emission efficiency of individual electrode pairs, number of emitters per unit area, and fraction of semiconductor exposed for optical pumping. A maximum enhancement by about 50% in the peak to peak electric field is observed as compared to the previous state of the art design.

Nanotechnology ; 30(8): 084003, 2019 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30523880


We report a strong shift of the plasma resonance in highly-doped GaAs/InGaAs core/shell nanowires (NWs) for intense infrared excitation observed by scattering-type scanning near-field infrared microscopy. The studied NWs show a sharp plasma resonance at a photon energy of about 125 meV in the case of continuous wave excitation by a CO2 laser. Probing the same NWs with the pulsed free-electron laser with peak electric field strengths up to several 10 kV cm-1 reveals a power-dependent redshift to about 95 meV and broadening of the plasmonic resonance. We assign this effect to a substantial heating of the electrons in the conduction band and subsequent increase of the effective mass in the nonparabolic Γ-valley.

Nano Lett ; 17(4): 2184-2188, 2017 04 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28234493


For Landau-quantized graphene, featuring an energy spectrum consisting of nonequidistant Landau levels, theory predicts a giant resonantly enhanced optical nonlinearity. We verify the nonlinearity in a time-integrated degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) experiment in the mid-infrared spectral range, involving the Landau levels LL-1, LL0 and LL1. A rapid dephasing of the optically induced microscopic polarization on a time scale shorter than the pulse duration (∼4 ps) is observed, while a complementary pump-probe experiment under the same experimental conditions reveals a much longer lifetime of the induced population. The FWM signal shows the expected field dependence with respect to lowest order perturbation theory for low fields. Saturation sets in for fields above ∼6 kV/cm. Furthermore, the resonant behavior and the order of magnitude of the third-order susceptibility are in agreement with our theoretical calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(6): 067405, 2017 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949645


Recent pump-probe experiments performed on graphene in a perpendicular magnetic field have revealed carrier relaxation times ranging from picoseconds to nanoseconds depending on the quality of the sample. To explain this surprising behavior, we propose a novel symmetry-breaking defect-assisted relaxation channel. This enables scattering of electrons with single out-of-plane phonons, which drastically accelerate the carrier scattering time in low-quality samples. The gained insights provide a strategy for tuning the carrier relaxation time in graphene and related materials by orders of magnitude.

Nano Lett ; 16(4): 2734-8, 2016 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26978242


Subwavelength graphene structures support localized plasmonic resonances in the terahertz and mid-infrared spectral regimes. The strong field confinement at the resonant frequency is predicted to significantly enhance the light-graphene interaction, which could enable nonlinear optics at low intensity in atomically thin, subwavelength devices. To date, the nonlinear response of graphene plasmons and their energy loss dynamics have not been experimentally studied. We measure and theoretically model the terahertz nonlinear response and energy relaxation dynamics of plasmons in graphene nanoribbons. We employ a terahertz pump-terahertz probe technique at the plasmon frequency and observe a strong saturation of plasmon absorption followed by a 10 ps relaxation time. The observed nonlinearity is enhanced by 2 orders of magnitude compared to unpatterned graphene with no plasmon resonance. We further present a thermal model for the nonlinear plasmonic absorption that supports the experimental results. The model shows that the observed strong linearity is caused by an unexpected red shift of plasmon resonance together with a broadening and weakening of the resonance caused by the transient increase in electron temperature. The model further predicts that even greater resonant enhancement of the nonlinear response can be expected in high-mobility graphene, suggesting that nonlinear graphene plasmonic devices could be promising candidates for nonlinear optical processing.

Opt Express ; 24(20): 22628-22634, 2016 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27828333


We investigate strip line photoconductive terahertz (THz) emitters in a regime where both the direct emission of accelerated carriers in the semiconductor and the antenna-mediated emission from the strip line play a significant role. In particular, asymmetric strip line structures are studied. The widths of the two electrodes have been varied from 2 µm to 50 µm. The THz emission efficiency is observed to increase linearly with the width of the anode, which acts here as a plasmonic antenna giving rise to enhanced THz emission. In contrast, the cathode width does not play any significant role on THz emission efficiency.

Nano Lett ; 15(2): 1057-61, 2015 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25584806


We demonstrate a semiconductor based broadband near-field superlens in the mid-infrared regime. Here, the Drude response of a highly doped n-GaAs layer induces a resonant enhancement of evanescent waves accompanied by a significantly improved spatial resolution at radiation wavelengths around λ = 20 µm, adjustable by changing the doping concentration. In our experiments, gold stripes below the GaAs superlens are imaged with a λ/6 subwavelength resolution by an apertureless near-field optical microscope utilizing infrared radiation from a free-electron laser. The resonant behavior of the observed superlensing effect is in excellent agreement with simulations based on the Drude-Lorentz model. Our results demonstrate a rather simple superlens implementation for infrared nanospectroscopy.

