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Stud Mycol ; 101: 1-56, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36059896


The genus Colletotrichum includes important plant pathogens, endophytes, saprobes and human pathogens. Even though the polyphasic approach has facilitated Colletotrichum species identification, knowledge of the overall species diversity and host distribution is largely incomplete. To address this, we examined 952 Colletotrichum strains isolated from plants representing 322 species from 248 genera, or air and soil samples, from 87 locations in China, as well as 56 strains from Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, and the UK. Based on morphological characteristics and multi-locus phylogenetic analyses, the strains were assigned to 107 species, including 30 new species described in this paper and 18 new records for China. The currently most comprehensive backbone tree of Colletotrichum, comprising 16 species complexes (including a newly introduced C. bambusicola species complex) and 15 singleton species, is provided. Based on these analyses, 280 species with available molecular data are accepted in this genus, of which 139 have been reported in China, accounting for 49.6 % of the species. Colletotrichum siamense, C. karsti, C. fructicola, C. truncatum, C. fioriniae, and C. gloeosporioides were the most commonly detected species in China, as well as the species with the broadest host range. By contrast, 76 species were currently found to be associated with a single plant species or genus in China. To date, 33 Colletotrichum species have been exclusively reported as endophytes. Furthermore, we generated and assembled whole-genome sequences of the 30 new and a further 18 known species. The most comprehensive genome tree comprising 94 Colletotrichum species based on 1 893 single-copy orthologous genes was hence generated, with all nodes, except four, supported by 100 % bootstrap values. Collectively, this study represents the most comprehensive investigation of Colletotrichum diversity and host occurrence to date, and greatly enhances our understanding of the diversity and phylogenetic relationships in this genus. Taxonomic novelties: New species: Colletotrichum arecacearum F. Liu, Z.Y. Ma & L. Cai, Colletotrichum bicoloratum F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum bromeliacearum F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum buxi F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum chamaedoreae F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum crousii F. Liu, Z.Y. Ma & L. Cai, Colletotrichum danxiashanense F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum diversisporum F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum diversum F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum dolichoconidiophori F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum iris F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum monsterae F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum multiseptatum F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum nageiae F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum obovoides F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum parabambusicola F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum paraendophytum F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum reniforme F. Liu, Z.Y. Ma & L. Cai, Colletotrichum schimae F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum shivasii F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum sinuatum F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum subacidae F. Liu, Z.Y. Ma & L. Cai, Colletotrichum subsalicis F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum subvariabile F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum syngoniicola F. Liu, Z.Y. Ma & L. Cai, Colletotrichum telosmae F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum tibetense F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum variabile F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum zhaoqingense F. Liu & L. Cai, Colletotrichum zhejiangense F. Liu, W.P. Wu & L. Cai. Citation: Liu F, Ma ZY, Hou LW, Diao YZ, Wu WP, Damm U, Song S, Cai L (2022). Updating species diversity of Colletotrichum, with a phylogenomic overview. Studies in Mycology 101: 1-56. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.101.01.

Mycologia ; 114(1): 89-113, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35138985


Twenty-two Colletotrichum strains were isolated from anthracnose symptoms or leaf spots on leaves of various wild Poaceae and Cyperaceae plants collected in three provinces of Iran and tentatively identified as belonging to the Graminicola species complex based on morphology. All strains were studied via a polyphasic approach combining colony characteristics, morphology and phylogeny inferred from multi-locus sequences, including the nuc rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS), partial sequences of the ß-tubulin (tub2), actin (act), manganese superoxide dismutase 2 (sod2), DNA lyase 2 (apn2) genes, a 200-bp intron of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), and the intergenic spacer between the apn2 gene and the mat1 idiomorph (apn2/mat1). Six species were distinguished, including three new species, namely C. caspicum, C. persicum, and C. sacchari, and three previously described species, C. cereale, C. nicholsonii and C. sublineola. Comprehensive morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided for all species. Furthermore, this study provided new insights into the distribution and host range of known species.

