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Oecologia ; 198(1): 205-217, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35067800


Facilitation and competition among plants sharing pollinators have contrasting consequences for plant fitness. However, it is unclear whether pollinator-mediated facilitation and competition may affect pollen limitation (potential contribution of pollination to fitness) in pollination networks. Here, we investigated how pollinator sharing affects pollen limitation in a tropical hummingbird-pollinated community marked by facilitation. We employed indices describing how much a plant species potentially affects the pollination of other co-flowering species through shared pollinators (acting degree) and is affected by other co-flowering species (target degree) within the plant-hummingbird network. Since facilitation often increases pollination quantity but not necessarily quality, we expected both indices to be associated with reductions in pollen limitation estimates that depend on pollination quantity (fruit set and seed number) rather than estimates more strictly related to quality (seed weight and germination). We found that both indices were associated with reductions in pollen limitation only for seed weight and germination. Thus, facilitation occurred via qualitative estimates of pollen limitation. Our results suggest that facilitation may enhance plant fitness estimates even if quantitative components of plant fecundity are already saturated. Overall, we showed that pollinator-mediated indirect effects in a multispecies context are important drivers of plant fitness estimates with consequences for coexistence in diverse communities.

Flores , Polinização , Animais , Aves , Plantas , Pólen
Am Nat ; 198(6): 734-749, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34762564


AbstractIndirect effects arise when one species influences how another species interacts with a third. Pollinator-mediated indirect effects are widespread in many plant communities and are often not restricted to plant species pairs. An analytical framework does not exist yet that allows for the evaluation of indirect effects through shared pollinators in a community context as well as their consequences for plant fitness. We used network indices describing pollinator sharing to assess the extent to which plant species affect and are affected by others in a pollination network from a species-rich dune community. For 23 plant species, we explore how these indices relate to plant fecundity (seeds/flower) over two years. We further linked plant traits and indices to uncover functional aspects of pollinator-mediated indirect interactions. Species frequently visited by shared pollinators showed higher fecundity and exhibited traits that increase pollinator attraction and generalization. Conversely, species whose shared pollinators frequently visited other plants had lower fecundity and more specialized traits. Thus, pollinator sharing benefited some species while others suffered reproductive disadvantages, consistent with competition. The framework developed here uses network tools to advance our understanding of how pollinator-mediated indirect interactions influence a species' relative reproductive success at the community level.

Plantas , Polinização , Fertilidade , Flores , Sementes
Naturwissenschaften ; 108(6): 50, 2021 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34626232


Pollination and reproduction are important processes for understanding plant community dynamics. Information regarding pollination and reproduction is urgent for threatened ecosystems, such as tropical montane ecosystems. In tropical mountains, pollination patterns are expected to conform to the reproductive assurance theory (due to low pollinator activity) and old, climatically buffered and infertile landscapes (OCBIL) theory (due to restricted plant range size). For 82 plant species of the Itatiaia National Park (including endemic and endangered species), we evaluated at least one of the following features: pollinator identity, flower color and size, flowering phenology, and pollinator dependence. Most plant species (ca. 60%) were pollinated by two or more functional groups of pollinators (generalized pollination), with high importance of flies as pollinators. There was low pollinator activity overall (less than one visit per flower per hour). Notably, the invasive honeybee Apis mellifera L. performed half of the visits to this entire plant community, suggesting an impact on the native pollinator fauna and consequently on the native flora. Most endemic plants were generalized with white and small flowers, while endangered species were pollination-specialized with colorful and large flowers. Thus, endangered species are susceptible to changes in pollinator fauna. Flowering seasonality reflected the importance of climatic constraints in this environment. One-third of the plant species were autogamous. Our data suggest that pollinator scarcity may have promoted reproductive assurance strategies such as generalization and pollinator independence. Our community-level study highlighted consistent pollination patterns for tropical mountains and emphasized threats for specialized endangered species.