Opt Express ; 23(16): 20732-42, 2015 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367925


We report on ultrafast detection of radiation between 100 GHz and 22 THz by field-effect transistors in a large area configuration. With the exception of the Reststrahlenband of GaAs, the spectral coverage of the GaAs-based detectors is more than two orders of magnitude, covering the entire THz range (100 GHz - 10 THz). The temporal resolution of the robust devices is yet limited by the 30 GHz oscilloscope used for read out. The responsivity roll-off towards higher frequencies is weaker than expected from an RC-roll-off model. Terahertz pulses with peak powers of up to 65kW have been recorded without damaging the devices.

Opt Express ; 23(22): 28728-35, 2015 Nov 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26561141


Graphene has unique optical and electronic properties that make it attractive as an active material for broadband ultrafast detection. We present here a graphene-based detector that shows 40-picosecond electrical rise time over a spectral range that spans nearly three orders of magnitude, from the visible to the far-infrared. The detector employs a large area graphene active region with interdigitated electrodes that are connected to a log-periodic antenna to improve the long-wavelength collection efficiency, and a silicon carbide substrate that is transparent throughout the visible regime. The detector exhibits a noise-equivalent power of approximately 100 µW·Hz(-½) and is characterized at wavelengths from 780 nm to 500 µm.

Nano Lett ; 14(3): 1504-7, 2014 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24559191


We present a pump-probe experiment on graphene, which reveals a pronounced dependence of the pump-induced transmission on the angle between pump and probe polarization. It reflects a strong anisotropy of the pump-induced occupation of photogenerated carriers in momentum space. Within 150 fs after excitation, an isotropic carrier distribution is established. The experiments are well described by microscopic modeling, which identifies carrier-phonon scattering to be the main relaxation mechanism giving rise to an isotropic carrier distribution.

ACS Nano ; 18(32): 21171-21183, 2024 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38970499


As semiconductor devices approach dimensions at the atomic scale, controlling the compositional grading across heterointerfaces becomes paramount. Particularly in nanowire axial heterostructures, which are promising for a broad spectrum of nanotechnology applications, the achievement of sharp heterointerfaces has been challenging owing to peculiarities of the commonly used vapor-liquid-solid growth mode. Here, the grading of Al across GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructures in self-catalyzed nanowires is studied, aiming at finding the limits of the interfacial sharpness for this technologically versatile material system. A pulsed growth mode ensures precise control of the growth mechanisms even at low temperatures, while a semiempirical thermodynamic model is derived to fit the experimental Al-content profiles and quantitatively describe the dependences of the interfacial sharpness on the growth temperature, the nanowire radius, and the Al content. Finally, symmetrical Al profiles with interfacial widths of 2-3 atomic planes, at the limit of the measurement accuracy, are obtained, outperforming even equivalent thin-film heterostructures. The proposed method enables the development of advanced heterostructure schemes for a more effective utilization of the nanowire platform; moreover, it is considered expandable to other material systems and nanostructure types.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 15(23): 6010-6016, 2024 Jun 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38814350


This study investigates the electronic band structure of chromium sulfur bromide (CrSBr) through comprehensive photoluminescence (PL) characterization. We clearly identify low-temperature optical transitions between two closely adjacent conduction-band states and two different valence-band states. The analysis on the PL data robustly unveils energy splittings, band gaps, and excitonic transitions across different thicknesses of CrSBr, from monolayer to bulk. Temperature-dependent PL measurements elucidate the stability of the band splitting below the Néel temperature, suggesting that magnons coupled with excitons are responsible for the symmetry breaking and brightening of the transitions from the secondary conduction band minimum (CBM2) to the global valence band maximum (VBM1). Collectively, these results not only reveal splitting in both the conduction and valence bands but also highlight a significant advance in our understanding of the interplay between the optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic two-dimensional van der Waals crystals.

ACS Nano ; 18(4): 2898-2905, 2024 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38240736


The layered, air-stable van der Waals antiferromagnetic compound CrSBr exhibits pronounced coupling among its optical, electronic, and magnetic properties. As an example, exciton dynamics can be significantly influenced by lattice vibrations through exciton-phonon coupling. Using low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy, we demonstrate the effective coupling between excitons and phonons in nanometer-thick CrSBr. By careful analysis, we identify that the satellite peaks predominantly arise from the interaction between the exciton and an optical phonon with a frequency of 118 cm-1 (∼14.6 meV) due to the out-of-plane vibration of Br atoms. Power-dependent and temperature-dependent photoluminescence measurements support exciton-phonon coupling and indicate a coupling between magnetic and optical properties, suggesting the possibility of carrier localization in the material. The presence of strong coupling between the exciton and the lattice may have important implications for the design of light-matter interactions in magnetic semiconductors and provide insights into the exciton dynamics in CrSBr. This highlights the potential for exploiting exciton-phonon coupling to control the optical properties of layered antiferromagnetic materials.