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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574653


Las habilidades cognitivas de los niños varían conforme a los contextos de desarrollo cultural en los que se desenvuelven. Asumiendo la variabilidad cultural, este estudio tuvo por objetivo comparar las habilidades ejecutivas en 110 niños, entre 9 y 11 años, pertenecientes a tres grupos: no mapuche urbanos, mapuche urbanos y mapuche rurales, de comunas de la región de La Araucanía, Chile. Se usó un diseño descriptivo y correlacional para contrastar el desempeño de los niños en las variables de interés. La batería de instrumentos estuvo formada por tres pruebas que evaluaron: actualización, cambio entre conjuntos mentales e inhibición, respectivamente. Los resultados indican que no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en actualización y cambio entre conjuntos mentales, pero sí hubo significancia estadística para las diferencias en inhibición; siendo los niños no mapuche quienes tuvieron mayor inhibición respecto de los otros dos grupos. Se discuten los hallazgos según la hipótesis de que el desarrollo de habilidades se relaciona con las prácticas cotidianas, demandas y características sociodemográficas de los contextos en los que los niños se desarrollan.

As habilidades cognitivas das crianças variam conforme os contextos de desenvolvimento cultural em que elas se desenvolvem. Partindo do pressuposto da variabilidade cultural, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar as habilidades executivas de 110 crianças, com idades entre 9 e 11 anos, pertencentes a três grupos: não mapuche urbanas, mapuche urbanas e mapuche rurais, de municípios da região de La Araucanía, Chile. Foi utilizado um desenho descritivo e correlacional para comparar o desempenho das crianças nas variáveis de interesse. A bateria de instrumentos foi composta por três testes que avaliaram: atualização, mudança entre conjuntos mentais e inibição, respectivamente. Os resultados indicam que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa em atualização e mudança entre conjuntos mentais, mas houve significância estatística para as diferenças em inibição, com as crianças não mapuches apresentando maior inibição do que os outros dois grupos. Os resultados são discutidos de acordo com a hipótese de que o desenvolvimento de habilidades está relacionado às práticas cotidianas, demandas e características sociodemográficas dos contextos em que as crianças se desenvolvem.

Children's cognitive abilities differ according to the cultural development settings in which they are raised. Assuming cultural variability, this study compared the executive functions in 110 children, aged 9 to 11 years, belonging to three groups: urban non-Mapuche, urban Mapuche, and rural Mapuche, from communes in the Araucanía region, Chile. A descriptive and correlational design was used to contrast children's performance on the variables of interest. The battery of instruments comprised three tests that assessed updating, set-shifting, and inhibition, respectively. The results indicate no statistically significant differences in updating and set-shifting, but there was a statistical significance for differences in inhibition, with non-Mapuche children having greater inhibition than the other two groups. The findings are discussed according to the hypothesis that skill development is related to the daily practices, demands, and sociodemographic characteristics of the settings in which children are raised.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241282993, 2024 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39352079


Exploitation is a form of abuse that occurs when one person unfairly manipulates another for profit or personal gain. Various individual and social characteristics have the potential to increase an individual's risk of being exploited. Cognitive impairment is one potential vulnerability factor that has received minimal research attention. This scoping review aimed to investigate cognitive impairment as a factor that may increase an individual's vulnerability to exploitation. Study inclusion criteria were: (a) empirical studies; (b) studies presenting extractable data related to cognitive impairment and exploitation; (c) studies exploring cognitive impairment as a vulnerability factor for exploitation; (d) studies published after 1998; and (e) studies available in English. A six-step search strategy was employed: (a) electronic searches of bibliographic databases; (b) screening reference lists of included studies; (c) forward citation tracking in Google Scholar; (d) expert recommendations; (e) website searches of relevant Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); and (f) a call for evidence. Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria. Three types of exploitation were reported: sexual (n = 10), financial (n = 8), and criminal (n = 2). Intellectual disability (n = 8) and mental health (n = 8) were the most frequently described forms of cognitive impairment. The results indicate that cognitive impairment is a factor that increases vulnerability to exploitation. However, the limited number and disparate nature of the studies means that it is impossible to disentangle all the complexities in the relationship between cognitive impairment and exploitation. Further research is needed to understand if cognitive impairment increases vulnerability to all types of exploitation or if it results in varying levels of susceptibility to different types of exploitation.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241279860, 2024 Oct 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39377179


