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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 13848, 2021 07 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34226571


Metagenomic and traditional paleolimnological approaches are suitable to infer past biological and environmental changes, however, they are often applied independently, especially in tropical regions. We combined both approaches to investigate Holocene Prokaryote and Eukaryote diversity and microbial metabolic pathways in ancient Lake Chalco, Mexico. Here, we report on diversity among a large number of lineages (36,722 OTUs) and functional diversity (27,636,243 non-clustered predicted proteins, and 6,144 annotated protein-family genes). The most abundant domain is Bacteria (81%), followed by Archaea (15%) and Eukarya (3%). We also determined the diversity of protein families and their relationship to metabolic pathways. The early Holocene (> 11,000 cal years BP) lake was characterized by cool, freshwater conditions, which later became warmer and hyposaline (11,000-6,000 cal years BP). We found high abundances of cyanobacteria, and fungi groups associated with mature forests in these sediments. Bacteria and Archaea include mainly anaerobes and extremophiles that are involved in the sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon cycles. We found evidence for early human impacts, including landscape modifications and lake eutrophication, which began ~ 6,000 cal years BP. Subsaline, temperate conditions were inferred for the past 5,000 years. Finally, we found nitrogen-fixing bacteria and protein-family genes that are linked to contaminated environments, as well as several fungal pathogens of crops in near-surface sediments.

Archaea/genética , Bactérias/genética , Lagos/microbiologia , Microbiota/genética , Ciclo do Carbono/genética , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiologia , Humanos , Metagenoma/genética , México , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Filogenia , Clima Tropical
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 27(14): 15935-15943, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30887450


Balamtetik is the receiving body of the Rio Grande de Comitán and is located just at the outskirts of the Montebello National Park, Chiapas, México. Multi-elemental, infrared spectra, 137Cs, 210Pb, and diatom analyses in a 75-cm sediment core were used to reconstruct the recent disturbance history of the lake. The sequence chronology, based mostly on 137Cs profiles, allowed to infer high sedimentation rates in Balamtetik (~ 7 mm/year) and a nearly cyclic series of disturbance events that can be related to anthropogenic causes such as deforestation and increased development of agriculture and urban areas at local and regional scale. These disturbance events show high local and regional erosion (high Ca, TIC, and Ti), soil organic matter (IR spectra), eutrophication (high P and diatoms), and anoxic bottom water conditions (low Mn) and can be dated to the early 1950s, the late 1950s, and from the 1980s until the 2000s. The entrance of wastewaters is related with an increase in salinity inferred by the diatom record and the organic matter type. The first two disturbance events are related to changes in land use during the agrarian reform that started during the 1940s; the last event is related with the increase in local population and the introduction of intensive agriculture. This last phase of disturbance corresponds with the reports of fish mortality events around 2003; however, high lake turbidity and anoxic bottom waters seem to have been established since the 1980s. The record from Lake Balamtetik also shows that during the intermediate periods, there was a recovery of the lake and its catchment; however, the future trends might be different, as the increase in the speed of organic matter and nutrients arrival to the lake reduces its resilience.

Diatomáceas , Lagos , Animais , Eutrofização , Sedimentos Geológicos , México
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 11452, 2020 07 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32651547


Globally, instrumentally based assessments of tsunamigenic potential of subduction zones have underestimated the magnitude and frequency of great events because of their short time record. Historical and sediment records of large earthquakes and tsunamis have expanded the temporal data and estimated size of these events. Instrumental records suggests that the Mexican Subduction earthquakes produce relatively small tsunamis, however historical records and now geologic evidence suggest that great earthquakes and tsunamis have whipped the Pacific coast of Mexico in the past. The sediment marks of centuries old-tsunamis validate historical records and indicate that large tsunamigenic earthquakes have shaken the Guerrero-Oaxaca region in southern Mexico and had an impact on a bigger stretch of the coast than previously suspected. We present the first geologic evidence of great tsunamis near the trench of a subduction zone previously underestimated as potential source for great earthquakes and tsunamis. Two sandy tsunami deposits extend over 1.5 km inland of the coast. The youngest tsunami deposit is associated with the 1787 great earthquake, M 8.6, producing a giant tsunami that poured over the coast flooding 500 km alongshore the Mexican Pacific coast and up to 6 km inland. The oldest event from a less historically documented event occurred in 1537. The 1787 earthquake, and tsunami and a probable predecessor in 1537, suggest a plausible recurrence interval of 250 years. We prove that the common believe that great tsunamis do not occur on the Mexican Pacific coast cannot be sustained.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507549


