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Nano Lett ; 24(1): 238-244, 2024 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38164905


The strong-coupling interaction between quantum emitters and cavities provides the archetypical platform for fundamental quantum electrodynamics. Here we show that methylene blue (MB) molecules interact coherently with subwavelength plasmonic nanocavity modes at room temperature. Experimental results show that the strong coupling can be switched on and off reversibly when MB molecules undergo redox reactions which transform them to leuco-methylene blue molecules. In simulations we demonstrate the strong coupling between the second excited plasmonic cavity mode and resonant emitters. However, we also show that other detuned modes simultaneously couple efficiently to the molecular transitions, creating unusual cascades of mode spectral shifts and polariton formation. This is possible due to the relatively large plasmonic particle size resulting in reduced mode splittings. The results open significant potential for device applications utilizing active control of strong coupling.

Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 3, 2024 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38161207


Conjugated polymers are promising material candidates for many future applications in flexible displays, organic circuits, and sensors. Their performance is strongly affected by their structural conformation including both electrical and optical anisotropy. Particularly for thin layers or close to crucial interfaces, there are few methods to track their organization and functional behaviors. Here we present a platform based on plasmonic nanogaps that can assess the chemical structure and orientation of conjugated polymers down to sub-10 nm thickness using light. We focus on a representative conjugated polymer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), of varying thickness (2-20 nm) while it undergoes redox in situ. This allows dynamic switching of the plasmonic gap spacer through a metal-insulator transition. Both dark-field (DF) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra track the optical anisotropy and orientation of polymer chains close to a metallic interface. Moreover, we demonstrate how this influences both optical and redox switching for nanothick PEDOT devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(12): 126902, 2023 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37802963


Strong coupling of molecular vibrations with light creates polariton states, enabling control over many optical and chemical properties. However, the near-field signatures of strong coupling are difficult to map as most cavities are closed systems. Surface-enhanced Raman microscopy of open metallic gratings under vibrational strong coupling enables the observation of spatial polariton localization in the grating near field, without the need for scanning probe microscopies. The lower polariton is localized at the grating slots, displays a strongly asymmetric line shape, and gives greater plasmon-vibration coupling strength than measured in the far field. Within these slots, the local field strength pushes the system into the ultrastrong coupling regime. Models of strong coupling which explicitly include the spatial distribution of emitters can account for these effects. Such gratings enable exploration of the rich physics of polaritons, its impact on polariton chemistry under flow conditions, and the interplay between near- and far-field properties through vibrational polariton-enhanced Raman scattering.

Nano Lett ; 23(13): 5959-5966, 2023 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37364270


Developing highly enhanced plasmonic nanocavities allows direct observation of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. With DNA origami, the ability to precisely nanoposition single-quantum emitters in ultranarrow plasmonic gaps enables detailed study of their modified light emission. By developing protocols for creating nanoparticle-on-mirror constructs in which DNA nanostructures act as reliable and customizable spacers for nanoparticle binding, we reveal that the simple picture of Purcell-enhanced molecular dye emission is misleading. Instead, we show that the enhanced dipolar dye polarizability greatly amplifies optical forces acting on the facet Au atoms, leading to their rapid destabilization. Using different dyes, we find that emission spectra are dominated by inelastic (Raman) scattering from molecules and metals, instead of fluorescence, with molecular bleaching also not evident despite the large structural rearrangements. This implies that the competition between recombination pathways demands a rethink of routes to quantum optics using plasmonics.

ACS Photonics ; 10(2): 493-499, 2023 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36820326


Plasmonic nanoantennas can focus light at nanometer length scales providing intense field enhancements. For the tightest optical confinements (0.5-5 nm) achieved in plasmonic gaps, the gap spacing, refractive index, and facet width play a dominant role in determining the optical properties making tuning through antenna shape challenging. We show here that controlling the surrounding refractive index instead allows both efficient frequency tuning and enhanced in-/output coupling through retardation matching as this allows dark modes to become optically active, improving widespread functionalities.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(49): e2212497119, 2022 12 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36454753


Nanoconfined few-molecule water clusters are invaluable systems to study fundamental aspects of hydrogen bonding. Unfortunately, most experiments on water clusters must be performed at cryogenic temperatures. Probing water clusters in noncryogenic systems is however crucial to understand the behavior of confined water in atmospheric or biological settings, but such systems usually require either complex synthesis and/or introduce many confounding external bonds to the clusters. Here, we show that combining Raman spectroscopy with the molecular nanocapsule cucurbituril is a powerful technique to sequester and analyze water clusters in ambient conditions. We observe sharp peaks in vibrational spectra arising from a single rigid confined water dimer. The high resolution and rich information in these vibrational spectra allow us to track specific isotopic exchanges inside the water dimer, verified with density-functional theory and kinetic population modeling. We showcase the versatility of such molecular nanocapsules by tracking water cluster vibrations through systematic changes in confinement size, in temperatures up to 120° C, and in their chemical environment.

