STEM-EELS and XPS investigation shows manganese oxide to be closely associated with cobalt nanoparticles supported on carbon nanofibers thereby improving selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch catalysis.
Simple binary solids can be found to adopt unprecedented structures when confined into nanometre-sized cavities, such as the inner cylindrical bore of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT). In the case of the discussed Lal(x)@SWNT encapsulation composite, the Lal2 "crystal" fragment adopts the structure of bulk Lal3, with one third of the iodine positions unoccupied. A complete characterisation of the encapsulation composite was achieved using an enhanced digital restoration approach of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images. The resulting complex exit surface wave provides information about the precise structural data of both filling material and host SWNT, establishing the SWNT's chirality and thus enabling a prediction of the composite's overall electron-transport properties.
Nickel disilicide/silicon (001) interfaces were investigated by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The atomic structure was derived directly from the high spatial resolution high angle annular dark field STEM images without recourse to image simulation. It comprises fivefold coordinated silicon and sevenfold coordinated nickel sites at the interface and shows a 2 x 1 reconstruction. The proposed structure has not been experimentally observed before but has been recently predicted theoretically by others to be energetically favored.