Colletotrichum , Cyperaceae , Irán , Enfermedades de las Plantas , Poaceae
Stud Mycol ; 98: 100116, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34466168


Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely a very broad concept of the genus Fusarium was proposed. In doing so, however, a significant body of data that supports distinct genera in Nectriaceae based on morphology, biology, and phylogeny is disregarded. A DNA phylogeny based on 19 orthologous protein-coding genes was presented to support a very broad concept of Fusarium at the F1 node in Nectriaceae. Here, we demonstrate that re-analyses of this dataset show that all 19 genes support the F3 node that represents Fusarium sensu stricto as defined by F. sambucinum (sexual morph synonym Gibberella pulicaris). The backbone of the phylogeny is resolved by the concatenated alignment, but only six of the 19 genes fully support the F1 node, representing the broad circumscription of Fusarium. Furthermore, a re-analysis of the concatenated dataset revealed alternate topologies in different phylogenetic algorithms, highlighting the deep divergence and unresolved placement of various Nectriaceae lineages proposed as members of Fusarium. Species of Fusarium s. str. are characterised by Gibberella sexual morphs, asexual morphs with thin- or thick-walled macroconidia that have variously shaped apical and basal cells, and trichothecene mycotoxin production, which separates them from other fusarioid genera. Here we show that the Wollenweber concept of Fusarium presently accounts for 20 segregate genera with clear-cut synapomorphic traits, and that fusarioid macroconidia represent a character that has been gained or lost multiple times throughout Nectriaceae. Thus, the very broad circumscription of Fusarium is blurry and without apparent synapomorphies, and does not include all genera with fusarium-like macroconidia, which are spread throughout Nectriaceae (e.g., Cosmosporella, Macroconia, Microcera). In this study four new genera are introduced, along with 18 new species and 16 new combinations. These names convey information about relationships, morphology, and ecological preference that would otherwise be lost in a broader definition of Fusarium. To assist users to correctly identify fusarioid genera and species, we introduce a new online identification database, Fusarioid-ID, accessible at The database comprises partial sequences from multiple genes commonly used to identify fusarioid taxa (act1, CaM, his3, rpb1, rpb2, tef1, tub2, ITS, and LSU). In this paper, we also present a nomenclator of names that have been introduced in Fusarium up to January 2021 as well as their current status, types, and diagnostic DNA barcode data. In this study, researchers from 46 countries, representing taxonomists, plant pathologists, medical mycologists, quarantine officials, regulatory agencies, and students, strongly support the application and use of a more precisely delimited Fusarium (= Gibberella) concept to accommodate taxa from the robust monophyletic node F3 on the basis of a well-defined and unique combination of morphological and biochemical features. This F3 node includes, among others, species of the F. fujikuroi, F. incarnatum-equiseti, F. oxysporum, and F. sambucinum species complexes, but not species of Bisifusarium [F. dimerum species complex (SC)], Cyanonectria (F. buxicola SC), Geejayessia (F. staphyleae SC), Neocosmospora (F. solani SC) or Rectifusarium (F. ventricosum SC). The present study represents the first step to generating a new online monograph of Fusarium and allied fusarioid genera (

Fungal Syst Evol ; 6: 139-155, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32904175


Recently, the order Phaeomoniellales was established that includes fungi closely related to Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, a phytopathogen assumed to be the main causal agent of the two most destructive grapevine trunk diseases, Petri disease and esca. Other species of this order are reported as pathogens of other economically important crops, like olive, peach, apricot, cherry, plum, rambutan, lichee or langsat. However, they are rarely isolated and hence, little is known about their ecological traits and pathogenicity. During a 1-yr period of spore trapping in a German vineyard divided in minimally and intensively pruned grapevines, 23 fungal strains of the Phaeomoniellales were collected. Based on morphological and molecular (ITS, LSU and tub2) analyses the isolated strains were assigned to eight different species. Two species were identified as P. chlamydospora and Neophaeomoniella zymoides, respectively. The remaining six species displayed morphological and molecular differences to known species of the Phaeomoniellales and are newly described, namely Aequabiliella palatina, Minutiella simplex, Moristroma germanicum, Mo. palatinum, Neophaeomoniella constricta and N. ossiformis. A pathogenicity test conducted in the greenhouse revealed that except for P. chlamydospora, none of the species of the Phaeomoniellales isolated from spore traps is able to induce lesions in grapevine wood.

