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Remote Sens Environ ; 194: 264-277, 2017 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154605


In Québec, Eastern Canada, snowmelt runoff contributes more than 30% of the annual energy reserve for hydroelectricity production, and uncertainties in annual maximum snow water equivalent (SWE) over the region are one of the main constraints for improved hydrological forecasting. Current satellite-based methods for mapping SWE over Québec's main hydropower basins do not meet Hydro-Québec operational requirements for SWE accuracies with less than 15% error. This paper assesses the accuracy of the GlobSnow-2 (GS-2) SWE product, which combines microwave satellite data and in situ measurements, for hydrological applications in Québec. GS-2 SWE values for a 30-year period (1980 to 2009) were compared with space- and time-matched values from a comprehensive dataset of in situ SWE measurements (a total of 38 990 observations in Eastern Canada). The root mean square error (RMSE) of the GS-2 SWE product is 94.1 ± 20.3 mm, corresponding to an overall relative percentage error (RPE) of 35.9%. The main sources of uncertainty are wet and deep snow conditions (when SWE is higher than 150 mm), and forest cover type. However, compared to a typical stand-alone brightness temperature channel difference algorithm, the assimilation of surface information in the GS-2 algorithm clearly improves SWE accuracy by reducing the RPE by about 30%. Comparison of trends in annual mean and maximum SWE between surface observations and GS-2 over 1980-2009 showed agreement for increasing trends over southern Québec, but less agreement on the sign and magnitude of trends over northern Québec. Extended at a continental scale, the GS-2 SWE trends highlight a strong regional variability.

Remote Sens Environ ; 190: 247-259, 2017 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32818001


This paper reviews four commonly-used microwave radiative transfer models that take different electromagnetic approaches to simulate snow brightness temperature (TB): the Dense Media Radiative Transfer - Multi-Layer model (DMRT-ML), the Dense Media Radiative Transfer - Quasi-Crystalline Approximation Mie scattering of Sticky spheres (DMRT-QMS), the Helsinki University of Technology n-Layers model (HUT-nlayers) and the Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks (MEMLS). Using the same extensively measured physical snowpack properties, we compared the simulated TB at 11, 19 and 37 GHz from these four models. The analysis focuses on the impact of using different types of measured snow microstructure metrics in the simulations. In addition to density, snow microstructure is defined for each snow layer by grain optical diameter (Do) and stickiness for DMRT-ML and DMRT-QMS, mean grain geometrical maximum extent (Dmax) for HUT n-layers and the exponential correlation length for MEMLS. These metrics were derived from either in-situ measurements of snow specific surface area (SSA) or macrophotos of grain sizes (Dmax), assuming non-sticky spheres for the DMRT models. Simulated TB sensitivity analysis using the same inputs shows relatively consistent TB behavior as a function of Do and density variations for the vertical polarization (maximum deviation of 18 K and 27 K, respectively), while some divergences appear in simulated variations for the polarization ratio (PR). Comparisons with ground-based radiometric measurements show that the simulations based on snow SSA measurements have to be scaled with a model-specific factor of Do in order to minimize the root mean square error (RMSE) between measured and simulated TB. Results using in-situ grain size measurements (SSA or Dmax, depending on the model) give a mean TB RMSE (19 and 37 GHz) of the order of 16-26 K, which is similar for all models when the snow microstructure metrics are scaled. However, the MEMLS model converges to better results when driven by the correlation length estimated from in-situ SSA measurements rather than Dmax measurements. On a practical level, this paper shows that the SSA parameter, a snow property that is easy to retrieve in-situ, appears to be the most relevant parameter for characterizing snow microstructure, despite the need for a scaling factor.

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens ; 55(3): 1285-1304, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32742050


Radiometers operating at L-band (1.4 GHz) are used to retrieve sea surface salinity over ice-free oceans and have been used recently to study the cryosphere. One hindrance of their use in the high latitudes is the preponderance of mixed scenes, where seawater and sea ice are both present in the sensor's field of view (FOV). Accurately characterizing the scene is crucial for oceanographic and cryospheric applications. To that end, a sea ice fraction model, composed of passive microwave sea ice concentration retrievals and an instrument simulator that integrates radiative power coming from all around the antenna, is used. We investigate the model currently used operationally to derive the ice fraction affecting the Aquarius observations and show that it can be significantly improved. On the one hand, the current model tends to overestimate sea ice fraction in the marginal ice zone where observations are used for salinity retrievals. On the other hand, the current model underestimates ice fraction within the ice pack where observations are used to derive sea ice properties. For the northern hemisphere, we also find evidence of the sea ice type impact on L-band radiometric observations. We present a model to derive sea ice fractions that are in better agreement with Aquarius radiometric observations using the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 Bootstrap algorithm for sea ice concentration and using high-resolution integration over the sensor's FOV.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 4629, 2019 10 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31604957