Nanocápsulas , Vibración , Agua , Polímeros , Espectrometría Raman
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(47): 53183-53192, 2022 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36379040


Low-cost and large-area chiral metamaterials (CMs) are highly desirable for practical applications in chiral biosensors, nanophotonic chiral emitters, and beyond. A promising fabrication method takes advantage of self-assembled colloidal particles, onto which metal patches with defined orientation are created using glancing angle deposition (GLAD). However, using this method to make uniform and well-defined CMs over macroscopic areas is challenging. Here, we fabricate a uniform large-area colloidal particle array by interface-mediated self-assembly and precisely control the structural handedness of chiral plasmonic shells (CPSs) using GLAD. Strong chiroptical signals arise from twisted currents at the main, corner, and edge of CPSs, allowing a balance between strong chiroptical and high transmittance properties. Our shell-like chiral geometry shows excellent sensor performance in detecting chiral molecules due to the formation of uniform superchiral fields. Systematic investigations optimize the interplay between peak and null point resonances in different CPSs and result in a record consistency chiral sensor parameter U, i.e., 3.77 for null points and 0.0867 for peaks, which are about 54 and 1.257 times larger than the highest value (0.068) of previously reported CMs. The geometrical chirality, surface plasmonic resonance, chiral surface lattice resonance, and chiral sensor performance evidence the chiroptical effect and the excellent chiral sensor performance.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 281, 2022 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36151089


Nanomaterials capable of confining light are desirable for enhancing spectroscopies such as Raman scattering, infrared absorption, and nonlinear optical processes. Plasmonic superlattices have shown the ability to host collective resonances in the mid-infrared, but require stringent fabrication processes to create well-ordered structures. Here, we demonstrate how short-range-ordered Au nanoparticle multilayers on a mirror, self-assembled by a sub-nm molecular spacer, support collective plasmon-polariton resonances in the visible and infrared, continuously tunable beyond 11 µm by simply varying the nanoparticle size and number of layers. The resulting molecule-plasmon system approaches vibrational strong coupling, and displays giant Fano dip strengths, SEIRA enhancement factors ~ 106, light-matter coupling strengths g ~ 100 cm-1, Purcell factors ~ 106, and mode volume compression factors ~ 108. The collective plasmon-polariton mode is highly robust to nanoparticle vacancy disorder and is sustained by the consistent gap size defined by the molecular spacer. Structural disorder efficiently couples light into the gaps between the multilayers and mirror, enabling Raman and infrared sensing of sub-picolitre sample volumes.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 19, 2022 Jan 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35042844


Recent developments in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) enable observation of single-bond vibrations in real time at room temperature. By contrast, mid-infrared (MIR) vibrational spectroscopy is limited to inefficient slow detection. Here we develop a new method for MIR sensing using SERS. This method utilizes nanoparticle-on-foil (NPoF) nanocavities supporting both visible and MIR plasmonic hotspots in the same nanogap formed by a monolayer of molecules. Molecular SERS signals from individual NPoF nanocavities are modulated in the presence of MIR photons. The strength of this modulation depends on the MIR wavelength, and is maximized at the 6-12 µm absorption bands of SiO2 or polystyrene placed under the foil. Using a single-photon lock-in detection scheme we time-resolve the rise and decay of the signal in a few 100 ns. Our observations reveal that the phonon resonances of SiO2 can trap intense MIR surface plasmons within the Reststrahlen band, tuning the visible-wavelength localized plasmons by reversibly perturbing the localized few-nm-thick water shell trapped in the nanostructure crevices. This suggests new ways to couple nanoscale bond vibrations for optomechanics, with potential to push detection limits down to single-photon and single-molecule regimes.

