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Nature ; 621(7980): 728-733, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37648859


The standard quantum limit bounds the precision of measurements that can be achieved by ensembles of uncorrelated particles. Fundamentally, this limit arises from the non-commuting nature of quantum mechanics, leading to the presence of fluctuations often referred to as quantum projection noise. Quantum metrology relies on the use of non-classical states of many-body systems to enhance the precision of measurements beyond the standard quantum limit1,2. To do so, one can reshape the quantum projection noise-a strategy known as squeezing3,4. In the context of many-body spin systems, one typically uses all-to-all interactions (for example, the one-axis twisting model4) between the constituents to generate the structured entanglement characteristic of spin squeezing5. Here we explore the prediction, motivated by recent theoretical work6-10, that short-range interactions-and in particular, the two-dimensional dipolar XY model-can also enable the realization of scalable spin squeezing. Working with a dipolar Rydberg quantum simulator of up to N = 100 atoms, we demonstrate that quench dynamics from a polarized initial state lead to spin squeezing that improves with increasing system size up to a maximum of -3.5 ± 0.3 dB (before correcting for detection errors, or roughly -5 ± 0.3 dB after correction). Finally, we present two independent refinements: first, using a multistep spin-squeezing protocol allows us to further enhance the squeezing by roughly 1 dB, and second, leveraging Floquet engineering to realize Heisenberg interactions, we demonstrate the ability to extend the lifetime of the squeezed state by freezing its dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(16): 160403, 2023 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37925736


The nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum spin models is a most challenging topic, due to the exponentiality of Hilbert space, and it is central to the understanding of the many-body entangled states that can be generated by state-of-the-art quantum simulators. A particularly important class of evolutions is the one governed by U(1)-symmetric Hamiltonians, initialized in a state that breaks the U(1) symmetry-the paradigmatic example being the evolution of the so-called one-axis-twisting (OAT) model, featuring infinite-range interactions between spins. In this Letter, we show that the dynamics of the OAT model can be closely reproduced by systems with power-law-decaying interactions, thanks to an effective separation between the zero-momentum degrees of freedom, associated with the so-called Anderson tower of states, and reconstructing an OAT model, as well as finite-momentum ones, associated with spin-wave excitations. This mechanism explains quantitatively the recent numerical observation of spin squeezing and Schrödinger cat-state generation in the dynamics of dipolar Hamiltonians, and it paves the way for the extension of this observation to a much larger class of models of immediate relevance for quantum simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(15): 150503, 2022 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269956


The scalable production of multipartite entangled states in ensembles of qubits is a crucial function of quantum devices, as such states are an essential resource both for fundamental studies on entanglement, as well as for applied tasks. Here we focus on the U(1) symmetric Hamiltonians for qubits with dipolar interactions-a model realized in several state-of-the-art quantum simulation platforms for lattice spin models, including Rydberg-atom arrays with resonant interactions. Making use of exact and variational simulations, we theoretically show that the nonequilibrium dynamics generated by this Hamiltonian shares fundamental features with that of the one-axis-twisting model, namely, the simplest interacting collective-spin model with U(1) symmetry. The evolution governed by the dipolar Hamiltonian generates a cascade of multipartite entangled states-spin-squeezed states, Schrödinger's cat states, and multicomponent superpositions of coherent spin states. Investigating systems with up to N=144 qubits, we observe full scalability of the entanglement features of these states directly related to metrology, namely, scalable spin squeezing at an evolution time O(N^{1/3}) and Heisenberg scaling of sensitivity of the spin parity to global rotations for cat states reached at times O(N). Our results suggest that the native Hamiltonian dynamics of state-of-the-art quantum simulation platforms, such as Rydberg-atom arrays, can act as a robust source of multipartite entanglement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(11): 113201, 2022 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36154428


Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a property of Hamiltonian equilibrium states which, in the thermodynamic limit, retain a finite average value of an order parameter even after a field coupled to it is adiabatically turned off. In the case of quantum spin models with continuous symmetry, we show that this adiabatic process is also accompanied by the suppression of the fluctuations of the symmetry generator-namely, the collective spin component along an axis of symmetry. In systems of S=1/2 spins or qubits, the combination of the suppression of fluctuations along one direction and of the persistence of transverse magnetization leads to spin squeezing-a much sought-after property of quantum states, both for the purpose of entanglement detection as well as for metrological uses. Focusing on the case of XXZ models spontaneously breaking a U(1) [or even SU(2)] symmetry, we show that the adiabatically prepared states have nearly minimal spin uncertainty; that the minimum phase uncertainty that one can achieve with these states scales as N^{-3/4} with the number of spins N; and that this scaling is attained after an adiabatic preparation time scaling linearly with N. Our findings open the door to the adiabatic preparation of strongly spin-squeezed states in a large variety of quantum many-body devices including, e.g., optical-lattice clocks.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(22): 225301, 2016 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27925718


We consider a realistic bosonic N-particle model with unitary interactions relevant for Efimov physics. Using quantum Monte Carlo methods, we find that the critical temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation is decreased with respect to the ideal Bose gas. We also determine the full momentum distribution of the gas, including its universal asymptotic behavior, and compare this crucial observable to recent experimental data. Similar to the experiments with different atomic species, differentiated solely by a three-body length scale, our model only depends on a single parameter. We establish a weak influence of this parameter on physical observables. In current experiments, the thermodynamic instability of our model from the atomic gas towards an Efimov liquid could be masked by the dynamical instability due to three-body losses.