Ecossistema , Polinização , Animais , Abelhas , Flores , Plantas , Reprodução
Oecologia ; 188(1): 223-235, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29948314


Altitudinal gradients are interesting models to test the effect of biotic and abiotic drivers of floral colour diversity, since an increase in UV irradiance, decrease of pollinator availability and shifts from bee- to fly-pollination in high relative to low altitudes are expected. We tested the effect of altitude and phylogeny, using several chromatic and achromatic colour properties, UV reflectance and pollinators' discrimination capacity (Apis mellifera, Bombus terrestris, Musca domestica and Eristalis tenax), to understand the floral colour diversity in an alpine altitudinal gradient. All colour properties were weakly related to phylogeny. We found a shift from overdispersed floral colours and high chromatic contrast with the background (for bees) in the low altitude, to clustered floral colours (UV and green range for bees and flies) and clustered chromatic and achromatic properties in the high altitude. Different from flies, bees could discriminate floral colours in all altitudinal ranges. Low altitudes are likely to exhibit suitable conditions for more plant species, increasing competition for pollinators and floral colour divergence. Conversely, the increase in UV irradiance in high altitudes may filter plants with specific floral UV-reflectance patterns. Overall, floral colour diversity suggests that both biotic (pollinator fauna) and abiotic (UV irradiance) drivers shape floral communities, but their importance changes with altitude.

Flores , Polinização , Altitude , Animais , Abelhas , Cor , Filogenia
Ecology ; 98(7): 1849-1858, 2017 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28402583


Plant species within communities may overlap in pollinators' use and influence visitation patterns of shared pollinators, potentially engaging in indirect interactions (e.g., facilitation or competition). While several studies have explored the mechanisms regulating insect-pollination networks, there is a lack of studies on bird-pollination systems, particularly in species-rich tropical areas. Here, we evaluated if phenotypic similarity, resource availability (floral abundance), evolutionary relatedness and flowering phenology affect the potential for indirect effects via shared pollinators in hummingbird-pollinated plant species within four communities in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Among the evaluated factors, phenotypic similarity (corolla length and anther height) was the most important variable, while resource availability (floral abundance) had a secondary importance. On the other hand, evolutionary relatedness and flowering phenology were less important, which altogether highlights the relevance of convergent evolution and that the contribution of a plant to the diet of the pollinators of another plant is independent of the level of temporal overlap in flowering in this tropical system. Interestingly, our findings contrast with results from multiple insect-pollinated plant communities, mostly from temperate regions, in which floral abundance was the most important driver, followed by evolutionary relatedness and phenotypic similarity. We propose that these contrasting results are due to high level of specialization inherent to tropical hummingbird-pollination systems. Moreover, our results demonstrated that factors defining linkage rules of plant-hummingbird networks also determinate plant-plant potential indirect effects. Future studies are needed to test if these findings can be generalized to other highly specialized systems. Overall, our results have important implications for the understanding of ecological processes due resource sharing in mutualistic systems.

Aves/fisiologia , Polinização , Animais , Brasil , Flores , Plantas
AoB Plants ; 13(5): plab054, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34512942


Buzz-pollinated pollen flowers have pollen as the primary resource for pollinators and must deal with a conflict between the exploitation of pollen grains by bees and pollination success. It has been hypothesized that heterostemony allows division of labour between stamens as a solution to the pollen dilemma. To test the division of labour hypothesis, we chose Cassia fistula, which has a trimorphic androecium and analysed androecium development, pollen grain release mechanisms and visitor behaviour. We explored the reflectance of floral organs and carried out an exclusion experiment to test the attractiveness of each stamen morph to the bee species. Finally, we explored the structural, ultrastructural and functional variation between the pollen grains, including pollen viability across stamen morphs. The differences among the three stamen morphs, which is developed from two whorls of the stamen, are the first evidence of the division of labour in our study system. Large Bombus and Xylocopa bees actively and exclusively exploited the pollen grains from the central poricidal anthers generating pollen deposition on their bodies. The reflectance pattern of floral organs indicated a targeting of these large bees to the central anthers, corroborated by the anther manipulative experiment where only the exclusion of the anthers positioned in the flower centre, especially the intermediate stamens, reduced bee visits. Both results revealed a division of labour, in which the intermediate stamen morph was responsible for both floral attractiveness and pollen resources. Only the largest stamen morph produced germinable pollen grains, highlighting their role as pollinating stamens. The smallest stamen morph has a less clear function, likely representing an economy in pollen production for feeding function. Our findings suggest that the evolution of the trimorphic androecium is associated with division of labour in large pollen flowers and can represent a strong strategy for circumventing the pollen dilemma, optimizing the feeding function by reducing pollen grain investment from central anthers.

