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Zootaxa ; 5155(2): 151-186, 2022 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36095589


The Tityus forcipula species group has had an intricate taxonomic history, changing its diagnostic characters and composition on several occasions. One of the alleged reasons for this taxonomic uncertainty is the use of superficial characters (i.e. raw similarity instead of putative synapomorphies) for species group delimitation. Here, we conducted a thorough phenotypic survey across the Tityus forcipula species group, as currently delimited, including characters that had been suggested elsewhere as putative synapomorphies for delimiting lineages within Tityus. In doing so we also redescribe Tityus forcipula and describe a new species belonging to the Tityus forcipula species group: Tityus moralensis sp. nov. based on specimens from the Andean region of Valle del Cauca department, Colombia. The Tityus forcipula species group is here delimited to Andean species from Colombia and Ecuador that share strongly sclerotized and brown colored pectines, basal middle lamellae of female pectines dilated and suboval or ovoid shaped, basal plate of female pectines without glandular region and telotarsi with two ventrosubmedian rows (type II) of stout macrosetae (i.e., Tityus crassicauda, Tityus cuellari, Tityus forcipula, Tityus fuhrmanni and Tityus moralensis sp. nov). The new Tityus species is placed into a phylogenetic context with other buthid species using DNA sequences (COI and 28S). Finally, we provide a map with updated distributional records of the Tityus forcipula species group.

Escorpiones , Animales , Femenino , Filogenia
Syst Biol ; 71(6): 1281-1289, 2022 10 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35348798


Scorpions constitute a charismatic lineage of arthropods and comprise more than 2500 described species. Found throughout various tropical and temperate habitats, these predatory arachnids have a long evolutionary history, with a fossil record that began in the Silurian. While all scorpions are venomous, the asymmetrically diverse family Buthidae harbors nearly half the diversity of extant scorpions, and all but one of the 58 species that are medically significant to humans. However, the lack of a densely sampled scorpion phylogeny has hindered broader inferences of the diversification dynamics of scorpion toxins. To redress this gap, we assembled a phylogenomic data set of 100 scorpion venom gland transcriptomes and genomes, emphasizing the sampling of highly toxic buthid genera. To infer divergence times of venom gene families, we applied a phylogenomic node dating approach for the species tree in tandem with phylostratigraphic bracketing to estimate the minimum ages of mammal-specific toxins. Our analyses establish a robustly supported phylogeny of scorpions, particularly with regard to relationships between medically significant taxa. Analysis of venom gene families shows that mammal-active sodium channel toxins (NaTx) have independently evolved in five lineages within Buthidae. Temporal windows of mammal-targeting toxin origins are correlated with the basal diversification of major scorpion mammal predators such as shrews, bats, and rodents. These results suggest an evolutionary model of relatively recent diversification of buthid NaTx homologs in response to the diversification of scorpion predators. [Adaptation; arachnids; phylogenomic dating; phylostratigraphy; venom.].

Venenos de Escorpión , Escorpiones , Animales , Humanos , Mamíferos , Filogenia , Venenos de Escorpión/genética , Escorpiones/genética , Canales de Sodio/genética
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221426, 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420331


Abstract Scientific collections constitute a valuable source for contributions to scientific research and the training of human resources in systematics, but also other areas of biological knowledge. In this contribution, we intend to discuss these advancements in collections and the role played by FAPESP in sponsoring them, as well as a general overview of the zoological collections in São Paulo state. We also aim to stress the importance of zoological collections and the need for continuous logistic and financial support from institutions and research agencies to maintain and develop these unique repositories of biodiversity. From 1980 to the present, FAPESP supported 118 research projects focused on several areas of zoology that are directly or indirectly associated with collections. There is a constant growth in the number of projects, and the financial support provided by FAPESP through the Biota Program was paramount for the advancement of our knowledge of biodiversity in Brazil. Parallel to the scientific advances, but not less important, this support allowed curators to increase the number of specimens, and to organize, maintain and digitize them in these valuable and irreplaceable collections. Regarding the lack of new taxonomists, it is essential that FAPESP and universities in São Paulo encourage the formation of new academics in zoological groups where specialists are rare. Considering the investment provided by FAPESP, it is quite important that the institutions that benefited from these resources took greater responsibility to safeguard these collections, and they should consider including resources on their budgets to obtain safety certificates, ensuring their permanence for many generations to come. Zoological collections are a heritage of humanity and are essential not only for the improvement of our knowledge of biodiversity but also with direct applications, among other services provided by these biological resources. It is important that research and teaching institutions in São Paulo that house specimens under their care start to value more this important patrimony and this heritage, as these collections represent the most valuable testimony of our impressive biodiversity, records of our past, and windows to our future, essential to our academic, scientific, cultural and social sovereignty.