Over the past decade, scholars have explored whether the stigma associated with sexual violence (SV) represents a risk factor for psychopathology and related comorbidities following SV. We conducted a scoping review to summarize and evaluate the state of this burgeoning literature. We included studies from Pubmed, APA PsychInfo, Embase, CINAHL Plus, Social Science Premium, and Web of Science that quantified stigma related to SV. Studies were screened and abstracted in accordance with the PRISMA-SCR guidelines for scoping reviews. Our final sample contained 62 studies. We address two key questions about SV stigma. First, is SV a stigmatized status? Articles (n = 14) provided evidence for SV stigma among potential stigmatizers (e.g., individuals who may perpetuate stigma) across a range of methods (e.g., vignettes) and outcomes (e.g., desire for social distance). Additional work (n = 20) corroborates perceptions of SV stigma among targets (i.e., SV survivors). Second, what are the psychosocial consequences of SV stigma? We reviewed studies (n = 28) demonstrating that SV stigma is correlated with a range of adverse psychosocial outcomes-including anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, problematic drinking, and somatic symptoms-among individuals experiencing multiple types of SV (e.g., childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault). Thus, emerging evidence suggests that SV stigma may be a critical determinant of risk and recovery following SV exposure. However, a number of limitations were observed, including that SV stigma has not been consistently measured and that the literature has not fully incorporated stigma constructs, such as concealment and structural stigma. We offer several recommendations to advance this line of work.

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241291912, 2024 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39445486


There are few studies that measure the effects of childhood emotional trauma on female college students' positive perceptions and attitudes toward their present lives. Therefore, this study analyzes how female college students' emotional trauma induced by child emotional abuse influences their flourishing as adults. To this end, a descriptive survey via an online platform was conducted from November 26 to December 3, 2022. The participants were 318 female college students aged 18 to 35 in South Korea, who experienced parental emotional abuse when they were younger than 18 years old. The survey was conducted to validate the moderating effects of resilience and cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between female college students' childhood emotional trauma and flourishing. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Hayes' PROCESS macro. Self-blame, other-blame, and positive refocusing factors of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire were found to moderate the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and flourishing. Specifically, the self-blame strategy intensified the negative moderation effect. As flourishing depends on the degree of self-blame, fostering optimism by mitigating self-blame is necessary. The other-blame strategy attenuated the negative impact of childhood emotional trauma on flourishing. Nevertheless, this strategy can weaken emotions if individuals fail to regulate them independently. A positive refocusing strategy also effectively moderated the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and flourishing by alleviating the former's adverse effects. By contrast, resilience lacked a moderation effect. To overcome past emotional adversities and lead a flourishing life, interventions that actively utilize relational resources within the campus and regulate irrational beliefs, such as self-blame and blame toward others are necessary. These findings provide critical foundational data for the development of programs aimed at fostering a forward-thinking cognitive framework, thus enabling them to focus on future plans despite memories of emotional abuse.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241286810, 2024 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39404046


Trauma-informed care (TIC) has gained significant traction in social work over the last decade, becoming a key organizing principle despite a dearth of empirical evidence attesting to its effectiveness. Addressing this paradox, our scoping review examines TIC's conceptualization and application in the field, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and empirical support. We analyzed 131 peer-reviewed articles from 2012 to 2022, following Arksey and O'Malley's framework, with inclusion criteria focused on English-language, peer-reviewed journal articles on TIC within U.S. social work. The identification of articles involved a systematic search across three online databases-Social Service Abstracts, Social Science Citation Index, and Social Work Abstracts-using the search terms "trauma informed*" and "social work" to capture relevant articles through keywords, subject headings, and titles. Our analysis revealed a broad understanding of trauma and a tendency toward emphasizing individual-level experiences, with infrequent acknowledgment of institutional or structural trauma. While TIC is applied across diverse domains, particularly in education and child welfare, its practical application lacks clarity and specificity. Critically, we found a reliance on the perceived prevalence of trauma rather than robust research to justify TIC's adoption. The inconsistent use of theory, primarily at the micro-level, and the wide range of practices resembling established social work methods raise questions about TIC's distinctiveness and unique contribution. Considering these findings, we urge a critical reassessment of TIC, focusing on its implications for practice and research.