Science ; 374(6572): 1268-1271, 2021 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34855505


Coherent interconversion of signals between optical and mechanical domains is enabled by optomechanical interactions. Extreme light-matter coupling produced by confining light to nanoscale mode volumes can then access single mid-infrared (MIR) photon sensitivity. Here, we used the infrared absorption and Raman activity of molecular vibrations in plasmonic nanocavities to demonstrate frequency upconversion. We converted approximately 10-micrometer-wavelength incoming light to visible light by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in doubly resonant antennas that enhanced upconversion by more than 1010. We showed 140% amplification of the SERS anti-Stokes emission when an MIR pump was tuned to a molecular vibrational frequency, obtaining lowest detectable powers of 1 to 10 microwatts per square micrometer at room temperature. These results have potential for low-cost and large-scale infrared detectors and spectroscopic techniques.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 22915, 2021 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34824328


The gas sensor market is growing fast, driven by many socioeconomic and industrial factors. Mid-infrared (MIR) gas sensors offer excellent performance for an increasing number of sensing applications in healthcare, smart homes, and the automotive sector. Having access to low-cost, miniaturized, energy efficient light sources is of critical importance for the monolithic integration of MIR sensors. Here, we present an on-chip broadband thermal MIR source fabricated by combining a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) micro-hotplate with a dielectric-encapsulated carbon nanotube (CNT) blackbody layer. The micro-hotplate was used during fabrication as a micro-reactor to facilitate high temperature (>700 [Formula: see text]C) growth of the CNT layer and also for post-growth thermal annealing. We demonstrate, for the first time, stable extended operation in air of devices with a dielectric-encapsulated CNT layer at heater temperatures above 600 [Formula: see text]C. The demonstrated devices exhibit almost unitary emissivity across the entire MIR spectrum, offering an ideal solution for low-cost, highly-integrated MIR spectroscopy for the Internet of Things.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 6519, 2021 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34764252


Strong-coupling between excitons and confined photonic modes can lead to the formation of new quasi-particles termed exciton-polaritons which can display a range of interesting properties such as super-fluidity, ultrafast transport and Bose-Einstein condensation. Strong-coupling typically occurs when an excitonic material is confided in a dielectric or plasmonic microcavity. Here, we show polaritons can form at room temperature in a range of chemically diverse, organic semiconductor thin films, despite the absence of an external cavity. We find evidence of strong light-matter coupling via angle-dependent peak splittings in the reflectivity spectra of the materials and emission from collective polariton states. We additionally show exciton-polaritons are the primary photoexcitation in these organic materials by directly imaging their ultrafast (5 × 106 m s-1), ultralong (~270 nm) transport. These results open-up new fundamental physics and could enable a new generation of organic optoelectronic and light harvesting devices based on cavity-free exciton-polaritons.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 6759, 2021 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34799553


Metal/organic-molecule interactions underpin many key chemistries but occur on sub-nm scales where nanoscale visualisation techniques tend to average over heterogeneous distributions. Single molecule imaging techniques at the atomic scale have found it challenging to track chemical behaviour under ambient conditions. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy can optically monitor the vibrations of single molecules but understanding is limited by the complexity of spectra and mismatch between theory and experiment. We demonstrate that spectra from an optically generated metallic adatom near a molecule of interest can be inverted into dynamic sub-Å metal-molecule interactions using a comprehensive model, revealing anomalous diffusion of a single atom. Transient metal-organic coordination bonds chemically perturb molecular functional groups > 10 bonds away. With continuous improvements in computational methods for modelling large and complex molecular systems, this technique will become increasingly applicable to accurately tracking more complex chemistries.

ACS Photonics ; 8(10): 2868-2875, 2021 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34692898


Transient atomic protrusions in plasmonic nanocavities confine optical fields to sub-1-nm3 picocavities, allowing the optical interrogation of single molecules at room temperature. While picocavity formation is linked to both the local chemical environment and optical irradiation, the role of light in localizing the picocavity formation is unclear. Here, we combine information from thousands of picocavity events and simultaneously compare the transient Raman scattering arising from two incident pump wavelengths. Full analysis of the data set suggests that light suppresses the local effective barrier height for adatom formation and that the initial barrier height is decreased by reduced atomic coordination numbers near facet edges. Modeling the system also resolves the frequency-dependent picocavity field enhancements supported by these atomic scale features.

