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Ecol Appl ; : e3038, 2024 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39363393


Compensatory density-dependent (DD) processes play an integral role in fisheries management by underpinning fundamental population demographics. However, DD processes are often assessed only for specific life stages, likely resulting in misleading evaluations of population limitations. Here, we assessed the relative roles of intra- and inter-life stage DD interactions in shaping the population dynamics of perennial freshwater fish with demographically open populations. Specifically, we monitored populations of amphidromous banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus), giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus), and shortjaw kokopu (Galaxias postvectis) in five streams where migratory post-larvae are fished and in three no-take ("closed") streams located on New Zealand's South Island for two years. Using mark-recapture data, we investigated whether fishing altered densities of "small" (non-territorial recruits ≤1-year-old) and "large" (territorial fish >1-year-old) kokopu size classes, and how subsequent density shifts affected the apparent survival and growth of each class while controlling for other confounding factors (e.g., habitat characteristics). We found that closed areas had substantially greater biomass of small kokopu, particularly following the two-month fishing season. Despite this greater influx of recruits, there was no difference in the biomass of large kokopu at the species level, or as a combined assemblage between stream types. This indicated that although fishing of post-larvae reduced recruit influxes into adult habitats, there was no subsequent evidence of recruitment-limitation within adult populations. Instead, kokopu demographics were underpinned by intra- and inter-life stage DD competition and predation. Greater large fish densities played a key role in regulating the survival, growth, and/or presence of various kokopu classes. In contrast, greater small fish densities had positive effects on the growth of opportunistic and insectivorous congeners, likely due to cannibalism and altered foraging behaviors, respectively. Our study details the prominent role of intra- and inter-life stage DD interactions in regulating the population dynamics of perennial migratory freshwater fishes, even in populations with inhibited recruit and juvenile availability. We emphasize the importance for fisheries management to implement recruitment dependencies and complex interactions between distinct life stages to avoid deleterious DD responses and ensure population persistence.

Environ Manage ; 2024 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39373893


To achieve global biodiversity targets, expanding protected area (PA) networks has been regarded as a major strategy in international commitments. However, the PA strategy often fails to achieve its objective - preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services. In addition, the expansion of PA areas could replicate and amplify historical injustices such as forced evictions, state-led physical violence, assimilation of culture and loss of traditional ecological knowledge, affecting communities' livelihood, quality of life and rights. There is an increasing consensus that the post-2020 biodiversity conservation framework should be rights-based and sensitive to the role and contributions of local communities towards achieving the PAs' targets. India's Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006 may be considered a useful framework for biodiversity conservation in the context of this new conservation vision. It puts local people at the centre stage, making them active participants in designing and managing conservation. PAs following 'fortress conservation' approach were based on the flawed idea that human interference endangers biodiversity and therefore habitats should be preserved by force if required. Such an idea contradicts the recent understanding that ecosystems once perceived as 'wilderness', have been transformed by people. PAs undermine the intricate and intertwined relationship of humans with their immediate ecosystem. The conservation model proposed by FRA 2006, on the other hand, recognises local communities as an integral part of ecosystem and thereby acknowledges people's rights and agency in conservation. It ensures locals' equitable benefits from economic activities, and provides equitable opportunities to participate in decision-making. Though various provisions under FRA empowered local people in conservation, it faces various challenges during the implementation on the ground. It is argued that a clear and appropriate institutional arrangement specifying various stakeholders' power, roles and responsibilities in the conservation and management of bioresources (including the protection of endangered species) should be developed for transformative change in biodiversity conservation.