Resumo As coleções científicas constituem uma fonte valiosa para contribuições à pesquisa científica e para a formação de recursos humanos em sistemática, mas também em outras áreas do conhecimento biológico. Nesta contribuição, pretendemos discutir esses avanços nas coleções e o papel desempenhado pela FAPESP no seu patrocínio, bem como um panorama geral das coleções zoológicas do estado de São Paulo. Também pretendemos enfatizar a importância das coleções zoológicas e a necessidade de apoio logístico e financeiro contínuo de instituições e agências de pesquisa para manter e desenvolver esses repositórios únicos de biodiversidade. Ao longo de 1980 até os dias atuais, a FAPESP apoiou 118 projetos de pesquisa focados em diversas áreas da zoologia, direta ou indiretamente associados a coleções. Há um crescimento constante no número de projetos, e o apoio financeiro da FAPESP por meio do Programa Biota foi fundamental para o avanço do nosso conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade no Brasil. Paralelamente aos avanços científicos, mas não menos importante, este apoio permitiu aos curadores aumentar o número de exemplares, e organizá-los, mantê-los e digitalizá-los nestas valiosas e insubstituíveis coleções. Em relação à falta de novos taxonomistas, é fundamental que a FAPESP e as universidades paulistas estimulem a formação de novos acadêmicos em grupos zoológicos onde os especialistas são raros. Considerando o investimento realizado pela FAPESP, é de suma importância que as instituições beneficiadas com esses recursos tenham maior responsabilidade na salvaguarda desses acervos, devendo considerar a inclusão de recursos em seus orçamentos para obtenção de certificados de segurança, garantindo sua permanência por muitas gerações. As coleções zoológicas são patrimônio da humanidade, e são essenciais não apenas para o aprimoramento do nosso conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade, mas também com aplicações diretas, entre outros serviços prestados por esses recursos biológicos. É importante que as instituições de pesquisa e ensino paulistas que abrigam exemplares sob seus cuidados passem a valorizar mais esse importante patrimônio e essa herança, pois essas coleções representam o testemunho mais valioso de nossa impressionante biodiversidade, registros do nosso passado e janelas para o nosso futuro, essenciais à nossa soberania acadêmica, científica, cultural e social.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221339, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383937


Abstract: We briefly describe selected results from our thematic project focused on the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest ("AF BIOTA"), which was jointly funded by FAPESP's BIOTA Program, the U.S. National Science Foundation Dimensions of Biodiversity Program, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). As one of the five most important hotspots of biodiversity in the world, the Atlantic Forest (AF) holds less than 16% of its vegetation cover, yet, amongst the hotspots, it still harbors one of the highest numbers of species, including endemics. By gathering specialists across multiple disciplines (biology, geology, engineering), we aimed to understand how this megabiodiversity was built through time, informing biodiversity science and conservation. Among the results, we trained 18 Master's and 26 Ph.D. students, published more than 400 peer-reviewed papers that improved our knowledge about the forest's biologic and climatic diversity and dynamics through time, developed new analytical methods, produced outreach videos and articles, and provided data to help define biodiversity conservation policies.

