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Microbiol Resour Announc ; 13(6): e0032224, 2024 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38771040


When very dry soil is rewet, rapid stimulation of microbial activity has important implications for ecosystem biogeochemistry, yet associated changes in microbial transcription are poorly known. Here, we present metatranscriptomes of California annual grassland soil microbial communities, collected over 1 week from soils rewet after a summer drought-providing a time series of short-term transcriptional response during rewetting.

Front Microbiol ; 13: 821860, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35572693


Climate change is expanding drylands even as land use practices degrade them. Representing ∼40% of Earth's terrestrial surface, drylands rely on biological soil crusts (biocrusts) for key ecosystem functions including soil stability, biogeochemical cycling, and water capture. Understanding how biocrusts adapt to climate change is critical to understanding how dryland ecosystems will function with altered climate. We investigated the sensitivity of biocrusts to experimentally imposed novel climates to track changes in productivity and stability under both warming and cooling scenarios. We established three common gardens along an elevational-climate gradient on the Colorado Plateau. Mature biocrusts were collected from each site and reciprocally transplanted intact. Over 20 months we monitored visible species composition and cover, chlorophyll a, and the composition of soil bacterial communities using high throughput sequencing. We hypothesized that biocrusts replanted at their home site would show local preference, and biocrusts transplanted to novel environments would maintain higher cover and stability at elevations higher than their origin, compared to at elevations lower than their origin. We expected responses of the visible biocrust cover and soil bacterial components of the biocrust community to be coupled, with later successional taxa showing higher sensitivity to novel environments. Only high elevation sourced biocrusts maintained higher biocrust cover and community stability at their site of origin. Biocrusts from all sources had higher cover and stability in the high elevation garden. Later successional taxa decreased cover in low elevation gardens, suggesting successional reversal with warming. Visible community composition was influenced by both source and transplant environment. In contrast, soil bacterial community composition was not influenced by transplant environments but retained fidelity to the source. Thus, responses of the visible and soil bacterial components of the biocrust community were not coupled. Synthesis: Our results suggest biocrust communities are sensitive to climate change, and loss of species and function can be expected, while associated soil bacteria may be buffered against rapid change.

FEMS Microbes ; 2: xtab020, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37334231


Free-living bacteria in nutrient limited environments often exhibit traits which may reduce the cost of reproduction, such as smaller genome size, low GC content and fewer sigma (σ) factor and 16S rRNA gene copies. Despite the potential utility of these traits to detect relationships between microbial communities and ecosystem-scale properties, few studies have assessed these traits on a community-scale. Here, we analysed these traits from publicly available metagenomes derived from marine, soil, host-associated and thermophilic communities. In marine and thermophilic communities, genome size and GC content declined in parallel, consistent with genomic streamlining, with GC content in thermophilic communities generally higher than in marine systems. In contrast, soil communities averaging smaller genomes featured higher GC content and were often from low-carbon environments, suggesting unique selection pressures in soil bacteria. The abundance of specific σ-factors varied with average genome size and ecosystem type. In oceans, abundance of fliA, a σ-factor controlling flagella biosynthesis, was positively correlated with community average genome size-reflecting known trade-offs between nutrient conservation and chemotaxis. In soils, a high abundance of the stress response σ-factor gene rpoS was associated with smaller average genome size and often located in harsh and/or carbon-limited environments-a result which tracks features observed in culture and indicates an increased capacity for stress response in nutrient-poor soils. This work shows how ecosystem-specific constraints are associated with trade-offs which are embedded in the genomic features of bacteria in microbial communities, and which can be detected at the community level, highlighting the importance of genomic features in microbial community analysis.

mSystems ; 6(3)2021 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33975966


Episodic inputs of labile carbon (C) to soil can rapidly stimulate nitrogen (N) immobilization by soil microorganisms. However, the transcriptional patterns that underlie this process remain unclear. In order to better understand the regulation of N cycling in soil microbial communities, we conducted a 48-h laboratory incubation with agricultural soil where we stimulated the uptake of inorganic N by amending the soil with glucose. We analyzed the metagenome and metatranscriptome of the microbial communities at four time points that corresponded with changes in N availability. The relative abundances of genes remained largely unchanged throughout the incubation. In contrast, glucose addition rapidly increased the transcription of genes encoding ammonium and nitrate transporters, enzymes responsible for N assimilation into biomass, and genes associated with the N regulatory network. This upregulation coincided with an increase in transcripts associated with glucose breakdown and oxoglutarate production, demonstrating a connection between C and N metabolism. When concentrations of ammonium were low, we observed a transient upregulation of genes associated with the nitrogen-fixing enzyme nitrogenase. Transcripts for nitrification and denitrification were downregulated throughout the incubation, suggesting that dissimilatory transformations of N may be suppressed in response to labile C inputs in these soils. These results demonstrate that soil microbial communities can respond rapidly to changes in C availability by drastically altering the transcription of N cycling genes.IMPORTANCE A large portion of activity in soil microbial communities occurs in short time frames in response to an increase in C availability, affecting the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen. These changes are of particular importance as nitrogen represents both a limiting nutrient for terrestrial plants as well as a potential pollutant. However, we lack a full understanding of the short-term effects of labile carbon inputs on the metabolism of microbes living in soil. Here, we found that soil microbial communities responded to labile carbon addition by rapidly transcribing genes encoding proteins and enzymes responsible for inorganic nitrogen acquisition, including nitrogen fixation. This work demonstrates that soil microbial communities respond within hours to carbon inputs through altered gene expression. These insights are essential for an improved understanding of the microbial processes governing soil organic matter production, decomposition, and nutrient cycling in natural and agricultural ecosystems.

Microbiol Resour Announc ; 9(44)2020 Oct 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33122409


The addition of glucose to soil has long been used to study the metabolic activity of microbes in soil; however, the response of the microbial ecophysiology remains poorly characterized. To address this, we sequenced the metagenomes and metatranscriptomes of glucose-amended soil microbial communities in a laboratory incubation.