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GE Port J Gastroenterol ; 29(6): 374-384, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36545182


Background: A previous study suggested that psychomotor training improves the performance on colonoscopy. Since then, newer exercises have been included in the latest generation of GI Mentor®. In order to optimize a colonoscopy training program, we aimed to determine the impact of 3 virtual exercises in simulated colonoscopy skills. Methods: This was a prospective and randomized study. Nineteen residents completed a pre-training questionnaire and a colonoscopy trial before randomization in a study group (n = 10) that performed three exercises (Endobubble I, Navigation I, and Mucosal Evaluation I) until they achieved expert level, and a control group (n = 9). Both groups performed 10 repetitions of a simulated colonoscopy and were assessed on a final case. Learning curves and skills transfer were assessed by four parameters: mucosal surface examined (%), time to reach the cecum (s), screening efficiency (%), and time the patient was in pain (%). We also evaluated the construct validity for the exercises. Results: Construct validity was confirmed for Endobubble I and verified in Navigation I (experts were faster than novices; 5 vs. 7 s, p = 0.040), but not for Mucosal Evaluation I. Analyzing the learning curves and performance in the 10 repetitions, the study group reached the cecum faster (278 vs. 356 s, p = 0.035) and achieved a higher screening efficiency (83% vs. 75%, p = 0.019). Concerning skills transfer, the control group took longer to reach the cecum (241 vs. 292 s, p = 0.021) and the percentage of time the patient was in pain was higher (6% vs. 9%, p = 0.021). General performances of the study group had smaller interquartile variations. Conclusion: Psychomotor training has a significant impact on the homogeneous acquisition and assimilation of colonoscopy skills. Endobubble I and Navigation I should be considered in the training programs for novices.

Introdução: Um estudo anterior sugeriu que o treino psicomotor melhora o desempenho em colonoscopia. Desde então, outros exercícios virtuais foram incluídos na nova geração do simulador GI Mentor®. De forma a otimizar o programa de treino em colonoscopia procurou-se determinar o impacto de três exercícios virtuais nas competências de colonoscopia simulada. Métodos: Estudo prospetivo e randomizado. Dezanove internos completaram um questionário pré-treino e uma colonoscopia, tendo sido depois randomizados: Grupo de Estudo (n = 10) que realizou três exercícios (Endobubble I, Navigation I, Mucosal Evaluation I) até atingir o nível expert e Grupo Controlo (n = 9). Posteriormente, ambos os grupos realizaram dez repetições de um caso de colonoscopia simulada e um caso de avaliação final. As curvas de aprendizagem e a transferência de competências foram avaliadas com quatro métricas: superfície da mucosa examinada (%), tempo para atingir o cego (s), taxa de eficiência (%) e tempo que o doente teve dor (%). Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a validade do constructo para os novos exercícios. Resultados: Foi confirmada a validade do constructo no Endobubble I e verificada no Navigation I (os experts foram mais rápidos do que os formandos; 5 vs. 7 s, p = 0.040), mas não no Mucosal Evaluation I. Analisando as curvas de aprendizagem e o desempenho nas 10 repetições, o Grupo de Estudo atingiu mais rapidamente o cego (278 vs. 356 s, p = 0.035) e apresentou uma taxa de eficiência mais elevada (83% vs. 75%, p = 0.019). Na transferência, o Grupo Controlo demonstrou uma degradação significativa no tempo para atingir o cego (241 vs. 292 s, p = 0.021) e na % de tempo que o doente teve dor (6% vs. 9%, p = 0.021). O desempenho do Grupo de Estudo apresentou uma menor variabilidade interquartil. Conclusão: O treino psicomotor teve um impacto significativo na aquisição e assimilação homogénea de competências em colonoscopia. Os exercícios Endobubble I e Navigation I devem ser considerados nos programas de treino em simulador para iniciados.

GE Port J Gastroenterol ; 29(6): 385-392, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36545187


Background: Current evidence supports the use of virtual reality (VR) simulation-based training for novice endoscopists. However, there is still a need for a standardized induction programme which ensures sufficient preparation, with knowledge and basic skills, before their approach to patient-based training. We designed a structured progressive programme in upper endoscopy and colonoscopy and aimed to determine its impact on cognitive and technical performance. Methods: Prospective, multicentre study, focused on "Endoscopy I, 2018," a course with a theoretical and a hands-on module (20 h) in the GI Mentor II®. Gastroenterology residents of the 1st year were enrolled. A pre-test and test were applied to evaluate the cognitive component, and a pre-training and post-training esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and colonoscopy VR cases were used to evaluate the technical component. The hands-on training included psychomotor exercises (Navigation I, Endobubble I), 4 EGD, and 4 colonoscopy VR cases. The metrics applied for technical skills evaluation were time to reach the second portion of duodenum (D2)/cecum (seconds), efficiency of screening (%), and time the patient was in pain (%). Results: Twenty-three participants were included, majority female (67%), 26 ± 0.7 years old. Comparing the pre-test versus test, the cognitive score significantly improved (11/15 vs. 14/15; p < 0.001). Considering the technical assessment after training: in EGD, the time to D2 was significantly lower (193 vs. 63 s; p < 0.001), and the efficiency of screening significantly better (64 vs. 91%; p < 0.001); in colonoscopy, the time to reach the cecum was significantly lower (599 vs. 294 s; p = 0.001), the time the patient was in pain was significantly lower (27 vs. 10%; p = 0.005), and the efficiency of screening had a tendency towards improvement (50 vs. 68%; p = 0.062). Conclusion: The proposed training curriculum in basic endoscopy for novices is aligned with international recommendations and demonstrated a significant impact on cognitive and technical skills learning achievements.