Persoonia ; 45: 46-67, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34456371


Strains with a yeast-like appearance were frequently collected in two surveys on the biodiversity of fungi in Germany, either associated with necroses in wood of Prunus trees in orchards in Saxony, Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg or captured in spore traps mounted on grapevine shoots in a vineyard in Rhineland-Palatinate. The morphology of the strains was reminiscent of the genus Collophorina: all strains produced aseptate conidia on integrated conidiogenous cells directly on hyphae, on discrete phialides, adelophialides and by microcyclic conidiation, while in some strains additionally endoconidia or conidia in conidiomata were observed. Blastn searches with the ITS region placed the strains in the Leotiomycetes close to Collophorina spp. Analyses based on morphological and multi-locus sequence data (LSU, ITS, EF-1α, GAPDH) revealed that the 152 isolates from wood of Prunus spp. belong to five species including C. paarla, C. africana and three new species. A further ten isolates from spore traps belonged to seven new species, of which one was isolated from Prunus wood as well. However, a comparison with both LSU and ITS sequence data of these collophorina-like species with reference sequences from further Leotiomycetes revealed the genus Collophorina to be polyphyletic and the strains to pertain to several genera within the Phacidiales. Collophorina paarla and C. euphorbiae are transferred to the newly erected genera Pallidophorina and Ramoconidiophora, respectively. The new genera Capturomyces, Variabilispora and Vexillomyces are erected to accommodate five new species isolated from spore traps. In total nine species were recognised as new to science and described as Collophorina badensis, C. germanica, C. neorubra, Capturomyces funiculosus, Ca. luteus, Tympanis inflata, Variabilispora flava, Vexillomyces palatinus and V. verruculosus.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 13349, 2019 09 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31527702


Species of the fungal genus Colletotrichum are among the most devastating pathogens of agricultural crops in the world. Based on DNA sequence data (ITS, GAPDH, CHS-1, ACT, TUB2) and morphology, we revealed Colletotrichum isolates infecting the oil crop Perilla frutescens, commonly known as shiso, to represent a previously unknown species of the C. destructivum species complex and described it as C. shisoi. We found that C. shisoi appears to be able to adopt a hemibiotrophic lifestyle, characterised by the formation of biotrophic hyphae followed by severe necrotic lesions on P. frutescens, but is less virulent on Arabidopsis, compared to its close relative C. higginsianum which also belongs to the C. destructivum species complex. The genome of C. shisoi was sequenced, annotated and its predicted proteome compared with four other Colletotrichum species. The predicted proteomes of C. shisoi and C. higginsianum, share many candidate effectors, which are small, secreted proteins that may contribute to infection. Interestingly, C. destructivum species complex-specific secreted proteins showed evidence of increased diversifying selection which may be related to their host specificities.

Colletotrichum/genética , Proteínas Fúngicas/genética , Genoma Fúngico/genética , Perilla frutescens/microbiología , Secuencia de Bases , Colletotrichum/clasificación , Colletotrichum/aislamiento & purificación , Colletotrichum/patogenicidad , Productos Agrícolas/microbiología , Genómica , Japón , Tipificación de Secuencias Multilocus , Filogenia , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Proteoma/genética
Stud Mycol ; 92: 1-46, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29997400


Although Glomerella glycines, Colletotrichum magnum and C. orchidearum are known as causal agents of anthracnose of soybean, Cucurbitaceae and Orchidaceae, respectively, their taxonomy remains unresolved. In preliminary analyses based on ITS, strains of these species appear basal in Colletotrichum phylogenies, clustering close to C. cliviae, C. brevisporum and other recently described species from tropical or subtropical regions. Phylogenetic analyses (ITS, GAPDH, CHS-1, HIS3, ACT, TUB2) of 102 strains previously identified as Ga. glycines, C. magnum and C. orchidearum as well as other related strains from different culture collections and studies placed these taxa in three species complexes, and distinguished at least 24 species, including 11 new species. In this study, C. magnum, C. orchidearum and C. piperis were epitypified and their taxonomy resolved, while C. cliviicola was proposed as a new name for C. cliviae. Furthermore, a sexual morph was observed for C. yunnanense, while C. brevisporum, C. cliviicola and C. tropicicola were reported from new hosts or countries. Regarding their conidial morphology, species in the C. dracaenophilum, C. magnum and C. orchidearum species complexes are reminiscent of C. gloeosporioides or C. boninense s. lat., and were likely to be confused with them in the past.

