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Fungal Syst Evol ; 9: 43-86, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35978987


Downy mildew pathogens of graminicolous hosts (Poaceae) are members of eight morphologically and phylogenetically distinct genera in the Peronosporaceae (Oomycota, Peronosporales). Graminicolous downy mildews (GDMs) cause severe losses in crops such as maize, millets, sorghum, and sugarcane in many parts of the world, especially in tropical climates. In countries where the most destructive GDMs are not endemic, these organisms are often designated as high-risk foreign pathogens and subject to oversight and quarantine by regulatory officials. Thus, there is a need to reliably and accurately identify the causal organisms. This paper provides an overview of the Peronosporaceae species causing graminicolous downy mildew diseases, with a description of their impact on agriculture and the environment, along with brief summaries of the nomenclatural and taxonomic issues surrounding these taxa. Key diagnostic characters are summarized, including DNA sequence data for types and/or voucher specimens, morphological features, and new illustrations. New sequence data for cox2 and 28S rDNA markers are provided from the type specimens of three species, Peronosclerospora philippinensis, Sclerospora iseilematis, and Sclerospora northii. Thirty-nine species of graminicolous downy mildews are accepted, and seven previously invalidly published taxa are validated. Fifty-five specimens are formally designated as types, including lectotypification of 10 species, neotypification of three species, and holotype designation for Sclerophthora cryophila. Citation: Crouch JA, Davis WJ, Shishkoff N, Castroagudín VL, Martin F, Michelmore R, Thines M (2022). Peronosporaceae species causing downy mildew diseases of Poaceae, including nomenclature revisions and diagnostic resources. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 9: 43-86. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2022.09.05.

Persoonia ; 37: 199-216, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28232765


Pyricularia oryzae is a species complex that causes blast disease on more than 50 species of poaceous plants. Pyricularia oryzae has a worldwide distribution as a rice pathogen and in the last 30 years emerged as an important wheat pathogen in southern Brazil. We conducted phylogenetic analyses using 10 housekeeping loci for 128 isolates of P. oryzae sampled from sympatric populations of wheat, rice, and grasses growing in or near wheat fields. Phylogenetic analyses grouped the isolates into three major clades. Clade 1 comprised isolates associated only with rice and corresponds to the previously described rice blast pathogen P. oryzae pathotype Oryza (PoO). Clade 2 comprised isolates associated almost exclusively with wheat and corresponds to the previously described wheat blast pathogen P. oryzae pathotype Triticum (PoT). Clade 3 contained isolates obtained from wheat as well as other Poaceae hosts. We found that Clade 3 is distinct from P. oryzae and represents a new species, Pyricularia graminis-tritici (Pgt). No morphological differences were observed among these species, but a distinctive pathogenicity spectrum was observed. Pgt and PoT were pathogenic and highly aggressive on Triticum aestivum (wheat), Hordeum vulgare (barley), Urochloa brizantha (signal grass), and Avena sativa (oats). PoO was highly virulent on the original rice host (Oryza sativa), and also on wheat, barley, and oats, but not on signal grass. We conclude that blast disease on wheat and its associated Poaceae hosts in Brazil is caused by multiple Pyricularia species. Pyricularia graminis-tritici was recently found causing wheat blast in Bangladesh. This indicates that P. graminis-tritici represents a serious threat to wheat cultivation globally.

Persoonia ; 37: 218-403, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28232766