Introdução: A evidência científica suporta o uso de simuladores de realidade virtual na fase inicial da formação. Contudo, persiste a necessidade de um programa padronizado, que garanta uma preparação adequada dos formandos, com conhecimento e competências básicas, antes de transitarem para o treino em pacientes. Desenhámos um programa de treino estruturado e progressivo em endoscopia digestiva alta (EDA) e colonoscopia, pretendendo este estudo avaliar o seu impacto no desempenho cognitivo e técnico. Métodos: Estudo prospetivo e multicêntrico, focado no programa de treino "Endoscopia I, 2018." Este curso incluiu um módulo teórico e um módulo prático (20 h) no simulador GI Mentor II®. Foram recrutados internos de Gastrenterologia do 1° ano. Realizou-se um pré-teste e um teste para avaliar o componente cognitivo e foram usados casos virtuais selecionados, de EDA e colonoscopia, para avaliar o componente técnico pré e pós-treino. A prática incluiu exercícios psicomotores (Navigation I, Endobubble I), 4 casos virtuais de EDA e 4 de colonoscopia. As métricas aplicadas na avaliação foram o tempo até à segunda porção duodenal (D2)/cego (segundos), a eficiência da inspeção (%) e o tempo que o paciente teve dor (%). Resultados: Vinte e três participantes incluídos, a maioria do género feminino (67%), com idade média de 26 ± 0.7 anos. Comparando o pré-teste versus (vs.) teste, o resultado da avaliação cognitiva melhorou (11/15 vs. 14/15; p < 0.001). Relativamente à avaliação técnica após o treino: na EDA, o tempo para alcançar D2 foi significativamente menor (193 vs. 63 s; p < 0.001) e a eficiência da inspeção foi significativamente melhor (64 vs. 91%; p < 0.001); na colonoscopia, o tempo até ao cego foi significativamente menor (599 vs. 294 s; p = 0.001), o tempo em que o paciente teve dor foi significativamente menor (27 vs. 10%; p = 0.005) e a eficiência da inspeção revelou uma tendência de melhoria (50 vs. 68%; p = 0.062). Conclusão: O presente programa de treino em endoscopia básica para iniciados está alinhado com as recomendações internacionais e demonstrou um impacto significativo na aquisição de capacidades cognitivas e técnicas.

United European Gastroenterol J ; 10(4): 376-384, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35315232


BACKGROUND: Chronic constipation (CC) is a major public health condition and CC management remains challenging. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the CC (and subtypes) prevalence in a Southern Europe Mediterranean country using Rome IV criteria, and to assess related factors, toilet and healthcare seeking behaviours. METHODS: Cross-sectional epidemiological survey, conducted in general community and representing the Portuguese population according to sex and age. The questionnaire covered bowel habits, factors potentially associated with CC (demographic, health/lifestyle, toilet behaviours) and data regarding healthcare seeking. RESULTS: From the study data of 1950 individuals were analyzed. The answer rate was 68% and 1335 questionnaires were available for calculation. The CC prevalence was 17.8%, with respectively 9.3% of Functional Constipation (FC) and 8.5% of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - subtype constipation (IBS-C). The likelihood of constipation was significantly higher in younger (OR 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.007-1.031), solo (OR 2.48; 95% CI, 1.7-3.47) and low-income (OR 2.40; 95% CI, 1.77-3.47) individuals. Constipated individuals spent more time at defecation, longer than 5 min (p = 0.001), and had particular toilet behaviours (absence of a morning pattern [p = 0.008], the use of triggers [p = 0.001] and reading/technological material [p = 0.006]) to facilitate the evacuation. Only 39% of affected individuals sought medical advice, mainly IBS-C patients (p = 0.018). CONCLUSION: Chronic constipation seems to impact 1 in each 5 Portuguese. Constipated patients are younger, solo, less active and with low income. They develop a clear toilet behaviour profile. FC and IBS-C patients assume particular behaviours.