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241285922, 2024 Oct 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39394679


The city of Belo Horizonte is a state capital in Brazil with 2.7 million people. The city is remarkable for its stubbornly high and stable levels of domestic violence, and for having implemented very restrictive responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using 260 weeks of data between 2017 and 2021, we used an Interrupted Time Series model to estimate the effect of the restrictive orders and their subsequent relief on reports of domestic violence against women. Results show that restrictive orders had a large and negative immediate impact on reports of domestic violence against women, which was immediately followed by a gradual increase towards their original level. The subsequent relief had no impact, as the series had already resumed its earlier trend by the time restrictions ended. We engage with theory and extant research from middle-income countries to consider why reports declined and why this decline was momentary. Findings contrast with research in high-income countries, which generally found increases in reports of domestic violence after implementing pandemic-related restrictions. However, results align with a single other study in Mexico, a medium-income country similar to Brazil. In light of our data's context and literature, we considered that reports of domestic violence may have declined not necessarily because of a reduction in actual incidents, but because the restrictions may have exacerbated the isolation of women in vulnerable domestic arrangements, limiting their ability to report their victimization. A stable trend in reports of domestic violence against women, which resumed even after a global pandemic, suggests that current policies have been ineffective and that addressing domestic violence requires a better understanding of related issues and evidence-based strategies. Our study also highlights the importance of considering the consequences of hastily implemented policies during a crisis. While necessary, such policies can inadvertently exacerbate issues such as social isolation.

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241270074, 2024 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223857


A sizeable literature has shown that child marriage is associated with an increased risk for intimate partner violence (IPV). However, this research has been cross-sectional, and the temporality of the association has not been investigated. Specifically, no study has yet examined whether IPV is a predictor of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy. This study uses prospective longitudinal data on a cohort of adolescent girls from the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health to evaluate whether IPV victimization predicts child marriage or adolescent pregnancy. Using survival models, we find that adolescent girls who experienced physical IPV (measured at survey baseline, in 2017-2018) are more likely to enter child marriages (measured at survey follow-up, in 2021) (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.7 [1.44, 5.08]). Experiencing sexual IPV is also significantly associated with adolescent pregnancy (HR = 1.97 [1.16, 3.33]). These findings indicate the need for greater intervention to ensure healthy adolescent relationships, as well as further research to understand how abusive relationships shape early transitions to adulthood.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241275979, 2024 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39268961


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is at epidemic levels across low-, middle-, and high-income countries, including Canada, where recent lifetime prevalence indicated that over 40% of women had IPV experiences. In response to this, Canada's federal government has made investments toward IPV prevention and response. We conducted a scoping review of English and French literature identified through searches of multiple databases and specific journals to assess the current state of IPV research in Canada. A total of 267 articles met inclusion criteria of being peer-reviewed research primarily about IPV in either French or English published from 2020 to 2022 with at least one Canadian-affiliated author. Almost a third of studies described services for survivors but did not evaluate service effectiveness. We noted a significant gap in research on the IPV experiences of gender and/or sexual minorities. Canada's federal social science research funding agency was the most common funder, with the two federal government departments with specific IPV funding initiatives in place cited as funding less than 6% of included studies. In general, there remains an overfocus on IPV epidemiology and on descriptions of service use, and not enough research examining the effectiveness and implementation of interventions, especially grounded in theoretical, gendered, and trauma- and violence-informed frameworks. Funders and researchers are encouraged to consider moving resources from ongoing description of well-established factors to assessment and implementation of evidence-informed interventions, and, crucially, primary prevention of IPV and all forms of gender-based violence.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241277270, 2024 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39302822