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xanthosiae on Xanthosia rotundifolia, Coniothyrium hakeae on Hakea sp., Diatrypella banksiae on Banksia formosa, Disculoides corymbiae on Corymbia calophylla, Elsinoë eelemani on Melaleuca alternifolia, Elsinoë eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus kingsmillii, Elsinoë preissianae on Eucalyptus preissiana, Eucasphaeria rustici on Eucalyptus creta, Hyweljonesia queenslandica (incl. Hyweljonesia gen. nov.) on the cocoon of an unidentified microlepidoptera, Mycodiella eucalypti (incl. Mycodiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus diversicolor, Myrtapenidiella sporadicae on Eucalyptus sporadica, Neocrinula xanthorrhoeae (incl. Neocrinula gen. nov.) on Xanthorrhoea sp., Ophiocordyceps nooreniae on dead ant, Phaeosphaeriopsis agavacearum on Agave sp., Phlogicylindrium mokarei on Eucalyptus sp., Phyllosticta acaciigena on Acacia suaveolens, Pleurophoma acaciae on Acacia glaucoptera, Pyrenochaeta hakeae on Hakea sp., Readeriella lehmannii on Eucalyptus lehmannii, Saccharata banksiae on Banksia grandis, Saccharata daviesiae on Daviesia pachyphylla, Saccharata eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus bigalerita, Saccharata hakeae on Hakea baxteri, Saccharata hakeicola on Hakea victoria, Saccharata lambertiae on Lambertia ericifolia, Saccharata petrophiles on Petrophile sp., Saccharata petrophilicola on Petrophile fastigiata, Sphaerellopsis hakeae on Hakea sp., and Teichospora kingiae on Kingia australis.Brazil: Adautomilanezia caesalpiniae (incl. Adautomilanezia gen. nov.) on Caesalpina echinata, Arthrophiala arthrospora (incl. Arthrophiala gen. nov.) on Sagittaria montevidensis, Diaporthe caatingaensis (endophyte from Tacinga inamoena), Geastrum ishikawae on sandy soil, Geastrum pusillipilosum on soil, Gymnopus pygmaeus on dead leaves and sticks, Inonotus hymenonitens on decayed angiosperm trunk, Pyricularia urashimae on Urochloa brizantha, and Synnemellisia aurantia on Passiflora edulis. Chile: Tubulicrinis australis on Lophosoria quadripinnata.France: Cercophora squamulosa from submerged wood, and Scedosporium cereisporum from fluids of a wastewater treatment plant. Hawaii: Beltraniella acaciae, Dactylaria acaciae, Rhexodenticula acaciae, Rubikia evansii and Torula acaciae (all on Acacia koa).India: Lepidoderma echinosporum on dead semi-woody stems, and Rhodocybe rubrobrunnea from soil. Iran: Talaromyces kabodanensis from hypersaline soil. La Réunion: Neocordana musarum from leaves of Musa sp. Malaysia: Anungitea eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus grandis × pellita, Camptomeriphila leucaenae (incl. Camptomeriphila gen. nov.) on Leucaena leucocephala, Castanediella communis on Eucalyptus pellita, Eucalyptostroma eucalypti (incl. Eucalyptostroma gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus pellita, Melanconiella syzygii on Syzygium sp., Mycophilomyces periconiae (incl. Mycophilomyces gen. nov.) as hyperparasite on Periconia on leaves of Albizia falcataria, Synnemadiella eucalypti (incl. Synnemadiella gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus pellita, and Teichospora nephelii on Nephelium lappaceum.Mexico: Aspergillus bicephalus from soil. New Zealand: Aplosporella sophorae on Sophora microphylla, Libertasomyces platani on Platanus sp., Neothyronectria sophorae (incl. Neothyronectria gen. nov.) on Sophora microphylla, Parastagonospora phoenicicola on Phoenix canariensis, Phaeoacremonium pseudopanacis on Pseudopanax crassifolius, Phlyctema phoenicis on Phoenix canariensis, and Pseudoascochyta novae-zelandiae on Cordyline australis.Panama: Chalara panamensis from needle litter of Pinus cf. caribaea. South Africa: Exophiala eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Fantasmomyces hyalinus (incl. Fantasmomyces gen. nov.) on Acacia exuvialis, Paracladophialophora carceris (incl. Paracladophialophora gen. nov.) on Aloe sp., and Umthunziomyces hagahagensis (incl. Umthunziomyces gen. nov.) on Mimusops caffra.Spain: Clavaria griseobrunnea on bare ground in Pteridium aquilinum field, Cyathus ibericus on small fallen branches of Pinus halepensis, Gyroporus pseudolacteus in humus of Pinus pinaster, and Pseudoascochyta pratensis (incl. Pseudoascochyta gen. nov.) from soil. Thailand: Neoascochyta adenii on Adenium obesum, and Ochroconis capsici on Capsicum annuum. UK: Fusicolla melogrammae from dead stromata of Melogramma campylosporum on bark of Carpinus betulus. Uruguay: Myrmecridium pulvericola from house dust. USA: Neoscolecobasidium agapanthi (incl. Neoscolecobasidium gen. nov.) on Agapanthus sp., Polyscytalum purgamentum on leaf litter, Pseudopithomyces diversisporus from human toenail, Saksenaea trapezispora from knee wound of a soldier, and Sirococcus quercus from Quercus sp. Morphological and culture characteristics along with DNA barcodes are provided.