Aparatos Sanitarios , Síndrome del Colon Irritable , Estreñimiento/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Atención a la Salud , Humanos , Síndrome del Colon Irritable/complicaciones , Portugal/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Ciudad de Roma
Dig Dis ; 40(6): 816-825, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34915487


BACKGROUND: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a demanding procedure requiring high level of expertise. ESD training programs incorporate procedures with live animal models. This study aimed to assess the early learning curve for performing ESD on live porcine models by endoscopists without any or with limited previous ESD experience. METHODS: In a live porcine model ESD workshop, number of resections, completeness of the resections, en bloc resections, adverse events, tutor intervention, type of knife, ESD time and size of resected specimens were recorded. ESD speed was calculated. RESULTS: A total of 70 procedures were carried out by 17 trainees. The percentage of complete resections, en bloc resections and ESD speed increased from the first to the latest procedures (88.2%-100%, 76.5%-100%, 8.6-31.4 mm2/min, respectively). The number of procedures in which a trainee needed tutor intervention and the number of adverse events also decreased throughout the procedures (4 to 0 and 6 to 0, respectively). During the workshop, when participants changed to a different type of knife, ESD speed slightly decreased (18.5 mm2/min to 17.0 mm2/min) and adverse events increased again (0-2). CONCLUSIONS: Through successive procedures, complete resections, en bloc resections, and ESD speed improve whereas adverse events decrease, supporting the role of the live porcine model in the preclinical learning phase. Changing ESD knives has a momentarily negative impact on the learning curve.

Resección Endoscópica de la Mucosa , Porcinos , Humanos , Animales , Curva de Aprendizaje , Disección/educación , Disección/métodos , Modelos Animales
Dig Dis ; 40(5): 665-674, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34856553


BACKGROUND: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is a complex procedure, requiring enhanced technical skills. Translation into clinical practice of ESD training programs has not been documented. Our aim was to assess ESD training pathways of endoscopists participating in dedicated workshops and its clinical impact on ESD outcomes. METHODS: Participants of live porcine models ESD workshops, from 2013 to 2019, were included. They were invited to complete a survey focusing on human ESD performance after training, prior skills/competencies, complete learning pathway, and clinical outcomes. RESULTS: From 118 invited participants, 40 (34%) completed the questionnaire. Nineteen (47%) endoscopists performed human ESD after the workshop, predominantly male (89%). At the beginning of human ESD, endoscopists had a mean of 7.7 (standard deviation (SD) 4.1) years of endoscopic experience and were all performing endoscopic mucosal resection (and emergency endoscopy. Before ESD practice, 100% of the participants were trained with live animal models and 68% with ex vivo models. The majority started clinical ESD in the lower third of the stomach or rectum (90%), with lesions ≤30 mm (89%). Each endoscopist performed a median of 19 (interquartile range 8-32) cumulative ESDs, over a mean of 3.9 (SD 2.0) years. Total en bloc resection rate was 92%, R0 resection rate 88%, and curative resection rate 86%, whereas adverse events remained <10%. Endoscopists with >10 human ESD procedures achieve clinical competence thresholds. CONCLUSIONS: Participants of ESD workshops are adequately skilled prior to clinical ESD, complying with recommendations for training and properly implementing the technique. Transfer to clinical practice, of prior ESD skills obtained in hands-on training courses, was documented. Structured training programs achieve clinical outcomes exceeding established standards, namely in the very initial clinical phase.

Resección Endoscópica de la Mucosa , Animales , Competencia Clínica , Endoscopía Gastrointestinal , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Recto , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Porcinos
Artif Intell Med ; 119: 102141, 2021 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34531016


The majority of current systems for automatic diagnosis considers the detection of a unique and previously known pathology. Considering specifically the diagnosis of lesions in the small bowel using endoscopic capsule images, very few consider the possible existence of more than one pathology and when they do, they are mainly detection based systems therefore unable to localize the suspected lesions. Such systems do not fully satisfy the medical community, that in fact needs a system that detects any pathology and eventually more than one, when they coexist. In addition, besides the diagnostic capability of these systems, localizing the lesions in the image has been of great interest to the medical community, mainly for training medical personnel purposes. So, nowadays, the inclusion of the lesion location in automatic diagnostic systems is practically mandatory. Multi-pathology detection can be seen as a multi-object detection task and as each frame can contain different instances of the same lesion, instance segmentation seems to be appropriate for the purpose. Consequently, we argue that a multi-pathology system benefits from using the instance segmentation approach, since classification and segmentation modules are both required complementing each other in lesion detection and localization. According to our best knowledge such a system does not yet exist for the detection of WCE pathologies. This paper proposes a multi-pathology system that can be applied to WCE images, which uses the Mask Improved RCNN (MI-RCNN), a new mask subnet scheme which has shown to significantly improve mask predictions of the high performing state-of-the-art Mask-RCNN and PANet systems. A novel training strategy based on the second momentum is also proposed for the first time for training Mask-RCNN and PANet based systems. These approaches were tested using the public database KID, and the included pathologies were bleeding, angioectasias, polyps and inflammatory lesions. Experimental results show significant improvements for the proposed versions, reaching increases of almost 7% over the PANet model when the new proposed training approach was employed.