During pregnancy and the early parenting period, women are especially vulnerable to intimate partner violence (IPV), with devastating impacts on women, children, and families. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of father-focused interventions to prevent or reduce IPV during pregnancy and early parenthood. Six databases were searched, using a combination of the concepts "fathers," "pregnancy/early parenthood," "IPV" and "intervention." Articles were double screened by title and abstract, and then full-text. Methodological and reporting quality was assessed using the Quality Assessment with Diverse Studies tool. Fifteen papers were eligible for inclusion; these articles were mostly of poor-to-moderate quality. Only three of the articles reported on interventions in lower- and middle-income countries. The most common forms of IPV addressed in these interventions were physical (10), psychological (8), sexual (4), and economic/financial (3). Of 12 articles reporting on data from both intervention and control groups, only six indicated statistically significant results; among these, only three reported robust analyses showing significantly greater reduction in IPV in intervention than in control groups. All three took place in lower- or middle-income countries. Two were underpinned by theoretical frameworks, which considered transforming traditional perceived gender norms. Therefore, interventions based on principles that address transformation of gender norms show promise but the success of such underlying principles needs to be confirmed, and better-quality evidence and reporting are needed for interventions targeting fathers to prevent or reduce IPV.

J Interpers Violence ; 39(19-20): 4135-4163, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254270


The prevalence of interpersonal violence has been reported at higher levels among Indigenous than non-Indigenous populations worldwide, but has not been thoroughly investigated among the Sámi population in Sweden. The aims of this study were to investigate: (1) the prevalence of emotional, physical, and sexual violence and violence by intimate partners, family members, acquaintances, and strangers among participants identifying as Sámi or Swedish, (2) whether reporting experiences of historical losses and discrimination mediated the anticipated association between identifying as Sámi and reporting experiences of violence, and (3) whether background characteristics were associated with reporting experiences of violence. Cross-sectional questionnaire data collected in 2021 for the "Health and Living conditions in Sápmi" study were used. All adults in an arctic region in Sweden were invited to participate (response rate: 41%). Respondents self-identifying as Sámi (n = 375; 24.7%) or Swedish (n = 1,144; 75.3%) were included in this study. Sámi respondents of both sexes more often reported violence by an acquaintance or stranger. Likewise, more Sámi than Swedish women reported family violence (16.4% vs. 9.2%), but there was no difference concerning intimate partner violence (13.3% vs. 15.4%). Mediation analyses revealed strong positive indirect effects of historical losses and discrimination on the different types of violence. Being female was the strongest predictor of reporting intimate partner violence, and younger age was associated with violence by all perpetrators except family members. In conclusion, interpersonal violence was more often reported by Sámi respondents, but the association was explained in full by experiences of historical losses and discrimination. The results underline the importance of a life-course and even intergenerational and historical perspectives when investigating interpersonal violence.

Pueblos Indígenas , Humanos , Suecia , Femenino , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Regiones Árticas , Estudios Transversales , Adulto Joven , Pueblos Indígenas/estadística & datos numéricos , Pueblos Indígenas/psicología , Violencia de Pareja/estadística & datos numéricos , Violencia de Pareja/psicología , Violencia de Pareja/etnología , Adolescente , Violencia/estadística & datos numéricos , Relaciones Interpersonales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Anciano
Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241271387, 2024 Sep 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39323231


Rape myths are social constructs, deeply rooted in European society. They play a role in maintaining false beliefs about sexual violence and are one of the main factors in sexual abuse behavior. In this review article, the authors focused on the factors influencing the perpetuation and spread of false beliefs regarding sexual violence, its victims, and perpetrators. The goal of the study is to achieve a more profound comprehension of the cultural and social dimensions linked to this occurrence. In conducting the systematic literature review, three databases have been used to search for pertinent articles: ProQuest, Scopus, and ERIH Plus. Only peer-reviewed scientific articles in English published between 2013 and 2023 were deemed eligible. Furthermore, inclusion criteria stipulated that articles must present empirical research of European origin, focusing on the keywords: "myths about rape," "myths about sexual violence," and "myths about rape." In total 2,507 articles were initially identified, with 79 ultimately meeting the inclusion criteria. The analysis revealed the presence of several factors influencing the function of rape myths. These were categorized into sociodemographic, individual, and systemic. The general populace of European society commonly holds beliefs in rape myths. Moreover, numerous studies point to large legal and systemic inequalities that lead to social inequalities and, consequently, to the perpetuation of rape culture through victimization and victim blaming. This review demonstrates the need for future research on sex education as a factor in preventing rape myths.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241271419, 2024 Sep 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39237852


