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Nano Lett ; 2024 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39382529


The precise characterization and control of single-electron wave functions emitted from a single-electron source are essential for advancing electron quantum optics. Here, we introduce a method for tailoring a single-electron emission distribution using energy filtering, enabling selective control of the distribution under various energy barrier conditions of the filter. The tailored electron is studied by reconstructing its Wigner distribution in the time-energy phase space using the continuous-variable tomography method. Our results reveal that the filtering cuts the portion of the distribution below the energy-barrier height of the filter in the time-energy space. While the filtering is demonstrated in a classical regime of the emitted electrons, we expect that this study significantly contributes to the design and implementation of advanced experiments toward quantum information processing based on single electrons.

Science ; 382(6676): 1260-1264, 2023 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38096376


Flying qubits encode quantum information in propagating modes instead of stationary discrete states. Although photonic flying qubits are available, the weak interaction between photons limits the efficiency of conditional quantum gates. Conversely, electronic flying qubits can use Coulomb interactions, but the weaker quantum coherence in conventional semiconductors has hindered their realization. In this work, we engineered on-demand injection of a single electronic flying qubit state and its manipulation over the Bloch sphere. The flying qubit is a Leviton propagating in quantum Hall edge channels of a high-mobility graphene monolayer. Although single-shot qubit readout and two-qubit operations are still needed for a viable manipulation of flying qubits, the coherent manipulation of an itinerant electronic state at the single-electron level presents a highly promising alternative to conventional qubits.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3521, 2023 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37316496


Impurities or boundaries often impose nontrivial boundary conditions on a gapless bulk, resulting in distinct boundary universality classes for a given bulk, phase transitions, and non-Fermi liquids in diverse systems. The underlying boundary states however remain largely unexplored. This is related with a fundamental issue how a Kondo cloud spatially forms to screen a magnetic impurity in a metal. Here we predict the quantum-coherent spatial and energy structure of multichannel Kondo clouds, representative boundary states involving competing non-Fermi liquids, by studying quantum entanglement between the impurity and the channels. Entanglement shells of distinct non-Fermi liquids coexist in the structure, depending on the channels. As temperature increases, the shells become suppressed one by one from the outside, and the remaining outermost shell determines the thermal phase of each channel. Detection of the entanglement shells is experimentally feasible. Our findings suggest a guide to studying other boundary states and boundary-bulk entanglement.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 18(7): 727-732, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37169897


A series of recent experiments have shown that collision of ballistic electrons in semiconductors can be used to probe the indistinguishability of single-electron wavepackets. Perhaps surprisingly, their Coulomb interaction has not been seen due to screening. Here we show Coulomb-dominated collision of high-energy single electrons in counter-propagating ballistic edge states, probed by measuring partition statistics while adjusting the collision timing. Although some experimental data suggest antibunching behaviour, we show that this is not due to quantum statistics but to strong repulsive Coulomb interactions. This prevents the wavepacket overlap needed for fermionic exchange statistics but suggests new ways to utilize Coulomb interactions: microscopically isolated and time-resolved interactions between ballistic electrons can enable the use of the Coulomb interaction for high-speed sensing or gate operations on flying electron qubits.

Nature ; 617(7960): 277-281, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37100910


Correlations of partitioned particles carry essential information about their quantumness1. Partitioning full beams of charged particles leads to current fluctuations, with their autocorrelation (namely, shot noise) revealing the particles' charge2,3. This is not the case when a highly diluted beam is partitioned. Bosons or fermions will exhibit particle antibunching (owing to their sparsity and discreteness)4-6. However, when diluted anyons, such as quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall states, are partitioned in a narrow constriction, their autocorrelation reveals an essential aspect of their quantum exchange statistics: their braiding phase7. Here we describe detailed measurements of weakly partitioned, highly diluted, one-dimension-like edge modes of the one-third filling fractional quantum Hall state. The measured autocorrelation agrees with our theory of braiding anyons in the time domain (instead of braiding in space); with a braiding phase of 2θ = 2π/3, without any fitting parameters. Our work offers a relatively straightforward and simple method to observe the braiding statistics of exotic anyonic states, such as non-abelian states8, without resorting to complex interference experiments9.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 415, 2023 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36697407


The resemblance between electrons and optical waves has strongly driven the advancement of mesoscopic physics, evidenced by the widespread use of terms such as fermion or electron optics. However, electron waves have yet to be understood in open cavity structures which have provided contemporary optics with rich insight towards non-Hermitian systems and complex interactions between resonance modes. Here, we report the realization of an open cavity resonator in a two-dimensional electronic system. We studied the resonant electron modes within the cavity and resolved the signatures of longitudinal and transverse quantization, showing that the modes are robust despite the cavity being highly coupled to the open background continuum. The transverse modes were investigated by applying a controlled deformation to the cavity, and their spatial distributions were further analyzed using magnetoconductance measurements and numerical simulation. These results lay the groundwork to exploring matter waves in the context of modern optical frameworks.