Biodivers Data J ; 12: e125979, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39399756


Background: The "Serra da Concórdia" is part of the Atlantic Forest phytogeographical domain in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro and it has a predominant phytophysiognomy of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest. This region underwent intense habitat loss and fragmentation during the 19th century, due to coffee plantations and later pastures. With the decline of these activities, the areas were abandoned, triggering secondary succession. In 2002, the "Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia" was established in this region to preserve the remaining forest fragments. The updated list of vascular plants recorded in this protected area, published in the "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil", is presented here, along with information on richness, endemism, and conservation status. New information: The "Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia" houses 231 vascular plant species, of which 90% are angiosperms, 10% ferns and lycophytes, and 27% endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Ten species are threatened with extinction, three are categorized as Endangered, and seven as Vulnerable. Although there have been expeditions in the "Parque Estadual da Serra da Concórdia", they have been limited, resulting in a low number of records and the species richness for a protected area. This is notable considering the 2,130 Brazilian native vascular plant species recorded in the semideciduous seasonal forest of Rio de Janeiro. Our data indicates that floristic inventories of Brazilian protected areas could help highlight gaps in flora knowledge and support the proposal of effective conservation actions.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(18)2024 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39339610


The family Apiaceae, distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, is the largest family of angiosperms. However, little is known about the conservation status, diversity, and distribution of Apiaceae species in Mongolia. This study had two main aims: (1) to assess the national status of Apiaceae species under IUCN Red List Criterion B; (2) to evaluate the species diversity and richness of Apiaceae across Mongolia. We utilized ConR packages to assess the national Red List status of all known Mongolian Apiaceae species by analyzing their most comprehensive occurrence records. The results indicated that 27 species were classified as threatened, including 4 Critically Endangered (CR), 9 Endangered (EN), and 14 Vulnerable (VU) species. Meanwhile, 39 species were assessed as non-threatened, with 2 Near Threatened (NT) species and 37 species of Least Concern (LC). Furthermore, detailed distribution maps for 66 Apiaceae species in Mongolia were presented. We assessed the species diversity and Shannon and Simpson diversity indices of Apiaceae by analyzing all occurrence records using the iNext package. Overall, the Hill diversity estimates indicate that the sampling conducted in Mongolia adequately captured species occurrences. For species pattern analysis, we examined the species richness, weighted endemism, and the corrected weighted endemism index using Biodiverse v.4.1 software. Mongolia was portioned into 715 grid cells based on 0.5° × 0.5° grid sizes (equivalent to approximately 50 × 50 km2). There was a total of 3062 unique occurrences of all Apiaceae species across Mongolia. In the species richness analysis, we identified 10 grids that exhibited high species richness (18-29 species) and 36 grids with 11-17 species. For genus richness, we observed seven grids that exhibited a high genus richness of 16-22 genera. Furthermore, we analyzed species richness with a specific focus on threatened species, encompassing CR, EN, and VU species throughout Mongolia. A total of 92 grids contained at least one threatened species. There were six grids that had two to five threatened species, which were adequately covered by protected areas in western Mongolia. Overall, our results on species richness and conservation status will serve as important foundational research for future conservation and land management efforts in Mongolia.

Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70229, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224161


Globally, we are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis and megadiverse countries become key targets for conservation. South Africa, the only country in the world hosting three biodiversity hotspots within its borders, harbours a tremendous diversity of at-risk species deserving to be protected. However, the lengthy risk assessment process and the lack of required data to complete assessments is a serious limitation to conservation since several species may slide into extinction while awaiting risk assessment. Here, we employed a deep neural network model integrating species climatic and geographic features to predict the conservation status of 116 unassessed plant species. Our analysis involved in total of 1072 plant species and 96,938 occurrence points. The best-performing model exhibits high accuracy, reaching up to 83.6% at the binary classification and 56.8% at the detailed classification. Our best-performing model at the binary classification predicts that 32% (25 species) and 8% (3 species) of Data Deficient and Not-Evaluated species respectively, are likely threatened, amounting to a proportion of 24.1% of unassessed species facing a risk of extinction. Interestingly, all unassessed species predicted to be threatened are in protected areas, revealing the effectiveness of South Africa's network of protected areas in conservation, although these likely threatened species are more abundant outside protected areas. Considering the limitation in assessing only species with available data, there remains a possibility of a higher proportion of unassessed species being imperilled.