Stud Mycol ; 86: 99-216, 2017 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28663602


Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) is introduced as a new series of publications in order to provide a stable platform for the taxonomy of phytopathogenic fungi. This first paper focuses on 21 genera of phytopathogenic fungi: Bipolaris, Boeremia, Calonectria, Ceratocystis, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Coniella, Curvularia, Monilinia, Neofabraea, Neofusicoccum, Pilidium, Pleiochaeta, Plenodomus, Protostegia, Pseudopyricularia, Puccinia, Saccharata, Thyrostroma, Venturia and Wilsonomyces. For each genus, a morphological description and information about its pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms are provided. In addition, this information is linked to primary and secondary DNA barcodes of the presently accepted species, and relevant literature. Moreover, several novelties are introduced, i.e. new genera, species and combinations, and neo-, lecto- and epitypes designated to provide a stable taxonomy. This first paper includes one new genus, 26 new species, ten new combinations, and four typifications of older names.

Persoonia ; 37: 37-56, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28232760


Species belonging to the Coryneliaceae and parasitizing Podocarpaceae hosts were collected from different locations in South Africa and studied morphologically by light microscopy and molecularly by obtaining partial nrDNA (ITS-1/5.8S/ITS-2, 18S and 28S) gene sequences. The position of the Coryneliaceae within the Eurotiomycetidae was not confirmed and a new subclass, Coryneliomycetidae, was introduced. While Eurotiomycetidae usually form cleistothecia/gymnothecia with evanescent, unitunicate asci, and Chaetothyriomycetidae mostly perithecia with bitunicate/fissitunicate to evanescent asci, Coryneliomycetidae form pseudothecial mazaedial ascomata, initially with double-walled asci with the outer layer deliquescing, resulting in passive ascospore release. The Coryneliomycetidae thus occupies a unique position in the Eurotiomycetes. Furthermore, epitypes were designated for Corynelia uberata, the type species of Corynelia (type genus of the family, order and subclass), Lagenulopsis bispora, the type species of Lagenulopsis, and Tripospora tripos the type species of Tripospora, with Lagenulopsis and Tripospora confirmed as belonging to the Coryneliaceae. Corynelia uberata resolved into three clades, one on Afrocarpus (= Podocarpus) falcatus and A. gracilior, and two clades occurring on P. latifolius, herein described as C. africana and C. fructigena. Morphologically these three species are not readily distinguishable, although they differ in spore dimensions, ascomata shape, ornamentation and DNA phylogeny. It is likely that several more species from other parts of the world are currently erroneously placed in C. uberata.

Persoonia ; 35: 63-86, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26823629


We investigated the phylogenetic diversity of 144 Colletotrichum isolates associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic tissues of Camellia sinensis and other Camellia spp. from seven provinces in China (Fujian, Guizhou, Henan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), and seven isolates obtained from other countries, including Indonesia, UK, and the USA. Based on multi-locus (ACT, ApMat, CAL, GAPDH, GS, ITS, TUB2) phylogenetic analyses and phenotypic characters, 11 species were distinguished, including nine well-characterised species (C. alienum, C. boninense, C. camelliae, C. cliviae, C. fioriniae, C. fructicola, C. gloeosporioides, C. karstii, C. sia-mense), and two novel species (C. henanense and C. jiangxiense). Of these, C. camelliae proved to be the most dominant and probably host specific taxon occurring on Camellia. An epitype is also designated for the latter species in this study. Colletotrichum jiangxiense is shown to be phylogenetically closely related to the coffee berry pathogen C. kahawae subsp. kahawae. Pathogenicity tests and the pairwise homoplasy index test suggest that C. jiangxiense and C. kahawae subsp. kahawae are two independent species. This study represents the first report of C. alienum and C. cliviae occurring on Camellia sinensis. In addition, our study demonstrated that the combined use of the loci ApMat and GS in a phylogenetic analysis is able to resolve all currently accepted species in the C. gloeosporioides species complex.