Detailed knowledge of species ecological preferences and robust taxonomy of paleobioindicators are prerequisites for accurate paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental studies. This study aims to expand the knowledge of modern, Neotropical freshwater ostracode fauna, across an altitudinal gradient from the karst lakes in the lowlands of El Petén, Guatemala (100-500 m.a.s.l.), to the mid-elevation lakes of the Lacandón forest (500-1 000 m.a.s.l.), to the higher-altitude lakes of Montebello, Chiapas, Mexico (1 000-1 500 m.a.s.l.). Eighteen ostracode species were identified in 24 lakes. Ostracodes were absent in Lakes Amarillo and Lacandón (mid-altitude), and San Diego (lowlands); probably explained by a structural difference of habitats and species interactions. Statistical analysis indicated that the most abundant species, Cypridopsis vidua (O.F. Müller, 1776), Cytheridella ilosvayi (Daday, 1905), Pseudocandona antillana (Broodbakker, 1983), and Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870) have a continuous distribution along the entire altitudinal gradient. Some species display more restricted distributions, determined by temperature, precipitation and conductivity. For example, Eucypris sp. is restricted to the lowlands, Vestalenula sp. and Cypria sp. were found only at middle elevations. Species diversity is slightly greater in lakes at middle altitudes (Haverage = 1.09) than in water bodies in the lowlands (Haverage = 0.94) and in cooler lakes in the highlands (Haverage = 0.94), suggesting that mid-elevation lakes have a high potential for harboring microrefugia. Locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS regressions) provided ecological preference information for the four most frequent and widely distributed species, with respect to temperature, conductivity, bicarbonate (HCO3 -) concentration, precipitation, and pH. Darwinula stevensoni suggest an association more to cooler temperatures and lower conductivities proving its high tolerance range. Cypridopsis vidua is associated with warm and low-rainfall environments, such as recorded in the lowlands of Guatemala, and can be used as a paleobioindicator of vegetated littoral zones, because we found it always associated to this section of lakes. Cytheridella ilosvayi show preferences for warm and humid conditions, whereas P. antillana prefer colder and humid environments. Such quantitative-ecological information will improve ostracode-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions in Southern Mexico and Northern Guatemala. In addition, our approach serves as a model for future paleoecological studies that employ other aquatic bioindicators, such as testate amoebae, cladocerans, and chironomids.

Los ostrácodos son microcrustáceos acuáticos, que poseen un caparazón bivalvo de carbonato de calcio que se puede preservar en los sedimentos de los ambientes lacustres. Debido a su alta sensibilidad a cambios ambientales y su alta potencialidad de fosilización, los ostrácodos son una herramienta útil para el estudio paleoclimático y paleoambiental, abarcando una temporalidad de décadas hasta millones de años. El conocimiento ecológico de las especies, así como su taxonomía son prerrequisitos para estos estudios. Sin embargo, esta información es aún escasa en diferentes regiones del mundo, incluyendo los Neotrópicos. Hasta el momento, se han realizado únicamente estudios en los lagos kársticos de las tierras bajas de la Península de Yucatán, en el norte del Neotrópico. Sin embargo, los lagos en altitudes medias y altas permanecen poco conocidos. El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar conocimiento de ostrácodos no-marinos neotropicales a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal que va desde las tierras bajas de El Petén, Guatemala (100-500 m s.n.m.), incluyendo los lagos de tierras medias de la Selva Lacandona (500-1 000 m s.n.m.), hasta las tierras altas de Montebello, Chiapas, México (1 000-1 500 m s.n.m.). Dieciocho especies de ostrácodos se identificaron en 24 lagos, pero estuvieron ausentes en los lagos Amarillo y Lacandón (tierras medias) y San Diego (tierras bajas). La ausencia de ostrácodos podría explicarse por la falta de un muestreo estacional o por variables que no se consideraron en este estudio como sustrato, cobertura vegetal acuática e interacciones interespecíficas. Los análisis estadísticos indicaron que las especies más abundantes son: Cypridopsis vidua (O.F. Müller, 1776), Cytheridella ilosvayi (Daday, 1905), Pseudocandona antillana (Broodbakker, 1983) y Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870), con una distribución continua a lo largo del gradiente altitudinal. Algunas especies presentan una distribución más restringida, determinada por la temperatura, precipitación y conductividad. Por ejemplo, Eucypris sp. está restringida a las tierras bajas; mientras que Vestalenula sp. y Cypria sp. se encontraron únicamente en elevaciones medias. La diversidad de especies es ligeramente mayor en lagos cálidos a altitudes medias (Haverage = 1.09) que en las tierras bajas (Haverage = 0.94) y que en lagos de agua más fría en las tierras altas (Haverage = 0.94), sugiriendo que los lagos de tierras medias tienen un alto potencial para albergar micro-refugios. Las regresiones LOESS muestran las preferencias ecológicas de las cuatro especies más frecuentes y altamente distribuidas con respecto a la temperatura, conductividad, HCO3 -, precipitación y pH. Darwinula stevensoni se asocia a temperaturas frías y conductividades bajas, lo que evidencia su alto rango de tolerancia. Cypridopsis vidua se asocia con ambientes cálidos y de baja precipitación, como los registrados en las tierras bajas de Guatemala, y puede usarse como paleobioindicador de zonas de vegetación litoral. Cytheridella ilosvayi es un indicador de condiciones cálidas y húmedas, mientras que P. antillana de frías y húmedas. Esta información ecológica-cuantitativa se podrá utilizar como una herramienta para las reconstrucciones paleoambientales basadas en ostrácodos en el sur de México y norte de Guatemala. Además, este enfoque sirve como modelo para futuros estudios paleoecológicos que emplean otros bioindicadores acuáticos, como las amebas testadas, los cladóceros y los quironómidos.