The purpose of this scoping review was to ascertain the scope and nature of the literature focused on intimate partner violence (IPV) among Afghans across contexts, including Afghanistan. The scoping review adopted a systematic approach to search for, identify, and include peer-reviewed articles published in English. Fifty-two articles were retained in the final analysis, which generated results on IPV prevalence; multi-level risk and protective factors; qualitatively derived contextual factors; associations of IPV with adverse physical and psychological outcomes; IPV-related help-seeking behaviors; programs and interventions; the role of religion; IPV-related policies; and the role of fiction. Findings indicate that past-year physical IPV prevalence ranged from 52% to 56% in Afghanistan and 79.8% among Afghan refugees displaced in Iran. Studies conducted in Afghanistan identified a range of IPV risk factors occurring at the individual (e.g., age and employment), interpersonal/household (e.g., acceptance of IPV and violence perpetrated by in-laws), and societal levels (e.g., conflict/displacement). The findings highlight a rich literature on IPV in Afghanistan and significant gaps in IPV research across the Afghan diaspora and in contexts of displacement and resettlement. The results advance understanding of the drivers of IPV in the diverse Afghan population and highlight context-specific gaps, and needs for intervention and future research. These gaps indicate the importance of conducting research elucidating how risk and protective factors associated with IPV shift in forced migration and resettlement, and an urgent need for the development and testing of services and programs that respond to the specific needs of Afghan women experiencing IPV across contexts.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241271350, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39165104


Peer support models of service provision have become increasingly prevalent in recent decades across multiple health and human services fields. In this scoping review, we examine peer support work within the context of intimate partner violence (IPV) service provision, including an examination of how this approach is conceptualized, the mechanisms underlying it, the impact of professionalism, and the benefits and challenges experienced by IPV peer support workers (PSWs). Three social science databases were searched with keywords related to IPV and peer support work, with additional articles and materials identified via targeted Google searches. The final sample of materials meeting criteria for the study (i.e., focusing on trained peer workers and their experiences serving IPV survivor clients) includes 10 papers and reports published from 1983 to 2022. We find that peer support work is conceptualized as a holistic alternative to traditional forms of IPV service provision, and that PSWs are viewed as occupying a unique role in relation to clients that enhances their ability to provide comprehensive care. However, we also identify several challenges resulting from the increasing professionalization of the IPV field, including a lack of role clarity for PSWs, a need to balance structure and flexibility in peer work service settings, and skepticism toward PSWs from credentialed professionals. Lastly, we find that although PSWs experience advantages from providing services, including enhanced personal growth and healing, they also navigate challenges related to maintaining their own emotional well-being and would benefit from additional training and institutional support.

Soc Sci Med ; 358: 117247, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173292


Individual-level georeferenced data have been widely used in COVID-19 control measures around the world. Recent research observed that there is a trade-off relationship between people's privacy concerns and their acceptance of these control measures. However, whether this trade-off relationship exists across different cultural contexts is still unaddressed. Using data we collected via an international survey (n = 4260) and network analysis, our study found a substantial trade-off inter-relationship among people's privacy concerns, perceived social benefits, and acceptance across different control measures and study areas. People's privacy concerns in culturally tight societies (e.g., Japan) have the smallest negative impacts on their acceptance of pandemic control measures. The results also identify people's key views of specific control measures that can influence their views of other control measures. The impacts of these key views are heightened among participants with a conservative political view, high levels of perceived social tightness, and vertical individualism. Our results indicate that cultural factors are a key mechanism that mediate people's privacy concerns and their acceptance of pandemic control measures. These close inter-relationships lead to a double-edged sword effect: the increased positive impacts of people's acceptance and perceived social benefits also lead to increased negative impacts of privacy concerns in different combinations of control strategies. The findings highlight the importance of cultural factors as key determinants that affect people's acceptance or rejection of specific pandemic control measures.