Persoonia ; 35: 242-63, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26823635


The aim of this study was to assess potential candidate gene regions and corresponding universal primer pairs as secondary DNA barcodes for the fungal kingdom, additional to ITS rDNA as primary barcode. Amplification efficiencies of 14 (partially) universal primer pairs targeting eight genetic markers were tested across > 1 500 species (1 931 strains or specimens) and the outcomes of almost twenty thousand (19 577) polymerase chain reactions were evaluated. We tested several well-known primer pairs that amplify: i) sections of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene large subunit (D1-D2 domains of 26/28S); ii) the complete internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1/2); iii) partial ß -tubulin II (TUB2); iv) γ-actin (ACT); v) translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1α); and vi) the second largest subunit of RNA-polymerase II (partial RPB2, section 5-6). Their PCR efficiencies were compared with novel candidate primers corresponding to: i) the fungal-specific translation elongation factor 3 (TEF3); ii) a small ribosomal protein necessary for t-RNA docking; iii) the 60S L10 (L1) RP; iv) DNA topoisomerase I (TOPI); v) phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK); vi) hypothetical protein LNS2; and vii) alternative sections of TEF1α. Results showed that several gene sections are accessible to universal primers (or primers universal for phyla) yielding a single PCR-product. Barcode gap and multi-dimensional scaling analyses revealed that some of the tested candidate markers have universal properties providing adequate infra- and inter-specific variation that make them attractive barcodes for species identification. Among these gene sections, a novel high fidelity primer pair for TEF1α, already widely used as a phylogenetic marker in mycology, has potential as a supplementary DNA barcode with superior resolution to ITS. Both TOPI and PGK show promise for the Ascomycota, while TOPI and LNS2 are attractive for the Pucciniomycotina, for which universal primers for ribosomal subunits often fail.

Stud Mycol ; 79: 49-84, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25492986


Colletotrichum destructivum is an important plant pathogen, mainly of forage and grain legumes including clover, alfalfa, cowpea and lentil, but has also been reported as an anthracnose pathogen of many other plants worldwide. Several Colletotrichum isolates, previously reported as closely related to C. destructivum, are known to establish hemibiotrophic infections in different hosts. The inconsistent application of names to those isolates based on outdated species concepts has caused much taxonomic confusion, particularly in the plant pathology literature. A multilocus DNA sequence analysis (ITS, GAPDH, CHS-1, HIS3, ACT, TUB2) of 83 isolates of C. destructivum and related species revealed 16 clades that are recognised as separate species in the C. destructivum complex, which includes C. destructivum, C. fuscum, C. higginsianum, C. lini and C. tabacum. Each of these species is lecto-, epi- or neotypified in this study. Additionally, eight species, namely C. americae-borealis, C. antirrhinicola, C. bryoniicola, C. lentis, C. ocimi, C. pisicola, C. utrechtense and C. vignae are newly described.

Persoonia ; 33: 83-97, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25737595


In a preliminary analysis, 21 Colletotrichum strains with large conidia preserved in the CBS culture collection clustered with a recently described species, C. gigasporum, forming a clade distinct from other currently known Colletotrichum species complexes. Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH) as well as each of the single-locus analyses resolved seven distinct species, one of them being C. gigasporum. Colletotrichum gigasporum and its close allies thus constitute a previously unknown species complex with shared morphological features. Five of the seven species accepted in the C. gigasporum species complex are described here as novel species, namely C. arxii, C. magnisporum, C. pseudomajus, C. radicis and C. vietnamense. A species represented by a single sterile strain, namely CBS 159.50, was not described as novel species, and is treated as Colletotrichum sp. CBS 159.50. Furthermore, C. thailandicum is reduced to synonymy with C. gigasporum.

Persoonia ; 33: 212-89, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25737601


Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Alanphillipsia aloeicola from Aloe sp., Arxiella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Ganoderma austroafricanum from Jacaranda mimosifolia, Phacidiella podocarpi and Phaeosphaeria podocarpi from Podocarpus latifolius, Phyllosticta mimusopisicola from Mimusops zeyheri and Sphaerulina pelargonii from Pelargonium sp. Furthermore, Barssia maroccana is described from Cedrus atlantica (Morocco), Codinaea pini from Pinus patula (Uganda), Crucellisporiopsis marquesiae from Marquesia acuminata (Zambia), Dinemasporium ipomoeae from Ipomoea pes-caprae (Vietnam), Diaporthe phragmitis from Phragmites australis (China), Marasmius vladimirii from leaf litter (India), Melanconium hedericola from Hedera helix (Spain), Pluteus albotomentosus and Pluteus extremiorientalis from a mixed forest (Russia), Rachicladosporium eucalypti from Eucalyptus globulus (Ethiopia), Sistotrema epiphyllum from dead leaves of Fagus sylvatica in a forest (The Netherlands), Stagonospora chrysopyla from Scirpus microcarpus (USA) and Trichomerium dioscoreae from Dioscorea sp. (Japan). Novel species from Australia include: Corynespora endiandrae from Endiandra introrsa, Gonatophragmium triuniae from Triunia youngiana, Penicillium coccotrypicola from Archontophoenix cunninghamiana and Phytophthora moyootj from soil. Novelties from Iran include Neocamarosporium chichastianum from soil and Seimatosporium pistaciae from Pistacia vera. Xenosonderhenia eucalypti and Zasmidium eucalyptigenum are newly described from Eucalyptus urophylla in Indonesia. Diaporthe acaciarum and Roussoella acacia are newly described from Acacia tortilis in Tanzania. New species from Italy include Comoclathris spartii from Spartium junceum and Phoma tamaricicola from Tamarix gallica. Novel genera include (Ascomycetes): Acremoniopsis from forest soil and Collarina from water sediments (Spain), Phellinocrescentia from a Phellinus sp. (French Guiana), Neobambusicola from Strelitzia nicolai (South Africa), Neocladophialophora from Quercus robur (Germany), Neophysalospora from Corymbia henryi (Mozambique) and Xenophaeosphaeria from Grewia sp. (Tanzania). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.

Persoonia ; 31: 188-296, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24761043


Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Camarosporium aloes, Phaeococcomyces aloes and Phoma aloes from Aloe, C. psoraleae, Diaporthe psoraleae and D. psoraleae-pinnatae from Psoralea, Colletotrichum euphorbiae from Euphorbia, Coniothyrium prosopidis and Peyronellaea prosopidis from Prosopis, Diaporthe cassines from Cassine, D. diospyricola from Diospyros, Diaporthe maytenicola from Maytenus, Harknessia proteae from Protea, Neofusicoccum ursorum and N. cryptoaustrale from Eucalyptus, Ochrocladosporium adansoniae from Adansonia, Pilidium pseudoconcavum from Greyia radlkoferi, Stagonospora pseudopaludosa from Phragmites and Toxicocladosporium ficiniae from Ficinia. Several species were also described from Thailand, namely: Chaetopsina pini and C. pinicola from Pinus spp., Myrmecridium thailandicum from reed litter, Passalora pseudotithoniae from Tithonia, Pallidocercospora ventilago from Ventilago, Pyricularia bothriochloae from Bothriochloa and Sphaerulina rhododendricola from Rhododendron. Novelties from Spain include Cladophialophora multiseptata, Knufia tsunedae and Pleuroascus rectipilus from soil and Cyphellophora catalaunica from river sediments. Species from the USA include Bipolaris drechsleri from Microstegium, Calonectria blephiliae from Blephilia, Kellermania macrospora (epitype) and K. pseudoyuccigena from Yucca. Three new species are described from Mexico, namely Neophaeosphaeria agaves and K. agaves from Agave and Phytophthora ipomoeae from Ipomoea. Other African species include Calonectria mossambicensis from Eucalyptus (Mozambique), Harzia cameroonensis from an unknown creeper (Cameroon), Mastigosporella anisophylleae from Anisophyllea (Zambia) and Teratosphaeria terminaliae from Terminalia (Zimbabwe). Species from Europe include Auxarthron longisporum from forest soil (Portugal), Discosia pseudoartocreas from Tilia (Austria), Paraconiothyrium polonense and P. lycopodinum from Lycopodium (Poland) and Stachybotrys oleronensis from Iris (France). Two species of Chrysosporium are described from Antarctica, namely C. magnasporum and C. oceanitesii. Finally, Licea xanthospora is described from Australia, Hypochnicium huinayensis from Chile and Custingophora blanchettei from Uruguay. Novel genera of Ascomycetes include Neomycosphaerella from Pseudopentameris macrantha (South Africa), and Paramycosphaerella from Brachystegia sp. (Zimbabwe). Novel hyphomycete genera include Pseudocatenomycopsis from Rothmannia (Zambia), Neopseudocercospora from Terminalia (Zambia) and Neodeightoniella from Phragmites (South Africa), while Dimorphiopsis from Brachystegia (Zambia) represents a novel coelomycetous genus. Furthermore, Alanphillipsia is introduced as a new genus in the Botryosphaeriaceae with four species, A. aloes, A. aloeigena and A. aloetica from Aloe spp. and A. euphorbiae from Euphorbia sp. (South Africa). A new combination is also proposed for Brachysporium torulosum (Deightoniella black tip of banana) as Corynespora torulosa. Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.