AoB Plants ; 12(4): plaa016, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32665826


Co-flowering plant species may interact via pollinators leading to heterospecific pollen transfer with consequences for plant reproduction. What determines the severity of heterospecific pollen effect on conspecific pollen performance is unclear, but it may depend on the phylogenetic relatedness of the interactors (pollen donors and recipient). The heterospecific pollen effect might also depend on the extent to which plants are exposed to heterospecific pollen over ecological or evolutionary timescales. For instance, generalist-pollinated plant species might tolerate heterospecific pollen more than specialists. Here, we tested whether heterospecific pollen effects are stronger between closely related species than phylogenetically distant ones in a tropical highland community. Then, based on these results, we determined whether responses to heterospecific pollen were stronger in generalized vs. specialized plant species. We applied heterospecific pollen from close (congeneric) or distant (different families) donors alone or with conspecific pollen on stigmas of three recipient species (one generalist, Sisyrinchium wettsteinii; and two specialists, Fuchsia campos-portoi and Fuchsia regia) and scored pollen tube performance in styles. In all species, pollen from closely related donors grew pollen tubes to the base of the style indicating a high potential to interfere with seed set. Conversely, distantly related heterospecific pollen had no effect on either specialist Fuchsia species, whereas enhanced performance of conspecific pollen was observed in generalist S. wettsteinii. The strong effect of phylogenetic relatedness of donor and recipient might have obscured the role of pollination specialization, at least for the three species examined here. Therefore, phylogenetic relatedness mediated the effect of heterospecific pollen on post-pollination success, with possible consequences for reproductive trait evolution and community assembly for further studies to explore.

Front Plant Sci ; 11: 589300, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33304366


Flower color has been studied in different ecological levels of organization, from individuals to communities. However, it is unclear how color is structured at the intrafloral level. In bee-pollinated flowers, the unidirectional gradient in color purity and pollen mimicry are two common processes to explain intrafloral color patterns. Considering that floral traits are often integrated, usually reflecting evolutionary modules under pollinator-mediated selection, we hypothesize that such intrafloral color patterns are structured by intrafloral color modules as perceived by bee color vision system. Here, we studied the tropical bee-pollinated orchid Cattleya walkeriana, given its intrafloral color complexity and variation among individuals. Considering bee color vision, we investigated if intrafloral color modules arose among intrafloral patches (tip or base of the sepals, petals, and labellum). We expected a separate color module between the labellum patches (the main attractive structure in orchids) and petals and sepals. We measured the color reflectance and calculated the photoreceptor excitation, spectral purity, hue, and the chromatic contrast of the floral structures in the hexagon color model. Spectral purity (saturation) was higher in the labellum tip in comparison to petals and sepals, generating a unidirectional gradient. Labellum base presented a less saturated yellow UV-absorbing color, which may reflect a pollen mimicry strategy. C. walkeriana presented three intrafloral color modules corresponding to the color of petals and sepals, the color of the labellum tip, and the color of labellum base. These color modules were unrelated to the development of floral structures. Given the importance of intrafloral color patterns in bee attraction and guidance, our results suggest that intrafloral patterns could be the outcome of evolutionary color modularization under pollinator-mediated selection.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221442, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420330