Accurate snow depth observations are critical to assess water resources. More than a billion people rely on water from snow, most of which originates in the Northern Hemisphere mountain ranges. Yet, remote sensing observations of mountain snow depth are still lacking at the large scale. Here, we show the ability of Sentinel-1 to map snow depth in the Northern Hemisphere mountains at 1 km² resolution using an empirical change detection approach. An evaluation with measurements from ~4000 sites and reanalysis data demonstrates that the Sentinel-1 retrievals capture the spatial variability between and within mountain ranges, as well as their inter-annual differences. This is showcased with the contrasting snow depths between 2017 and 2018 in the US Sierra Nevada and European Alps. With Sentinel-1 continuity ensured until 2030 and likely beyond, these findings lay a foundation for quantifying the long-term vulnerability of mountain snow-water resources to climate change.

J Geophys Res Oceans ; 122(9): 7717-7736, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33101824


Global surface ocean salinity measurements have been available since the launch of SMOS in 2009 and coverage was further enhanced with the launch of Aquarius in 2011. In the polar regions where spatial and temporal changes in sea surface salinity (SSS) are deemed important, the data has not been as robustly validated because of the paucity of in situ measurements. This study presents a comparison of four SSS products in the ice-free Arctic region, three using Aquarius data and one using SMOS data. The accuracy of each product is assessed through comparative analysis with ship and other in situ measurements. Results indicate RMS errors ranging between 0.33 and 0.89 psu. Overall, the four products show generally good consistency in spatial distribution with the Atlantic side being more saline than the Pacific side. A good agreement between the ship and satellite measurements were also observed in the low salinity regions in the Arctic Ocean, where SSS in situ measurements are usually sparse, at the end of summer melt seasons. Some discrepancies including biases of about 1 psu between the products in spatial and temporal distribution are observed. These are due in part to differences in retrieval techniques, geophysical filtering, and sea ice and land masks. The monthly SSS retrievals in the Arctic from 2011 to 2015 showed variations (within ~1 psu) consistent with effects of sea ice seasonal cycles. This study indicates that spaceborne observations capture the seasonality and interannual variability of SSS in the Arctic with reasonably good accuracy.

Ambio ; 45(5): 516-37, 2016 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26984258


Snow is a critically important and rapidly changing feature of the Arctic. However, snow-cover and snowpack conditions change through time pose challenges for measuring and prediction of snow. Plausible scenarios of how Arctic snow cover will respond to changing Arctic climate are important for impact assessments and adaptation strategies. Although much progress has been made in understanding and predicting snow-cover changes and their multiple consequences, many uncertainties remain. In this paper, we review advances in snow monitoring and modelling, and the impact of snow changes on ecosystems and society in Arctic regions. Interdisciplinary activities are required to resolve the current limitations on measuring and modelling snow characteristics through the cold season and at different spatial scales to assure human well-being, economic stability, and improve the ability to predict manage and adapt to natural hazards in the Arctic region.

Clima Frio , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Modelos Teóricos , Neve , Regiões Árticas , Monitoramento Ambiental/economia , Estações do Ano
IEEE Trans Image Process ; 23(9): 3829-40, 2014 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25020092


We propose a new method for joint segmentation of monotonously growing or shrinking shapes in a time sequence of noisy images. The task of segmenting the image time series is expressed as an optimization problem using the spatio-temporal graph of pixels, in which we are able to impose the constraint of shape growth or of shrinkage by introducing monodirectional infinite links connecting pixels at the same spatial locations in successive image frames. The globally optimal solution is computed with a graph cut. The performance of the proposed method is validated on three applications: segmentation of melting sea ice floes and of growing burned areas from time series of 2D satellite images, and segmentation of a growing brain tumor from sequences of 3D medical scans. In the latter application, we impose an additional intersequences inclusion constraint by adding directed infinite links between pixels of dependent image structures.