J Environ Manage ; 370: 122305, 2024 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39243648


Protected areas such as national parks constitute an increasing land mass globally, but these areas are under increasing threat from climate change events such as drought, flooding, and bushfires. The recent Yosemite National Park fires in California provide an example of this issue. After any such disaster, authorities will need to restore those protected areas to their former state at significant costs within any public funding cycle. To corroborate that request, clear economic assessments of total costs and benefits will be required. However, in previous studies of these issues a complete set of government cost and/or benefit data may not be provided, skewing assessment results accordingly. Using South Australia's Kangaroo Island protected areas-which were significantly destroyed by bushfire in 2019-20-as a case study with a unique set of State government cost data we calculate a set of analyses via economic methods. Despite significant restoration costs the study found the discounted net present value of returning tourists to the Island is 3.15 over ten years for park tourism and regional economic impacts, providing an internal rate of return of 22%. The rebuild work is also expected to support around 430 full time equivalent (FTE) jobs during construction, with a return to full tourism supporting another 744 FTEs across relevant sectors (e.g. accommodation, retail) of the Kangaroo Island economy. This robust assessment makes it far easier for protected area managers to argue their funding case.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234845


Cryptic species are groups of two or more taxa that were previously classified as single nominal species. Being almost morphologically indistinguishable, cryptic species have historically been hard to detect. Only through modern morphometric, genetic, and molecular analyses has the hidden biodiversity of cryptic species complexes been revealed. Cryptic diversity is now widely acknowledged, but unlike more recognisable, charismatic species, scientists face additional challenges when studying cryptic taxa and protecting their wild populations. Demographical and ecological data are vital to facilitate and inform successful conservation actions, particularly at the individual species level, yet this information is lacking for many cryptic species due to their recent taxonomic description and lack of research attention. The first part of this article summarises cryptic speciation and diversity, and explores the numerous barriers and considerations that conservation biologists must navigate to detect, study and manage cryptic species populations effectively. The second part of the article seeks to address how we can overcome the challenges associated with efficiently and non-invasively detecting cryptic species in-situ, and filling vital knowledge gaps that are currently inhibiting applied conservation. The final section discusses future directions, and suggests that large-scale, holistic, and collaborative approaches that build upon successful existing applications will be vital for cryptic species conservation. This article also acknowledges that sufficient data to implement effective species-specific conservation will be difficult to attain for many cryptic animals, and protected area networks will be vital for their conservation in the short term.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 20642, 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232073


High-latitude ecosystems have been overlooked in carbon budgets, which traditionally focus on mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. The benthic assemblages and their Nature Contributions to People in Namuncurá - Burdwood Bank I and II, two offshore sub-Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), are the conservation values. Here we show that the carbon reservoirs of these MPAs can be greater than those of their Antarctic counterparts, which, together with their extension, emphasize the need to maintain their protected status. Considering their total area, these MPAs stored in biomass 52,085.78 Mg C, corresponding 34,964.16 Mg to organic carbon (OC) and 17,121.62 Mg to inorganic carbon (IC). Surficial sediments stored 933,258,336 Mg C with 188,089,629 Mg of OC and 745,168,707 Mg of IC. However, when accounting for CO2 production through CaCO3 precipitation, the IC fractions decrease to 3,150.37 Mg C and 137,111,042 Mg C for biomass and sediments, respectively. We assume low sediment deposition due to the oceanic location, as direct sedimentation rates for these areas are unavailable. Most blue carbon assessments have focused solely on OC, despite the formation of CaCO3 releases CO2, decreasing net carbon storage. We compared various approaches for incorporating carbonates into carbon estimations. These results underscore the importance of including IC into carbon assessments and highlights the importance of sub-Antarctic benthic ecosystems as nature-based solutions to climate change.