Endoscopía Capsular , Patología , Aprendizaje Automático , Patología/métodos
GE Port J Gastroenterol ; 28(2): 87-96, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33791395


BACKGROUND: Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) revolutionized the diagnosis and management of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, though the rate of detection of small bowel lesions by the physician is still disappointing. Our group developed a novel algorithm (CMEMS-Uminho) to automatically detect angioectasias which display greater accuracy in VCE static frames than other methods previously published. We aimed to evaluate the algorithm overall performance and assess its diagnostic yield and usability in clinical practice. METHODS: Algorithm overall performance was determined using 54 full-length VCE recordings. To assess its diagnostic yield and usability in clinical practice, 38 VCE examinations with the clinical diagnosis of angioectasias consecutively performed (2017-2018) were evaluated by three physicians with different experiences. The CMEMS-Uminho algorithm was also applied. The performance of the CMEMS-Uminho algorithm was defined by a positive concordance between a frame automatically selected by the software and a study independent capsule endoscopist. RESULTS: Overall performance in complete VCE recordings was 77.7%, and diagnostic yield was 94.7%. There were significant differences between physicians in regard to global detection rate (p < 0.001), detection rate per capsule (p < 0.001), diagnostic yield (p = 0.007), true positive rate (p < 0.001), time (p < 0.001), and speed viewing (p < 0.001). The application of CMEMS-Uminho algorithm significantly enhanced all readers' global detection rate (p < 0.001) and the differences between them were no longer observed. CONCLUSION: The CMEMS-Uminho algorithm detained a good overall performance and was able to enhance physicians' performance, suggesting a potential usability of this tool in clinical practice.

INTRODUÇÃO: A endoscopia por cápsula (EC) revolucionou o diagnóstico da hemorragia gastrointestinal obscura, porém a taxa de defeção de lesões no intestino delgado pelo endoscopista permanece insatisfatória. Desenvolveu-se um novo algoritmo para a defeção automática de angioectasias, que revelou uma melhor acuidade na avaliação de imagens de EC que outros métodos previamente publicados. Pretende-se avaliar agora a performance global do algoritmo, o seu rendimento diagnóstico e a utilidade na prática clínica. MÉTODOS: A performance global do algoritmo foi avaliada com 54 vídeos de EC. Para avaliar o seu rendimento diagnóstico e utilidade na prática clinica, 38 EC consecutivas com diagnóstico clínico de angiectasias (2017­2018) foram analisadas por três médicos com experiência distinta. A performance do algoritmo CMEMS-Uminho foi definida por uma concordância positiva entre um frame selecionado automaticamente pelo software e um endoscopista de cápsula independente do estudo. RESULTADOS: O algoritmo CMEMS-Uminho revelou uma performance global de 77,7% e um rendimento diagnóstico de 94,7%. Os médicos apresentaram diferenças significativas na taxa de defeção global (p < 0,001), taxa de deteção por cápsula (p < 0,001), rendimento diagnóstico (p = 0,007), taxa de verdadeiros positivos (p < 0,001), tempo (p < 0,001) e velocidade de visualização (p < 0,001). A aplicação do algoritmo CMEMS-Uminho melhorou significativamente a taxa de deteção dos médicos (p < 0,001) e as diferenças entre eles diluiram-se após a sua aplicado. CONCLUSÃO: O algoritmo CMEMS-Uminho deteve um bom desempenho global e foi capaz de melhorar o desempenho médico, sugerindo uma potencial utilidade desta ferramenta na prática clínica.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 7460, 2020 05 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32366878


Flash glucose monitoring system (FGMS) is an improved subset of continuous glucose monitoring with a recognized effectiveness on glycemic control, though validation in patients with Liver Cirrhosis (LC) is lacking. To evaluate the accuracy of FGMS in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and LC, a prospective, case-control study was performed in 61 ambulatory patients with LC and DM (LC group, n = 31) or DM (Control group, n = 30). During 14 days, patients performed 4 assessments per day of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG, reference value) followed by FGMS scanning. There were 2567 paired SMBG and FGMS values used in the accuracy analysis, with an overall mean absolute relative difference (MARD) of 12.68% in the LC group and 10.55% in the control group (p < 0,001). In patients with LC, the percentage of readings within Consensus Consensus Error Grid analysis Zone A and A + B were 80.36% and 99,26%, respectively. Sensor clinical accuracy was not affected by factors such as body mass index, age, gender, Child-Pugh score or edematoascitic decompensation. This is the first study to approach FGMS clinical accuracy in LC, revealing a potential usability of this system to monitor glycemic control in this population.