Rev. biol. trop ; 63(2): 401-425, Apr.-Jun. 2015. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-764975


The ostracode fauna of the neartic-neotropical transitional zone has remained poorly known until this study. Ten ostracode species inhabit ten highland lakes (five maar lakes (phreatic/phreato-magmatic explosion origin), one volcanic-tectonic lake, three natural dams and one man-made dam) in East-central Mexico. Surface sediments from the deepest part and the littoral zone from all studied lakes were collected. Environmental variables (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, TDS) were measured in situ and parallel water samples for chemical analysis were collected for habitat description. Widely distributed species in the study area (≥5 lakes) include Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni and Eucandona cf. patzcuaro. Limnocytherina axalapasco is an endemic species and was collected in three maar lakes and in one man-made dam. Rare species included: Chlamydotheca arcuata?, Fabaeformiscandona acuminata?, Ilyocypris gibba?, Limnocythere friabilis?, Potamocypris smaragdina? and Potamocypris unicaudata?. Highest species richness (6 spp.) was found in the large and shallow Lake Metztitlán (2.6km², 5.5m deep), with the lake water type HCO3->>SO4²->Cl--- Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+. The rest of studied lakes (<63m, <27km²) had not more than three species. For instance, only two ostracode species were collected in Lake Alchichica, which is the largest, deepest and most saline studied maar lake. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (2): 401-425. Epub 2015 June 01.

La fauna de ostrácodos de la zona de transición néartica-neotropical ha sido poco estudiada hasta este estudio. En el este-centro de México, habitan diez especies de ostrácodos en diez lagos: cinco lagos maar (originados por explosiones freáticas/freato-magmáticas), un lago volcánico-tectónico, tres embalses naturales y un embalse artificial. De la parte más profunda y de las zonas litorales de todos los lagos estudiados se recolectaron sedimentos superficiales para el análisis de ostrácodos. También se midieron in situ las variables ambientales: pH, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, SDT, además se recolectaron muestras de agua paralelas para análisis químico con el objetivo de describir el hábitat. Especies con una amplia distribución en el área de estudio (≥5 lagos) incluyen: Cypridopsis vidua, Darwinula stevensoni y Eucandona cf. patzcuaro. Limnocytherina axalapasco es una especie endémica y fue recolectada en tres lagos maar y en el embalse artificial. Especies raras incluyeron: Chlamydotheca arcuata?, Fabaeformiscandona acuminata?, Ilyocypris gibba?, Limnocythere friabilis?, Potamocypris smaragdina? y Potamocypris unicaudata? La riqueza de especies más alta (6 spp.) se encontró en el lago más extenso y somero, lago Metztitlán (2.6km², 5.5m de profundidad), con el tipo de agua HCO3->>SO4²->Cl--- Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+. El resto de lagos estudiados (<63m, <27km²) presentaron no más de tres especies. Por ejemplo, solamente dos especies de ostrácodos fueron recolectadas en el lago Alchichica, el cual es el más extenso, profundo y salino entre los lagos maar estudiados.

Zooplâncton/classificação , Ecossistema , Crustáceos/classificação , México
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 104(41): 16200-3, 2007 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17913875


The causes of late-Holocene centennial to millennial scale climatic variability and the impact that such variability had on tropical ecosystems are still poorly understood. Here, we present a high-resolution, multiproxy record from lowland eastern Mesoamerica, studied to reconstruct climate and vegetation history during the last 2,000 years, in particular to evaluate the response of tropical vegetation to the cooling event of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Our data provide evidence that the densest tropical forest cover and the deepest lake of the last two millennia were coeval with the LIA, with two deep lake phases that follow the Spörer and Maunder minima in solar activity. The high tropical pollen accumulation rates limit LIA's winter cooling to a maximum of 2 degrees C. Tropical vegetation expansion during the LIA is best explained by a reduction in the extent of the dry season as a consequence of increased meridional flow leading to higher winter precipitation. These results highlight the importance of seasonal responses to climatic variability, a factor that could be of relevance when evaluating the impact of recent climate change.

Ecossistema , Camada de Gelo , Clima Tropical , Região do Caribe , Clima Frio , Diatomáceas , Fósseis , História Antiga , México , Pólen , Fatores de Tempo