Resumo: Descrevemos de forma resumida resultados selecionados do nosso projeto temático com foco na biodiversidade da Floresta Atlântica ("AF BIOTA"), que foi financiado pelo BIOTA FAPESP e pelo programa "Dimensions of Biodiversity" da "U.S. National Science Foundation" e "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" (NASA). Devido à sua megabiodiversidade (que inclui várias espécies endêmicas), e por restar menos de 16% da vegetação original, a Floresta Atlântica (FA) é uma das cinco áreas mais importantes para a biodiversidade do planeta ("biodiversity hotspot"). Reunimos especialistas de diversas disciplinas (biologia, geologia, engenharia) visando compreender como essa megabiodiversidade evoluiu ao longo do tempo e fornecer informações científicas para a sua conservação. Dentre os resultados obtidos, nós formamos 18 mestres e 26 doutores, publicamos mais de 400 artigos científicos que aumentaram o conhecimento sobre a diversidade biológica e climática da FA e sua dinâmica ao longo do tempo, desenvolvemos novos métodos analíticos, produzimos material de divulgação científica e fornecemos dados para desenvolver políticas públicas de conservação da biodiversidade.

PeerJ ; 9: e11682, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34692238


The type species of Mischonyx Bertkau 1880, Mischonyx squalidus, was described based on a juvenile. The holotype is lost. Based on a revision of publications, the genus includes 12 species, all in Brazil. The objectives of this research are: to propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for Mischonyx based on Total Evidence (TE); propose taxonomic changes based on the phylogeny; and analyze the phylogenetic hypothesis biogeographically. Using the exemplar approach to taxon selection, we studied 54 specimens, 15 outgroups and 39 ingroup taxa using seven molecular markers (28S, 12S and 16S ribosomal genes, citochrome oxidase subunit I gene, carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase gene, internal transcribed spacer subunit 2 and histone H3 gene), totaling 3,742 bp, and 128 morphological characters. We analyzed the dataset under three optimality criteria: Maximum likelihood (ML), Maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian. We discuss the transformation of character states throughout the phylogeny, the different phylogenetic hypotheses using different datasets and the congruence of evidence between the clades obtained by the phylogenetic analysis and the biogeographical hypothesis for the Atlantic Forest areas of endemism. We estimate that Mischonyx clade diverged 50.53 Mya, and inside the genus there are two major clades. One of them cointains species from Paraná, Santa Catarina, South of São Paulo and Serra do Mar Areas of Endemism and the other has species from Espinhaço, Bocaina, South coast of Rio de Janeiro and Serra dos Órgãos Areas of Endemism. The first split inside these two clades occurred at 48.94 and 44.80 Mya, respectively. We describe three new species from Brazil: Mischonyx minimus sp. nov. (type locality: Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro), Mischonyx intervalensis sp. nov. (type locality: Ribeirão Grande, São Paulo) and Mischonyx tinguaensis sp. nov (type locality: Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro). The genus Urodiabunus Mello-Leitão, 1935 is considered a junior synonym of Mischonyx. Weyhia spinifrons Mello-Leitão, 1923; Weyhia clavifemur Mello-Leitão, 1927 and Geraeocormobius reitzi Vasconcelos, 2005 were transferred to Mischonyx. Mischonyx cuspidatus (Roewer, 1913) is a junior synonym of M. squalidus Bertkau, 1880. In the results of the phylogenetic analyses, Gonyleptes antiquus Mello-Leitão, 1934 (former Mischonyx antiquus) does not belong in Mischonyx and its original combination is re-established. As it is now defined, Mischonyx comprises 17 species, with seven new combinations.

Zootaxa ; 4984(1): 203217, 2021 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34186686


Three new species of harvestmen are described based on morphology. Taito mayoruna spec. nov. from Jenaro Herrera province, Loreto, Peru is differentiated from other species of Taito Kury Barros, 2014 by features such as anal operculum armed, and femur IV with two retro-distal spines. Taito curupira spec. nov. from Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil is recognized by an H-shaped color pattern, femur IV curved dorsally and armed with medial prolateral and retrolateral tubercles. A third species herein described, Eulibitia chacuamarei spec. nov., from Trinidad, Casanare, Colombia is distinguished by the absence of a ladder mask and by the presence of blunt tubercles on areas I, III and the posterior margin. Penial morphology is described, and SEM micrographs are included.

