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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5101, 2023 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37730797


In shallow subduction zones, fluid behavior impacts various geodynamic processes capable of regulating slip behaviors and forming mud volcanoes. However, evidence of structures that control the fluid transfer within an overriding plate is limited and the physical properties at the source faults of slow earthquakes are poorly understood. Here we present high-resolution seismic velocity models and reflection images of the Hyuga-nada area, Japan, where the Kyushu-Palau ridge subducts. We image distinct kilometer-wide columns in the upper plate with reduced velocities that extend vertically from the seafloor down to 10-13 km depth. We interpret the low-velocity columns as damaged zones caused by seamount subduction and suggest that they serve as conduits, facilitating vertical fluid migration from the plate boundary. The lateral variation in upper-plate velocity and seismic reflectivity along the plate boundary correlates with the distribution of slow earthquakes, indicating that the upper-plate drainage system controls the complex pattern of seismic slip at subduction faults.

Sci Adv ; 9(33): eadh0150, 2023 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37585538


Recurring slow slip along near-trench megathrust faults occurs at many subduction zones, but for unknown reasons, this process is not universal. Fluid overpressures are implicated in encouraging slow slip; however, links between slow slip, fluid content, and hydrogeology remain poorly known in natural systems. Three-dimensional seismic imaging and ocean drilling at the Hikurangi margin reveal a widespread and previously unknown fluid reservoir within the extensively hydrated (up to 47 vol % H2O) volcanic upper crust of the subducting Hikurangi Plateau large igneous province. This ~1.5 km thick volcaniclastic upper crust readily dewaters with subduction but retains half of its fluid content upon reaching regions with well-characterized slow slip. We suggest that volcaniclastic-rich upper crust at volcanic plateaus and seamounts is a major source of water that contributes to the fluid budget in subduction zones and may drive fluid overpressures along the megathrust that give rise to frequent shallow slow slip.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 7873, 2023 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37188678


At the northern Cascadia subduction zone, the subducting Explorer and Juan de Fuca plates interact across a transform deformation zone, known as the Nootka fault zone (NFZ). This study continues the Seafloor Earthquake Array Japan Canada Cascadia Experiment to a second phase (SeaJade II) consisting of nine months of recording of earthquakes using ocean-bottom and land-based seismometers. In addition to mapping the distribution of seismicity, including an MW 6.4 earthquake and aftershocks along the previously unknown Nootka Sequence Fault, we also conducted seismic tomography, which delineates the geometry of the shallow subducting Explorer plate (ExP). We derived hundreds of high-quality focal mechanism solutions from the SeaJade II data. The mechanisms manifest a complex regional tectonic state, with normal faulting of the ExP west of the NFZ, left-lateral strike-slip behaviour of the NFZ, and reverse faulting within the overriding plate above the subducting Juan de Fuca plate. Using data from the combined SeaJade I and II catalogs, we have performed double-difference hypocentre relocations and found seismicity lineations to the southeast of, and oriented 18° clockwise from, the subducted NFZ, which we interpret to represent less active small faults off the primary faults of the NFZ. These lineations are not optimally oriented for shear failure in the regional stress field, which we inferred from averaged focal mechanism solutions, and may represent paleo-configurations of the NFZ. Further, active faults interpreted from seismicity lineations within the subducted plate, including the Nootka Sequence Fault, may have originated as conjugate faults within the paleo-NFZ.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20064, 2021 10 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34625626


Although tsunamis are dispersive water waves, hazard maps for earthquake-generated tsunamis neglect dispersive effects because the spatial dimensions of tsunamis are much greater than the water depth, and dispersive effects are generally small. Furthermore, calculations that include non-dispersive effects tend to predict higher tsunamis than ones that include dispersive effects. Although non-dispersive models may overestimate the tsunami height, this conservative approach is acceptable in disaster management, where the goal is to save lives and protect property. However, we demonstrate that offshore frequency dispersion amplifies tsunamis caused by outer-rise earthquakes, which displace the ocean bottom downward in a narrow area, generating a dispersive short-wavelength and pulling-dominant (water withdrawn) tsunami. We compared observational evidence and calculations of tsunami for a 1933 Mw 8.3 outer-rise earthquake along the Japan Trench. Dispersive (Boussinesq) calculations predicted significant frequency dispersion in the 1933 tsunami. The dispersive tsunami deformation offshore produced tsunami inundation heights that were about 10% larger than those predicted by non-dispersive (long-wave) calculations. The dispersive tsunami calculations simulated the observed tsunami inundation heights better than did the non-dispersive tsunami calculations. Contrary to conventional practice, we conclude that dispersive calculations are essential when preparing deterministic hazard maps for outer-rise tsunamis.