COVID-19 , Privacidad , Humanos , COVID-19/prevención & control , COVID-19/psicología , COVID-19/epidemiología , Femenino , Masculino , Privacidad/psicología , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemias , Comparación Transcultural , Anciano
J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241270072, 2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39169744


Women with mental health (MH) symptoms are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of intimate partner violence (IPV). Social support (SS) helps those women cope with adversities and regain their overall well-being. Examining specific sources and functions of SS will help expand knowledge about resources for and barriers to MH services for women IPV survivors. However, few studies examined functional and relational SS among women IPV survivors residing in shelters. This cross-sectional study examined how 31 racially diverse women IPV survivors with different MH symptoms perceive relational SS from various sources as they stay in a shelter that provides functional SS. Cluster analyses were performed to classify participants into two groups: more MH or fewer MH symptoms. Results showed that the women with more MH symptoms reported higher tangible support than those with fewer MH symptoms. Results from ANCOVA showed a significant cross-over interaction between MH and race for overall SS, indicating that women of color with more MH symptoms were less likely to perceive overall SS than Caucasians when controlling for functional SS. MANCOVA analyzed the specific sources of overall SS, such as family, friends, and others. There was a significant cross-over interaction of MH and race on SS from others when controlling for functional SS. These findings suggest that women IPV survivors of color who experience more MH symptoms perceive support from others as less supportive and trustworthy. Social service providers must provide culturally sensitive and strengths-based SS programs to help women of color who have experienced social isolation, stigma, and shame associated with IPV and mental illnesses (MIs). They also must engage in community outreach programs by educating community members about the needs and rights of women IPV survivors with MIs and collaborating to build communities that promote safety, trust, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Soc Sci Med ; 357: 117168, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39121567


In response to continuing legacies of colonialism, there is increasing recognition of the need to decolonise various fields of research and practice, including within work on violence against women and girls (VAWG). An emerging body of literature critiques how VAWG is framed, how prevention and response interventions may be imposed on communities as part of White Saviourism, and the existence of hierarchical approaches to data collection, analysis and interpretation. This scoping review is the first known attempt to describe global published and grey literature on colonialism and decolonisation within VAWG research and programming. We conducted an extensive search across databases and search engines including research studies, reports, commentaries and blogs, and identified 55 sources that focused on VAWG and related to the legacy of colonialism and/or decolonial approaches within the field. Included literature discussed the role of colonialism in shaping VAWG, referenced decolonial approaches to respond to VAWG and identified five key recommendations for VAWG research and practice: 1. Consider the context and power hierarchies within which VAWG occurs; 2. Incorporate community resources and perspectives into efforts to end VAWG; 3. Use methods and approaches to researching VAWG that centre perspectives and lived experience of communities; 4. Shift VAWG funding to local actors and ensure VAWG funding streams are more responsive to local needs and realities; and 5. Ensure local, contextually-relevant framings of feminisms inform decolonising of VAWG. We conclude that shifting towards a bottom-up approach to decolonising VAWG research and programming is essential to prevent decolonisation from being reduced to a buzzword. While literature explored the use of specific methods to decolonise research on VAWG, researchers need broader strategies to embed a decolonial perspective throughout the research process, transcending mere methodological adaptations. There is a need for VAWG research and programming to scrutinise structural inequities, particularly acknowledging how colonial practices entrenched within wider societal power structures impact the field of VAWG.

Colonialismo , Violencia de Género , Femenino , Humanos
J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241265666, 2024 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39066583


This study investigated students' perceptions of victimization among college students (e.g., extent, location, consequences) through eight focus groups at a large, urban Hispanic-serving institution. Understanding students' perceptions of crime sheds light on the consequences of victimization as well as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impacts of the possibility of experiencing victimization. Our results yielded several key findings that warrant further discussion: (1) victimization-particularly sexual and property victimization-is an issue that many students thought about extensively and viewed as important; (2) the psychological impact of victimization and threatened sense of safety were perceived to be enduring consequences of victimization that can impact the college experience; (3) there was nuance to perceptions of "on-" versus "off-" campus victimization, with consequences carrying over to campus life even when incidents occur off campus; and (4) participants expressed both moral and conceptual issues with assigning a dollar amount to consequences of victimization. These results inform how perceptions of victimization risk and anticipated consequences shape student fears and behavior, while also highlighting key areas that universities may consider for prevention and intervention efforts.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241265386, 2024 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39066616