Conserv Biol ; : e14371, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225275


Protected areas (PAs) are an essential tool for conservation amid the global biodiversity crisis. Optimizing PAs to represent species at risk of extinction is crucial. Vertebrate representation in PAs is assessed using species distribution databases from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Evaluating and addressing discrepancies and biases in these data sources are vital for effective conservation strategies. Our objective was to gain insights into the potential constraints (e.g., differences and biases) of these global repositories to objectively depict the diversity of threatened vertebrates in the global system of PAs. We assessed differences in species richness (SR) of threatened vertebrates as reported by IUCN and GBIF in PAs globally and then compared how biased this information was with reports from independent sources for a subset of PAs. Both databases showed substantial differences in SR in PAs (t = -62.35, p ≤ 0.001), but differences varied among regions and vertebrate groups. When these results were compared with data from independent assessments, IUCN overestimated SR by 575% on average and GBIF underestimated SR by 63% on average, again with variable results among regions and groups. Our results indicate the need to improve analyses of the representativeness of threatened vertebrates in PAs such that robust and unbiased assessments of PA effectiveness can be conducted. The scientific community and decision makers should consider these regional and taxonomic disparities when using IUCN and GBIF distributional data sources in PA assessment. Overall, supplementing information in these databases could lead to more robust and reliable analyses. Additional efforts to acquire more comprehensive and unbiased data on species distributions to support conservation decisions are clearly needed.

Capacidad de los macrodatos para capturar la diversidad de vertebrados amenazados en las áreas protegidas Resumen Las áreas protegidas (AP) son una herramienta esencial para la conservación en medio de la crisis mundial de biodiversidad. Es crucial optimizar las AP para que representen a las especies en peligro de extinción. La representación de vertebrados en las AP se evalúa con las bases de datos de distribución de especies de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) y del Sistema Global de Información sobre Biodiversidad (GBIF). Es muy importante evaluar y abordar las discrepancias y sesgos en estas fuentes de datos para tener estrategias de conservación eficaces. Nuestro objetivo es conocer las limitaciones potenciales (por ejemplo, diferencias y sesgos) de estos repositorios globales para representar objetivamente la diversidad de vertebrados amenazados en el sistema global de AP. Analizamos las diferencias en la riqueza de especies (RE) de vertebrados amenazados según los informes de la UICN y GBIF en AP a nivel mundial y luego comparamos el grado de sesgo de esta información con los informes de fuentes independientes para un subconjunto de AP. Ambas bases de datos mostraron diferencias sustanciales en la RE en las AP (t = ­62.35, p = <0.001), pero las diferencias variaron entre regiones y grupos de vertebrados. Cuando comparamos estos resultados con datos de evaluaciones independientes, la UICN sobreestimó la RE en un 575% en promedio y el GBIF la subestimó en un 63% en promedio, de nuevo con resultados variables entre regiones y grupos. Nuestros resultados indican la necesidad de mejorar los análisis de representación de los vertebrados amenazados en las AP para que se puedan llevar a cabo evaluaciones sólidas e imparciales de la efectividad de las AP. La comunidad científica y los responsables de la toma de decisiones deberían tener en cuenta estas disparidades regionales y taxonómicas al utilizar las fuentes de datos distribucionales de la UICN y del GBIF en la evaluación de AP. En general, complementar la información de estas bases de datos podría conducir a análisis más sólidos y fiables. Está claro que se necesitan esfuerzos adicionales para adquirir datos más completos e imparciales sobre la distribución de las especies para apoyar las decisiones de conservación.

R Soc Open Sci ; 11(9): 240574, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39323555


Wild bovids provide important ecosystem functions as seed dispersers and vegetation modifiers. Five wild bovids remain in Thailand: gaur (Bos gaurus), banteng (Bos javanicus), wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee), mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) and Chinese goral (Naemorhedus griseus). Their populations and habitats have declined substantially and become fragmented by land-use change. We use ecological niche models to quantify how much potential suitable habitat for these species remains within protected areas in Asia and then specifically Thailand. We combined species occurrence data from several sources (e.g. mainly camera traps and direct observation) with environmental variables and species-specific and single, large accessible areas in ensemble models to generate suitability maps, using out-of-sample predictions to validate model performance against new independent data. Gaur, banteng and buffalo models showed reasonable model accuracy throughout the entire distribution (greater than or equal to 62%) and in Thailand (greater than or equal to 80%), whereas serow and goral models performed poorly for the entire distribution and in Thailand, though 5 km movement buffers markedly improved the performance for serow. Large suitable areas were identified in Thailand and India for gaur, Cambodia and Thailand for banteng and India for buffalo. Over 50% of suitable habitat is located outside protected areas, highlighting the need for habitat management and conflict mitigation outside protected areas.