Stud Mycol ; 73(1): 1-36, 2012 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23136457


Although only recently described, Colletotrichum boninense is well established in literature as an anthracnose pathogen or endophyte of a diverse range of host plants worldwide. It is especially prominent on members of Amaryllidaceae, Orchidaceae, Proteaceae and Solanaceae. Reports from literature and preliminary studies using ITS sequence data indicated that C. boninense represents a species complex. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3, CAL) of 86 strains previously identified as C. boninense and other related strains revealed 18 clades. These clades are recognised here as separate species, including C. boninense s. str., C. hippeastri, C. karstii and 12 previously undescribed species, C. annellatum, C. beeveri, C. brassicicola, C. brasiliense, C. colombiense, C. constrictum, C. cymbidiicola, C. dacrycarpi, C. novae-zelandiae, C. oncidii, C. parsonsiae and C. torulosum. Seven of the new species are only known from New Zealand, perhaps reflecting a sampling bias. The new combination C. phyllanthi was made, and C. dracaenae Petch was epitypified and the name replaced with C. petchii. Typical for species of the C. boninense species complex are the conidiogenous cells with rather prominent periclinal thickening that also sometimes extend to form a new conidiogenous locus or annellations as well as conidia that have a prominent basal scar. Many species in the C. boninense complex form teleomorphs in culture. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New combination - Colletotrichum phyllanthi (H. Surendranath Pai) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Name replacement - C. petchii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. New species - C. annellatum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. beeveri Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. brassicicola Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. brasiliense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous & Massola, C. colombiense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, C. constrictum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. cymbidiicola Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. dacrycarpi Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. novae-zelandiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. oncidii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. parsonsiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. torulosum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir. Typifications: Epitypifications - C. dracaenae Petch.

Stud Mycol ; 73(1): 37-113, 2012 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23136458


Colletotrichum acutatum is known as an important anthracnose pathogen of a wide range of host plants worldwide. Numerous studies have reported subgroups within the C. acutatum species complex. Multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3) of 331 strains previously identified as C. acutatum and other related taxa, including strains from numerous hosts with wide geographic distributions, confirmed the molecular groups previously recognised and identified a series of novel taxa. Thirty-one species are accepted, of which 21 have not previously been recognised. Colletotrichum orchidophilum clusters basal to the C. acutatum species complex. There is a high phenotypic diversity within this complex, and some of the species appear to have preferences to specific hosts or geographical regions. Others appear to be plurivorous and are present in multiple regions. In this study, only C. salicis and C. rhombiforme formed sexual morphs in culture, although sexual morphs have been described from other taxa (especially as laboratory crosses), and there is evidence of hybridisation between different species. One species with similar morphology to C. acutatum but not belonging to this species complex was also described here as new, namely C. pseudoacutatum. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New combinations - Colletotrichum limetticola (R.E. Clausen) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. lupini (Bondar) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. salicis (Fuckel) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. New species - C. acerbum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. australe Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. brisbanense Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. cosmi Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. costaricense Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. cuscutae Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. guajavae Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. indonesiense Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. johnstonii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. kinghornii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. laticiphilum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. melonis Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. orchidophilum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. paxtonii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. pseudoacutatum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous C. pyricola Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. rhombiforme Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. scovillei Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. sloanei Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. tamarilloi Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. walleri Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Typifications: Epitypifications - C. acutatum J.H. Simmonds, C. limetticola (R.E. Clausen) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. nymphaeae (Pass.) Aa, C. phormii (Henn.) D.F. Farr & Rossman, C. salicis (Fuckel) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Lectotypifications - C. nymphaeae (Pass.) Aa, C. orchidearum Allesch.