In Australia, children and families from culturally and racially marginalized (CARM) migrant backgrounds experience a range of compounding structural and interpersonal factors that limit help-seeking and exacerbate the impacts of domestic and family violence (DFV). This scoping review examines the current state of knowledge on how children and young people from CARM migrant backgrounds experience DFV, and the services that respond to DFV including child protection services. A systematic search was conducted across PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and CINAHL databases and Google Scholar, alongside a complementary grey literature search. Articles were included in the review if participants were from CARM migrant backgrounds, and the article included information related to children and young people's experiences of DFV, and the DFV service system. The review found 19 articles that met selection criteria. Due to limited research on this topic in Australia, most articles focused on children and young people's experiences shared through parental, carer or service provider perspectives. To our knowledge, this is the first scoping review to examine how children and young people from CARM migrant backgrounds experience DFV. Findings demonstrate children and young people are victim-survivors of multiple forms of DFV. Children and young people's engagement with the DFV service system is often accompanied by feelings of fear and distrust. Findings suggest that to strengthen system responses to DFV, services must build their capability to implement intersectional approaches that simultaneously support the safety and well-being of both the child and the non-violent parent or carer.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241265384, 2024 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39077987


Adolescent dating violence (ADV) is a pervasive public health issue associated with numerous social, psychological, and physical health consequences. Thus, programs are often implemented to prevent ADV and promote healthy relationships. Although there is a growing body of literature on primary ADV prevention strategies (i.e., prevention), little is known about secondary (e.g., early intervention) and tertiary (e.g., manage and reduce impact once occurring) ADV prevention approaches. This systematic review, guided by Cochrane Review methodology, summarizes available evidence on secondary and tertiary ADV preventive interventions. The search had no date restriction and was conducted in eight databases in November 2022. Studies published in English and/or Spanish were included if they described the development, implementation, and/or evaluation of a secondary and/or tertiary preventive intervention for ADV. After screening the titles and abstracts of 3,645 articles, 31 articles were included in this study, reporting on 14 secondary, 3 primary/secondary, 6 secondary/tertiary, and 1 tertiary ADV preventive intervention. The included studies highlighted that available secondary ADV prevention strategies are quite effective in preventing ADV victimization and perpetration, and that the effects may be strongest for teens with a higher risk of being involved in an abusive relationship. The only included study that reported on a tertiary intervention was a program development study. Based on the lack of tertiary prevention strategies available for ADV, clinical interventions focusing on treating and reducing negative consequences after ADV are needed.

Trauma Violence Abuse ; : 15248380241260014, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39049444


Immigration interviews with asylum-seeking youth have been largely understudied. In domestic legal settings, children interviewed about abuse and maltreatment provide more detailed, relevant responses when asked open-ended questions and when interviewed in a neutral environment, among other supportive practices. In asylum settings, guidance for interviews with youth derives from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is not clear to what extent best practices are employed during asylum interviews with youth. This scoping review was performed to (a) provide an overview of empirical literature on interviews with children in immigration settings, including border screenings, interviews with representatives, and asylum hearings, (b) explore whether best practices derived from forensic psychology and children's rights are observed in asylum interviews, (c) identify unique interview needs of asylum-seeking youth, and (d) derive implications for research and practice. A scoping review of three databases conducted in October 2023 yielded titles, of which 29 articles met inclusion criteria. These comprised quantitative and qualitative studies in English from 2003 to 2023. Three articles identified were quantitative, and 26 were qualitative. While several articles touched on interview practices and youth's experiences of interviews, only a few examined how asylum-seeking youth responded to different interview factors such as question type and interview setting. Key findings highlight inconsistent application of best practice principles, and several areas where best practices to support asylum-seeking children require clarification through further research.