ACS Photonics ; 8(9): 2811-2817, 2021 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34553005


Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) nanogaps in the canonical nanoparticle-on-mirror geometry (NPoM) provide deep-subwavelength confinement of light with mode volumes smaller than V/V λ < 10-6. However, access to these hotspots is limited by the impendence mismatch between the high in-plane k ∥ of trapped light and free-space plane-waves, making the in- and out-coupling of light difficult. Here, by constructing a nanoparticle-on-foil (NPoF) system with thin metal films, we show the mixing of insulator-metal-insulator (IMI) modes and MIM gap modes results in MIMI modes. This mixing provides multichannel access to the plasmonic nanocavity through light incident from both sides of the metal film. The red-tuning and near-field strength of MIMI modes for thinner foils is measured experimentally with white-light scattering and surface-enhanced Raman scattering from individual NPoFs. We discuss further the utility of NPoF systems, since the geometry allows tightly confined light to be accessed simply through different ports.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 16(10): 1121-1129, 2021 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34475556


Nature controls the assembly of complex architectures through self-limiting processes; however, few artificial strategies to mimic these processes have been reported to date. Here we demonstrate a system comprising two types of nanocrystal (NC), where the self-limiting assembly of one NC component controls the aggregation of the other. Our strategy uses semiconducting InP/ZnS core-shell NCs (3 nm) as effective assembly modulators and functional nanoparticle surfactants in cucurbit[n]uril-triggered aggregation of AuNCs (5-60 nm), allowing the rapid formation (within seconds) of colloidally stable hybrid aggregates. The resultant assemblies efficiently harvest light within the semiconductor substructures, inducing out-of-equilibrium electron transfer processes, which can now be simultaneously monitored through the incorporated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy-active plasmonic compartments. Spatial confinement of electron mediators (for example, methyl viologen (MV2+)) within the hybrids enables the direct observation of photogenerated radical species as well as molecular recognition in real time, providing experimental evidence for the formation of elusive σ-(MV+)2 dimeric species. This approach paves the way for widespread use of analogous hybrids for the long-term real-time tracking of interfacial charge transfer processes, such as the light-driven generation of radicals and catalysis with operando spectroscopies under irreversible conditions.

Nano Lett ; 21(6): 2512-2518, 2021 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33705151


Plasmonic self-assembled nanocavities are ideal platforms for extreme light localization as they deliver mode volumes of <50 nm3. Here we show that high-order plasmonic modes within additional micrometer-scale resonators surrounding each nanocavity can boost light localization to intensity enhancements >105. Plasmon interference in these hybrid microresonator nanocavities produces surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) signals many-fold larger than in the bare plasmonic constructs. These now allow remote access to molecules inside the ultrathin gaps, avoiding direct irradiation and thus preventing molecular damage. Combining subnanometer gaps with micrometer-scale resonators places a high computational demand on simulations, so a generalized boundary element method (BEM) solver is developed which requires 100-fold less computational resources to characterize these systems. Our results on extreme near-field enhancement open new potential for single-molecule photonic circuits, mid-infrared detectors, and remote spectroscopy.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(4): 047402, 2021 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33576645


Charge carriers trapped at localized surface defects play a crucial role in quantum dot (QD) photophysics. Surface traps offer longer lifetimes than band-edge emission, expanding the potential of QDs as nanoscale light-emitting excitons and qubits. Here, we demonstrate that a nonradiative plasmon mode drives the transfer from two-photon-excited excitons to trap states. In plasmonic cavities, trap emission dominates while the band-edge recombination is completely suppressed. The induced pathways for excitonic recombination not only shed light on the fundamental interactions of excitonic spins, but also open new avenues in manipulating QD emission, for optoelectronics and nanophotonics applications.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 8(2): 2002419, 2021 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33511008


Plasmonic metafilms have been widely utilized to generate vivid colors, but making them both active and flexible simultaneously remains a great challenge. Here flexible active plasmonic metafilms constructed by printing electrochromic nanoparticles onto ultrathin metal films (<15 nm) are presented, offering low-power electricallydriven color switching. In conjunction with commercially available printing techniques, such flexible devices can be patterned using lithography-free approaches, opening up potential for fullyprinted electrochromic devices. Directional optical effects and dynamics show perceived upward and downward colorations can differ, arising from the dissimilar plasmonic mode excitation between nanoparticles and ultrathin metal films.