Stud Mycol ; 73(1): 115-80, 2012 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23136459


The limit of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex is defined genetically, based on a strongly supported clade within the Colletotrichum ITS gene tree. All taxa accepted within this clade are morphologically more or less typical of the broadly defined C. gloeosporioides, as it has been applied in the literature for the past 50 years. We accept 22 species plus one subspecies within the C. gloeosporioides complex. These include C. asianum, C. cordylinicola, C. fructicola, C. gloeosporioides, C. horii, C. kahawae subsp. kahawae, C. musae, C. nupharicola, C. psidii, C. siamense, C. theobromicola, C. tropicale, and C. xanthorrhoeae, along with the taxa described here as new, C. aenigma, C. aeschynomenes, C. alatae, C. alienum, C. aotearoa, C. clidemiae, C. kahawae subsp. ciggaro, C. salsolae, and C. ti, plus the nom. nov. C. queenslandicum (for C. gloeosporioides var. minus). All of the taxa are defined genetically on the basis of multi-gene phylogenies. Brief morphological descriptions are provided for species where no modern description is available. Many of the species are unable to be reliably distinguished using ITS, the official barcoding gene for fungi. Particularly problematic are a set of species genetically close to C. musae and another set of species genetically close to C. kahawae, referred to here as the Musae clade and the Kahawae clade, respectively. Each clade contains several species that are phylogenetically well supported in multi-gene analyses, but within the clades branch lengths are short because of the small number of phylogenetically informative characters, and in a few cases individual gene trees are incongruent. Some single genes or combinations of genes, such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase, can be used to reliably distinguish most taxa and will need to be developed as secondary barcodes for species level identification, which is important because many of these fungi are of biosecurity significance. In addition to the accepted species, notes are provided for names where a possible close relationship with C. gloeosporioides sensu lato has been suggested in the recent literature, along with all subspecific taxa and formae speciales within C. gloeosporioides and its putative teleomorph Glomerella cingulata. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: Name replacement - C. queenslandicum B. Weir & P.R. Johnst. New species - C. aenigma B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. aeschynomenes B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. alatae B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. alienum B. Weir & P.R. Johnst, C. aotearoa B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. clidemiae B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. salsolae B. Weir & P.R. Johnst., C. ti B. Weir & P.R. Johnst. New subspecies - C. kahawae subsp. ciggaro B. Weir & P.R. Johnst. Typification: Epitypification - C. queenslandicum B. Weir & P.R. Johnst.

Stud Mycol ; 73(1): 181-213, 2012 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23136460


A review is provided of the current state of understanding of Colletotrichum systematics, focusing on species-level data and the major clades. The taxonomic placement of the genus is discussed, and the evolution of our approach to species concepts and anamorph-teleomorph relationships is described. The application of multilocus technologies to phylogenetic analysis of Colletotrichum is reviewed, and selection of potential genes/loci for barcoding purposes is discussed. Host specificity and its relation to speciation and taxonomy is briefly addressed. A short review is presented of the current status of classification of the species clusters that are currently without comprehensive multilocus analyses, emphasising the orbiculare and destructivum aggregates. The future for Colletotrichum biology will be reliant on consensus classification and robust identification tools. In support of these goals, a Subcommission on Colletotrichum has been formed under the auspices of the International Commission on Taxonomy of Fungi, which will administer a carefully curated barcode database for sequence-based identification of species within the BioloMICS web environment.

Persoonia ; 28: 1-13, 2012 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23105149


Severe decline of almond trees has recently been observed in several orchards on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean Sea). However, the identity of the causal agents has not yet been investigated. Between August 2008 and June 2010, wood samples from branches of almond trees showing internal necroses and brown to black vascular streaking were collected in the Llevant region on the island of Mallorca. Several fungal species were subsequently isolated from the margin between healthy and symptomatic tissue. Five species of Botryosphaeriaceae (namely Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diplodia olivarum, D. seriata, Neofusicoccum australe and N. parvum), Eutypa lata, Phaeoacremonium iranianum and Phomopsis amygdali were identified based on morphology, culture characteristics and DNA sequence comparisons. Neofusicoccum parvum was the dominant species, followed by E. lata, D. olivarum and N. australe. First reports from almond include D. olivarum and Pm. iranianum. Two species are newly described, namely Collophora hispanica sp. nov. and Phaeoacremonium amygdalinum sp. nov.