Ambio ; 2024 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39304611


Many small-scale fisheries (SSFs) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) operate in ecologically sensitive areas, where balancing conservation and resource use is challenging. 'Multiple-use' marine protected areas (MPAs) have been implemented to accommodate SSFs (among other uses) within areas designated for conservation, creating opportunities and challenges for SSF governance. We analyzed eleven case studies from LAC to explore: (1) how different MPA institutional designs affect key aspects of SSF governance and (2) the links between these effects and the type of initiative that promoted MPA establishment (origin). Results indicate that the existence of an MPA benefited SSF governance in many ways, with more pronounced positive effects in MPAs with mixed to bottom-up origin supported by well-organized fishing groups. In addition, the presence of supportive MPA authorities that leveraged local capacities and initiatives and adopted flexible and collaborative governance systems made a difference in several cases. Lessons for integrating MPA and SSF governance are drawn.

Ambio ; 2024 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39305379


Social facets linked to conservation corridors and ecological networks have received relatively limited academic attention. This study explores the perspectives of researchers, NGO representatives, and landowners, as well as the community's ideas of conservation efforts and corridor potential in the Vhembe District, Limpopo, South Africa. Surveys and interviews were conducted with communities, regional stakeholders, and landowners. The findings revealed that the community participants strongly support corridor implementation. The results indicate that this support is driven by the anticipated socio-economic benefits in the form of jobs. However, the employment opportunities might not align with the resident's expectations. The study identifies several challenges to corridor establishment, including infrastructure and financial constraints. Moreover, the findings revealed a lack of supportive legislation and highlighted concerns over protected area's accessibility. The study contributes to the global academic discourse by emphasizing the importance of community engagement before corridor and network implementation. It also addresses the complex trade-offs inherent in such projects, regardless of location. The methodological approach employed in this research transcends its regional context and offers actionable insights applicable worldwide.

Environ Manage ; 2024 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39311926


Designation of protected areas has enjoyed global application as a means of biodiversity conservation for over 100 years. National conservation policy is essential as a means of protecting biodiversity, but is contingent on, amongst others, changing values and international drivers, and remains dynamic in many countries. As conservation policies evolve, the role of pre-existing protected areas within broader strategies for conservation can become unclear, with consequences both for the ability of the conservation policies to achieve their stated goals, and also for biodiversity outcomes within a nation. In order to map evolving inconsistencies between conservation policy and the role of protected areas within it, we develop a conceptual conservation policy framework synthesised from different policy orientations reported in the literature. Using South Africa as a case study, the conceptualisation is used to characterise the policy goals for protected areas in the recently adopted conservation policy, and the pre-existing protected areas system which remains on the statute books. The results indicate that the conceptual conservation policy framework can be used identify misalignment between policy and practice, and has enabled a mismatch to be identified between South Africa's pre-existing protected areas system and its contemporary conservation policy, which suggests that the management of protected areas is likely to significantly change towards greater access and monetisation at the expense of their intrinsic value.

Ecol Evol ; 14(9): e70228, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219577