Science ; 371(6534)2021 03 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33707238


The 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake occurred in the Japan Trench 10 years ago, where devastating earthquakes and tsunamis have repeatedly resulted from subduction of the Pacific plate. Densely instrumented seismic, geodetic, and tsunami observation networks precisely recorded the event, including seafloor observations. A large coseismic fault slip that unexpectedly extended to a shallow part of megathrust fault was documented. Strong lateral variations of the coseismic slip near the trench were recorded from marine geophysical studies, along with a possible cause of these variations. The seismic activities in east Japan are still higher than those before the earthquake, and crustal deformation is still occurring. Although the recurrence probability of a great earthquake (magnitude = ~9) in the Japan Trench in the near future is very low, a large normal fault earthquake seaward of the Japan Trench is a concerning possibility.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 2797, 2021 02 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33531541


A ship-based seismic survey was conducted close to a fiber-optic submarine cable, and 50 km-long distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) recordings with air-gun shots were obtained for the first time. We examine the acquired DAS dataset together with the co-located hydrophones to investigate the detection capability of underwater acoustic (hydroacoustic) signals. Here, we show the hydroacoustic signals identified by the DAS measurement characterizing in frequency-time space. The DAS measurement can be sensitive for hydroacoustic signals in a frequency range from [Formula: see text] to a few tens of Hz which is similar to the hydrophones. The observed phases of hydroacoustic signals are coherent within a few kilometers along the submarine cable, suggesting the DAS is suitable for applying correlation analysis using hydroacoustic signals. Although our study suggests that virtual sensor's self-noise of the present DAS measurement is relatively high compared to the conventional in-situ hydroacoustic sensors above a few Hz, the DAS identifies the ocean microseismic background noise along the entire submarine cable except for some cable sections de-coupled from the seafloor.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 11607, 2020 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32665634


Since the giant 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, much research has focused on the distribution of coseismic slip at shallow depths during this subduction megathrust event. Here we present seismic images obtained in the immediate vicinity of the trench axis, that show thrust faults and fold-and-thrust type deformation structures near the epicenter of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake where the large coseismic slip has been inferred, and chaotic structure and the absence of thrust faults in northern and southern source areas. Seismic profiles show evidence of slope failures of the trench inner wall in a proposed tsunami source region around 39°-40° N, where the slips estimated from previous studies are in disagreement. Our results show that structural characteristics in the trench axis may be related to the occurrence of shallow megathrust slip and tsunamigenesis in the Japan Trench.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 3844, 2018 09 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30242157


Hydration of the subducting oceanic plate determines the amount of water transported from Earth's surface into its interior, and plate bending-related faulting (bend faulting) just prior to subduction is considered to promote hydration. Bend faulting shows significant spatial variation, but its contribution to hydration is still poorly understood. Here we present the results of controlled-source seismic surveys around the junction of the Japan and Kuril trenches. We found structural changes caused by bend faulting before subduction differed distinctly between both trenches and were well correlated with plate hydration after subduction, suggesting the bend faulting controls spatial variations in plate hydration. Differences in bend faulting are closely related to the angle between the current trench and the ancient spreading ridge, and the hydration is more extensive where this trench-ridge angle is oblique in the study area. Thus, we propose this angle is a major factor controlling plate hydration.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 984, 2018 03 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29540688


Recent studies of slow earthquakes along plate boundaries have shown that tectonic tremor, low-frequency earthquakes, very-low-frequency events (VLFEs), and slow-slip events (SSEs) often accompany each other and appear to share common source faults. However, the source processes of slow events occurring in the shallow part of plate boundaries are not well known because seismic observations have been limited to land-based stations, which offer poor resolution beneath offshore plate boundaries. Here we use data obtained from seafloor observation networks in the Nankai trough, southwest of Japan, to investigate shallow VLFEs in detail. Coincident with the VLFE activity, signals indicative of shallow SSEs were detected by geodetic observations at seafloor borehole observatories in the same region. We find that the shallow VLFEs and SSEs share common source regions and almost identical time histories of moment release. We conclude that these slow events arise from the same fault slip and that VLFEs represent relatively high-frequency fluctuations of slip during SSEs.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 15770, 2017 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29150652


The interactions of the lithospheric plates that form the Earth's outer shell provide much of the evidentiary basis for modern plate tectonic theory. Seismic discontinuities in the lithosphere arising from mantle convection and plate motion provide constraints on the physical and chemical properties of the mantle that contribute to the processes of formation and evolution of tectonic plates. Seismological studies during the past two decades have detected seismic discontinuities within the oceanic lithosphere in addition to that at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB). However, the depth, distribution, and physical properties of these discontinuities are not well constrained, which makes it difficult to use seismological data to examine their origin. Here we present new active-source seismic data acquired along a 1,130 km profile across an old Pacific plate (148-128 Ma) that show oceanic mid-lithosphere discontinuities (oceanic MLDs) distributed 37-59 km below the seafloor. The presence of the oceanic MLDs suggests that frozen melts that accumulated at past LABs have been preserved as low-velocity layers within the current mature lithosphere. These observations show that long-offset, high-frequency, active-source seismic data can be used to image mid-lithospheric structure, which is fundamental to understanding the formation and evolution of tectonic plates.

Nat Commun ; 8: 14044, 2017 01 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28074829


During the 2011 magnitude 9 Tohoku-oki earthquake, very large slip occurred on the shallowest part of the subduction megathrust. Quantitative information on the shallow slip is of critical importance to distinguishing between different rupture mechanics and understanding the generation of the ensuing devastating tsunami. However, the magnitude and distribution of the shallow slip are essentially unknown due primarily to the lack of near-trench constraints, as demonstrated by a compilation of 45 rupture models derived from a large range of data sets. To quantify the shallow slip, here we model high-resolution bathymetry differences before and after the earthquake across the trench axis. The slip is determined to be about 62 m over the most near-trench 40 km of the fault with a gentle increase towards the trench. This slip distribution indicates that dramatic net weakening or strengthening of the shallow fault did not occur during the Tohoku-oki earthquake.

Sci Rep ; 6: 33517, 2016 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27669662


The straightforward but unexpected relationship presented here relates crustal thickness to magma type in the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) and Aleutian oceanic arcs. Volcanoes along the southern segment of the Izu-Ogasawara arc and the western Aleutian arc (west of Adak) are underlain by thin crust (10-20 km). In contrast those along the northern segment of the Izu-Ogasawara arc and eastern Aleutian arc are underlain by crust ~35 km thick. Interestingly, andesite magmas dominate eruptive products from the former volcanoes and mostly basaltic lavas erupt from the latter. According to the hypothesis presented here, rising mantle diapirs stall near the base of the oceanic crust at depths controlled by the thickness of the overlying crust. Where the crust is thin, melting occurs at relatively low pressures in the mantle wedge producing andesitic magmas. Where the crust is thick, melting pressures are higher and only basaltic magmas tend to be produced. The implications of this hypothesis are: (1) the rate of continental crust accumulation, which is andesitic in composition, would have been greatest soon after subduction initiated on Earth, when most crust was thin; and (2) most andesite magmas erupted on continental crust could be recycled from "primary" andesite originally produced in oceanic arcs.

Nat Commun ; 7: 12255, 2016 07 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27447546


It has been recognized that even weakly coupled subduction zones may cause large interplate earthquakes leading to destructive tsunamis. The Ryukyu Trench is one of the best fields to study this phenomenon, since various slow earthquakes and tsunamis have occurred; yet the fault structure and seismic activity there are poorly constrained. Here we present seismological evidence from marine observation for megathrust faults and low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs). On the basis of passive observation we find LFEs occur at 15-18 km depths along the plate interface and their distribution seems to bridge the gap between the shallow tsunamigenic zone and the deep slow slip region. This suggests that the southern Ryukyu Trench is dominated by slow earthquakes at any depths and lacks a typical locked zone. The plate interface is overlaid by a low-velocity wedge and is accompanied by polarity reversals of seismic reflections, indicating fluids exist at various depths along the plate interface.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6132, 2015 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25635384


Excitations of seismic background noises are mostly related to fluid disturbances in the atmosphere, ocean and the solid Earth. Earthquakes have not been considered as a stationary excitation source because they occur intermittently. Here we report that acoustic-coupled Rayleigh waves (at 0.7-2.0 Hz) travelling in the ocean and marine sediments, retrieved by correlating ambient noise on a hydrophone array deployed through a shallow to deep seafloor (100-4,800 m) across the Nankai Trough, Japan, are incessantly excited by nearby small earthquakes. The observed cross-correlation functions and 2D numerical simulations for wave propagation through a laterally heterogeneous ocean-crust system show that, in a subduction zone, energetic wave sources are located primarily under the seafloor in directions consistent with nearby seismicity, and secondarily in the ocean. Short-period background noise in the ocean-crust system in the Nankai subduction zone is mainly attributed to ocean-acoustic Rayleigh waves of earthquake origin.

Science ; 334(6060): 1240, 2011 Dec 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22144619


We detected and measured coseismic displacement caused by the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [moment magnitude (M(W)) 9.0] by using multibeam bathymetric surveys. The difference between bathymetric data acquired before and after the earthquake revealed that the displacement extended out to the axis of the Japan Trench, suggesting that the fault rupture reached the trench axis. The sea floor on the outermost landward area moved about 50 meters horizontally east-southeast and ~10 meters upward. The large horizontal displacement lifted the sea floor by up to 16 meters on the landward slope in addition to the vertical displacement.

Science ; 304(5675): 1295-8, 2004 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15166372


Silent-slip events have been detected at several subduction zones, but the cause of these events is unknown. Using seismic imaging, we detected a cause of the Tokai silent slip, which occurred at a presumed fault zone of a great earthquake. The seismic image that we obtained shows a zone of high pore fluid pressure in the subducted oceanic crust located down-dip of a subducted ridge. We propose that these structures effectively extend a region of conditionally stable slips and consequently generate the silent slip.

Science ; 297(5584): 1157-60, 2002 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12183623


Seismic reflection profiles reveal steeply landward-dipping splay faults in the rupture area of the magnitude (M) 8.1 Tonankai earthquake in the Nankai subduction zone. These splay faults branch upward from the plate-boundary interface (that is, the subduction zone) at a depth of approximately 10 kilometers, approximately 50 to 55 kilometers landward of the trough axis, breaking through the upper crustal plate. Slip on the active splay fault may be an important mechanism that accommodates the elastic strain caused by relative plate motion.