Glucemia/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/sangre , Cirrosis Hepática/sangre , Anciano , Automonitorización de la Glucosa Sanguínea , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos
Med Phys ; 47(1): 52-63, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31299096


PURPOSE: Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is a minimally invasive diagnosis tool for lesion detection in the gastrointestinal tract, reaching places where conventional endoscopy is unable to. However, the significant amount of acquired data leads to difficulties in the diagnosis by the physicians; which can be eased with computer assistance. This paper addresses a method for the automatic detection of tumors in WCE by using a two-step based procedure: region of interest selection and classification. METHODS: The first step aims to separate abnormal from normal tissue by using automatic segmentation based on a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). A modified version of the Anderson method for convergence acceleration of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is proposed. The proposed features for both segmentation and classification are based on the CIELab color space, as a way of bypassing lightness variations, where the L component is discarded. Tissue variability among subjects, light inhomogeneities and even intensity differences among different devices can be overcome by using simultaneously features from both regions. In the second step, an ensemble system with partition of the training data with a new training scheme is proposed. At this stage, the gating network is trained after the experts have been trained decoupling the joint maximization of both modules. The partition module is also used at the test step, leading the incoming data to the most likely expert allowing incremental adaptation by preserving data diversity. RESULTS: This algorithm outperforms others based on texture features selected from Wavelets and Curvelets transforms, classified by a regular support vector machine (SVM) in more than 5%. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows that simpler features can outperform more elaborate ones if appropriately designed. In the current case, luminance was discarded to cope with saturated tissue, facilitating the color perception. Ensemble systems remain an open research field. In the current case, changes in both topology and training strategy have led to significant performance improvements. A system with this level of performance can be used in current clinical practice.

Endoscopía Capsular/instrumentación , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Neoplasias Intestinales/diagnóstico por imagen , Intestino Delgado/diagnóstico por imagen , Tecnología Inalámbrica , Automatización , Humanos , Máquina de Vectores de Soporte
Scand J Gastroenterol ; 54(12): 1487-1493, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31821050


Background: Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is the first-line approach to large colorectal sessile lesions. These patients have been associated with high rates of metachronous lesions (ML), but long-term follow-up (LtFU) data are lacking. We aimed at evaluating the efficacy of an LtFU protocol and analyse the development and risk factors for ML.Methods: A prospectively collected database was analysed. Seventy-six patients submitted to EMR of large colorectal sessile lesions between 2007 and 2013 complied with a specific endoscopic surveillance, consisting of two protocols - initial follow-up (iFU) and LtFU. iFU intended to inspect the mucosectomy scars twice (at 3-6 and 12 months) and remove synchronous lesions (SL). Protocol examinations of LtFU were carried out at the first- and fourth-year post-iFU, aiming to remove ML. Statistical analysis included variables related to patient, index lesion, SL and ML characteristics.Results: Rates of ML were 39.5% and 20.4% at the first- and fourth-year of LtFU, and respectively 11.8% and 3.7% of them were advanced ML. All ML were endoscopically resectable. At univariate analysis, male gender (OR: 2.91; p=.029), the presence of SL (OR 3.86, p=.010) and advanced SL (OR 4.25, p=.006) were risk factors for ML. At multivariate analysis, male gender (p=.031) and advanced SL (p=.006) were significant predictors of ML development.Conclusions: We confirmed the increased risk of ML in patients with large colorectal lesions. A significant number of advanced ML was removed at the first LtFU colonoscopy, probably it should be carried out earlier than currently recommended.

Colonoscopía , Neoplasias Colorrectales , Recurrencia Local de Neoplasia/epidemiología , Neoplasias Primarias Secundarias , Colonoscopía/efectos adversos , Colonoscopía/métodos , Colonoscopía/estadística & datos numéricos , Neoplasias Colorrectales/epidemiología , Neoplasias Colorrectales/patología , Neoplasias Colorrectales/cirugía , Resección Endoscópica de la Mucosa/efectos adversos , Resección Endoscópica de la Mucosa/métodos , Resección Endoscópica de la Mucosa/estadística & datos numéricos , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Efectos Adversos a Largo Plazo/epidemiología , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estadificación de Neoplasias , Neoplasias Primarias Secundarias/epidemiología , Neoplasias Primarias Secundarias/patología , Neoplasias Primarias Secundarias/cirugía , Portugal/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Resultado del Tratamiento , Carga Tumoral
Ann Gastroenterol ; 32(5): 525, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31474801
GE Port J Gastroenterol ; 26(2): 90-98, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30976613