Successful conservation of expanding large carnivore populations and management of human-wildlife conflict to promote coexistence requires sufficient spatiotemporal knowledge to inform appropriate action. In Canada, cougars (Puma concolor) are expanding their range eastwards and little research is available for use in decision making by land managers and conservation planners. To inform proactive management regarding expanding populations of cougars in Canada, we utilized open-source cougar presence and land-cover data in a maximum entropy habitat suitability model to determine potentially suitable habitat for cougars across the country. We then used a gap analysis to determine the effectiveness of existing formal protected areas to protect potential cougar habitat. Suitable habitat exists for range-expanding cougars dispersing eastwards through the central and eastern provinces to the Atlantic coast. While the habitat is highly fragmented, the highest suitability occurs in areas of medium road density, indicating that the potential for new human-cougar conflict will likely involve residents of exurban and rural areas. Protected areas offered 16% coverage of suitable habitat, although most protected areas that overlap predicted cougar habitat are not large enough to effectively conserve the large home range requirements of cougars. Synthesis and Applications: High fragmentation of suitable habitat and the potential for human-wildlife conflict requires proactive management to ensure appropriately sized and connected areas are maintained for the establishment of expanding cougar populations. Many of the management actions intended to aid in the conservation of cougars and their habitat can also serve to mitigate potential human-cougar conflict arising as a consequence of an expanding population, such as highway wildlife crossing structures and formal habitat protection.

Conserv Biol ; : e14376, 2024 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39268847


Plans for expanding protected area systems (prioritizations) need to fulfill conservation objectives. They also need to account for other factors, such as economic feasibility and anthropogenic land-use requirements. Although prioritizations are often generated with decision support tools, most tools have limitations that hinder their use for decision-making. We outlined how the prioritizr R package ( can be used for systematic conservation prioritization. This decision support tool provides a flexible interface to build conservation planning problems. It can leverage a variety of commercial (e.g., Gurobi) and open-source (e.g., CBC and SYMPHONY) exact algorithm solvers to identify optimal solutions in a short period. It is also compatible with a variety of spatially explicit (e.g., ESRI Shapefile, GeoTIFF) and nonspatial tabular (e.g., Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) data formats. Additionally, it provides functionality for evaluating prioritizations, such as assessing the relative importance of different places selected by a prioritization. To showcase the prioritizr R package, we applied it to a case study based in Washington state (United States) for which we developed a prioritization to improve protected area coverage of native avifauna. We accounted for land acquisition costs, existing protected areas, places that might not be suitable for protected area establishment, and spatial fragmentation. We also conducted a benchmark analysis to examine the performance of different solvers. The prioritization identified 12,400 km2 of priority areas for increasing the percentage of species' distributions covered by protected areas. Although open source and commercial solvers were able to quickly solve large-scale conservation planning problems, commercial solvers were required for complex, large-scale problems.. The prioritizr R package is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). In addition to reserve selection, it can inform habitat restoration, connectivity enhancement, and ecosystem service provisioning. It has been used in numerous conservation planning exercises to inform best practices and aid real-world decision-making.

Priorización de la conservación sistemática con el paquete prioritizr R Resumen Los planes para expandir los sistemas de áreas protegidas (priorizaciones) necesitan cumplir con los objetivos de conservación. También necesitan considerar otros factores, como la viabilidad económica y los requerimientos para el uso antropogénico del suelo. Aunque con frecuencia las priorizaciones se generan con herramientas de apoyo para decidir, la mayoría de estas herramientas tienen limitantes que complican su uso en la toma de decisiones. Esbozamos cómo el paquete prioritizr R ( puede usarse para la priorización de la conservación sistemática. Esta herramienta de apoyo para decidir proporciona una interfaz flexible para construir problemas de la planeación de la conservación. También puede sacar provecho de una variedad de solucionadores exactos de algoritmos comerciales (p. ej.: Gurobi) y de fuentes abiertas (p. ej.: CBC y SYMPHONY) para identificar soluciones óptimas en un periodo breve. La herramienta también es compatible con una variedad de formatos de datos tabulares con espacialidad explícita (p. ej.: ESRI Shapefile, GeoTIFF) y sin espacialidad (p. ej.: hojas de cálculo de Microsoft Excel). Además, proporciona la funcionalidad para evaluar las priorizaciones, como el análisis de la importancia relativa de los diferentes lugares seleccionados por una priorización. Para mostrar la funcionalidad del paquete prioritizr R, lo aplicamos a un estudio de caso en el Estado de Washington, Estado Unidos, para el cual desarrollamos una priorización para mejorar la cobertura del área protegida de la avifauna nativa. Consideramos los costos de adquisición de tierras, las áreas protegidas existentes y la fragmentación espacial. También realizamos un análisis comparativo para examinar el desempeño de los diferentes solucionadores. La priorización identificó 12,400 km2 de áreas prioritarias para incrementar el porcentaje de la distribución de especies cubiertas por las áreas protegidas. Aunque los solucionadores comerciales y de fuente abierta lograron resolver rápidamente los problemas de conservación a gran escala, sólo los comerciales fueron requeridos para los problemas complejos de gran escala. El paquete prioritizr R está disponible en el Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Además de seleccionar las reservas, el paquete puede informar la restauración de hábitat, la mejora de la conectividad y el suministro de servicios ambientales. El paquete se ha usado en varios ejercicios para informar las mejores prácticas y ayudar a la toma de decisiones en el mundo real.