Abstract Interactions between plant and pollinators are associated with the origin and maintenance of species diversity, as well as ecosystem functioning. The potential of pollination as an ecosystem service is evidenced by its association with food production. Understanding pollination at the landscape scale is essential for characterizing the pollination service for several crops that depend on pollinators for fruit and seed set that make up the human diet. Our aim was to carry out a literature review of studies and projects funded by BIOTA/FAPESP to illustrate the main research approaches developed in the field of Pollination Biology, especially related to plant-pollinator interactions. Plant-pollinator interactions in the Atlantic forest were leveraged as a result of this long-term research program, during which several papers were published in international journals. Pollination by bees (melittophily) was the most representative pollination system studied. In addition to melittophily, other interactions were studied such as pollination by hawkmoths (sphingophily), by hummingbirds (ornithophily) and by bats (chiropterophily). The specific mutualistic relationships between fig trees and fig wasps were also subject of studies within the Program. At the beginning of the BIOTA/FAPESP Program, there were many gaps in basic information about pollination and breeding systems of Brazilian native plant species. Thus, the Program was fundamental to fuel research on the natural history of plants and pollinators from the Atlantic forest. Overall, the Program funded studies that investigated themes such as functional pollination ecology, pollinator effectiveness, plant population genetics, structure and dynamics of plant-pollinator interaction networks, as well as geographic distribution and macroevolution of pollination systems, as well as genetic and molecular studies of native plant populations focusing on pollen flow and genetic structure of populations. Additionally, studies on pollination in the context of landscape ecology had the aim of assessing the effects of forest fragmentation on the functioning of plant populations and their interactions with pollinators and the relationships between landscape structure and ecological processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem service. Therefore, the Program had a prominent role in producing basic data with great implications for understanding the ecology and promoting the conservation of plant-pollinator interactions.

Resumo A interação planta-polinizador está associada à origem e manutenção da diversidade de espécies de plantas e ao funcionamento dos ecossistemas. O potencial da polinização como serviço ecossistêmico é destacado quando associado à produção de alimentos. Compreender esta interação na escala da paisagem é essencial para caracterizar o serviço de polinização para muitos cultivos que dependem dos polinizadores para a formação de frutos e sementes que integram a dieta humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos e projetos financiados pelo BIOTA/FAPESP para ilustrar as principais abordagens de pesquisa desenvolvidas no campo da Biologia da Polinização, especialmente relacionadas à interação planta-polinizador. As interações planta-polinizador na Mata Atlântica foram alavancadas como resultado desse programa de pesquisa de longo prazo, durante o qual vários artigos foram publicados em revistas internacionais. A polinização por abelhas (melitofilia) foi o sistema de polinização mais representativo estudado. Além da melitofilia, outras interações foram estudadas, como a polinização por mariposas (esfingofilia), por beija-flores (ornitofilia) e por morcegos (quiropterofilia). As relações mutualísticas específicas entre figueiras e vespas do figo também foram objeto de estudos no âmbito do Programa. No início do Programa BIOTA/FAPESP, havia muitas lacunas sobre informações básicas sobre polinização e sistemas de reprodução de espécies vegetais nativas brasileiras. Assim, o Programa foi fundamental para desenvolver pesquisas sobre a história natural de plantas e polinizadores da Mata Atlântica. No geral, o Programa financiou estudos que investigaram temas como ecologia funcional da polinização, eficácia de polinizadores, genética de populações de plantas, estrutura e dinâmica de redes de interação planta-polinizador, bem como distribuição geográfica e macroevolução dos sistemas de polinização, além de estudos genéticos e moleculares de populações de plantas nativas com foco no fluxo de pólen. Adicionalmente, estudos sobre polinização no contexto da ecologia da paisagem tiveram como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da fragmentação florestal no funcionamento das populações de plantas e suas interações com os polinizadores e as relações entre a estrutura da paisagem e os processos ecológicos, biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos. Portanto, o Programa teve um papel de destaque na produção de dados básicos com grandes implicações para o entendimento da ecologia e promoção da conservação das interações planta-polinizador.