BACKGROUND: The emergence of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) made possible en bloc resection of neoplastic gastric lesions, regardless of lesion size, with reduced rates of complications and recurrence. This technique has become the preferred method for curative resection, instead of conventional endoscopic mucosal resection and surgery, when distant metastases have negligible risk. In Western countries experience with this technique has evolved quickly, with an increasing number of case series reported in the literature. This study aims to report the short- and long-term outcomes of ESD in gastric epithelial neoplastic lesions by a single operator in a Portuguese centre. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all gastric ESDs in a tertiary specialised unit during a 5-year period, between May 2012 and September 2017, was performed. RESULTS: A total of 114 ESDs of gastric epithelial lesions were performed during this period; 96.5% of them were removed en bloc and 87.6% with R0 resection. A curative treatment was achieved in 83.2% of the cases. Complications occurred in 13.2% of the procedures, including early and delayed bleeding in 12 patients (10.5%) and one perforation (0.9%). With a median follow-up period of 12 months (interquartile range [IQR] = 18), 6 cases of recurrence at the previous ESD site were diagnosed: 4 residual lesions and 2 local recurrences in previous R0 resections. Residual lesions occurred more often in patients with larger lesions (median = 40.0 mm, IQR = 26 vs. median = 20.0 mm, IQR = 15, p = 0.008) and with positive horizontal margins (HMs) after resection (50.0 vs. 0.0%, Fisher exact test, p < 0.001). The cumulative incidence of metachronous gastric lesions at 34 months was 16.1%. All new lesions were effectively treated using an endoscopic technique. The disease-specific survival at 12 months was 100%. CONCLUSION: This study showed that ESD is an effective resection technique for gastric lesions with a good safety profile, confirming other European series. Regardless, high en bloc resection positive HM is still a problem in some specimens resected by ESD. Endoscopic surveillance can detect local recurrence and new lesions during early stages, potentially treatable by endoscopy.

INTRODUÇÃO: O aparecimento da dissecção endoscópica da submucosa (ESD) tornou possível a resseção em bloco de lesões neoplásicas superficiais do estômago, independentemente da sua dimensão, com reduzidas taxas de complicações e recorrência. Esta técnica tem evoluído como método preferencial face á mucosectomia convencional e cirurgia, quando a metastização á distância tem risco negligenciável. No mundo ocidental a experiência nesta técnica tem evoluído de forma rápida surgindo um número crescente de séries na literatura. Este estudo tem como objetivo reportar os resultados a curto e longo prazo da ESD de lesões epiteliais gástricas realizadas por um único operador num centro Português. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospetiva unicêntrica dos casos de ESD de lesões epiteliais gástricas, realizadas durante um período de 5 anos, entre maio de 2012 e setembro de 2017. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 114 ESDs de neoplasias epiteliais gástricas durante o período em estudo, com uma taxa de resseção em bloco de 96.5% e R0 de 87.6%. A resseção curativa confirmou-se em 83.2% dos casos. Ocorreram complicações em 13.2% dos procedimentos, incluindo hemorragia em 12 doentes (10.5%) e 1 perfuração (0.9%). Com uma mediana de follow-up de 12 meses (variação interquartil [IQR] 18), verificaram-se 6 casos de recorrência local: 4 lesões residuais e 2 recorrências em resseções R0 prévias. Observaram-se mais frequentemente lesões residuais de ESD de lesões de maiores dimensões (mediana = 40.0 mm, IQR = 26 vs. mediana = 20.0 mm, IQR = 15, p = 0.008) e com margens horizontais (HM) positivas após a resseção (50.0% vs. 0.0%, Teste exato de Fisher, p < 0.001). A incidência cumulativa de lesões gástricas metácronas aos 34 meses foi de 16.1%. Todas as novas lesões foram eficazmente tratadas por endoscopia. A sobrevivência específica aos 12 meses de follow-up foi de 100%. Conclusão: Este estudo mostra que a ESD gástrica é uma técnica eficaz e segura para o tratamento de lesões neoplásicas precoces confirmando a maioria das séries europeias. Embora a ESD permita geralmente uma resseção em bloco as HM positivas continuam a ser um problema em alguns doentes. A vigilância endoscópica pode detetar recorrência local e novas lesões, em estádios precoces, potencialmente tratáveis por endoscopia.

Ann Biomed Eng ; 47(6): 1446-1462, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30919139


Angioectasias are lesions that occur in the blood vessels of the bowel and are the cause of more than 8% of all gastrointestinal bleeding episodes. They are usually classified as bleeding related lesions, however current state-of-the-art bleeding detection algorithms present low sensitivity in the detection of these lesions. This paper proposes a methodology for the automatic detection of angioectasias in wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) videos. This method relies on the automatic selection of a region of interest, selected by using an image segmentation module based on the Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) approach where a new accelerated version of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is also proposed. Spatial context information is modeled in the prior probability density function by using Markov Random Fields with the inclusion of a weighted boundary function. Higher order statistics computed in the CIELab color space with the luminance component removed and intensity normalization of high reflectance regions, showed to be effective features regarding angioectasia detection. The proposed method outperforms some current state of the art algorithms, achieving sensitivity and specificity values of more than 96% in a database containing 800 WCE frames labeled by two gastroenterologists.