Mar Environ Res ; 201: 106706, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39191083


Increased human demand on the marine environment and associated biodiversity threatens sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services, particularly for shallow shelf-sea habitats. As a result, more attention is being paid to quantifying the geographical range and distribution of seabed habitats and keystone species vulnerable to human pressures. In this study, we develop a workflow based on unsupervised K-Means classification units and Generalized Linear Models built from multi-frequency backscatter analyses (95, 300 kHz), bathymetry and bathymetry derivatives (slope) to predict different levels of sandeel densities in Hempton's Turbot Bank Special Area of Conservation (SAC). For Hyperoplus lanceolatus densities, the performance of single frequency verses multi-frequency models is compared. Relatively high agreement between K-Means clustering outputs (from 95 kHz and multi-frequency models) and ground-truthed sandeel densities is noted. Moreover, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) values in this instance demonstrate that single-frequency models are favoured over the multi-frequency model in terms of predictive ability. This is mostly linked to the species strong affinity for sedimentary environments whose variability is better captured by the lower frequency system. Generally, these results provide important information about species-habitat relationships and pinpoint bedform features where sandeels are likely to be found and whose variability is potentially linked to the bathymetry domain. The workflow developed in this study also provides a proof of concept to support the design of a robust species-specific monitoring plan in marine protected areas. Most importantly, we highlight how decisions made during sampling, data handling, analysis could impact the final outputs and interpretation of Species Distribution Models and benthic habitat mapping.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Biodiversidad , Peces Planos/fisiología
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(36): e2307521121, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39186646


Conservationists have long argued that inadequate funding for managing protected areas (PAs) jeopardizes their ability to achieve conservation goals. However, this claim has rarely been substantiated by quantitative evaluations. To address this, we examined the impact of funding on PA effectiveness both at the scale of 17 national PA systems across Latin America and within a PA system (Ecuador), for which we had precise historical financial data. Most PAs reduced deforestation between 2000 and 2010, demonstrating their crucial role in forest conservation. However, large deficits in funding considerably reduced the effectiveness of PAs in Ecuador (on average, a unit decrease in deficit leads to a 3.07% increase in effectiveness in avoiding deforestation). While differences in effectiveness between individual PAs in Ecuador were associated with funding deficits, national-level socioeconomic metrics (e.g., the Human Development Index) were the major factor when comparing PA system-level effectiveness among countries. This result suggests that while funding plays a major role in the performance of individual PAs, the quality of the socioeconomic context at the country level is critical for the overall performance of the PA systems. We, therefore, emphasize that maximizing the effectiveness of PAs requires a multilevel approach that includes better and more strategic resource allocation for individual PAs, combined with actions for strengthening the governance and institutions that regulate PA systems.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/economía , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , América Latina , Humanos , Ecuador , Bosques , Factores Socioeconómicos
J Environ Manage ; 368: 122116, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116808


Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a commonly used management tool to safeguard marine life from anthropogenic impacts, yet their efficacy often remains untested. Evaluating how highly dynamic marine species use static MPAs is challenging but becoming more feasible with the advancement of telemetry data. Here, we focus on southern right whales (Eubalaena australis, SRWs) in the waters off Aotearoa/New Zealand, which declined from 30,000 whales to fewer than 40 mature females due to whaling. Now numbering in the low thousands, the key socializing and nursery areas for this population in the remote subantarctic islands are under the protection of different types of MPAs. However, the effectiveness of these MPAs in encompassing important whale habitat and protecting the whales from vessel traffic has not been investigated. To address this, we analyzed telemetry data from 29 SRWs tagged at the Auckland Islands between 2009 and 2022. We identified two previously unknown and currently unprotected areas that were used by the whales for important behaviors such as foraging, socializing, or resting. Additionally, by combining whale locations and vessel tracking data (2020-2022) during peak breeding period (June to October), we found high spatiotemporal overlap between whales and vessels within several MPAs, suggesting the whales could still be vulnerable to multiple anthropogenic stressors even when within areas designated for protection. Our results identify areas to be prioritized for future monitoring and investigation to support the ongoing recovery of this SRW population, as well as highlight the overarching importance of assessing MPA effectiveness post-implementation, especially in a changing climate.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Nueva Zelanda , Migración Animal , Ballenas , Femenino
J Environ Manage ; 368: 122001, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39116812


The alarming decline of amphibians, sometimes marked by sudden extinctions, underlines the urgent need for increased conservation efforts. Conservationists recognize that more action, particularly the setting of national targets, is needed to ensure the future persistence and recovery of species and habitats. Protecting habitats that harbor evolutionarily diverse species preserves divergent genetic information within ecosystems. Türkiye holds 36 amphibian species at the intersection of two continents, creating three biodiversity hotspots and phylogenetic transitional areas. In this study, we aimed to determine the hotspot regions and to evaluate the effectiveness of the protected areas in Türkiye in preserving amphibian populations. First, we estimated four community indexes (species richness and three evolutionary distinctiveness measures) for amphibian communities in Türkiye divided into 371 grid cells with a ca 50 × 50 km size. Then, the spatial extent of protected areas is evaluated from two perspectives: current (has a protection status) and candidate protected areas (Key Biodiversity Areas, not protected) coverage in those grid cells. Finally, these two approaches' effectiveness in protecting areas was assessed by modeling four diversity metrics using GLS models. Current protected areas protect about 6% of the total amphibian distribution in Türkiye, while Key Biodiversity Areas would cover 30% if declared protected areas. We estimated that the coastal areas of Türkiye are identified as hotspots based on the four measured amphibian community indexes. Our study also highlights that Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) can contribute to conserving high levels of amphibian richness and evolutionary distinctiveness of species across Türkiye. However, existing protected areas (PAs) networks were insufficient to protect amphibians.

Anfibios , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Animales , Filogenia , Evolución Biológica
J Environ Manage ; 368: 122228, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39182377


The latest emerging transdisciplinary marine protected area (MPA) research scheme requires efficient approaches for theoretically based and data-driven method integration. However, due to the rapid development and diversification of research methods, it is growingly difficult to locate new methods in methodological dimensions and integrate them to the utmost utility. This study proposes a deep learning-based classification framework for MPA management methods focused particularly on data and theory capabilities using natural language processing (NLP). It extracted keywords from academic sources and performed clustering based on semantic similarity, generating benchmark texts for abstract labeling. By training the deep learning NLP model and analyzing the abstracts of 9049 MPA management empirical research articles from 1986 to 2024, the data and theory scores were attributed to each article, and a total of 19 major method categories and 110 segment branches were identified in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed genres. Combination types of research methods were summarized, yielding the data-theory neutralization principle where the average data and theory scores tend to approximate 0.50. Applying the principle broadens traditional boundaries for method integration and extends method synthesis to higher numbers, generating a practical research 2paradigm for future MPA research. Implications include bridging social and ecological data, theorizing emergent challenges in complex systems and integrating theory construction and data science. The framework is applicable to quantification of other environmental management disciplines and can serve as guidance for multidisciplinary method integration. © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Aprendizaje Profundo , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural