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Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 72(2): 165-169, 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-729375


Carotenoid analysis is inherently challenging, requiring the analysts’ expertise and attention to manydetails. To guarantee the reliability of carotenoid data generated in our laboratory, aside from methoddevelopment, optimization and validation, periodic evaluation of the analysts’ performance is carried out.This paper reports the results obtained in one of our evaluations, using a certified reference material. Fiveanalysts with varying experience in carotenoid analysis participated. The same liquid chromatograph andstandard curves were used, restricting the evaluation to the analysts’ performance. The HPLC methodconsisted of extraction with acetone, partition to petroleum ether, saponification with 10 % methanolicKOH, washing with water, concentrating in a rotary evaporator, drying with nitrogen, dissolving inacetone, separation, identification and quantification. The z-score for each carotenoid was calculated.There was very good agreement in terms of the carotenes and b-cryptoxanthin for the five analysts. Forlutein and zeaxanthin, the analyst with little experience in carotenoid analysis obtained lower values,but the z-scores were still satisfactory. One analyst who had experience only with carotene analysis alsogot lower concentrations for the xanthophylls. This was due to the fact that ethyl ether was not used inpartitioning the carotenoids from the extracting solvent to petroleum ether.

Análisis y Desempeño de Tareas , /métodos , Carotenoides/análisis , Investigación/análisis , Investigadores
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;32(1): 49-60, Jan. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-614730


O envenenamento ofídico espontâneo, ou acidente ofídico, é descrito como causa de morte em animais domésticos. No entanto, dados concretos relativos ao gênero e espécie de serpente envolvida, à evolução do quadro clínico, e às alterações clinicopatológicas desenvolvidas, são escassos. Assim sendo, este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as alterações clinicopatológicas e laboratoriais provocadas pelo veneno de Bothrops moojeni e Bothropoides neuwiedi em ovinos no intuito de fornecer informações adicionais referentes a acidentes ofídicos em animais de produção, auxiliando o estabelecimento do diagnóstico dessa condição. Os venenos liofilizados foram diluídos em 1 ml de solução fisiológica e administrados a quatro ovinos por via subcutânea na face direita, nas doses de 0,41mg/kg e 0,82mg/kg do veneno de B. moojeni em dois ovinos, e de 1,0mg/kg do veneno de B. neuwiedi em dois ovinos. Apenas o ovino que recebeu a menor dose (0,41mg/kg) sobreviveu, apesar de ter desenvolvido quadro clínico muito severo e semelhante aos demais. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram nos primeiros 10 minutos após a inoculação em todos os ovinos. O período de evolução variou de dois a quatro dias. O quadro clínico dos quatro ovinos caracterizou-se por apatia, acentuado aumento de volume da face, da porção ventral do pescoço e do peito, leve aumento de volume da porção proximal dos membros anteriores, tempo de sangramento aumentado, taquicardia, mucosas pálidas e grande quantidade de sangue não digerido nas fezes. Ao exame laboratorial observou-se principalmente redução das proteínas plasmáticas e aumento de creatinaquinase em todos os ovinos. À necropsia, foram observados extensos hematomas nas áreas correspondentes ao aumento de volume subcutâneo. Observaram-se petéquias, equimoses e sufusões leves a moderadas na serosa de diversos órgãos e acúmulo de sangue em meio às fezes na porção final do reto. Além de hemorragias, a principal alteração histopatológica observada foi necrose das fibras musculares esqueléticas e da parede de vasos, nas áreas próximas à inoculação do veneno. Nos ovinos deste estudo o aumento de volume, observado na face, pescoço, peito e membros, era constituído por sangue.