Endoscopía Capsular , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Intestino Delgado , Algoritmos , Humanos , Interpretación de Imagen Asistida por Computador
Ann Coloproctol ; 35(6): 306-312, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31937070


PURPOSE: Nonsurgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease (HD) includes medical and instrumental techniques. We aimed to compare the efficacy of the most frequently used nonsurgical strategies, either alone or in combination, applied in an ambulatory setting. METHODS: Patients who received nonsurgical treatment for HD by proctology appointment at the Gastroenterology Department of Braga Hospital were evaluated. Isolated rubber band ligation (RBL) and a combination of RBL with a micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) were the 2 most frequently used strategies. Symptoms of HD (bleeding, pruritus, pain at rest, pain at defecation and prolapse) were assessed at days 0, 7, and 28 by using a severity grading scale (0 to 4/5). A Global Symptom score was constructed to assess the overall severity and compare the overall improvements of the HD symptoms between the 2 most frequently used strategies. RESULTS: Nineteen patients underwent the combined treatment (RBL + MPFF group) and 25 the RBL treatment (RBL group). A comparison of the 2 treatment groups showed significant improvements in the combined treatment group in terms of bleeding at days 7 (P = 0.001) and 28 (P = 0.002) and in the pruritus intensity during the first week (P < 0.001). A trend toward clinical benefit was also verified in the combined treatment group for all other HD symptoms (pain at rest, pain at defecation and prolapse). CONCLUSION: A combined treatment approach with MPFF and RBL significantly reduced the intensity of bleeding during the first month and the pruritus during the first week.

United European Gastroenterol J ; 6(4): 547-557, 2018 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29881610


INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection are demanding procedures. This study aims to establish face, content and expert validity of the live porcine model in performing endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, complication management and to assess it as a training tool. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tutors and trainees participating in live porcine model endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection workshops filled out a questionnaire regarding the realism of the model compared to human setting and its role as a learning tool. A 10-point Likert scale was used. RESULTS: Ninety-one endoscopists (13 tutors; 78 trainees) were involved in four workshops. Median global classifications for the realism of the life porcine model ranged between 7.0-8.0 (interquartile range 5.0-9.0). Procedures resembled human cases with a median of 9.0 (8.0-9.0) for oesophageal multiband endoscopic mucosal resection; 8.5 (8.0-9.0) for oesophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection; 9.0 (8.0-10.0) for gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection; and 9.0 (8.5-9.75 and 8.0-9.69) for complication detection and management. The animal model as a learning tool had median scores of 9.0 (7.0-10.0) considering how procedures are performed; 9.0-9.5 (8.0-10.0) for usefulness for beginners; and 9.0-10.0 (5.0-10.0) regarding it a prerequisite. CONCLUSIONS: Training in a live porcine model was considered very realistic compared to the human setting and was highly appreciated as a learning tool. This is the first study to establish face, content and expert validity of the live porcine model in performing multiband endoscopic mucosal resection, oesophageal and gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection. The validation of this model provides the rationale to incorporate it into formal teaching programmes.

Arq Gastroenterol ; 55(1): 55-60, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29561978


BACKGROUND: Recently, the Obstructed Defecation Syndrome score (ODS score) was developed and validated by Renzi to assess clinical staging and to allow evaluation and comparison of the efficacy of treatment of this disorder. OBJECTIVE: Our goal is to validate the Portuguese version of Renzi ODS score, according to the Consensus based Standards for the selection of the Health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) checklist. METHODS: Following guidelines for cross-cultural validity, Renzi ODS score was translated into the Portuguese language. Then, a group of patients and healthy controls were invited to fill in the Renzi ODS score at baseline, after 2 weeks and 3 months, respectively. We assessed internal consistency, reliability and measurement error, content and construct validity, responsiveness and interpretability. RESULTS: A total of 113 individuals (77 patients; 36 healthy controls) completed the questionnaire. Seventy and 30 patients repeated the Renzi ODS score after 2 weeks and 3 months respectively. Factor analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale. Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.77 supported item's homogeneity. Weighted quadratic kappa of 0.89 established test-retest reliability. The smallest detectable change at the individual level was 2.66 and at the group level was 0.30. Renzi ODS score and the total (-0.32) and physical (-0.43) SF-36 scores correlated negatively. Patient and control's groups significantly differed (11 points). The change score of Renzi ODS score between baseline and 3 months correlated negatively with the clinical evolution (-0.86). ROC analysis showed minimal important change of 2.00 with AUC 0.97. Neither floor nor ceiling effects were observed. CONCLUSION: This work validated the Portuguese version of Renzi ODS score. We can now use this reliable, responsive, and interpretable (at the group level) tool to evaluate Portuguese ODS patients.