Nano Lett ; 22(23): 9313-9318, 2022 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36442504


Single-electron sources, formed by a quantum dot (QD), are key elements for realizing electron analogue of quantum optics. We develop a new type of single-electron source with functionalities that are absent in existing sources. This source couples with only one lead. By an AC rf drive, it successively emits holes and electrons cotraveling in the lead, as in the mesoscopic capacitor. Thanks to the considerable charging energy of the QD, however, emitted electrons have energy levels a few tens of millielectronvolts above the Fermi level, so that emitted holes and electrons are split by a potential barrier on demand, resulting in a rectified quantized current. The resulting pump map exhibits quantized triangular islands, in good agreement with our theory. We also demonstrate that the source can be operated with another tunable-barrier single-electron source in a series double QD geometry, showing parallel electron pumping by a common gate driving.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6660, 2022 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36333331


A collider where particles are injected onto a beam splitter from opposite sides has been used for identifying quantum statistics of identical particles. The collision leads to bunching of the particles for bosons and antibunching for fermions. In recent experiments, a collider was applied to a fractional quantum Hall regime hosting Abelian anyons. The observed negative cross-correlation of electrical currents cannot be understood with fermionic antibunching. Here we predict, based on a conformal field theory and a non-perturbative treatment of non-equilibrium anyon injection, that the collider provides a tool for observation of the braiding statistics of various Abelian and non-Abelian anyons. Its dominant process is not direct collision between injected anyons, contrary to common expectation, but braiding between injected anyons and an anyon excited at the collider. The dependence of the resulting negative cross-correlation on the injection currents distinguishes non-Abelian SU(2)k anyons, Ising anyons, and Abelian Laughlin anyons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(16): 166801, 2022 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306761


Scattering or tunneling of an electron at a potential barrier is a fundamental quantum effect. Electron-electron interactions often affect the scattering, and understanding of the interaction effect is crucial in detection of various phenomena of electron transport and their application to electron quantum optics. We theoretically study the partition and collision of two interacting hot electrons at a potential barrier. We predict their kinetic energy change by their Coulomb interaction during the scattering delay time inside the barrier. The energy change results in characteristic deviation of the partition probabilities from the noninteracting case. The derivation includes nonmonotonic dependence of the probabilities on the barrier height, which qualitatively agrees with recent experiments, and reduction of the fermionic antibunching.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 5473, 2022 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36115841


Over the past 20 years, many efforts have been made to understand and control decoherence in 2D electron systems. In particular, several types of electronic interferometers have been considered in GaAs heterostructures, in order to protect the interfering electrons from decoherence. Nevertheless, it is now understood that several intrinsic decoherence sources fundamentally limit more advanced quantum manipulations. Here, we show that graphene offers a unique possibility to reach a regime where the decoherence is frozen and to study unexplored regimes of electron interferometry. We probe the decoherence of electron channels in a graphene quantum Hall PN junction, forming a Mach-Zehnder interferometer1,2, and unveil a scaling behavior of decay of the interference visibility with the temperature scaled by the interferometer length. It exhibits a remarkable crossover from an exponential decay at higher temperature to an algebraic decay at lower temperature where almost no decoherence occurs, a regime previously unobserved in GaAs interferometers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(22): 226801, 2021 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34889624


Quantum entanglement between an impurity and its environment is expected to be central in quantum impurity problems. We develop a method to compute the entanglement in spin-1/2 impurity problems, based on the entanglement negativity and the boundary conformal field theory (BCFT). Using the method, we study the thermal decay of the entanglement in the multichannel Kondo effects. At zero temperature, the entanglement has the maximal value independent of the number of the screening channels. At low temperature, the entanglement exhibits a power-law thermal decay. The power-law exponent equals two times of the scaling dimension of the BCFT boundary operator describing the impurity spin, and it is attributed to the energy-dependent scaling behavior of the entanglement in energy eigenstates. These agree with numerical renormalization group results, unveiling quantum coherence inside the Kondo screening length.