Plant Dis ; 93(6): 669, 2009 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30764409


During 2008, fruit rot of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) occurred on several cultivars in commercial fields in northeast and northwest Arkansas. Disease incidence ranged from 50 to 75% of the fruit, which were unmarketable. Symptoms included large (>10 cm), brown, corky lesions where the fruit was in contact with the soil. Initially, the lesions were water soaked. A cross section of the symptomatic fruit rind revealed a dry, brown, spongy rot with a light brown halo. Lesions finally became soft and wet, causing infected fruit to collapse. Masses of white mycelia surrounded advanced lesions. No rot symptoms were observed on the vines. Fusarium spp. were isolated from symptomatic fruit. Macroconidia obtained from field-infected fruit and pure potato dextrose agar (PDA) cultures of the predominant Fusarium sp. were morphologically similar. The straight, cylindrical, and robust macroconidia contained between five and seven septa. The apical cell was rounded and blunt and the basal cell was rounded. All three morphological types were tested for pathogenicity on mature fruit of cv. Sorcerer. Fruit were surface disinfected in 70% ethanol. Wounds were made (4 mm deep) in the fruit surface with a cork borer. Three wounds per isolate per fruit were inoculated with a PDA plug colonized with mycelium from a 3-day-old culture. Three replicated wounds were inoculated per isolate and four replicate fruit were used. After inoculation, the wounds were covered with saran wrap. The fruit were incubated at approximately 24°C and evaluated after 7 days. An uncolonized PDA plug was used as a negative control. After 7 days, only the predominant Fusarium sp. produced typical lesions, which were brown, water soaked, and approximately 3 cm in diameter. Fusarium spp. were recovered from the inoculated lesions. The colonies on PDA and macroconidia of the pathogenic Fusarium sp. were morphologically similar to the isolate inoculated and the ones recovered from field lesions. DNA was extracted from the same three isolates used in the pathogenicity test. A portion of the translation elongation factor 1α (TEF) gene was sequenced to verify the identity of the pathogenic isolates. On the basis of a comparison of the Fusarium-ID database at Pennsylvania State University (3), the pathogenic isolates had a 100% match with Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae race 1, teleomorph Nectria haematococca mating population I, isolate NRRL 22098. F. solani f. sp cucurbitae was previously identified as the causal agent of crown and foot rot and a fruit rot of cucurbits and responsible for outbreaks on pumpkin fruit in Connecticut, Missouri, New York, and Ohio from 2001 to 2003 and again in Ohio in 2005 (2). In 2008, a higher average total of monthly precipitation was recorded late in the growing season in Arkansas, (13.7 cm in August and 23.7 cm in September). Although F. equiseti has previously been reported as a fruit rot pathogen of pumpkin in Arkansas (1), to our knowledge, this is the first report of F. solani f. sp cucurbitae as causal agent of pumpkin fruit rot in the state. Reference: (1) J. C. Correll et al. Plant Dis. 75:751, 1991. (2) W. H. Elmer et al. Plant Dis. 91:1142, 2007. (3) D. M. Geiser et al. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 110:473, 2004.