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Rev Sci Tech ; 38(1): 51-60, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564741


Zoonotic diseases require a One Health approach for successful control and elimination due to the nature of their transmission between animals and humans. One Health recognises that the health of humans, animals, and the environment are all interconnected. Ethiopia has committed itself to controlling five prioritised zoonotic diseases (rabies, anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis and echinococcosis), using a One Health approach. The National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) provides a framework for national stakeholders to address gaps in multisectoral communication, coordination and collaboration. In addition, the NOHSC oversees the formation of several specialised disease-focused groups, referred to as 'Technical Working Groups' (TWGs). These TWGs are responsible for developing disease prevention and control strategies, as well as implementing disease-focused public health activities and providing recommendations to the NOHSC. Ethiopia's success using the One Health approach and its efficient control of zoonotic diseases will depend on the commitment of all member Ministries to support the NOHSC and TWGs, as well as to build capacity in Ethiopia's workforce and laboratories, a task supported by its many international partners.

Les zoonoses étant par nature des maladies transmissibles entre les animaux et l'homme, l'approche Une seule santé est la seule qui permette de les contrôler efficacement en vue de les éliminer. Le concept Une seule santé repose sur la prise en compte de l'interconnexion entre la santé humaine, celle des animaux et celle de l'environnement. L'Éthiopie s'est fixé pour objectif de lutter contre cinq maladies zoonotiques classées comme prioritaires (rage, fièvre charbonneuse, brucellose, leptospirose et échinococcose) en suivant une approche Une seule santé. Le comité de pilotage national Une seule santé (NOHSC) apporte un cadre permettant aux parties prenantes du pays de résoudre les problèmes de communication, de coordination et de collaboration intersectorielles. En outre, le NOHSC supervise la création de plusieurs groupes de travail techniques dédiés à des maladies spécifiques. Ces groupes de travail sont chargés d'élaborer des stratégies de prévention et de contrôle, de mettre en oeuvre des activités de santé publique axées sur ces maladies et de formuler des recommandations à l'intention du NOHSC. La réussite des efforts déployés par l'Éthiopie pour appliquer les principes Une seule santé et l'efficacité de la lutte contre les maladies zoonotiques dépendront de l'engagement des ministères concernés à soutenir le NOHSC et les groupes de travail techniques et à renforcer les capacités des ressources humaines et des laboratoires éthiopiens, tâche qui bénéficie de l'appui de nombreux partenaires internationaux.

Toda labor eficaz de control y eliminación de las enfermedades zoonóticas, por la propia naturaleza de su transmisión entre animales y personas, pasa por abordar estas patologías desde los planteamientos de Una sola salud, noción esta que parte del reconocimiento de que salud humana, animal y ambiental están siempre interconectadas. Etiopía está embarcada en el innegociable empeño de combatir cinco enfermedades zoonóticas consideradas prioritarias (rabia, carbunco bacteridiano, brucelosis, leptospirosis y equinococosis) trabajando desde la óptica de Una sola salud. El Comité Directivo Nacional de Una sola salud proporciona a los interlocutores del país un marco de referencia que sirve para subsanar las lagunas existentes en cuanto a comunicación, coordinación y colaboración entre los diversos sectores. Ese órgano, además, supervisa la formación de varios grupos especializados y centrados en una u otra enfermedad, denominados grupos de trabajo técnicos, que tienen por cometido elaborar estrategias de prevención y control de una enfermedad concreta, llevar adelante acciones de salud pública dirigidas contra ella y formular recomendaciones para el Comité Directivo. El éxito de Etiopía a la hora de aplicar los postulados de Una sola salud y de combatir eficazmente las enfermedades zoonóticas dependerá del nivel de compromiso con que todos los ministerios copartícipes presten apoyo al Comité Directivo y los grupos de trabajo técnicos y ayuden a instaurar en el país un tejido lo bastante solvente de laboratorios y recursos humanos, empresa esta en la que Etiopía cuenta con el respaldo de sus numerosos asociados internacionales.

Saúde Única , Saúde Pública , Animais , Etiópia , Humanos , Saúde Única/tendências , Saúde Pública/tendências , Zoonoses/prevenção & controle
Scientifica (Cairo) ; 2022: 8607003, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36504490


Our current study was conducted in Zijje Maryam Church Forest, Ethiopia, to explore woody species composition, structure, regeneration status, and anthropogenic disturbances inside the sacred groves. The aforementioned information for adequate conservation and management of the church forest is not well documented. Fifteen main quadrats each having an area of 625 m2 (25 m × 25 m) were used for vegetation and disturbance data collection. Determination of the sampled quadrats was based on the principle that minimum quadrats give the smallest possible area in which all species occurring in the church forest are present. All woody species with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 2.5 cm within the quadrat were identified, counted, and their height and DBH data were recorded. The criterion to start at DBH ≥ 2.5 cm was to exclude seedlings having DBH < 2.5 cm and height ≤0.6 m. Sapling and seedling data were collected using 45 saplings and 45 seedling quadrat that measured 4 m2 and 1 m2, respectively. Vegetation data analysis and ANOVA were used for statistical comparison. A total of 48 woody plant species belonging to 46 genera and 36 families were identified. Fabaceae was the dominant family containing 5 species followed by Rosaceae with 3 species. Total basal area of the church forest was 83.03 m2 ha-1. The density of seedlings, saplings, and matured woody species stem ha-1 were 15555, 3833, and 865, respectively. Talking these densities, the regeneration status of the forest was good. The Shannon diversity and evenness of woody plant species in the forest was high, 3.29 and 0.85, respectively. Juniperus procera 27.67 (9.22%) and Olea europaea were species with the highest IVI. Nearly, 22% of areas of the forest get disturbed and higher anthropogenic disturbances occurred near the edge of the forest. Gathering, clearing, and grazing are the major human disturbances that stakeholders need to tackle for conservation. Zijje Maryam Church Forest has heterogeneous species composition with varied seedlings and saplings. Therefore, local conservation policies recommended not only protect large forests, but also the small and valuable forests service to the needs of local people.