Ann Burns Fire Disasters ; 34(3): 264-276, 2021 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34744543


Since 2016 there has been a 20-fold increase in known burns injury from personal mobility device (PMD) related fires. The root cause is the failure of high-density lithium ion (Li-ion) battery packs powering the PMDs. This failure process, known as thermal runaway, is well documented in applied science journals. Importantly, the liberation of hydrogen fluoride from failing Li-ion batteries may contribute to unrecognized chemical burns. A clinical gap in knowledge exists in the understanding of the explosive nature of Li-ion batteries. We reviewed the electrochemical pathophysiology of a failing Li-ion cell as it impacts clinical management of burn injuries. This retrospective study was carried out in two major institutions in Singapore. All admitted PMD-related burns and follow up appointments were captured and reviewed from 2016 - 2020. Thirty patients were admitted to tertiary hospitals, 43% of patients were in the pediatric population and 57% were adult patients, aged from 0.3 to 77 years. TBSA of burns ranged from 0 to 80% with a mean 14.5%. 73% of cases presented with inhalation injury, 8 of whom did not suffer any cutaneous burns. 50% of patients sustained both cutaneous and inhalation burn injuries. 27% of patients sustained major burns of >20% TBSA, with 2 in the pediatric group. Mortali ty rate was 10% from PMD-related fires. This cause of burn injury has proven to be fa tal. Prevention of PMD-related fires by ensuring proper battery utilization, adherence to PMD sanctions for battery standards and public education is vital to reducing the morbidity and mortality of this unique type of thermal injury.

Depuis 2016, les rapports de brûlures après incendie de véhicules électriques personnels (VEP) ont été multipliés par 20. La cause essentielle en est le dysfonctionnement de la batterie lithium/ion (Li/ion) les motorisant. Ce dysfonctionnement est connu sous le terme d'emballement thermique, bien décrit dans les revues technologiques. La libération de fluorure d'hydrogène lors de cette réaction peut entraîner des brûlures chimiques ignorées et la physiopathologie exacte de ces brûlures reste largement méconnue des cliniciens. Nous avons revu les mécanismes physico- chimiques de l'emballement thermique des batteries Li/ion et leur conséquences sur la prise en charge des brûlures occasionnées. Cette étude rétrospective a été réalisée par 2 grosses structures singapouriennes. Tous les dossiers d'accidents de VEP survenus entre 2016 et 2020, comprenant le suivi à distance, ont été revus. Ils regroupaient 30 patients âgés de 3 mois à 77 ans, dont 43% d'enfants. La surface brûlée représentait 0 à 80% de SCT (moyenne 14,5%) et 27% des patients (dont 2 enfants) étaient brûlés sur plus de 20% SCT. Une inhalation était retrouvée dans 73% des cas (dont 8 sans brûlure cutanée). La moitié des patients avaient une brûlure et une inhalation. La mortalité s'élevait à 10%. La prévention de ces accidents par le contrôle- qualité des batteries (sanctions à l'appui) et l'éducation à l'utilisation correcte des VEP et de leur batterie est nécessaire pour éviter ces dysfonctionnements potentiellement létaux.

Arch Osteoporos ; 16(1): 162, 2021 10 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34718871