Lista de Verificación , Estreñimiento/diagnóstico , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Adolescente , Brasil , Enfermedad Crónica , Estreñimiento/fisiopatología , Comparación Transcultural , Defecación , Femenino , Humanos , Lenguaje , Masculino , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Síndrome , Traducciones
Arq. gastroenterol ; 55(1): 55-60, Apr.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-888241


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Recently, the Obstructed Defecation Syndrome score (ODS score) was developed and validated by Renzi to assess clinical staging and to allow evaluation and comparison of the efficacy of treatment of this disorder. OBJECTIVE: Our goal is to validate the Portuguese version of Renzi ODS score, according to the Consensus based Standards for the selection of the Health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) checklist. METHODS: Following guidelines for cross-cultural validity, Renzi ODS score was translated into the Portuguese language. Then, a group of patients and healthy controls were invited to fill in the Renzi ODS score at baseline, after 2 weeks and 3 months, respectively. We assessed internal consistency, reliability and measurement error, content and construct validity, responsiveness and interpretability. RESULTS: A total of 113 individuals (77 patients; 36 healthy controls) completed the questionnaire. Seventy and 30 patients repeated the Renzi ODS score after 2 weeks and 3 months respectively. Factor analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale. Cronbach's α coefficient of 0.77 supported item's homogeneity. Weighted quadratic kappa of 0.89 established test-retest reliability. The smallest detectable change at the individual level was 2.66 and at the group level was 0.30. Renzi ODS score and the total (-0.32) and physical (-0.43) SF-36 scores correlated negatively. Patient and control's groups significantly differed (11 points). The change score of Renzi ODS score between baseline and 3 months correlated negatively with the clinical evolution (-0.86). ROC analysis showed minimal important change of 2.00 with AUC 0.97. Neither floor nor ceiling effects were observed. CONCLUSION: This work validated the Portuguese version of Renzi ODS score. We can now use this reliable, responsive, and interpretable (at the group level) tool to evaluate Portuguese ODS patients.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Recentemente, o Score de Distúrbios Evacuatórios (SDE) foi desenvolvido e validado por Renzi para avaliação e comparação da eficácia do tratamento dos doentes com esta patologia. Objetivo - O nosso objetivo é validar uma versão portuguesa do SDE de acordo com as orientações da checklist de COSMIN. MÉTODOS: O SDE foi traduzido para o português, cumprindo as orientações para validação cultural. Indivíduos com distúrbio evacuatório e controlos saudáveis foram convidados a responder ao SDE numa fase inicial, 2 semanas e 3 meses depois, respetivamente. Foi avaliada a consistência interna, confiabilidade, erro de medição, validade de conteúdo e constructo, responsividade e interpretabilidade. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 113 indivíduos (77 doentes; 36 controlos saudáveis) na fase inicial. O SDE foi aplicado novamente aos 77 doentes, 2 semanas depois, e a 30 doentes, 3 meses depois. Relativamente à consistência interna, a análise fatorial confirmou a unidimensionalidade e o coeficiente α de Cronbach foi 0,77, suportando homogeneidade dos itens. O kappa quadrático ponderado de 0,89 estabeleceu a reprodutibilidade teste-reteste. Considerando o erro de medição, a mudança mínima detectável a nível individual foi 2,66 e a nível de grupo foi 0,30. A validade do constructo foi avaliada através do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre o SDE e o score total (-0,32) e físico (-0,43) do SF-36. Em termos de validação clínica, verificou-se uma diferença significativa de 11 pontos entre as médias dos doentes e controlos. A responsividade foi confirmada pelo coeficiente de correlação de -0,86 entre a mudança do score e a evolução clínica, avaliados após 3 meses. Através da curva ROC, a mudança mínima importante foi 2,00 e a AUC foi 0,97. Não foram observados efeito-chão efeito-tecto. CONCLUSÃO: Este projeto permitiu validar a versão portuguesa do SDE de Renzi. É possível agora utilizar esta ferramenta na avaliação de distúrbios evacuatórios em doentes falantes de língua portuguesa.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Estreñimiento/diagnóstico , Lista de Verificación , Síndrome , Traducciones , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Brasil , Comparación Transcultural , Enfermedad Crónica , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estreñimiento/fisiopatología , Defecación , Lenguaje
Wideochir Inne Tech Maloinwazyjne ; 12(3): 297-300, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29062452


Video-assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT) is a novel minimally invasive and sphincter-saving technique to treat complex anal fistulas described by Meinero in 2006. An enterocutaneous fistula is an abnormal communication between the bowel and the skin. Most cases are secondary to surgical complications, and managing this condition is a true challenge for surgeons. Postoperative fistulas account for 75-85% of all enterocutaneous fistulas. The aim of paper was to devise a minimally invasive technique to treat enterocutaneous fistulas. We used the same principles of VAAFT applied to other conditions, combining endoluminal vision of the tract with colonoscopy to identify the internal opening. We present a case of a 78-year-old woman who was subjected to a total colectomy for cecum and sigmoid synchronous adenocarcinoma. The postoperative course was complicated with an enterocutaneous fistula, treated with conservative measures, which recurred during follow-up. We performed video-assisted fistula treatment using a fistuloscope combined with a colonoscope. Once we identified the fistula tract, we performed cleansing and destruction of the tract, applied synthetic cyanoacrylate and sealed the internal opening with clips through an endoluminal approach. The patient was discharged 5 days later without complications. Two months later the wound was completely healed without evidence of recurrence. This procedure represents an alternative treatment for enterocutaneous fistula using a minimally invasive technique, especially in selected patients not able to undergo major surgery.