Spontaneous envenoming by snake bite is described as a cause of death in domestic animals. However, there are just few information about the species of snake involved, course, and clinicopathological and laboratory findings. Thus, this research aimed to determine the clinicopathological and laboratory changes induced by Bothrops moojeni and Bothropoides neuwiedi snake venoms in sheep, in order to provide additional information regarding snakebites in farm animals and to help establish the diagnosis of this condition. The lyophilized snake venoms were dissolved in 1mL saline solution and administered subcutaneously into the right face of four sheep, at doses of 0.41mg/kg and 0.82mg/kg of B. moojeni venom for two sheep, and 1.0mg/kg of B. neuwiedi venom for two other sheep. Only the sheep which had received the lowest dose (0.41mg/kg) survived, but developed severe clinical signs, similar to the others. First clinical signs were observed about 10 minutes after inoculation in all sheep. The course varied from 2 to 4 days. The clinical findings in all sheep were characterized by apathy, marked swelling of the face, the ventral neck and esternal region, and mild swelling of the proximal portion of the forelimbs, as well as increased bleeding time, tachycardia, pale mucous membranes, and large quantity of undigested blood in the intestinal lumen. Laboratory exams showed mainly a reduction in serum protein and increased creatine kinase in all sheep. At necropsy, extensive hematomas were observed in the subcutaneous tissue of the swollen areas. Also petechiae, bruises and mild to moderate hemorrhagic suffusions on the serosa of various organs, and blood within the intestinal contents of the distal rectum were observed. In addition to hemorrhages, the main histopathological changes were necrosis of skeletal muscle fibers and blood vessel walls next to the inoculation site. The swollen areas on face, neck, sternum and limbs of the sheep were due the hematomas.

Animales , Investigación/análisis , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ponzoñas/administración & dosificación , Ponzoñas/envenenamiento , Autopsia/veterinaria , Recuento de Células Sanguíneas/veterinaria , Edema/veterinaria , Patología Veterinaria
Rev. venez. oncol ; 20(3): 123-129, jul.-sept. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-549496


Describir los resultados de un estudio experimental en el modelo canino en la realización de la tiroidectomía mínimamente invasiva video asistida. En 34 perros mestizos sanos desparasitados procedentes del bioterio del Instituto de Cirugía Experimental de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, sin criterios de selección fueron sometidos a tiroidectomía mínimamente invasiva video asistida entre los años 2005 y 2007. El procedimiento fue realizado totalmente sin insuflación de CO2 a través de una incisión central de15 mm sobre el manubrio esternal. La disección fue realizada bajo visión endoscópica, utilizando instrumentos convencionales y los endoscópicos de Paolo Miccoli. Se realizaron 18 lobectomías (derechas 11, izquierda 7) y 16 tiroidectomías totales. El promedio de tiempo operatorio fue de 71,6 ± 3,2 minutos en las lobectomías y de 97,3 ± 5 minutos en las toroidectomías. En las tiroidectomías totales, se presentó sangrado apreciable (100 mL)en un caso por lesión venosa al utilizar un trocar defectuoso. La conversión al procedimiento abierto fue del 2 por ciento. Se observaron 2 casos de hipocalcemia transitoria posoperatoria y un caso de disfunción de las cuerdas vocales. Los resultados cosméticos fueron considerados excelentes. La tiroidectomía mínimamente invasiva video-asistida resultó factible y segura en un modelo experimental, las indicaciones clínicas están actualmente limitadas a centros especializados de referencia, pero resultan muy alentadores y debemos sentirnos optimitas sobre sus futuras aplicaciones en nuestro medio.

To describe the results of an experimental study in the canine model in with us performed the realization of minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy. In 36 mixed healthy no parasitic dogs’ which were selected from the biotherius of the surgery experimental Institute of Medicine Faculty of Venezuelan Central University, without any selection criteria’s underwent to a thyroidectomy minimal assisted invasive between the years 2005 to 2007. The procedure was realized without CO² insufflations, and it is carried out through a 15 mm central incision above the sternal notch. The dissection was performed under an endoscopic vision, using conventional and endoscopic instruments of Paolo Miccoli. We performed 18 lobotomies (right 11, left 7) and 16 total thyroidectomies. The mean operative time was 71.6 ± 3.2 minutes for lobotomy and 97.3 ± 5 minutes for total thyroidectomy. In the total thyroidectomies there was an appreciable bleeding (100 mL) in one case for venous lesion for the utilization of defector trocar. The conversion to open procedure was required in 2 %. We observed 2 cases of transient postoperative hipocalcemy and in one case of transient cord vocal palsy. The cosmetic result was considered excellent. The minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy is safe and feasible in the experimental model. The clinical indications are limited at presented to specialized reference centers, but the results are encouraging, and we are optimistic about the future expansion of its applicability.

Animales , Perros , Endoscopía/métodos , Glándulas Paratiroides/anatomía & histología , Ligadura/métodos , Tiroidectomía/métodos , Investigación/análisis , Oncología Médica