Time to surgery, early mobilization, fracture type, and ASA grades independently affect acute hospital length of stay after hip fracture surgery. Modifiable factors can be audited to reduce length of stay, and non-modifiable factors can be used for consideration of a tiered bundled payment reimbursement model. INTRODUCTION: As hip fracture incidence rises with our ageing global population, there will be an increase in consumption of healthcare resources. We hypothesized that hospital management and patient factors can affect healthcare burden load. Using length of stay (LOS) as a surrogate for consumption, the aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of hospital management and patient-related factors on length of stay (LOS) for patients after hip fracture surgery. We studied modifiable and non-modifiable factors influencing LOS, and identification of these modifiable factors accords opportunities for mitigating these factors. METHODS: This retrospective study examines hip fracture data from a large tertiary hospital in Singapore over the period of 2017 to 2020. Data collected on the electronic medical record included age, gender, race, marital status, payer type, ASA score, TTS, type of surgery, fracture type, POD1 mobilization, discharge position, and presence of pressure sores, and they were correlated with LOS using binary logistic regression on SAS. RESULTS: A total of 1045 patients were included in this study with 704 females and 341 males. The mean age was 79.5 ± 8.57 years (range 60-105) with an average LOS 13.64 ± 10.0 days (range 2-114). On binary logistic regression, ASA and trochanteric fracture remains a significant non-modifiable factor for LOS with OR = 1.486 (95% CI 1.106, 1.996, p = 0.0086) and OR 1.522 (95% CI 1.149, 2.015, p = 0.0034) respectively. Significant modifiable factors were TTS > 48 h (OR = 1.819, 95% CI 1.205, 2.746, p = 0.0044) and POD1 mobilization (OR = 0.441, 95% CI 0.257, 0.756, p = 0.0029). CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis showed TTS and POD1 are significant modifiable factors for LOS, and resources can be diverted towards them for the management of hip fracture patients and pre-empting the increasing load on our healthcare system.

Fracturas de Cadera , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Fracturas de Cadera/epidemiología , Fracturas de Cadera/cirugía , Hospitales , Humanos , Tiempo de Internación , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Alta del Paciente , Estudios Retrospectivos
Phys Rev Lett ; 126(14): 146803, 2021 Apr 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33891444


Graphene is a very promising test bed for the field of electron quantum optics. However, a fully tunable and coherent electronic beam splitter is still missing. We report the demonstration of electronic beam splitters in graphene that couple quantum Hall edge channels having opposite valley polarizations. The electronic transmission of our beam splitters can be tuned from zero to near unity. By independently setting the beam splitters at the two corners of a graphene p-n junction to intermediate transmissions, we realize a fully tunable electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This tunability allows us to unambiguously identify the quantum interferences due to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and to study their dependence with the beam-splitter transmission and the interferometer bias voltage. The comparison with conventional semiconductor interferometers points toward universal processes driving the quantum decoherence in those two different 2D systems, with graphene being much more robust to their effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(18): 187702, 2020 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33196222


It has been argued that fluctuations of fermion parity are harmful for the demonstration of non-Abelian anyonic statistics. Here, we demonstrate a striking exception in which such fluctuations are actively used. We present a theory of coherent electron transport from a tunneling tip into a Corbino geometry Josephson junction where four Majorana bound states (MBSs) rotate. While the MBSs rotate, electron tunneling happens from the tip to one of the MBSs thereby changing the fermion parity of the MBSs. The tunneling events in combination with the rotation allow us to identify a novel braiding operator that does not commute with the braiding cycles in the absence of tunneling, revealing the non-Abelian nature of MBSs. The time-averaged tunneling current exhibits resonances as a function of the tip voltage with a period that is a direct consequence of the interference between the noncommuting braiding operations. Our work opens up a possibility for utilizing parity nonconserving processes to control non-Abelian states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(19): 196802, 2020 Nov 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216602


Fractional charge and statistics are hallmarks of low-dimensional interacting systems such as fractional quantum Hall (QH) systems. Integer QH systems are regarded as noninteracting, yet they can have fractional charge excitations when they couple to another interacting system or time-dependent voltages. Here, we notice Abelian fractional mutual statistics between such a fractional excitation and an electron, and propose a setup for detection of the statistics in which a fractional excitation is generated at a source and injected to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) in the integer QH regime. In a parameter regime, the dominant interference process involves braiding, via double exchange, between an electron excited at an MZI beam splitter and the fractional excitation. The braiding results in the interference phase shift by the phase angle of the mutual statistics. This proposal for directly observing the fractional mutual statistics is within experimental reach.

ACS Nano ; 14(10): 14118-14125, 2020 Oct 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33030335


Topological insulator (TI) nanoribbons (NRs) provide a platform for investigating quantum interference oscillations combined with topological surface states. One-dimensional subbands formed along the perimeter of a TI NR can be modulated by an axial magnetic field, exhibiting Aharonov-Bohm (AB) and Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak (AAS) oscillations of magnetoconductance (MC). Using Sb-doped Bi2Se3 TI NRs, we found that the relative amplitudes of the two quantum oscillations can be tuned by varying the channel length, exhibiting crossover from quasi-ballistic to diffusive transport regimes. The AB and AAS oscillations were discernible even for a 70 µm long channel, while only the AB oscillations were observed for a short channel. Analyses based on ensemble-averaged fast Fourier transform of MC curves revealed exponential temperature dependences of the AB and AAS oscillations, from which the circumferential phase-coherence length and thermal length were obtained. Our observations indicate that the channel length in a TI NR can be a useful control knob for tailored quantum interference oscillations, especially for developing topological hybrid quantum devices.

Nature ; 579(7798): 210-213, 2020 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32161385


When a magnetic impurity exists in a metal, conduction electrons form a spin cloud that screens the impurity spin. This basic phenomenon is called the Kondo effect1,2. Unlike electric-charge screening, the spin-screening cloud3-6 occurs quantum coherently, forming spin-singlet entanglement with the impurity. Although the spins interact locally around the impurity, the Kondo cloud can theoretically spread out over several micrometres. The cloud has not so far been detected, and so its physical existence-a fundamental aspect of the Kondo effect-remains controversial7,8. Here we present experimental evidence of a Kondo cloud extending over a length of micrometres, comparable to the theoretical length ξK. In our device, a Kondo impurity is formed in a quantum dot2,9-11, coupling on one side to a quasi-one-dimensional channel12 that houses a Fabry-Pérot interferometer of various gate-defined lengths L exceeding one micrometre. When we sweep a voltage on the interferometer end gate-separated by L from the quantum dot-to induce Fabry-Pérot oscillations in conductance we observe oscillations in the measured Kondo temperature TK, which is a signature of the Kondo cloud at distance L. When L is less than ξK the TK oscillation amplitude becomes larger as L becomes smaller, obeying a scaling function of a single parameter L/ξK, whereas when L is greater than ξK the oscillation is much weaker. Our results reveal that ξK is the only length parameter associated with the Kondo effect, and that the cloud lies mostly within a length of ξK. Our experimental method offers a way of detecting the spatial distribution of exotic non-Fermi liquids formed by multiple magnetic impurities or multiple screening channels13-16 and of studying spin-correlated systems.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 14(11): 1019-1023, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31686007


An advanced understanding of ultrafast coherent electron dynamics is necessary for the application of submicrometre devices under a non-equilibrium drive to quantum technology, including on-demand single-electron sources1, electron quantum optics2-4, qubit control5-7, quantum sensing8,9 and quantum metrology10. Although electron dynamics along an extended channel has been studied extensively2-4,11, it is hard to capture the electron motion inside submicrometre devices. The frequency of the internal, coherent dynamics is typically higher than 100 GHz, beyond the state-of-the-art experimental bandwidth of less than 10 GHz (refs. 6,12,13). Although the dynamics can be detected by means of a surface-acoustic-wave quantum dot14, this method does not allow for a time-resolved detection. Here we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate how we can observe the internal dynamics in a silicon single-electron source that comprises a dynamic quantum dot in an effective time-resolved fashion with picosecond resolution using a resonant level as a detector. The experimental observations and the simulations with realistic parameters show that a non-adiabatically excited electron wave packet15 spatially oscillates quantum coherently at ~250 GHz inside the source at 4.2 K. The developed technique may, in future, enable the detection of fast dynamics in cavities, the control of non-adiabatic excitations15 or a single-electron source that emits engineered wave packets16. With such achievements, high-fidelity initialization of flying qubits5, high-resolution and high-speed electromagnetic-field sensing8 and high-accuracy current sources17 may become possible.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(1): 016803, 2019 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386400


Anyonic fractional charges e^{*} have been detected by autocorrelation shot noise at a quantum point contact (QPC) between two fractional quantum Hall edges. We find that the autocorrelation noise can also show a fingerprint of Abelian anyonic fractional statistics. We predict the noise of the electrical tunneling current I at the QPC of the fractional-charge detection setup, when anyons are dilutely injected, from an additional edge biased by a voltage, to the setup in equilibrium. At large voltages, the nonequilibrium noise is reduced below the thermal equilibrium noise by the value 2e^{*}I. This negative excess noise is opposite to the positive excess noise 2e^{*}I of the conventional fractional-charge detection and also to the usual positive autocorrelation noises of electrical currents. This is a signature of Abelian fractional statistics, resulting from the effective braiding of an anyon thermally excited at the QPC around another anyon injected from the additional edge.