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J Phys Chem A ; 118(23): 4087-94, 2014 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24809894


We report the first experimental finding of a solid molecular complex between benzene and ethane, two small apolar hydrocarbons, at atmospheric pressure and cryogenic temperatures. Considerable amounts of ethane are found to be incorporated inside the benzene lattice upon the addition of liquid ethane onto solid benzene at 90-150 K, resulting in formation of a distinctive co-crystalline structure that can be detected via micro-Raman spectroscopy. Two new features characteristic of these co-crystals are observed in the Raman spectra at 2873 and 1455 cm(-1), which are red-shifted by 12 cm(-1) from the υ1 (a1g) and υ11 (eg) stretching modes of liquid ethane, respectively. Analysis of benzene and ethane vibrational bands combined with quantum mechanical modeling of isolated molecular dimers reveal an interaction between the aromatic ring of benzene and the hydrogen atoms of ethane in a C-H···π fashion. The most favored configuration for the benzene-ethane dimer is the monodentate-contact structure, with a calculated interaction energy of 9.33 kJ/mol and an equilibrium bonding distance of 2.66 Å. These parameters are comparable to those for a T-shaped co-crystalline complex between benzene and acetylene that has been previously reported in the literature. These results are relevant for understanding the hydrocarbon cycle of Titan, where benzene and similar organics may act as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs due to this incorporation mechanism.

IEEE Aerosp Conf ; 50100: 1-18, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34713276


More than any other known planet, Venus is essential to our understanding of the evolution and habitability of Earth-size planets throughout the galaxy. We address two critical questions for planetary science: 1) How, if at all, did Venus evolve through a habitable phase? 2) What circumstances affect how volatiles shape habitable worlds? Volatile elements have a strong influence on the evolutionary paths of rocky bodies and are critical to understanding solar system evolution. It is clear that Venus experienced a different volatile element history from the Earth and provides the only accessible example of one end-state of habitable Earth-size planets. Venus will allow us to identify the mechanisms that operate together to produce and maintain habitable worlds like our own. The (VFM) concept architecture relies on five collaborative platforms: an Orbiter, Lander, variable-altitude Aerobot and two Small Satellites (SmallSats) delivered via a single launch on a Falcon 9 heavy expendable. The platforms would use multiple instruments to measure the exosphere, atmosphere and surface at multiple scales with high precision and over time. VFM would provide the first measurements of mineralogy and geochemistry of tessera terrain to examine rocks considered to be among the most likely to have formed in a habitable climate regime. Landed, descent, aerial and orbital platforms would work synergistically to measure the chemical composition of the atmosphere including the Aerobot operating for 60 days in the Venus clouds. Loss mechanisms would be constrained by the SmallSats in two key orbits. The baseline payload for VFM includes instruments to make the first measurements of seismicity and remanent magnetism, the first long-lived (60 day) surface platform and the first life detection instrument at Venus to interrogate what could be an inhabited world. The VFM concept directly addresses each of the three Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) goals as well as several of the strategic objectives of the 2020 NASA Science Plan, Planetary Science Division, Heliophysics and Astrophysics. The simultaneous, synergistic measurements of the solid body, surface, atmosphere and space environment provided by the VFM would allow us to target the most accessible Earth-size planet in our galaxy, and gain a profound new understanding of the evolution of our solar system and habitable worlds.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(12): 124502, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30599566


Titan's hydrocarbon lakes play an important role in the chemistry, geomorphology, and climate of the satellite. Our knowledge of their composition relies mainly on thermodynamic modeling and assumptions based on Cassini Radar and VIMS (Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) data. Several thermodynamic models have been used to calculate the composition of these lakes, and their results on even the major lake components (methane, ethane, propane, and nitrogen) exhibit large discrepancies. Recent Cassini radar observations revealed an echo from the lake's bottom. A low loss factor of attenuation is needed within the lakes to interpret these observations, and it has been suggested that the lakes are dominated by methane. Cassini VIMS data obtained on the North Pole lakes at three-year intervals showed no detectable surface level change, which is consistent with ethane being their primary constituent. This additional discrepancy between thermodynamic models and Cassini data strongly shows the need for experimental measurements under realistic Titan conditions in order to better constrain the thermodynamic models. We designed and built a cryogenic experimental platform allowing the simulation of Titan's lakes. This facility, named Titan Lakes Simulation System (TiLSS), produces liquid hydrocarbons in equilibrium with a gas phase mimicking Titan's atmosphere. Samples of the condensed liquid are injected directly into a gas chromatograph allowing the direct measurement of its chemical components and their abundances. To test the overall operation of the system, a gas mixture of methane and ethane was condensed under 1.5 bar of nitrogen and analyzed. Results from this proof of concept test are in good agreement with experimental studies previously published.