Arácnidos/anatomía & histología , Arácnidos/clasificación , Animales , Brasil , Colombia , Perú
PLoS One ; 16(6): e0249746, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34077418


Neosadocus harvestmen are endemic to the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Although they are conspicuous and display great morphological variation, their evolutionary history and the biogeographical events underlying their diversification and distribution are still unknown. This contribution about Neosadocus includes the following: a taxonomic revision; a molecular phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial and nuclear markers; an investigation of the genetic structure and species' diversity in a phylogeographical framework. Our results show that Neosadocus is a monophyletic group and comprises four species: N. bufo, N. maximus, N. robustus and N. misandrus (which we did not find on fieldwork and only studied the female holotype). There is astonishing male polymorphism in N. robustus, mostly related to reproductive strategies. The following synonymies have resulted from this work: "Bunoweyhia" variabilis Mello-Leitão, 1935 = Neosadocus bufo (Mello-Leitão, 1926); and "Bunoweyhia" minor Mello-Leitão, 1935 = Neosadocus maximus (Giltay, 1928). Most divergences occurred during the Miocene, a geological epoch marked by intense orogenic and climatic events in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Intraspecific analyses indicate strong population structure, a pattern congruent with the general behavior and physiological constraints of Neotropical harvestmen.

Distribución Animal , Arácnidos/clasificación , Evolución Biológica , Bosques , Animales , Brasil , Núcleo Celular/metabolismo , Mitocondrias/metabolismo , Filogeografía , Reproducción
Zookeys ; 1025: 91-137, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33814947


Species of the genus Sadocus Sørensen, 1886 are conspicuous gonyleptids that occur in Chile and Argentina. Here, the genus is revised for the first time and the cladistic analysis based on morphological characters does not corroborate its monophyly unless a phylogenetically unrelated species is excluded (explained further on). A new classification is proposed for the seven species left in the genus and considered valid, of the 13 nominal species previously recognized. Two out of the seven valid species are considered as species inquirendae: Sadocus allermayeri (Mello-Leitão, 1945) [= Carampangue allermayeri Mello-Leitão, 1945] and Sadocus nigronotatus (Mello-Leitão, 1943) [= Carampangue nigronotatum Mello-Leitão, 1943]. The following synonymies are proposed: Sadocus bicornis (Gervais, 1849) [original combination = Gonyleptes bicornis Gervais, 1849] is a junior synonym of Sadocus asperatus (Gervais, 1847) [= Gonyleptes asperatus Gervais, 1847]; Sadocus conspicillatus Roewer, 1913, Sadocus exceptionalis (Mello-Leitão, 1946) [= Araucanoleptes exceptionalis Mello-Leitão, 1946] and Sadocus guttatus Sørensen, 1902 are junior synonyms of the valid name Sadocus polyacanthus (Gervais, 1847) [= Gonyleptes polyacanthus Gervais, 1847]; and Sadocus calcar (Roewer, 1913) [= Lycomedes calcar Roewer, 1913] is a junior synonym of the valid name Gonyleptes horridus Kirby, 1819. Sadocus brasiliensis Soares & Soares, 1949 is not congeneric with Argentinean/Chilean species of the genus according to the cladistic analysis and is here synonymized with Discocyrtus catharinensis (Mello-Leitão, 1923 [= Sadocus catharinensis Mello-Leitão, 1923]).

Zookeys ; 1075: 33-75, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35046751


We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis including a survey for overlooked phenotypic characters. Based on both analysis and characters a new cave-dwelling species is described: Tityus (Tityus) spelaeussp. nov. from the Russão II cave, Posse, state of Goiás, Central Brazil. Characters such as the glandular regions of the female pectinal basal piece and basal middle lamellae of pectines, and the distribution of the ventral setae of telotarsi I-IV proved to be useful to constructing the taxonomy of species and species groups of Tityus. The new species is a member of the Tityustrivittatus species-group of Tityus (Tityus) and can be readily recognized by the immaculate coloration pattern and the more developed glandular region on the female pectinal basal piece. In addition, we provide a discussion of the phylogenetic relationships observed within Tityus, on the relevance of the new phenotypic characters to the modern taxonomy of the genus Tityus, and to the records of Brazilian cave scorpions.

Syst Biol ; 70(4): 648-659, 2021 06 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33057723


Gonyleptoidea, largely restricted to the Neotropics, constitutes the most diverse superfamily of Opiliones and includes the largest and flashiest representatives of this arachnid order. However, the relationships among its main lineages (families and subfamilies) and the timing of their origin are not sufficiently understood to explain how this tropical clade has been able to colonize the temperate zone. Here, we used transcriptomics and divergence time dating to investigate the phylogeny of Gonyleptoidea. Our results support the monophyly of Gonyleptoidea and all of its families with more than one species represented. Resolution within Gonyleptidae s.s. is achieved for many clades, but some subfamilies are not monophyletic (Gonyleptinae, Mitobatinae, and Pachylinae), requiring taxonomic revision. Our data show evidence for one colonization of today's temperate zone early in the history of Gonyleptidae, during the Paleogene, at a time when the Neotropical area extended poleward into regions now considered temperate. This provides a possible mechanism for the colonization of the extratropics by a tropical group following the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, explaining how latitudinal diversity gradients can be established. Taxonomic acts: Ampycidae Kury 2003 is newly ranked as family; Neosadocus Mello-Leitão is transferred to Progonyleptoidellinae (new subfamilial assignment). [Arachnids; biogeography; phylogenomics; transcriptomics.].

Arácnidos , Animales , Arácnidos/genética , Humanos , Filogenia
Zootaxa ; 4748(3): zootaxa.4748.3.7, 2020 Mar 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230066


Two new Colombian species of Quindina Roewer, 1915 are here described based on genital morphology and external characters. Quindina hermesi sp. nov. (type locality: Bolívar, San Jacinto) can be diagnosed externally by having a combination of colored tubercles on the ocularium, the anterior margin, areas I, II and IV of the dorsal scutum, and the free tergites; Q. discolor sp. nov. (type locality: Magdalena, Ciénaga) shows a different combination of colored tubercles on the ocularium and lateral margins. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by adding both new species to an existing matrix for Nomoclastidae. The analyses resulted in various topologies for the relationships among Nomoclastes Sørensen, 1932, Napostygnus Roewer, 1929, Kichua Pinto-da-Rocha Bragagnolo, 2017, Callcosma Roewer, 1932 and Quindina Roewer, 1914, but all analyses recovered the monophyly of Callcosma and Quindina. This constitutes the first record of the family in northern Colombia.

Arácnidos , Animales , Colombia , Filogenia
Zootaxa ; 4691(5): zootaxa.4691.5.3, 2019 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719377


As part of an ongoing revision and cladistic analysis of the "K92 clade" (Gonyleptidae), the Brazilian genus Progonyleptoidellus Piza, 1940 is revised and two new species from São Paulo State are described: P. bocaina sp. nov. and P. picinguaba sp. nov. A cladistic analysis of the genus was performed using these two new species plus the three previously described species of the genus [P. fuscopictus (B. Soares, 1942); P. orguensis (Soares Soares, 1954); and P. striatus (Roewer, 1913)], and 25 more additional gonyleptoid outgroup species, most being representatives of the K92 clade. The data matrix is composed of 109 characters: three from the ocularium, 24 from the dorsal scutum, six from the free tergites, nine from the pedipalp, 41 from the legs and 26 from male genitalia. The genus Progonyleptoidellus was recovered as monophyletic only with the exclusion of P. orguensis and was supported on the basis of only one exclusive synapomorphy: presence of dry-marks on sulci of dorsal scutum. Based on the cladistic analysis, P. orguensis was reallocated in Deltaspidium Roewer, 1927, herein considered a senior synonym of Adhynastes Roewer, 1930, and two new combinations are proposed: Deltaspidium orguense (Soares Soares, 1954) and Deltaspidium tenue (Roewer, 1930). Diagnoses are given for Progonyleptoidellus, the previously described species, (P. fuscopictus and P. striatus) and the two new species.

Arácnidos , Distribución Animal , Animales , Brasil , Masculino
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 138: 1-16, 2019 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31136801


The Brazilian Atlantic Forest has long been considered a global biodiversity hotspot. In the last decade, the phylogeographic patterns of endemic taxa have been unraveling the biogeographic history of the biome. However, highly diverse invertebrate species have still been poorly studied. Sodreana harvestmen (Gonyleptidae) are distributed in most of the humid coastal forests in the southern portion of the Atlantic Forest, a region that has experienced complex topographic evolution and differing climatic conditions since the Early Cretaceous, which likely affected the geographic distribution and diversification of the group. In this study, we investigated the molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of Sodreana to clarify the species relationships and to make inferences about the historical biogeography of the southern Atlantic Forest. We applied coalescent-based phylogenetic analyses using one mitochondrial and three nuclear markers coupled with an ecological niche modeling approach to verify relationships among species, date the main divergence events in the genus, and make inferences concerning possible changes in the geographical distribution and population dynamics from the past. Our results supported the validity of most Sodreana species and suggested that Paleogene-Neogene geomorphologic processes such as the formation of rivers systems, uplift of mountain ranges and related environmental changes have profoundly affected the evolutionary history of Sodreana. The ecological niche models showed that the areas potentially occupied by the species were greatly reduced during Quaternary glacial periods but no recent lineage divergences or genetic bottlenecks were detected, suggesting that climatically stable micro-habitats could have helped maintain populations during drier periods. Our study highlights the importance of humidity-dependent and poor-dispersal taxa in understanding the effects of ancient geological and climate processes on the Atlantic Forest biota.

Arácnidos/clasificación , Bosques , Filogeografía , Animales , Arácnidos/genética , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Núcleo Celular/genética , Variación Genética , Genética de Población , Haplotipos/genética , Mitocondrias/genética , Filogenia , Dinámica Poblacional
Zootaxa ; 4422(3): 422-430, 2018 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313496


As part of an ongoing revision of the largest gonyleptid subfamily, Pachylinae, we examined Juticus furcidens Roewer, 1943. This is an elusive species mentioned only in catalogues after its description. In this paper, we redescribe it according to modern standards, including its male genitalia for the first time, which exhibit typical features of the gonyleptid K92 clade. Considering also other features from the body and appendages, we transfer J. furcidens to Gonyleptinae, and we discuss its relationships with other Gonyleptinae sensu stricto. In addition, we present a new record besides those of the type material, clarifying the hitherto imprecise distribution.

Distribución Animal , Arácnidos , Animales , Masculino
Zootaxa ; 4450(1): 125-134, 2018 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313862


A new species, Eucynorta rooneyi sp. nov. (Opiliones, Cosmetidae), is described from Parque Nacional Cusuco, Cortés, Honduras, a tropical montane cloud forest habitat. This is the thirty-fifth species of Eucynorta Roewer, 1912, and is characterized by the combination of three sexually dimorphic characters in males: enlarged chelicerae, some armature on femur III and IV, and swollen basitarsi on leg I. This new species is distinct from other Eucynorta species due to its unique pattern of yellow markings on area I of the dorsal scutum, and unarmed free tergites with line markings.

Arácnidos , Ecosistema , Animales , Color , Bosques , Honduras , Masculino
Zootaxa ; 4254(4): 457-472, 2017 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28609953


Gonyleptid systematics has changed considerably in recent years, thanks to the increasing number of opilionologists and use of new data sources to infer relationships. This scenario promotes revisions of yet unrevised or recently proposed supraspecific groups. In an ongoing revision of the Gonyleptidae subfamilies Pachylinae, Ampycinae and some species of Cranainae (former Cranaidae), we found that Thaumatocranaus Roewer, 1932, a hitherto monotypic cranaine genus, is currently misplaced. According to the recent characterization of gonyleptid subfamilies and its close families, it should be transferred to Ampycinae based on pedipalpal and penial characters. This genus is revised, including redescription of its type species, T. mirabilis Roewer, 1932, and description of two new species, both from Colombia, Amazonas: T. magnificus sp. nov. (from Araracuara) and T. splendidus sp. nov. (from Leticia). The relationship of this genus with other Ampycinae genera is also discussed.

Arácnidos , Animales
Curr Zool ; 63(5): 525-535, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29492012


Based on a cladistic biogeographic analysis of 6 species-level phylogenies of harvestman taxa, we searched for congruence in the historical relationships of 12 areas of endemism of the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. We constructed general area cladograms using Primary Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA), BPA of nodes, and paralogy-free subtree analysis. These analyses resulted in 6 general area cladograms, that allow to infer a general pattern of the relationships among areas of endemism from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Northern areas resulted related basally showing main disjunctions at the Doce River Valley and Todos os Santos Bay/São Francisco River Valley. The remaining areas of endemism were included in a southern and a southeastern block, separated by the Ribeira do Iguape Valley. Incongruence Length Differences tests showed no significant incongruence among the resulting cladograms and other matrix partitions. We concluded that tectonism and ancient marine transgressions were the probable processes responsible for the main disjunctions, whereas Neogene refugia seem to have caused the more recent disjunctions. The general pattern and redundancy in area relationships suggest a model of main reiterative barriers in diversification at multiple times for the evolution of the Atlantic Rain Forest. The renewal of cladistic biogeography and the search for common biogeographic patterns are discussed.

Zootaxa ; 4006(2): 361-73, 2015 Aug 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26623772


A new diagnosis for the cosmetid genus Ferkeria Roewer, 1947 is proposed. The type species, F. vestita Roewer, 1947 is redescribed and a new species, Ferkeria flavicoxae sp. nov., is described from Zongo, La Paz, Bolivia. The new species differs from the only other species of the genus by: yellow-white colored coxa IV (orange-brown in F. vestita); armature of scutal areas I-III with rounded tubercles (spiniform in F. vestita) and conspicuous tarsal process (reduced in F. vestita).

Arácnidos/anatomía & histología , Arácnidos/clasificación , Animales , Bolivia , Femenino , Masculino , Especificidad de la Especie
Zootaxa ; 4027(3): 425-36, 2015 Oct 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26624188


Three new Brazilian species of Holcobunus Roewer, 1910 are described, thus increasing the total number of species in the genus to five: Holcobunus bicornutus Mello-Leitão, 1940, H. nigripalpis Roewer, 1910, Holcobunus dissimilis sp. nov. (type locality: Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa, Reserva Biologia Augusto Ruschi), Holcobunus ibitirama sp. nov. (type locality: Espírito Santo, Ibitirama, Santa Marta, close to Parque Nacional Caparaó), and Holcobunus uaisoh sp. nov. (type locality: Minas Gerais, Fervedouro, Parque Estadual Serra do Brigadeiro). A new record for Holcobunus nigripalpis Roewer, 1910 from Minas Gerais is also provided and the morphological variation in both penis and somatic morphology in the genus are presented and discussed. These observations enhance our understanding of both the diversity and distribution of Holcobunus.

Arácnidos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Estructuras Animales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Arácnidos/anatomía & histología , Arácnidos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tamaño Corporal , Femenino , Masculino , Tamaño de los Órganos
PLoS One ; 10(1): e0116639, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25629529


Autotomy, the voluntary shedding or detachment of a body part at a determined cleavage plane, is a common anti-predation defense mechanism in several animal taxa, including arthropods. Among arachnids, autotomy has been observed in harvestmen, mites, and spiders, always involving the loss of legs. Autotomy of the opisthosoma (abdomen) was recently reported in a single species of the Neotropical buthid scorpion genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891, but few details were revealed. Based on observations in the field and laboratory, examination of material in museum collections, and scanning electron microscopy, we document autotomy of the metasoma (the hind part of the opisthosoma, or 'tail') in fourteen species of Ananteris. Autotomy is more common in males than females, and has not been observed in juveniles. When the scorpion is held by the metasoma, it is voluntarily severed at the joints between metasomal segments I and II, II and III, or III and IV, allowing the scorpion to escape. After detachment, the severed metasoma moves (twitches) automatically, much like the severed tail of a lizard or the severed leg of a spider, and reacts to contact, even attempting to sting. The severed surface heals rapidly, scar tissue forming in five days. The lost metasomal segments and telson cannot be regenerated. Autotomy of the metasoma and telson results in permanent loss of the posterior part of the scorpion's digestive system (the anus is situated posteriorly on metasomal segment V) and the ability to inject venom by stinging. After autotomy, scorpions do not defecate and can only capture small prey items. However, males can survive and mate successfully for up to eight months in the laboratory. In spite of diminished predation ability after autotomy, survival allows males to reproduce. Autotomy in Ananteris therefore appears to be an effective, adaptive, anti-predation escape mechanism.

Conducta Animal , Escorpiones/fisiología , Animales